Chapter 4 Processor - 2014

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Chapter 4 Processor


• Introduction
• General Register Organization
• Stack Organization
• Instruction Formats
• Addressing Modes
• Data Transfer and Manipulation
cpe 252: Computer Organization 2

• Program Control
4.1 Introduction

• The functional blocks in a computer are of four types:

1. Central Processing Unit

2. Memory

3. Input Unit

4. Output Unit

• The CPU is the brain of the computer.

• It is the part that actually executes

the instructions.

• The computer’s CPU fetches, decodes, and
executes program instructions.
• The two principal parts of the CPU are the datapath
and the control unit.
– The datapath consists of an arithmetic-logic unit and
storage units (registers) that are interconnected by a data
bus that is also connected to main memory.
– Various CPU components perform sequenced operations
according to signals provided by its control unit.

Major Components
• ALU (arithmetic logic unit): Performs calculations and comparisons (data changed)
• CU (control unit): The control unit determines which actions to carry out according to the
values in a program counter register and a status register.
– performs fetch/execute cycle
– Functions:
• Moves data to and from CPU registers and other hardware components (no change in data)
• Accesses program instructions and issues commands to the ALU
– Subparts:
• Memory management unit: supervises fetching instructions and data
• I/O Interface: sometimes combined with memory management unit as Bust Interface Unit
• Registers
– Registers hold data that can be readily accessed by the CPU.
– They can be implemented using D flip-flops.
– A 32-bit register requires 32 D flip-flops.
– Example: Program counter (PC) or instruction pointer determines next instruction for

• Small, permanent storage locations within the CPU used for a
particular purpose
– Scratchpad for currently executing program
• Holds data needed quickly or frequently
– Stores information about status of CPU and currently executing program
• Address of next program instruction
• Signals from external devices
• Manipulated directly by the Control Unit
• Wired for specific function
• Size in bits or bytes (not MB like memory)
• Can hold data, an address or an instruction

Types of Registers
• User visible registers
– A user visible register is simply a register than can be referenced
with the machine language of the processor •
– Four categories
• General Purpose
• Data
• Address
• Condition Codes
• Control and Status Registers

General Purpose

• General Purpose Registers

– User-visible registers
– Hold intermediate results or data values, e.g., loop counters
– Typically several dozen in current CPUs

• May be true general purpose (all registers are the same)

– Orthogonal to the instruction set: any register can hold any
operand for any instruction (clearly not the case with X86!)
– May be restricted (each register has special functions)
• In some machines GP registers can be used for data or
• In other machines there is a separation:
– Data: Accumulator and count registers
– Addressing: Segment, index, autoindex registers – Stack pointer
• Even on machines with true general purpose registers, if there is
user-visible stack addressing then the stack pointer is special
• Condition Codes
– Typically partially user-visible •
– Sets of individual bits — e.g. result of last operation was zero
– Can be read (implicitly) by programs — e.g. Jump if zero
– Cannot (usually) be set directly (addressed) by programs — X86 has direct ops for carry
flag only
• BT (Bit Test) Instruction

• Special purpose Registers
– Program Count Register (PC)
• Also called instruction pointer
– Instruction Register (IR)
• Stores instruction fetched from memory
– Memory Address Register (MAR)
– Memory Data Register (MDR)
– Status Registers
• Status of CPU and currently executing program
• Flags (one bit Boolean variable) to track condition like
arithmetic carry and overflow, power failure, internal

CPU Register Lengths
• The register lengths (number of flip-flops to store bits) are determined by
number of memory locations (address space) and the bus width (in bits)
that determines the number of bits transferred between Memory and
CPU, or between I/O channels and CPU.
12 bits


16 bits


8 bits


4 bits
1 bit
1 bit









(7 lines)

A bus B bus




cpe 252: Computer Organization 13

Operation on Registers

• Stores values from other locations (registers

and memory)
• Addition and subtraction
• Shift or rotate data
• Test contents for conditions such as zero or

Operation of Memory

• Each memory location has a unique address

• Address from an instruction is copied to the
MAR which finds the location in memory
• CPU determines if it is a store or retrieval
• Transfer takes place between the MDR and
• MDR is a two way register
Relationship between MAR,
MDR and Memory

