Maximal mouth opening in infants and toddlers with spinal muscular atrophy: a prospective controlled study
Zang J, Weiss D, Dumitrascu C, Glinzer J, Wegner M, Strube A, Denecke J, Niessen A, Pflug C
ORPHANET J RARE DIS. 2025;20(1):.
Swallowing Milestones in Infants and Toddlers in The First Two Years of Life: A Prospective Study
Dumitrascu C, Pflug C, Denecke J, Oh J, Zang J
2024. ESSD 2024. .
Dysphagia in progressive supranuclear palsy: A scoping review
Flynn É, Regan J, Glinzer J, O'Dowd S, Walshe M
CLIN PARKINSON RELAT. 2024;11:100283.
Dysphagia Prevalence in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Glinzer J, Flynn É, Tampoukari E, Harpur I, Walshe M
DYSPHAGIA. 2024;39(6):1052-1064.
DYSparkLE - The Effect of Carbonated Liquid on Swallowing Safety in Patients with Parkinson Disease
Glinzer J, Koseki J, Zang J, Nienstedt J, Buhmann C, Pflug C
2024. ESSD 2024. .
Akzeptanz der Telerehabilitation bei Menschen mit idiopathischem Parkinson-Syndrom und Dysphagie: Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer prospektiven, zwei-armigen, randomisiert- kontrollierten Studie
Glinzer J, Pflug C, Koseki J, Zang J, Hidding U, Buhmann C, Nienstedt J
2024. 13. Jahrestagung der DGD. .
Cricopharyngeale Achalasie im Säuglingsalter
Koseki J, Nießen A, Nienstedt J, Beime J, Bremer S, Pflug C, Zang J
2024. Aktuelle phoniatrisch-pädaudiologische Aspekte 2024. Berlin: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, .
Stiller Reflux, Stellenwert der oropharyngealen pH-Metrie und therapeutische Empfehlungen
Nienstedt J, Kalitzky A
2024. Dysphagietherapie. Keller J, Durwen H (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 239-256.
The effect of underlying diseases on pneumonia risk in patients with neurogenic or tumor-related dysphagia: a retrospective cohort study
Niessen A, Zang J, Tinat F, Nienstedt J, Müller F, Flügel T, Glinzer J, Pflug C
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2024;281(11):5991-5999.
The Effect of Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation on Swallowing Function in Parkinson’s Disease: A FEES-based, Prospective, Longitudinal Intervention Study
Pflug C
2024. ESSD 2024. .
Der Einfluss der Tiefenhirnstimulation auf das Schluckvermögen von Parkinsonpatienten
Pflug C, Nienstedt J, Müller F, Pötter-Nerger M, Koseki J
2024. Aktuelle phoniatrisch-pädaudiologische Aspekte 2024. Berlin: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, 120-121.
Automated Detection of Palatal Deformations Using Deep Learning on Endoscopic Images
Schild L, Zang J, Flügel T, Weiss D, Schlaefer A, Latus S
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. 2024;10(1):65-68.
DySMA - an Instrument to Monitor Swallowing Function in Children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy ages 0 to 24 Months: Development, Consensus, and Pilot Testing
Zang J, Witt S, Johannsen J, Weiss D, Denecke J, Dumitrascu C, Nießen A, Quitmann J, Pflug C, Flügel T
J NEUROMUSCULAR DIS. 2024;11(2):473-483.
Meilensteine der physiologischen Schluckentwicklung im Alter von 0-24 Monaten: ein Scoping Review
Dumitrascu C, Pflug C, Denecke J, Oh J, Zang J
2023. Bundesverband für Logopädie (dbl). .
Die schluckbezogene Lebensqualität von Patienten nach Strahlentherapie bei Oropharynxkarzinom
Glinzer J, Müller F, Zang J, Nienstedt J, Pflug C
2023. Deutschen interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft für Dysphagie (DGD). .
Botulinum neurotoxin type A in the interdisciplinary treatment of sialorrhea in adults and children-update and practice recommendations
Jost W, Bäumer T, Bevot A, Birkmann U, Buhmann C, Grosheva M, Guntinas-Lichius O, Laskawi R, Paus S, Pflug C, Schroeder A, Spittau B, Steffen A, Wilken B, Winterholler M, Berweck S
FRONT NEUROL. 2023;14:1275807.
