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Lecture 2 Revision MOSFET Operation and Modelling

This document discusses MOSFET operation and modeling. It covers basic MOSFET structure and symbols, operation in different regions including triode and saturation, threshold voltage, body effect, small signal modeling including capacitances, and subthreshold operation. The key points are MOSFET operation as a switch for digital circuits and modeling in different regions for analog applications, and the dependence of threshold voltage and current on device parameters.

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Lecture 2 Revision MOSFET Operation and Modelling

This document discusses MOSFET operation and modeling. It covers basic MOSFET structure and symbols, operation in different regions including triode and saturation, threshold voltage, body effect, small signal modeling including capacitances, and subthreshold operation. The key points are MOSFET operation as a switch for digital circuits and modeling in different regions for analog applications, and the dependence of threshold voltage and current on device parameters.

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System on a Chip

Prof. Dr. Michael Kraft

Lecture 2:
Revision: MOSFET Operation
and Modelling
 Basic MOSFET Operation
 Small Signal Model
 Spice Models
 Short Channel Effects
Active Components

 MOSFET is a symmetrical device.

 Metal on the gate is often replaced by polysilicon.
 L is the parameter characterising a process technology. Modern processes
have a gate length down to 0.065μm for digital circuits. Analogue circuits
 Gate oxide thickness is in the order of a few nm.
 The ITRS predicts gate lengths of 13nm by 2013 and 6nm by 2020!!!
 For vGS = 0, the source and drain regions are separated by back-to-back pn
junctions resulting in an extremely high resistance (about 1012 Ω)
MOSFET As A Switch

 For digital operation, the MOSFET is modelled as an ON/OFF switch

– g=1 (High) represents the positive supply voltage (VDD) applied to the gate
– Typical values from 5V (older technologies) to 1.0V (newer technologies)
MOSFET Symbols

n-channel transistor symbols

P-channel transistor symbols

 All are enhancement transistors (normally off)

– Depletion mode transistors are not used anymore (normally
Basic Operation

VG<0: accumulated

VG>0: inverted channel,

Current flow gate drain

 Gate – source voltage for which the concentration of electrons is equal to

concentration of holes in the substrate is called the Threshold voltage, Vth
 Charge density in channel is proportional to Veff=VGS-Vth
Basic Operation
Triode Region
VG>0: inverted channel,
Current flow gate drain

 Charge density (charge per unit area): Qn = Cox(VGS-Vth) = CoxVeff

𝜀𝑜𝑥 𝜀0
 Cox is the Gate Capacitance per unit area: 𝐶𝑜𝑥 =
– 𝜀𝑜𝑥 is the relative permittivity of SiO2
– tox the SiO2 thickness
 Total charge in channel: QT = WLCox(VGS – Vth)
 For VDS > 0 but small (VDS<<Veff): 𝐼𝐷 = 𝜇𝑛 𝑄𝑛 𝑉𝐷𝑆 = 𝜇𝑛 𝐶𝑜𝑥 (𝑉𝐺𝑆 − 𝑉𝑡ℎ ) 𝑉𝐷𝑆
 mn: mobility of electrons near surface (0.14m2/Vs in intrinsic Si,
0.01-0.06m2/Vs in modern NMOS devices
 Behaves like a resistor
Saturation Region

 For VDS increasing, the channel charge at the

drain end decreases
– Voltage across the gate oxide is smaller at the
drain end
– Charge density has a tapered shaped
– Charge density at x: Qn(x)=Cox(VGS-Vch(x)-Vth)
– At drain end: VG-Vch(L)=VGD
 For VDS further increasing, the gate to channel voltage will become smaller
than the Vth at the drain end → channel is pinched off
– ID saturates
– Pinch off occurs at VDS,sat = VGS-Vth = Veff
Operating Regions

 Active or saturation region: mainly used for analogue circuits (amplifiers)

– Bias transistor so that VGS-Vth>100mV
– Square law relationship (for BJT: exponential relationship)
– Drain current is impendent of VDS
• This is only true as a first order approximation
Channel Length Modulation

 For VDS even further increasing, the point where the gate to channel voltage
is equal to Vth moves to towards the source
– The effective channel is shortened: channel length modulation
– It can be shown that:

– λ: channel length modulation parameter or output impedance constant (unit: V-1)

Channel Length Modulation

 Channel length modulation introduces a dependence of ID on VDS in the

active region  
I D 1
– Output resistance: r0    
 VDS  I D

– for even high values of VDS other second order effects (short channel effects)
dominate and cause a stronger dependence of ID on VDS
Threshold Voltage
Vtno = ΦGS - Qss/COX + 2ΦF + γ sqrt(2ΦF) ΦGS: work function difference,
gate/substrate materials
ΦF: Fermi potential of substrate, ≈0.35V
KS: relative permittivity of Si, 11.9

 The threshold voltage depends on:

– The work-function difference between the gate material and the substrate
– The voltage drop between the channel and the substrate required for the
channel to exist
– The voltage drop across the thin oxide required for the depletion region, with
its immobile charge, to exist
– The voltage drop across the thin oxide due to unavoidable charge trapped in
the thin oxide
– The voltage drop across the thin oxide due to implanted charge at the surface
of the silicon.
Body Effect

