January 18 2

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18, 2023
Today we will…
● find 10 words from the text showing how the characters felt about each
● find images and explain their effect and connotations and what they make
the readers feel.
● analyse the structure in answering the writer’s effect question.
Activity B: Vocabulary skills
Find at least ten for each (B&C)
a. Provide synonyms
b. Locate vocabulary from the
Q2b: 10 words/phrases text

Q2c: 10 words/phrases
b. (How the children felt about Ursula) staring; tittered; smirking; their
accusation; watching her; hostile; ready to jeer; A grin went over the faces
of the class; hated; resented

c. (How Ursula felt about the children) as if she were in torture over a fire of
faces; she was naked to them; uncertain; suffering; exposed to the children;
The children were her masters; She deferred to them; this inhuman number
of children; she was always at bay; she must suffocate; They were a
squadron; they were a collective, inhuman thing
The Writer’s Effect Question (Paper 1, Q2 d)
Guess what is underneath the boxes?
Finding Imagery

Q: What is ‘imagery’?
A: Imagery is usually visually descriptive or figurative language
(but there can also be auditory, tactile, gustatory, and olfactory imagery)

Q: Can you list some types of imagery, e.g. Adjectives

A: Verbs Adverbs Nouns esp. if powerful or used figuratively
Personification Similes Metaphors Hyperbole are common.
There are also: Onomatopoeia, Idioms, Oxymorons, Allusion, Pun, Irony,
Litotes, Paradox, Zoomorphism, Anthropomorphism… etc.
In groups, find all the imagery from:

Group 1 (There was a hubbub…. and thundered, ‘Halt!’)

Group 2 (There was a halt…the block of children.)

Group 3 (Down the room….a collective, inhuman thing.)

You have 5 mins!

Let’s hear what you imagery you have found

Group 1 (There was a hubbub…. and thundered, ‘Halt!’)

Group 2 (There was a halt…the block of children.)

Group 3 (Down the room….a collective, inhuman thing.)

Sample Answer
Image 1: ‘thundered/roared’

Explanation: It conveys the loudness of voice and bad temper of Mr

Harby, and the fear he evokes. It makes us think that he is in command,
strict, or unforgiving/impatient to his students.
What is the overall effect of the language?

1. Comment on the overall effect of the

writer’s language.
What is the writer trying to convey, generally, in the text: happiness
and joy, sorrow and grief, panic and terror, etc.?

The scene describes the ....

The overall effect of the language… creates an atmosphere/image of …

Select imagery that creates that mood, etc.?
2. Link into your first example.
The writer begins by…

3. Embed a quote:

The writer begins by (using)…

Which words, phrases create mood, etc.?
4. Zoom in to specific words/phrases
The writer’s use of… X(imagery,powerful verbs,simile)

5. Use an Analytical Verb as you EXPLAIN the EFFECT of the word or

phrase. (suggests,implies,emphasises, illustrates…)

The writer’s use of…

creates a striking impression: it connotes

One comment is not always enough – extend it.

The Writer’s Effect Question
Once you have covered steps one to five,

1. Comment on the overall effect of the language.
1. Comment
2. on next
Link into the the overall effect of the language.
3. Embed
2. Link intoathe
3rd– changing it into present tense where necessary
4. Zoom-in
3. Embed a onto
quote a specific worditorinto
– changing phrase – explain
present tenseit’s effectnecessary
5. Use evaluative voice in your explanation
4. Zoom-in onto a specific word or phrase – explain it’s effect
5. Use evaluative voice in your explanation

you only need to repeat steps two to five for the next 2 examples from the text.
Then repeat the entire process again for the second paragraph & 3 examples.
Let’s try it - in pairs

• Follow steps 1 to 5 to describe the writer’s effect.

• Select a piece of imagery that reinforces the mood or atmosphere.

• etc
• etc
• etc
Let’s hear it
Has a piece of imagery been selected?

Is there an overview of the paragraph?

Is there a link leading into the quotation?
Is the quotation too short, or too long?

Has the type of language been correctly identified?

Has the writer’s intended effect been adequately explained (or simply paraphrased

without adding to it)?

Has an evaluative verb or phrase been used in the explanation?
Recap, please!
The dreaded Writer’s Effect
1. Select five images from the passage (i.e. similes or metaphors).

2.Explain the effect of the imagery you have chosen. Think about the combinations of the
words, and what they make you think and feel.

3. Choose and explain your first image with a partner.

4. Choose and explain your 2nd and 3rd images with a partner, but compare / get feedback
from another pair – edit and improve if necessary.

5. Try the last two independently.

Answering Writer’s effect questions

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