Are filter- and software-based image enhancement systems equivalent when used in dysphagia diagnostics?
Nießen A, Koseki J, Glinzer J, Flügel T, Müller F, Theophil K, Nienstedt J, Pflug C, Zang J
2023. European Society for Swallowing Disorders. .
Narrow Band Imaging in Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing-How Does It Work?
Niessen A, Nienstedt J, Flügel T, Koseki J, Müller F, Zang J, Pflug C
J SPEECH LANG HEAR R. 2023;66(6):2035-2046.
Patienten mit Kopf-Hals-Tumorerkrankungen aspirieren häufiger und erleiden seltener eine Pneumonie im Vergleich zu Patienten mit neurogener Dysphagie
Nießen A, Zang J, Müller F, Koseki J, Flügel T, Nienstedt J, Pflug C
2023. Deutsche interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft für Dysphagie (DGD). .
Die Larynxfibrose nach Strahlentherapie bei Kopf-Hals-Tumor-Patienten als Ursache schwerer Dysphagien
Pflug C, Kalitzky A, Theophil K, Flügel T, Nießen A
2023. Deutsche interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft für Dysphagie (DGD). .
Eine kindliche Larynxfraktur – Operative Versorgung und Trachealkanülenmanagement
Rolfs-Schrum K, Scheidmann R, Flügel T, Böschen E, Betz C, Stock P
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2023;102(2):124-129.
Flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing in children with type 1 spinal muscular atrophy
Zang J, Johannsen J, Denecke J, Weiss D, Koseki J, Nießen A, Müller F, Nienstedt J, Flügel T, Pflug C
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2023;280(3):1329-1338.
Dysphagia in progressive supranuclear palsy: A scoping review protocol
Flynn É, Regan J, Radtke J, O'Dowd S, Walshe M
Advances in Communication and Swallowing. 2022;25(2):109-113.
Behandlung der Sialorrhoe mit Botulinum Neurotoxin Typ A – Konsentierte Praxisempfehlungen für Kinder und Erwachsene
Jost W, Bäumer T, Bevot A, Birkmann U, Buhmann C, Grosheva M, Guntinas-Lichius O, Mlynczak U, Paus S, Pflug C, Schröder S, Steffen A, Wilken B, Berweck S
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2022;90(5):212-221.
Erratum: Behandlung der Sialorrhoe mit Botulinum Neurotoxin Typ A – Konsentierte Praxisempfehlungen für Kinder und Erwachsene
Jost W, Bäumer T, Bevot A, Birkmann U, Buhmann C, Grosheva M, Guntinas-Lichius O, Mlynczak U, Paus S, Pflug C, Schröder S, Steffen A, Wilken B, Berweck S
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2022;90(5):e1.
One-Year-Follow-Up von Parkinsonpatienten mit kritischer Dysphagie
Nießen A, Hövelmann V, Müller F, Bihler M, Buhmann C, Flügel T, Koseki J, Nienstedt J, Pflug C
2022. Deutsche Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft für Dysphagie. .
The Impact of Underlying Neurogenic or Tumor-Related Disease on the Incidence of Dysphagia and Pneumonia
Nießen A, Koseki J, Flügel T, Nienstedt J, Müller F, Zang J, Pflug C
2022. European Society for Swallowing Disorders. .
Prognostic factors in non-organic hearing loss in children
Pflug C, Kiehn S, Koseki J, Pinnschmidt H, Müller F, Nienstedt J, Flügel T, Niessen A
INT J AUDIOL. 2022;61(5):400-407.
Oropharyngeale Dysphagie im Alter
Pflug C, Nienstedt J, Rösler A
HNO Nachrichten. 2022;2022(2):.
Is the ability of the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) to screen for aspiration in patients with dysphagia depending on the patients' disease?