 The source - body voltage, VSB influences the threshold voltage hence the
drain current (sometimes the substrate is referred to as a second gate)
 For VSB increasing, the depletion region between the channel and the
substrate becomes wider, hence there is more charge
 Modelled by the Body effect constant:
Small Signal Model, Low Frequency

 Transconductance, gm Body Transconductance, gmb

I D
 k ' VGS  Vth 1  VDS 
gm  I D V
 k ' VGS  Vth 1  VDS  T
VGS L g mb 
for VDS  1
VT 
  
gm  k ' VGS  Vth   2k ' W I D VSB 2 2F  VSB
g mb
with k '  m nCox  typical   0.1...0.3
 Output resistance, ro (or rds):
for VDS  1
 I  1
r0   D    k ' (W / L) I D
I D 
 VDS
g mb
 2 2 F  VSB
Small Signal Model, High Frequency

 For higher frequencies, capacitances need to be considered

– The largest capacitances are Cgs=2/3WLCox and the depletion capacitance at
the source: C’sb = (As + Ach)Cjs with:
MOSFET Capacitors


 Intrinsic and extrinsic capacitances:

– Intrinsic cap’s are related to the electric field in the gate oxide which
also forms the channel.
– Extrinsic cap’s are caused by parasitic effects.
 Intrinsic capacitances are associated with charge on the gate
electrode and in the channel hence vary with the terminal voltages.
 Two intrinsic capacitances: gate capacitance and source-body and
drain-body depletion capacitance (two reverse biased p-n junctions)
Small Signal Model, High Frequency

 Cgd is due to the overlap between the gate and the drain and fringing
capacitance, Cgd=CoxWLox
– sometimes called the Miller capacitance, which is important when there is a
voltage gain between gate and drain
 Figure of merit for transistor speed: unity-gain frequency
MOSFET Capacitors



1 1
Triode region WLCOX WLCOX
2 2 0

Active region WLCOX 0 0
Subthreshold (Weak Inversion)




 Simple model assumes that MOST turns on suddenly for VGS > Vth and is
completely off for VGS< Vth
 For 0<VGS<Vth negative, there exists already a channel
– weak inversion
– main conduction mechanism is diffusion (not drift as in strong inversion)
– Drain current vs gate-source voltage is exponential (like in a BJT)

 with and
Mobility Degradation

Electron velocity

vn = mnEx


 The effective carrier mobility decreases under large electric fields

– due to the vertical electric fields, electrons are pushed to the surface and
 The effect causes the velocity of carriers to saturate (≈107 cm/s in Si)
 Effective carrier mobility:

– θ and m are device technology parameters

 Incorporating this into the drain current equation:

 The maximum transconductance achievable with:

 Mobility degradation becomes a major effect for smaller technologies
Summary Subthreshold, Mobility
Short Channel Effects

 Short Channel effects include a number of effects that become

important for shrinking dimensions
– Reduced output impedance
– hot-carrier effects
• oxide trapping
• substrate currents
– Threshold voltage dependency on device dimensions W/L
 Short channel transistors have reduced output impedance because
the depletion region at drain end have an increased proportional
effect on drain current
– Additionally a phenomenon known as drain-induced barrier lowering
(DIBL) effectively lowers Vth as VDS is increased, thereby further
lowering the output impedance of a short-channel device
Hot Carrier Effects

 high-velocity carriers can cause harmful effects

– generation of electron-hole pairs by impact ionization and avalanching
• Extra electron-hole pairs are caused by impact ionization and cause currents
to flow from the drain region to the substrate
• effect can be modelled by a finite drain-to-ground impedance
• can also cause latch-up
– hot-carriers can also cause a tunnel current through the gate oxide
• some get trapped and shift the threshold voltage
• hot carriers limit the long term life time and reliability of MOST
– hot carrier can also cause punch through from source to drain and can
cause transistor breakdown
Spice Simulation

 The SPICE level 1 model (Schichman-Hodges Model*) is a simple,

approximate model which is essentially the same as used for hand-
 The model consists of the following components:
– An equation for the threshold voltage
– Equations for the drain/source current
– Equations for the gate capacitances CGS and CGD
– An equivalent circuit
– Model parameters depend on the SPICE version
* [1] H. Shichman and D. A. Hodges, “Modeling and simulation of insulated-gate field-effect transistor switching circuits,” IEEE
Journal of Solid-State Circuits, SC-3, 285, September 1968.
SPICE Level 1 Parameters
VTO VTO Zero bias threshold voltage
Kp KP Transconductance parameter
λ LAMDA Channel length modulation
 GAMMA Body effect parameter
2ΦF PHI Surface inversion potential
tox TOX Gate oxide thickness
NA NSUB Substrate doping concentration
LD LD Lateral diffusion

