Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Economic Importance of Insects
We can divide insects in two categories- A. Beneficial insects B. Harmful insects
iv) Insects useful as drugs/medicine: Since ancient times, products derived from insects have been used long in
medicine. Some insects and their products used as medicine- like
Insects / insect products Uses
Maggots Wounds Healing
Honey Wounds Healing, skin disease, infection
Royal-jelly Post Menopausal symptoms
Ant venom Joints pain
Propolis Infection
Eanthoridin- extracted from blister beetle Useful as hair tonic
v) Insects useful as food: Example- ants, termites, grass hoppers, caterpillars, crickets, nymphs of dragon fly and
pupae of moths are used as food by human beings in many countries. And in Thailand the pupa of silkworm are used as
food for human being.
vi) Insects useful as Ornaments and entertainments: Beetle worms are used as necklace. Many artists and
designers copy the colour patterns of butterflies.
vii) Insects useful as Scientific research: Drosophila and mosquitoes are useful in the genetic and toxicological
2. Helpful insects-
i) Parasites: These are small insects which feed and live on harmful insects by completing their life cycle in a host and
kill the host insect. Example-
Egg parasitoid: e.g. Trichogramma chilinis (Trichogrammatidae) on the eggs of cotton bollworm and rice leaf folder.
Larval parasitoid: e.g. Bracon hebetor and B. brevicornis (Braconidae) on Coconut black headed caterpillar.
Cotesia plutella (Braconidae) on the larvae of diamond back moth
ii) Predators: These are large insects which capture and devour harmful insects.
Example- Lady bird beetle, Preying mantids, Lace wing bug, Syrphid fly, Rove beetle etc.
iii) Pollinators: A pollinator is an insect or other agent that moves pollen from the male anther of a flower to the
female stigma of a flower. Example- honey bees, bumblebees, pollen wasps, ants, flies, hoverflies, both butterflies and
moths, flower beetles etc. Out of all insects pollinators, honey bees are most important, they responsible for 80% of
pollination activity.
iv) Weed killers: Many insects which help in controlling weeds by feeding.
Sr. No. Bio – agents Weeds
1. Leaf beetle (Octotoma scabripennis) Lantana camara
Leaf-mining chrysomelids (Uroplata gualdi)
2. Common crap (Cyprimus carpio) Aquatic weed
Chinese crap (Neochetina sp.)
3. Sea-cow Water hyacinth
4. Parthenium beetle (Zygogramma bicolorata) Parthenium (Congress)
v) Soil builders: Soil insects such as ants, beetles, larva of cutworms, crickets make tunnels in soil and facilitate
aeration in soil. They become good manure after death and enrich soil. Excreta of insects also maintaining the quality of
vi) Scavengers: Insects which feed on dead and decaying matter of plants and animals are called as scavengers.
Insects help in the biochemical cycling of the nutrients. Example- Bark beetle, water scavenger beetle, Termites, Ants etc.
B. Harmful insects -
i) Plant/ Crop pests: (Aphids, jassids, whitefly, pod borer, semilooper, fruit fly, cater pillar etc)
ii) Household pests: (Carpet beetles, furniture beetles, cloth moth, termites and silverfish)
iii) Store grain pests: The most common insect pests of stored cereal grains are: Rice Weevil (Sitophilus
oryzae); Lesser Grain Borer (Rhyzopertha dominica); Rust Red Flour Beetle: (Tribolium spp.); Flat Grain Beetle:
(Cryptolestes spp.); Indian Meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella); Angoumois Grain Moth (Sitotroga cerealella);
Surveillance: When survey of the same area/plot or locality is carried out at regular
intervals to record some observations or to ascertain the changes in the subject of
study, it is called as surveillance. In other words pest surveillance is the close and
constant vigil on insect population in a particular area.
Objectives of survey and surveillance:
• To monitor the pest population regularly to arrive at a decision whether control measures are
required or not, if required when to initiate the control measures.
1. Roving survey-
- Assessment of pest population/damage from randomly selected spots representing
larger area
- Large area surveyed in short period
- Provides information on pest level over large area
Number of aphid/
Number of aphid/ Leaf
2 cm Twig
• Eg: Polythene bags are used to monitor sorghum ear head bug on sorghum ear heads by sudden covering
• Netting - Sweep netting
- Vacuum netting
- Aerial netting
Sweep net/ Aerial net / Aquatic net
Light traps
Used to control Helicoverpa armigera, cut worm
Water trap
Suction trap
Yellow/ Blue/ White Sticky traps
Yellow Sticky Trap
Red-sphere traps – Apple maggot
Bait / pheromone traps
Pheromone Lure trap
These traps are used to control Heliothis and stem borer insects based on lure used.
Fruit fly traps
Steiner Trap
Lynfield Trap