Schlickewei O, Nienstedt J, Pflug C
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2022;279(7):3747.
Clinical Parameters for the Assessment of Swallowing Disorders in Infants with Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 1
Zang J, Flügel T, Nießen A, Koseki J, Nienstedt J, Pflug C
2022. European Socitety for Swallowing Disorders, Leuven, Belgium. .
Implementation of Pediatric Flexible-Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing: A Systematic Review and Recommendations for Future Research
Zang J, Kiehn S, Flügel T, Koseki J, Nießen A, Kim S, Pflug C, Nienstedt J
DYSPHAGIA. 2022;37(6):1822-1838.
Pediatric Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing: Critical Analysis of Implementation and Future Perspectives
Zang J, Nienstedt J, Koseki J, Nießen A, Flügel T, Kim S, Pflug C
DYSPHAGIA. 2022;37(3):622-628.
European white paper: oropharyngeal dysphagia in head and neck cancer
Baijens L, Walshe M, Aaltonen L, Arens C, Cordier R, Cras P, Crevier-Buchman L, Curtis C, Golusinski W, Govender R, Eriksen J, Hansen K, Heathcote K, Hosal S, Klussmann J, Leemans C, MacCarthy D, Manduchi B, Marie J, Nouraei R, Parkes C, Pflug C, Pilz W, Regan J, Rommel N, Schindler A, Schols A, Speyer R, Succo G, Wessel I, Willemsen A, Yilmaz T, Clavé P, Hess M
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2021;278(2):577-616.
Dysphagia Screening in Parkinson's Disease. A diagnostic accuracy cross-sectional study investigating the applicability of the Gugging Swallowing Screen (GUSS)
Frank U, Radtke J, Nienstedt J, Pötter-Nerger M, Schönwald B, Buhmann C, Gerloff C, Niessen A, Flügel T, Koseki J, Pflug C
Obere Luftwege und Kehlkopf
Hess M, Mousli A, Müller F, Gröbe A, Friedrich R
2021. Atlas der digitalen Volumentomografie. Heiland M, Smeets R, Schulze D, Habermann C (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Thieme Deutschlnad, 120-123.
The ability of the eating assessment tool-10 to detect penetration and aspiration in Parkinson's disease
Schlickewei O, Nienstedt J, Frank U, Fründt O, Pötter-Nerger M, Gerloff C, Buhmann C, Müller F, Lezius S, Koseki J, Pflug C
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2021;278(5):1661-1668.
Muss der Patient nach einer Stimmlippenoperation wirklich schweigen?
Fleischer S, Hess M
SPRACHE-STIMME-GEHOR. 2020;44(1):29-33.
Dipping and rotating: two maneuvers to achieve maximum magnification during indirect transnasal laryngoscopy
Fleischer S, Pflug C, Hess M
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2020;277(5):1545-1549.
Union of the European Phoniatricians' position statement on the exit strategy of phoniatric and laryngological services: staying safe and getting back to normal after the peak of coronavirus disease 2019 (issued on 25th May 2020)
Geneid A, Nawka T, Schindler A, Oguz H, Chrobok V, Calcinoni O, Am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen A, Neumann K, Farahat M, Abou-Elsaad T, Moerman M, Chavez E, Fishman J, Yazaki R, Arnold B, Frajkova Z, Graf S, Pflug C, Drsata J, Desuter G, Samuelsson C, Tedla M, Costello D, Sjögren E, Hess M, Kinnari T, Rubin J
Percutaneous fibre guided laser surgery of the endolarynx
Hess M, Fleischer S
ENT Audiol News. 2020;28(6):.
Influence of radiation dose to pharyngeal constrictor muscles on late dysphagia and quality of life in patients with locally advanced oropharyngeal carcinoma
Mogadas S, Busch C, Pflug C, Hanken H, Krüll A, Petersen C, Tribius S
STRAHLENTHER ONKOL. 2020;196(6):522-529.