Control Unit
• It is responsible for directing and coordinating
most of the computer system activities.
• It does not execute instructions by itself. It tells
other parts of the computer system what to do.
• It determines the movement of electronic signals
between the main memory and arithmetic logic
unit as well as the control signals between the
CPU and input/output devices.
Control Unit(Condt…)
• To complete an event i.e. processing, control
unit repeats a set of four basic operations:
– Fetching is the process of obtaining a program
instruction or data item from the memory
– Decoding is the process of translating the instruction
into commands the computer can execute.
– Executing is the process of carrying out the
– Storing is the process of writing the result to
Control Unit(Condt…)
• The internal communication inside a computer that
transforms raw data into useful information is called
• To perform this transformation, the computer uses two
components- processor and memory
• The program is fed into the computer through the input unit
and stored in the memory
• To execute the program, the instructions have to be fetched
from memory one by one which is done by control unit
• Then the control unit decodes the instruction.
Control Unit(Condt…)
• According to instruction, control unit issues
signals to other units.
• After instruction is executed, the result of the
instruction is stored in memory or stored
temporarily in the registry, so that this can be
used by the next instruction.
• The results of a program are taken out of the
computer through the output unit.

The control unit directs the information flow through ALU by:

- Selecting various Components in the system

- Selecting the Function of ALU

Example: R1 <- R2 + R3
[1] MUX A selector (SELA): BUS A  R2

[2] MUX B selector (SELB): BUS B  R3

[3] ALU operation selector (OPR): ALU to ADD

3 3 3 5
[4] Decoder destination selector (SELD): R1  Out Bus

Encoding of register selection fields

000 Input Input None
001 R1 R1 R1
010 R2 R2 R2
011 R3 R3 R3
100 R4 R4 R4
101 R5 R5 R5
110 R6 R6 R6
cpe 252: Computer Organization 21
111 R7 R7 R7
Arithmetic Logic unit
• The ALU contains electronic circuits necessary
to perform arithmetic and logical operations.
• The arithmetic operations are ADD,
• The logical operations include COMPARE,
• The control unit analyses each instruction in the
program and sends the relevant signals to all
other units – ALU, Memory, Input unit and
Output unit


Encoding of ALU operations OPR

Select Operation Symbol
00000 Transfer A TSFA
00001 Increment A INCA
00010 ADD A + B ADD
00101 Subtract A - B SUB
00110 Decrement A DECA
01000 AND A and B AND
01010 OR A and B OR
01100 XOR A and B XOR
01110 Complement A COMA
10000 Shift right A SHRA
11000 Shift left A SHLA
Symbolic Designation

Examples of ALU Microoperations Microoperation SELA SELB SELD OPR Control Word

R1  R2 - R3 R2 R3 R1 SUB 010 011 001 00101

R4  R4  R5 R4 R5 R4 OR 100 101 100 01010

R6  R6 + 1 R6 - R6 INCA 110 000 110 00001

R7  R1 R1 - R7 TSFA 001 000 111 00000

Output  R2 R2 - None TSFA 010 000 000 00000

cpe 252: Computer Organization
Output  Input Input - None TSFA 000 000 000 00000

R4  shl R4 R4 - R4 SHLA 100 000 100 11000

A Simple Program

• Want to add values of variables a and b

(assumed to be in memory), and put the
result in variable c in memory, I.e. c  a+b
• Instructions in program
– Load a into register r1
– Load b into register r3
– r2  r1 + r3
– Store r2 in c
Running the Program

2 a

1 c

3 b

r1 2


Logic Memory

Load a into r1 2005

IR Load a into r1
Load b into r3 2006
IP 2005
r2 r1 + r3 2007

Store r2 into c 2008

Running the Program

2 a

1 c

3 b

r1 2


r3 3

Logic Memory

Load a into r1 2005

IR Load b into r3
Load b into r3 2006
IP 2006
r2 r1 + r3 2007

Store r2 into c 2008

Running the Program

2 a

1 c

3 b

r1 2

r2 5

r3 3

Logic Memory

Load a into r1 2005

IR r2  r1 + r3
Load b into r3 2006
IP 2007
r2 r1 + r3 2007

Store r2 into c 2008

Running the Program

2 a

1 c

3 b

r1 2

r2 5

r3 3

Logic Memory

Load a into r1 2005

IR Store r2 into c
Load b into r3 2006
IP 2008
r2 r1 + r3 2007

Store r2 into c 2008

Running the Program

2 a

5 c

3 b

r1 2

r2 5

r3 3

Logic Memory

Load a into r1 2005

IR Store r2 into c
Load b into r3 2006
IP 2008
r2 r1 + r3 2007

Store r2 into c 2008

Where we are
• Examined the hardware for a computer
– Truth tables
– Logic gates
– States and transitions in a state machine
– The workings of a CPU and Memory