μ UO Surface mobility

IS IS S/B & D/B diode saturation current

VBI PB S/B & D/B diode built in voltage

CJ0 CJ S/B & D/B zero bias junction cap./m2

SPICE Level 1 Parameters
MJ MJ S/B & D/B doping profile grading coefficient
S/B & D/B zero bias perimeter doping grading
CJSW CJSW coefficient
S/B & D/B perimeter doping grading coefficient
CGBO CGBO G/B overlap capacitance/m2
G/D overlap capacitance/m2
CGSO G/S overlap capacitance/m2
RD RD Drain series resistance

RS RS Source series resistance

SPICE Level 1 Equations (1/2)
From PSPICE manuals (PSPRef.pdf, pp. 198):
Drain current equations
Normal mode: Vds > 0
Case 1
for cutoff region: Vgs-V to < 0
then: Idrain = 0
Case 2
for linear region: Vds < Vgs-V to
then: Idrain = (W/L)·(KP/2)·(1+LAMBDA·Vds)·Vds·(2·(Vgs-V to )-Vds)
Case 3
for saturation region: 0 < Vgs-V to < Vds
then: Idrain = (W/L)·(KP/2)·(1+LAMBDA·Vds)·(Vgs-V to ) 2
V to = VTO+GAMMA·((PHI-Vbs)1/2 -PHI 1/2)
Inverted mode: Vds < 0
Switch the source and drain in the normal mode equations above.

SPICE Level 1 Equations (2/2)
From PSPICE manuals (PSPRef.pdf, pp. 199):
MOSFET equations for capacitance
Cbs = bulk-source capacitance = area cap. + sidewall cap. + transit
time cap.
Cbd = bulk-drain capacitance = area cap. + sidewall cap. + transit
time cap.
CBS = 0 AND CBD = 0
Cbs = AS·CJ·Cbsj + PS·CJSW·Cbss + TT·Gbs
Cbd = AD·CJ·Cbdj + PD·CJSW·Cbds + TT·Gds
Cbs = CBS·Cbsj + PS·CJSW·Cbss + TT·Gbs
Cbd = CBD·Cbdj + PD·CJSW·Cbds + TT·Gds
Gbs = DC bulk-source conductance = dIbs/dVbs
Gbd = DC bulk-drain conductance = dIbd/dVbd
Vbs < FC·PB
Cbsj = (1-Vbs/PB)-MJ
Cbss = (1-Vbs/PBSW)-MJSW
Vbs > FC·PB

SPICE Level 1 Equations (3/3)
MOSFET equations for capacitance (cont.)

Cbsj = (1-FC)-(1+MJ)·(1-FC·(1+MJ)+MJ·Vbs/PB)
Cbss = (1-FC)-(1+MJSW)·(1-FC·(1+MJSW)+MJSW·Vbs/PBSW)
Vbd < FC·PB
Cbdj = (1-Vbd/PB)-MJ
Cbds = (1-Vbd/PBSW)-MJSW
Vbd > FC·PB
Cbdj = (1-FC)-(1+MJ)·(1-FC·(1+MJ)+MJ·Vbd/PB)
Cbds = (1-FC)-(1+MJSW)·(1-FC·(1+MJSW))

Cgs = gate-source overlap capacitance = CGSO·W

Cgd = gate-drain overlap capacitance = CGDO·W
Cgb = gate-bulk overlap capacitance = CGBO·L

Advanced Spice Models
– Improved modelling of moderate inversion, and the geometry-
dependence of device parameters. physics-based model
 EKV:
– Relates terminal currents and voltages with unified equations that
cover all modes of transistor operation, hence avoiding
discontinuities at transitions between, for example, weak and strong
inversion. Also handles geometry-dependent device parameters.
– Improved modeling of leakage currents and short-channel effects,
noise, and parasitic resistance in the MOSFET terminals, as well as
continued improvements in capturing the geometry dependence of
device parameters.
 PSP:
– Improved modeling of noise and the many short-channel and layout-
dependent effects now dominant in nanoscale CMOS devices. Good
for nonlinearities.
 sdfsd
– werwer
– werwer
MOSFET Equations
 n-Kanal-Enhancement-Transistor
2  
 VGS V T   1  DS
k' W V
lD  
Input characteristics 2 L  VA 
K‘: transconductance parameter [A/V2]

ID k '  m 0Cox

λ: Channel length modulation parameter [V-1]

VA 

gm: Transconductance in saturation

I D
gm 
gm  k '
VGS  VT   2k ' W I D
MOSFET Equations
 Example: n-channel enhancement transistor
Triode Region
Output characteristics
W V 
lD  k ' VGS  VT  DS   VDS
VDS,Sat = VGS-VT L 2 

Triode- Saturation region Saturation Region

ID region
2  
 VGS V T   1  DS
k' W V
lD  
2 L  VA 

VGS Output resistance

1 lD
 g ds 
ro VA  VDS

Triode: VDS < (VGS-VT)
Saturation: VDS > (VGS-VT)
Comparison BJT - MOSFET
Comparison BJT - MOSFET

 MOSFET: controlled by an electric field

– Very high input resistance (no current into gate)
 Bipolar devices have a higher gm than MOSFETs for a given bias current
due to its exponential IV characteristics.

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