
Returns the class associated with name if it is registered with Keras.

This function is part of the Keras serialization and deserialization framework. It maps strings to the objects associated with them for serialization/deserialization.


def from_config(cls, config, custom_objects=None):
    if 'my_custom_object_name' in config:
        config['hidden_cls'] = tf.keras.saving.get_registered_object(
            config['my_custom_object_name'], custom_objects=custom_objects)

name The name to look up.
custom_objects A dictionary of custom objects to look the name up in. Generally, custom_objects is provided by the user.
module_objects A dictionary of custom objects to look the name up in. Generally, module_objects is provided by midlevel library implementers.

An instantiable class associated with name, or None if no such class exists.