• Now, want to program the hardware

Programs and Instructions

• Programs are made up of instructions

• CPU executes one instruction every clock cycle

• Modern CPUS do more, but we ignore that

• Specifying a program and its instructions:

• Lowest level: Machine language

• Intermediate level: Assembly language

• Typically today: High-level programming language

Specifying a Program and its Instructions

• High-level programs: each statement translates to many instructions

Load a into r1

• E.g. c  a + b to: Load b into r3

r2  r1 + r3

Store r2 into c

• Assembly language: specify each machine instruction, using mnemonic form

• E.g. Load r1, A

• Machine language: specify each machine instruction, using bit patterns

• E.g. 1101101000001110011
Machine/Assembly Language

• We have a machine that can execute instructions

• Basic Questions:

• What instructions?

• How are these instructions represented to the computer hardware?

Stored Programs
• A stored program is a set of instructions and data
expressed in binary language, stored in non-volatile (ie.
disk storage) memory

• Programs can be executed only from Memory.

– Thus, a program must be loaded from disk to RAM in
order to execute it.
– Loaded programs are called processes.
– Individual instructions must be transferred to the CPU
where they are executed, using data that must be obtained
from either CPU registers or RAM

• A process is executed by executing each individual

instruction that, collectively, fulfill the intentions of the

• Instruction
– Direction given to a computer
– Causes electrical signals to be sent through specific circuits for

Chapter 7 CPU and Memory 7-35

Instruction Architecture

• The list of all instructions engineered for a computer’s CPU

is called the instruction set.
• To distinguish each instruction, they are assigned a unique
numeric code
– Can be done in many ways
– Does not need to be ordinal (ie. starting from 0 and
running contiguously)
– Can be partially ordinal and partially hierarchical
• Mano’s approach
• Instructions must be capable of referencing Memory and/or
CPU addresses in order to cause data to be transferred and
operated on.
Instruction Architecture
• Instructions consist of
– Operation code data
– Address data
– Mode data
• Direct addressing – data found at the specified address
• Indirect addressing – data found at the address found at the
specified address
The number of memory (pointer
referenced operands variesconcept)
from computer to computer.
0 Mano simplifies the instruction architecture to permit zero or one memory address field. In the case of Indirect

addressing mode there are two memory accesses, but only one reference.

15 14 12 11 0

Mode bit I OpCode Address
Instructions set Design

• Instruction set
– Design defines functions performed by the processor
– Differentiates computer architecture by the
• Number of instructions
• Complexity of operations performed by individual instructions
• Data types supported
• Format (layout, fixed vs. variable length)
• Use of registers
• Addressing (size, modes)

Chapter 7 CPU and Memory 7-38

Instruction Hierarchy
• It is desirable to engineer the computer to support a
reasonable number of independent instructions
– Examples:
• Add, subtract, transfer, shift, logic, comparison, branch,
input, output
– 4 bits can be used to support 24 = 16 unique
• Leaves 12 bits to represent an address space of 4096 words
– However, 16 instructions is not enough for most
program needs
15 14 12 11 0

I OpCode Address
Instruction Hierarchy
• It is desirable to engineer the computer to support a
reasonable number of independent instructions
– Use a hierarchical scheme (1+3 scheme)
• OpCode – 3 bits – supports 8 unique codes
– 0-6 (instructions)
– 7 (toggle)
• Mode – 1 bit – supports 2 addressing modes
– I=0 Direct addressing
– I=1 Indirect addressing
• Special Case :: OpCode = 7 (toggle) PLUS Mode bit (I)
– Use 12 bits of Address field to specify additional instructions
15 14 12 11 0

I OpCode Address
Instruction Hierarchy
• Mano’s instruction set consists of 25 instructions:

OpCode (0-6) OpCode (7)

Direct (I=0) Indirect (I=1) Direct (I=0) Indirect (I=1)

4 bit code 4 bit code 16 bit code 16 bit code

0 AND 8 AND 7800 CLA F800 INP

1 ADD 9 ADD 7400 CLE F400 OUT

2 LDA A LDA 7200 CMA F200 SKI

3 STA B STA 7100 CME F100 SKO

4 BUN C BUN 7080 CIR F080 ION

5 BSA D BSA 7040 CIL F040 IOF

6 ISZ E ISZ 7020 INC 6

7010 SPA

7008 SNA
Instruction Set Completeness
• Selection of instructions should span a variety of applications
suitable to support programming
An important issue for many applications is the number of programmable (general purpose)

– Arithmetic,
Mano adoptslogical and providing
a minimalist approach shift ainstructions
single such register, the accumulator AC.

