Lecture 08 Risk Analysis
Lecture 08 Risk Analysis
The Risk Assessment Process is illustrated in the following figure.
Consequence Assessment Methods
Use of these models in the performance of a risk assessment typically
involves four activities:
The result from the consequence assessment step is an estimate of the
statistically expected exposure of the target population to the hazard of
interest and the safety/health effects related to that level of exposure.
For example:
i) One hundred people will be exposed to air concentrations above the
emergency response planning guidelines (e.g., ERPG-2)
ii) Ten victims are expected if this explosion occurs
iii) If this event occurs, 1,200 lb. of material are expected to be released to
the environment
The form of consequence estimate generated should be determined by the
objectives and scope of the study .
Consequences are usually stated in the expected number of injuries or
casualties or, in some cases, exposure to certain levels of energy or
material release .
Once the hazards and potential mishaps or events have been identified
for a system or process, and the frequencies and consequences
associated with these events have been estimated, we are able to
evaluate the relative risks associated with the events.
Subjective Prioritization
Risk Categorization/Risk Matrix
Another method to characterize risk is categorization. In this case, the analyst
(1) define the likelihood and consequence categories to be used in
evaluating each scenario
(2) define the level of risk associated with likelihood/consequence category
Frequency and consequence categories can be developed in a qualitative or
quantitative manner.
Qualitative schemes (i.e., low, medium, or high) typically use qualitative
criteria and examples of each category to ensure consistent event
Multiple consequence classification criteria may be required to address
safety, environmental, operability and other types of consequences.
Table 1 and Table 2 provide examples of criteria for categorization of
consequences and likelihood.
Once assignment of consequences and
likelihoods is complete, a risk matrix
can be used as a mechanism for
assigning risk (and making risk
acceptance decisions), using a risk
categorization approach.
Each cell in the matrix corresponds to a
specific combination of likelihood and
consequence and can be assigned a
priority number or some other risk
descriptor (as shown in Figure 4). An
organization must define the
categories that it will use to score risks
and, more importantly, how it will
prioritize and respond to the various
levels of risks associated with cells in
the matrix.
Risk Sensitivity
This can help illustrate the range of uncertainty associated with the exercise.
Risk sensitivity analyses can also be used to demonstrate the effectiveness
of certain risk reduction approaches.