Unit Iii - 80286

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80186 has integrated interface units like Priority Controller,

Programmable Timer,DMA controller and address decoding circuit. It is mostly used in industrial control circuits
80286-enhancement of 8086-16 bit with no integrated peripherals. It

has Virtual memory management circuit, protection circuit and 16 Mbyte addressing capacitySupport multiuser
80386 - 32 bit -4 Gb memory each segment size up to 4GB.improved

memory management .
80486- same as 80386.main feature include build-in-8 Kbyte code/data

cache & 32 bit floating point unit

Multi user /Multi tasking is achieved by time sharing

Below we discuss the major problems encountered in

building multi tasking operating system

Terminate and stay resident (TSR) Preserving the Environment Accessing the Resources The need for protection

Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) is a computer system

call in DOS computer operating systems that returns control to the system as if the program has quit, but keeps the program in memory

Time-Slice Scheduling
Preemptive Priority based scheduling

Preserving Environment: The Register , data, pointer etc

used by an executing task are referred as environment. Separate Stack or special segment are used to store these data.

Accessing resource: Managing the common resources

using semaphore or flags. Data protection: Global data used by many task are need to control. the segment which must be protected is called critical region.

Memory Management
Bank Switching Virtual memory and Memory Management Units

Eg for overlay

Virtual Memory
Hard disk is added to the Memory Hierarchy . Hard disk become main program and data memory The DRAM function as intermediate cache and SRAM

acts as high speed cache for the DRAM In a virtual memory system the code and data segments loaded from the disk Segments which are not in the DRAM are loaded from disk If DRAM is full,one segment in DRAM is swapped out to the disk to make room for swapping in segment

There are 3 different types of loading and swapping of

code and data 1. Segments (64 K bytes) 2. Small Page (4K bytes) 3. Segment paging
Virtual memory can be managed by OS but most of

the system use hard ware device called MEMORY MANAGEMENT UNIT(MMU)

Usually in assembly level language address are

referred by logical address For eg JNZ Label Label denotes the logical address, which is represented by Base address and offset.BIU produces the physical memory address.

In 80286 when a program is compiled with an

MMU,logical address or virtual address are represented by two components 16 bit segment selector lower components is offset MMU uses this segment selector to access a descriptor table. Descriptor is a table which contains a series of segment memory location which contains physical base address of the segment.

The selector have 14 address bits and 2 privilage level

bits Since 14 address bits there are 16,384 descriptors in the descriptor table It have the virtual address space accessible upto 1 Gbytes

Features of 80286
High performance processor Large address space (16 Mb physical and 1 Gb virtual

memory) Integrated MMU, Memory protection, Virtual memory support Upward compatible modes Real mode & Protected mode 16 bit data bus 24 bit non multiplexed address bus Packaged in 68-pin ceramic pack


Four separate units

Address unit
Execution unit Bus unit

Instruction unit

24 address pins
16 data pins BHE, Status(S0,S1 and M/IO) HOLD,HLDA,INTRA,INTA,NMI,READY,LOCK and RESET

functions basically as 8086

Four pins used to interface with the coprocessors such as

MATH coprocessor PEREQ(processor extension request)-used by coprocessor to signal the 80286 to do data transfer from memory for it.

PEACK- processor extension acknowledge signal the

start of data transfer for co processor BUSY- function same as TEST signal in 8086 ERROR-asserted by the coprocessor when it finds some error

Register Set

Flag Register

Machine Status Word

MP-Monitor Processor Extension if set,allows the WAIT instruction to

generate processor extension not present exception PE-Protection Enable-enables 80286 in protected mode. EM-Emulate Processor Extension- if set causes a processor extension absent exception & permit processor emulation TS Task Switch-if set, indicates next instruction will rise exception 7.CPU test the current processor extension is for current task

Real Addressing Modes & Protected Addressing Mode

Memory is organized into logical segments. Segment

size can be anywhere between 1 Byte to 64 KByte.

Each segment has a descriptor.

Descriptor is a block of contiguous memory location

containing information of a segment like segment base address, segment limit, segment type, privilege level, descriptor type ,segment availability and segment used by another task


Segment Descriptor (Code, Data and Stack) System control Descriptor (System data & control transfer operation)

Format of the descriptor

System Segment Descriptor

Used to store system data and execution state of a task
There are 7 types of s/m descriptors Type 1-3 are called as system descriptors

Type 4-7 are called as gate descriptors (used to control

the entry points with in the code to be executed)

Bit Definition

Gate Descriptor
It controls the access to entry points of the code to be

executed ,contains information about destination control transfer, required stack manipulations, privilege level and its types There are 4 types of gate descriptors 1. call gate (used to alter privilege level) 2. task gate (used to switch one task to another) 3. interrupt gate 4. trap gate (3 & 4 used to specify corresponding service routine)

Gate Descriptor

Bit definition of gate descriptor

Segment Descriptor Cache Registers

A 6 byte segment descriptor cache register is assigned

to each of the 4 segments (CS,DS,SS and ES) A segment descriptor is automatically loaded in a segment descriptor cache register, when ever a associated segment register is loaded with a selector

Descriptor Cache Register format

Selector Fields
In the protected mode the content of segment

registers are know as Selector

0-1 indicates the selector privilege level desired

Privilege requested level (PRL) 2 Table Indicator (local or global) 3-15 -index

4 levels of privilege mechanism to access the descriptor

A transition from an outer ring to an inner ring is

made possible by using a special control-structure (known as a call gate) A transition from an inner ring to an outer ring is not nearly so strictly controlled
Task Privilege-each task has its priority or privilege at

any four levels Task privilege level at that instant is called as Current Privilege Level. It is defined lower order two bits of CS register

Descriptor privilege-Specified by DPL field

It specifies the least privilege level used to refer the

Selector Privilege specified by RPL field of selector RPL is used to ensure that the pointer parameters

passed to a more privilege procedure are not given access of data at privilege higher than the caller routine

Protection : 3 Basic mechanism

Restricted use of segments-achieved with the help of read/write privilege 2. Restricted Access to Segment- achieved with the help of DPL 3. Privileged Instruction or operations-executed by based on privilege levels determined by CPL and I/O privilege level defined by the flag register

Bus Operation
80286 provides set of signals to interface the memory

and i/o devices 82288 derives control signal from the 80286 to encode the bus cycles Memory is organized as even and odd banks of memory(A0 & BHE are used to address the banks) 80286 divides input clock freq by two to derive PCLK

Basic Six operations

I/O read, I/O write Memory read, Memory write

Interrupt Ack & Halt

At any instance 80286 has 4 states 1. Idle State(Ti) 2. Perform Command State (Tc) 3. Send Status State(Ts) 4. Hold State (TH)

Basic Bus Cycle-Read Read Cycle

Use of CMDLY to Control Command Signal

Fetch Cycles
80286 implements pipelined fetching of instruction
Theses perfected instruction are stored in a 6 byte

queue, from where the decoding and execution happens It fetches two bytes of code at a time sequentially In case of branch type instruction ,the prefecthing stops and the queue is flushed Other wise prefetch happens till the HLT instruction

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