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Small Groups

New to SLC?  •  Small Groups  •  Volunteer  •  Life Celebrations

Spiritual Life Center has a wide variety of small groups that have been created by congregants, just like yourself. These groups invite like-minded people to meet and establish a greater connection.

A Course In Miracles
Mondays at 6:30 - 8 p.m.

If you want more peace in our life, consider attending this weekly text study group facilitated by Sally Scion. You do not need your own book to attend. We have extras to share. Join the group in Mighty Networks and attend via Zoom.


Power of Silence Meditation
Thursdays at 6 - 7 p.m.

Are you looking for a way to know the Truth of your being more deeply? Is it hard to get into the practice of being in the Silence by yourself? I invite you to come together with your Spiritual Community in a practice of Silence. We meet weekly to take a deep dive into the Silence together.

We begin with a short meditation to lead us into the Silence. We sit in the Silence together for 45 minutes. In the Silence, our minds and our bodies relax, and we are present for what arises. It is your opportunity to pay attention to our inner nature, the Truth that we are. This time in the Silence is a gift you give to yourself. 

This time not only nourishes our spiritual being. Studies show that a committed practice of Silence not only has spiritual benefits, but it also nourishes our physical and emotional wellbeing. Silence helps new brain cells in the hippocampus to grow. These are responsible for the formation of emotions. Silence helps activate the brain, and helps the transfer of information from the short-term memory to long-term memory. Silence is a natural anti-stress remedy. It is vital for our brains, and just what we need to regenerate our tired brains and bodies. It’s what brings our Body, Mind, and Spirit into alignment.

But, here’s the deal: we have to do it! Come join us in the Silence. Drop-ins welcome. Love Offering.

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Raising Our Social Consciousness Book Club
Date & Time Dependent on Book Choice, Held via Zoom

Raising Our Social Consciousness Book Club seeks to explore the experiences of different populations in the United States. The group is facilitated in a way to ensure emotional safety for all participants while learning about new and sometimes challenging material.

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Lavender Lights LGBTQIA+ Allies Community
Meetings Coming Again Soon

SLC has historically had a Lavender Lights Community group, but we are currently seeking an active leader in order to start this small group back up. Qualifications: The group leader must be a community or governing member of SLC. Interested in applying to become the groups new leader? Email the SLC Board to apply.

Lavender Lights reaches out to LGBT individuals who are searching for connection and friendship through fellowship, social activities and community outreach.


Women of Spirit
First Saturdays at 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Join us to celebrate our sisterhood, make new friends, laugh, play, and grow together. Women of Spirit meets each month in-person at SLC or by Zoom depending on the monthly program.

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Men of Spirit
Third Saturdays at 9 - 10 a.m. in-person at SLC

Join us to share practical ways to apply spiritual principles that we face in today's world. Men of Spirit meets each month in-person at SLC and is facilitated by Rick Mercer and Paul Sanchez. *Men of Spirit does occasionally meet via Zoom so if you want to stay updated, please be sure to sign up for the Men of Spirit email list below.

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Interfaith Explorers
Group Currently Retired

While Rev. Dave and Rachel Lyman have retired Interfaith Explorers, SLC is still committed to building interfaith bridges. Keep an eye out for updates about interfaith events and new interfaith small groups.


Sunday Lunch Connection
Fourth Sundays at 12:45 p.m. at a new location in the community each month

Do you want to get to know more SLC attendees and members? The Sunday Lunch Connection will help you do just that. On the 4th Sunday of each month, we will be going to a nearby restaurant (or maybe the Courtyard or a park for a potluck) to have a bite to eat. It will be perfectly OK to just order a beverage or a snack.

This group is chaired by Reinhold Brooks and P.K. Nameth. Send an RSVP to P.K. by the Friday prior to the event. This will help us know how many plan to attend so we can make a reservation.

We look forward to getting to know you!

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© 2024 Spiritual Life Center.

501(c)(3) Nonprofit, Tax ID 94-3308780

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