Lecture 14 - SCADA

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ELE-601 Industrial Electronics

Lecture 14 – SCADA

Dr. Arslan Dawood Butt

CLO 2 -
Section 4
SCADA is “Supervisory
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition”.
Control And Data Acquisition

Real-time industrial process control systems used to centrally monitor

and control remote or local industrial equipment such as motors, valves,
pumps, relays, sensors, etc.

SCADA is Combination of telemetry and Data Acquisition.

SCADA is not just a hardware, neither a software. It’s a concept, it’s a

system as a combination of special hardware, software and protocols.

SCADA is used to control chemical plant processes, oil and gas pipelines,
electrical generation and transmission equipment, manufacturing
facilities, water purification and distribution infrastructure, etc.
The Ability to Remotely collect data from different plants on
different places.

The Ability to control process from a distance.

The Ability to create logs and reports about system’s current

and past state.

The Ability to send necessary information to Engineers and

operators in real-time.
and SMS.
Scada Application
• Electrical generation/distribution,
• Natural gas distribution
• Fuel Oil storage & flow
• Water storage & flow
• Lighting
• Heating, cooling, ventilation
• Fire alarms & suppression
• Elevators & escalators
• Gates & doors, alarms
• Video security cameras
• Traffic signals
• Process Line Control
Scada Architecture
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition



Fiber, Radio, Modem,

Central Monitoring Unit Microwave, Telephone, Sensor
Wireless, Powerline Carrier

Scada Architecture
Scada Hardware
 Supervisory
Field levelControl And Data Acquisition
instrumentation and control devices
Sensing field variables, controlling the process and ….

 Remote Terminal Units (RTUs)

Send control and monitoring data to MTU. (could be a PLC)

 Master Terminal Unit or MTU (Also called The Master Station)

gathering information from RTUs, Monitoring and processing,
sending necessary control actions to RTUs.

 Communication System
Comparison with PLC & DCS
• RTUs differ from programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in that RTUs
are more suitable for wide geographical telemetry.

• RTUs, PLCs and DCS are increasingly beginning to overlap in

responsibilities, and many vendors sell RTUs with PLC-like features and
vice versa.

• In addition, some vendors now supply RTUs with comprehensive

functionality pre-defined, sometimes with PLC extensions and/or
interfaces for configuration.

• Some suppliers of RTUs have created simple graphical user interfaces

GUI to enable customers to configure their RTUs easily. In some
applications data loggers are used in similar applications.
Differences between SCADA and DCS,PLCs

geographically dispersed field sites. sub-systems are usually located within a

more confined factory or plant-centric

long-distance communication systems communications are usually performed

using local area network (LAN)

designed to handle long-distance usually employ greater degrees of closed

communication challenges such as delays loop control than SCADA systems
and data loss posed by the various
communication media used

Remote Terminal Unit(RTU)
• An RTU monitors the field digital and analog parameters and transmits
data to the Central Monitoring Station. It contains setup software to
connect data input streams to data output streams, define
communication protocols, and troubleshoot installation problems.
• An RTU may consist of one complex circuit card consisting of various
sections needed to do a custom fitted function or may consist of many
circuit cards including CPU or processing with communications
interface(s), and one or more of the following: (AI) analog input, (DI)
digital input, (DO/CO) digital or control (relay) output, or (AO) analog
output card(s).
• Small sized RTUs generally have less than 10 to 20 analog
and digital signals, medium sized RTUs have 100 digital and
30 to 40 analog inputs.
Remote Telemetry Unit(RTU)
• A microprocessor-controlled electronic device that
interfaces objects in the physical world to a distributed
control system or SCADA (supervisory control and data
acquisition) system by transmitting telemetry data to a
master system, and by using messages from the master
supervisory system to control connected objects.

• Another term that may be used for RTU is remote telemetry

unit, the common usage term varies with the application
area generally.
Single board RTU

• Single board RTU is compact, and contains all I/O

on a single board. The single board RTU normally
has fixed I/O (eg.16 digital inputs, 8 digital
outputs, 8 analogue inputs, and say 4 analogue
Modular RTU

• Modular RTU has a separate CPU module, and can

have other modules added, normally by plugging
into a common "backplane" (a bit like a PC
motherboard and plug in peripheral cards) is
designed to be expanded by adding additional
Master Station
• The central site/master station can be pictured as having
one or more operator stations connected to a
communication system consisting of modem and radio
• The features that should be available are:
• Operator interface to display status of the RTUs and enable
operator control
• Logging of the data from the RTUs
• Alarming of data from the RTU
• Master station has two main functions:
• Obtain field data periodically from RTUs and submaster stations
• Control remote devices through the operator station
Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED)
• An IED is a “smart” sensor/actuator containing the
intelligence required to acquire data, communicate to other
devices, and perform local processing and control. An IED
could combine an analog input sensor, analog output, low-
level control capabilities, a communication system, and
program memory in one device. The use of IEDs in SCADA
and DCS systems allows for automatic control at the local
Human-Machine Interface (HMI)
• The HMI is software and hardware that allows human operators to
monitor the state of a process under control, modify control
settings to change the control objective, and manually override
automatic control operations in the event of an emergency.
• The HMI also allows a control engineer or operator to configure
set points or control algorithms and parameters in the controller.
• The HMI also displays process status information, historical
information, reports, and other information to operators,
administrators, managers, business partners, and other authorized
• The location, platform, and interface may vary a great deal.
• For example, an HMI could be a dedicated platform in the control
center, a laptop on a wireless LAN, or a browser on any system
connected to the Internet.

• Wireless Data Transmission (serial and/or IP)

• VHF (150 MHz), requires FCC license
• UHF (450 MHz), requires FCC license
• 900+ MHz, spread spectrum
• Cellular
• Satellite
• Wired Data Transmission
• Phone
• leased line or PSTN (dialup)
• Private Line Network
• Internet
Communications Routers
A router is a communications device that transfers messages
between two networks.
Common uses for routers include connecting a LAN to a WAN,
and connecting MTUs and RTUs to a long-distance network
medium for SCADA communication.
SCADA Communication Topologies
MTU-RTU communication architectures vary among
implementations. The various architectures used, including point-to-
point, series, series-star, and multi-drop.
 Point-to-point is functionally the simplest type; however, it is
expensive because of the individual channels needed for each
 In a series configuration, the number of channels used is reduced;
however, channel sharing has an impact on the efficiency and
complexity of SCADA operations.
 Similarly, the series-star and multi-drop configurations’ use of one
channel per device results in decreased efficiency and increased
system complexity.
The four basic architectures shown in Figure 2-3 can be further
augmented using dedicated communication devices to manage
communication exchange as well as message switching and
SCADA Communication Topologies


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