This simple case does allow full illustration of all computational requirements of a more

powerful computer with a larger instruction set (but with much added cost to programming).
– Instructions for moving data to and from memory and CPU
Among commercial computers one finds both complex (large number) instruction sets (CISC)
and reduced (number) instruction sets (RISC).

– Program control instructions, instructions that check status


– Input and Output instructions

Instruction Processing & Instruction Cycle

• Instruction processing cannot occur in a single clock cycle – it is

too complicated !
– Must fetch the instruction from memory and load the instruction
register, IR.
– Must decode the Operation Code to determine whether data must be
fetched and whether we fetch data directly, or indirectly
– Must fetch required data, if any, from memory into CPU
• OR, must store data from CPU into memory
• OR, must obtain data from Input
• OR, must place data for Output
– Must process the data according to instruction logic
• Thus, the instruction cycle consists of a controlled sequence of
Timing and Control
• In order to control the steps of the instruction cycle, it is necessary to
introduce a counter, whose output is used as input to the control logic

– We will utilize a Sequence Counter Register (SC, or SCR). This is a register

that holds a count value, can be reset to zero and can be incremented (or
decremented) by one

– Each instruction will require a specified number of time steps to complete a
sequence of microoperations.…… Each step of the sequence is marked by a count
value in SC.
Timing and Control
• The SC outputs a string of bits whose value is in the range from
0 to 2L-1
– Eg. for L=3, from 0 to 7
• We need a way of converting the bit string value to single bit
valued outputs labelled T0, T1, T2, T3, and so on, up to Tx
(where x = 2L-1)
• A decoder serves our purpose, recalling that the output from the
DEC is a 1 only on one line (the rest are 0`s)

Tx T2 T1 T0


L-to-2L DEC

Timing and Control
• Step 1: Where do we fetch the next instruction from
at T0 (start time)?

– The Program Counter register (PC) is assumed to hold the

address of the next instruction to be executed.
• It is loaded initially during the machine bootstrapping process.

– The PC is transferred to the Address Register (AR) which is

connected to the Address Bus Multiplexer.
• The AR provides the selection input to the address bus multiplexer to
enable RAM-CPU data transfers

T0 : AR = PC Load

Timing and Control

• Step 2: How do we obtain the instruction from

Note how the PC is updated in parallel.

This assumes that the next Memory

instruction (yet to be executed) in logical sequence is actually

memory at T1? located at the next memoryData bus


– The data
This restriction to
stored non-sequential instructionsDR
at the selected
M[AR] is removed by including instructions that
address isPCtransferred
onto the
modify the PC explicitly.
Data Bus and then to the Data Register (DR) in the CPU.
– The instruction data is transferred IR
immediately to the

Instruction Register (IR) CPU bus

Address bus

T1 : DR = M[AR] , IR = DR , PC = PC + 1

NOTE: Mano does not include this step explicitly.

However, in most systems the initial transfer from memory is always to a CPU buffer, such as DR. In effect, this is simply a
pipeline element of a transfer circuit that adds an intermediate parallel load through DR to IR.
This can be modified to act as a Master-Slave element which is necessary to build a Direct Memory Access (DMA) control
Timing and Control

• Step 3: How do we decode the instruction intention (ie.

meaning, operational definition) at T2?
The OpCode, Mode and Address field bits all serve as inputs
All instructions share the steps T0, T1 and T2.
to the Control Logic Gates that select the specific instruction
However, depending on what each specific instruction
requires, the control logic for higher time steps is more

• Direct addressing
complicated, requiring more inputs.

• Indirect addressing Note the reference to a DECoder unit to

explicitly access the IR bits indicated
• CPU register addressing
• Input
• Output

T2 : {D0,...,D7} = DEC( IR(12-14) ),

AR = IR(0-11),

I = IR(15) The AR may be directly connected to

the IR address bits indicated
Timing and Control
• The instruction cycle consists of a controlled sequence of
microoperations using control logic gates and a sequence counter.
I OpCode Address
IR 15 14 13 12 11 0

Connect it all together !

