Mil Week 2

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Identifies the similarities and
differences of media literacy,
information literacy, and technology
lesson 2
1. Identify the similarities and
differences of media literacy,
information literacy, and technology
literacy and; 5

2. Understand and value the concept of

Media and Information Literacy as a
1. How many can you name from the logos
2. Explain briefly the uses of those that you can
3. Which among these websites and applications do
you deem useful and credible in terms of creatina.
obtaining. and sharing content?

The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate

and compute, using printed and written materials associated with
varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning,
wherein individuals are able to achieve their goals, develop their
knowledge and potential, and participate fully in their community
and wider society
Media Media
The physical objects used to The ability to access, analyze,
communicate with, or the mass evaluate, and create media in a
communication through physical variety of forms. It aims to empower
objects such as radio, television, citizens by providing them with the
computers, film, etc. It also refers competencies (knowledge and skills)
to any physical object used to necessary to engage with traditional
communicate messages. media and new technologies
Information Information
A broad term that covers
The ability to recognize when
processed data, knowledge
information is needed, and to
derived from study,
locate, evaluate, and effectively
communicate information in its
instruction, signals or
various formats
Technology Technology
the application of scientific The ability of an individual, either
knowledge for practical purposes, working independently or with
especially in industry. others, to responsibly, appropriately,
and effectively use technological
the branch of knowledge dealing tools. Using these tools an individual
with engineering or applied can access, manage, integrate,
sciences. evaluate, create and communicate
Media and Information Literacy

The essential skills and competencies that allow

individuals to engage with media and other
information providers effectively, as well as
develop critical thinking and life-long learning
skills to socialize and become active citizens.
Media literacy, information literacy, and
technology literacy are combined
together as Media and Information
Literacy (MIL). Since media and
information is taking up more and more
of our time, it's important that we A
understand its influence on everything
we do and how we can knowledgeably
and skillfully navigate our way through
Media and Information Literacy
Access - What kind of media were you absorbing?
How did you get to it?

Analyze - Where you making sense of its messages?

information? Do you need these information?

Evaluate - Were you aware that each - message was created by

someone with their own goals and opinions?
Create- When you create media, like a Facebook
post or an Instagram story, what is your
responsibility to those who view it?

Act - What do you do with all tha information you just

received? Can you access or locate other credible
information sources?
Complete the given Venn Diagram

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