Soft Skills

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Mrs.Sushama Bindu
Soft Skills Trainer
INC Aurangabad
Defining Soft Skills
 A cluster of skills that
‘influence’ how we interact with
one another.
 Ability to relate and connect
with people.
Soft Skills
 Effective Communication Skills
 Right Attitude and Values
 Innovation and Creativity
 Analytical Thinking
 Flexibility
 Change – Readiness
 Interpersonal Skills
 Negotiation Skills
 Persuasive skills
 Time Management skills
 Problem solving ability
 Adaptability
 Leadership and Team building
Why Soft Skills?
 For a Smooth Professional Life
 For More Integrated Operation
 For More Effective Management
 To Integrate Strategic Goals
 For More Appealing Personality
Soft Skills Through Religion and
 Bhagvadgita
 Astanga Marga
 Ten Commandments
 Know Thyself
 Republic
 Arthshastra
Soft Skills Vs Hard Skills
Hard Skills Soft Skills
 Measurable or  Immeasurable
technical skills Skills Dealing with
 Things done in the Mental Make-Up
Workplace  Ability to deal with
 Primarily Solitary other people at the
Work Place
 Predominantly
Soft Skills + Hard Skills = Core

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