2 1 0

3x8 DEC Enable one specific

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
logic circuit
Signal the SC to advance

Control (INC) to next timing value,

or reset.

F E D C B A 9 ... 1 0
Timing inputs
4x16 DEC

3 2 1 0
Clock has not

4-bit been included!

Sequence CLR

Counter (SC)
Instruction Format

Instruction Fields

OP-code field - specifies the operation to be performed

Address field - designates memory address(s) or a processor register(s)

Mode field - specifies the way the operand or the

effective address is determined

The number of address fields in the instruction format
depends on the internal organization of CPU

- The three most common CPU organizations:

Single accumulator organization:

ADD X /* AC  AC + M[X] */

General register organization:

ADD R1, R2, R3 /* R1  R2 + R3 */

ADD R1, R2 /* R1  R1 + R2 */

MOV R1, R2 /* R1  R2 */

ADD R1, X /* R1  R1 + M[X] */

Stack organization:

cpe 252: Computer Organization
/* TOS  M[X] */

Three-Address Instructions:

Program to evaluate X = (A + B) * (C + D) :

ADD R1, A, B /* R1  M[A] + M[B] */

ADD R2, C, D /* R2  M[C] + M[D] */

MUL X, R1, R2 /* M[X]  R1 * R2 */

- Results in short programs

- Instruction becomes long (many bits)

Two-Address Instructions:

Program to evaluate X = (A + B) * (C + D) :

MOV R1, A /* R1  M[A] */

ADD R1, B /* R1  R1 + M[B] */
MOV cpe
C /* R2 Organization
Computer M[C] */ 51
ADD R2, D /* R2  R2 + M[D] */
One-Address Instructions:
- Use an implied AC register for all data manipulation
- Program to evaluate X = (A + B) * (C + D) :

LOAD A /* AC  M[A] */
ADD B /* AC  AC + M[B] */
STORE T /* M[T]  AC */
LOAD C /* AC  M[C] */
ADD D /* AC  AC + M[D] */
MUL T /* AC  AC * M[T] */
- Can be found
STORE X in a stack-organized
/* M[X]  AC computer

Zero-Address Instructions:

- Program to evaluate X = (A + B) * (C + D) :

PUSHA /* TOS  A */
PUSHB /* TOS  B */
ADD /* TOS  (A + B) */
PUSHC /* TOS  C */
PUSHD /* TOS  D */
ADD /* TOS  (C + D) */
MUL /* TOS  cpe
(C + 252:
D) * (AComputer
+ B) */ Organization 52
POP X /* M[X]  TOS */

Addressing Modes:

* Specifies a rule for interpreting or modifying the

address field of the instruction (before the operand

is actually referenced)

* Variety of addressing modes

- to give programming flexibility to the user

- to use the bits in the address field of the

instruction efficiently

cpe 252: Computer Organization 53


Implied Mode
Address of the operands are specified implicitly
in the definition of the instruction
- No need to specify address in the instruction
- EA = AC, or EA = Stack[SP], EA: Effective Address .

Immediate Mode
Instead of specifying the address of the operand,
operand itself is specified
- No need to specify address in the instruction
- However, operand itself needs to be specified
- Sometimes, require more bits than the address
- Fast to acquire an operand

Register Mode
cpe 252:
Address specified in the instruction Computer
is the Organization
register address 54
- Designated operand need to be in a register

Register Indirect Mode

Instruction specifies a register which contains
the memory address of the operand
- Saving instruction bits since register address
is shorter than the memory address
- Slower to acquire an operand than both the
register addressing or memory addressing
- EA = [IR(R)] ([x]: Content of x)

Auto-increment or Auto-decrement features:

Same as the Register Indirect, but:
- When the address in the register is used to access memory, the value in the register is incremented
or decremented by 1 (after or before the execution of the instruction)

cpe 252: Computer Organization 55


Direct Address Mode

Instruction specifies the memory address which

can be used directly to the physical memory

- Faster than the other memory addressing modes

- Too many bits are needed to specify the address

for a large physical memory space

- EA = IR(address), (IR(address): address field of IR)

Indirect Addressing Mode

The address field of an instruction specifies the address of a memory location that contains the address of the operand
- When the abbreviated address is used, large physical memory can be addressed with a relatively small number of
- Slow to acquire an operand because of an additional memory access
- EA = M[IR(address)]

cpe 252: Computer Organization 56


Relative Addressing Modes

The Address fields of an instruction specifies the part of the address (abbreviated address) which can be used along

with a designated register to calculate the address of the operand

PC Relative Addressing Mode(R = PC)

- EA = PC + IR(address)

- Address field of the instruction is short

- Large physical memory can be accessed with a small number of address bits

Indexed Addressing Mode

XR: Index Register:
- EA = XR + IR(address)
Base Register Addressing Mode
BAR: Base Address Register:
- EA = BAR + IR(address)
cpe 252: Computer Organization 57

Address Memory

200 Load to AC Mode

201 Address = 500

PC = 200
202 Next instruction

R1 = 400

399 450
XR = 100
400 700


500 800

Addressing Effective Content

Mode Address of AC
Direct address 500 /* AC  (500) */ 800 600 900

Immediate operand - /* AC  500 */ 500

Indirect address 800 /* AC  ((500)) */ 300
Relative address 702 /* AC  (PC+500) */ 325 702 325

Indexed address 600 /* AC  (XR+500) */ 900

Register - /* AC  R1 */ 400
Register indirect 400 /* AC  (R1) */ 700 800 300
Autoincrement 400 /* AC  (R1)+ */ 700
Autodecrement 399 /* AC  -(R) */ 450

cpe 252: Computer Organization 58

Typical Data Transfer Instructions

Name Mnemonic

Load LD
Store ST
Move MOV
Exchange XCH
Input IN
Output OUT

Data Transfer Instructions with Different Addressing Modes

Mode Register Transfer

Direct address LD ADR AC M[ADR]

Indirect address LD @ADR AC  M[M[ADR]]

Relative address LD $ADR AC  M[PC + ADR]

Immediate operand LD #NBR AC  NBR

Index addressing LD ADR(X) AC  M[ADR + XR]

Register LD R1 AC  R1

Register indirect LD (R1) AC  M[R1]

Autoincrement LD (R1)+ AC  M[R1], R1  R1 + 1

Autodecrement LD -(R1) R1  R1 - 1, AC  M[R1]

cpe 252: Computer Organization 59

Three Basic Types: Arithmetic instructions
Logical and bit manipulation instructions
Shift instructions

Arithmetic Instructions

Name Mnemonic

Increment INC
Decrement DEC
Subtract SUB
Multiply MUL
Divide DIV
Add with Carry ADDC
Subtract with Borrow SUBB
Negate(2’s Complement) NEG

Logical and Bit Manipulation Instructions Shift Instructions

Name Mnemonic Name Mnemonic

Clear CLR Logical shift right SHR

Complement COM Logical shift left SHL

AND AND Arithmetic shift right SHRA

OR OR Arithmetic shift left SHLA

Exclusive-OR XOR Rotate right ROR

Clear carry CLRC Rotate left ROL

Set carry SETC Rotate right thru carry RORC

Complement carry COMC Rotate left thru carry ROLC

Enable interrupt EI
Disable interrupt DI
cpe 252: Computer Organization 60
In-Line Sequencing
(Next instruction is fetched from the
PC next adjacent location in the memory)

Address from other source; Current Instruction, Stack, etc

Branch, Conditional Branch, Subroutine, etc

Program Control Instructions

Name Mnemonic
Branch BR
Jump JMP
Skip SKP
* CMP and TST instructions do not retain their
Return RTN
results of operations(- and AND, respectively).
Compare(by - ) CMP
They only set or clear certain Flags.
Test (by AND) TST

Status Flag Circuit A B

8 8

8-bit ALU
8 F -F
7 0
Check for 8

zero output

F 252: Computer Organization

cpe 61
Mnemonic Branch condition Tested condition

BZ Branch if zero Z=1

BNZ Branch if not zero Z=0
BC Branch if carry C=1
BNC Branch if no carry C=0
BP Branch if plus S=0
BM Branch if minus S=1
BV Branch if overflow V=1
BNV Branch if no overflow V=0

Unsigned compare conditions (A - B)

BHI Branch if higher A>B
BHE Branch if higher or equal AB
BLO Branch if lower A<B
BLOE Branch if lower or equal AB
BE Branch if equal A=B
BNE Branch if not equal AB

Signed compare conditions (A - B)

BGT Branch if greater than A>B

BGE Branch if greater or equal AB
BLT Branch if less than A<B
BLE Branch if less or equal AB
BE Branch if equal A=B
BNE Branch if not equal AB

cpe 252: Computer Organization 62

Call subroutine
Jump to subroutine
Branch to subroutine
Branch and save return address

Two Most Important Operations are Implied;

* Branch to the beginning of the Subroutine

- Same as the Branch or Conditional Branch

* Save the Return Address to get the address

of the location in the Calling Program upon
exit from the Subroutine
- Locations for storing Return Address: CALL
SP  SP - 1
• Fixed Location in the subroutine(Memory) M[SP]  PC
• Fixed Location in memory PC  EA

• In a processor Register
• In a memory stack RTN

- most efficient way PC  M[SP]

SP  SP + 1

cpe 252: Computer Organization 63

Types of Interrupts:
External interrupts
External Interrupts initiated from the outside of CPU and Memory

- I/O Device -> Data transfer request or Data transfer complete

- Timing Device -> Timeout

- Power Failure

Internal interrupts (traps)

Internal Interrupts are caused by the currently running program

- Register, Stack Overflow

- Divide by zero

- OP-code Violation

- Protection Violation

Software Interrupts
Both External and Internal Interrupts are initiated by the computer Hardware.

Software Interrupts are initiated by texecuting an instruction.

- Supervisor Call -> Switching from a user mode to the supervisor mode

-> Allows to execute a certain class of operations

which are not allowed in the user mode

cpe 252: Computer Organization 64

Interrupt Procedure and Subroutine Call

- The interrupt is usually initiated by an internal or

an external signal rather than from the execution of

an instruction (except for the software interrupt)

- The address of the interrupt service program is

determined by the hardware rather than from the

address field of an instruction

- An interrupt procedure usually stores all the

information necessary to define the state of CPU

rather than storing only the PC.

The state of the CPU is determined from;

Content of the PC

Content of all processor registers

Content of status bits

Many ways of saving the CPU state depending on the CPU architectures

cpe 252: Computer Organization 65

Historical Background

IBM System/360, 1964

- The real beginning of modern computer architecture

- Distinction between Architecture and Implementation
- Architecture: The abstract structure of a computer
seen by an assembly-language programmer

Compiler -program
High-Level Instruction
Language Set

Architecture Implementation

Continuing growth in semiconductor memory and microprogramming

-> A much richer and complicated instruction sets
=> CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computer)

- Arguments advanced at that time

Richer instruction sets would simplify compilers
Richer instruction sets would alleviate the software crisis
- move as much functions to the hardware as possible
- close Semantic Gap between machine language
and the high-level language
Richer instruction sets would improve the architecture quality

cpe 252: Computer Organization 66


High Performance General Purpose Instructions

Characteristics of CISC:

1. A large number of instructions (from 100-250 usually)

2. Some instructions that performs a certain tasks are not used frequently.

3. Many addressing modes are used (5 to 20)

4. Variable length instruction format.

5. Instructions that manipulate operands in memory.

cpe 252: Computer Organization 67

Reduce the semantic gap between
machine instruction and microinstruction

1-Cycle instruction

Most of the instructions complete their execution

in 1 CPU clock cycle - like a microoperation

* Functions of the instruction (contrast to CISC)

- Very simple functions
- Very simple instruction format
- Similar to microinstructions
=> No need for microprogrammed control

* Register-Register Instructions
- Avoid memory reference instructions except
Load and Store instructions
- Most of the operands can be found in the
registers instead of main memory
=> Shorter instructions
=> Uniform instruction cycle
=> Requirement of large number of registers

* Employ instruction pipeline

cpe 252: Computer Organization 68
Common RISC Characteristics

- Operations are register-to-register, with only LOAD and STORE accessing memory

- The operations and addressing modes are reduced

Instruction formats are simple

cpe 252: Computer Organization 69

RISC Characteristics

- Relatively few instructions

- Relatively few addressing modes

- Memory access limited to load and store instructions

- All operations done within the registers of the CPU

- Fixed-length, easily decoded instruction format

- Single-cycle instruction format

- Hardwired rather than microprogrammed control

More RISC Characteristics

-A relatively large numbers of registers in the processor unit.

-Efficient instruction pipeline
-Compiler support: provides efficient translation of high-level language
programs into machine language programs.

Advantages of RISC

- VLSI Realization

- Computing Speed

- Design Costs and Reliability

- High Level Language Support

cpe 252: Computer Organization 70

End of Chapter 3A


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