Presbyphagia Diagnostics Using M-Mode Ultrasound: Changes in the Tongue Movement Pattern
Nienstedt J, Müller F, Rösler A, Pflug C
DYSPHAGIA. 2020;35(4):696-701.
Impact of simultaneous subthalamic and nigral stimulation on dysphagia in Parkinson's disease
Pflug C, Nienstedt J, Gulberti A, Müller F, Vettorazzi E, Koseki J, Niessen A, Flügel T, Hidding U, Buhmann C, Weiss D, Gerloff C, Hamel W, Moll C, Pötter-Nerger M
ANN CLIN TRANSL NEUR. 2020;7(5):628-638.
Oropharyngeale Dysphagie im Alter
Pflug C, Nienstedt J, Rösler A
Hamb Ärztebl. 2020;74:12-16.
Pill swallowing in Parkinson's disease: A prospective study based on flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing
Buhmann C, Bihler M, Emich K, Hidding U, Pötter-Nerger M, Gerloff C, Niessen A, Flügel T, Koseki J, Nienstedt J, Pflug C
PARKINSONISM RELAT D. 2019;62:51-56.
Is the Munich dysphagia Test–Parkinson's disease (MDT-PD) a Valid screening tool for patients at risk for aspiration?
Buhmann C, Flügel T, Bihler M, Gerloff C, Nießen A, Hidding U, Nienstedt J, Pflug C
PARKINSONISM RELAT D. 2019;61:138-143.
Ausbildungscurriculum zum Zertifikat „Diagnostik und Therapie oropharyngealer Dysphagien, inklusive FEES“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie
Graf S, Keilmann A, Dazert S, Deitmer T, Stasche N, Arnold B, Löhler J, Arens C, Pflug C
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2019;98:695-700.
Modulation of specific components of sleep disturbances by simultaneous subthalamic and nigral stimulation in Parkinson's disease
Hidding U, Gulberti A, Pflug C, Choe C, Horn A, Prilop L, Braaß H, Fründt O, Buhmann C, Weiss D, Westphal M, Engel A, Gerloff C, Köppen J, Hamel W, Moll C, Pötter-Nerger M
PARKINSONISM RELAT D. 2019;62:141-147.
Predictive clinical factors for penetration and aspiration in Parkinson's disease
Nienstedt J, Bihler M, Niessen A, Plaetke R, Pötter-Nerger M, Gerloff C, Buhmann C, Pflug C
NEUROGASTROENT MOTIL. 2019;31(3):e13524.
Cricopharyngeale Botulinumtoxin-Injektion zur Therapie der myogenen Aphonie bei Stimmprothesenträgern
Nienstedt J, Pflug C
2019. Laryngektomie. Glunz M, Reuß C, Schmitz E, Stappert H (Hrsg.). 3. Aufl. Springer, 194-197.
Swallowing speed is no adequate predictor of aspiration in Parkinson's disease
Pflug C, Niessen A, Buhmann C, Bihler M
NEUROGASTROENT MOTIL. 2019;31(12):e13713.
Pin-up Glottoplasty: Feasibility Study of a Novel Approach Medializing or Lateralizing Immobile Vocal Folds
Pflug C, Niessen A, Müller F, Precht C, Nienstedt J, Hess M
J VOICE. 2019;33(2):162-168.
Diagnostik: Leukoplakie an den Stimmlippen - Dysplasie oder Biofilm?
Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO Nachrichten. 2018;48(5):.
Nach der Stimmlippen-OP: Postoperativer Stimmgebrauch: Ist Schweigen wirklich Gold?
Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO Nachrichten. 2018;48(3):.
Nicht-apparative Kehlkopffunktionsprüfungen: Mit einfachen Tests die Larynxfunktion prüfen
Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO Nachrichten. 2018;48(6):.
Postradiogene Dysphagie bei Patienten mit Oropharynxkarzinom
Flügel T, Marsian F, Tribius S, Nienstedt J, Koseki J, Nießen A, Pflug C
2018. 35. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie (DGPP). German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, .
Klinik, Diagnostik, Therapie: Akute Stimmstörungen im Überblick
Hess M, Fleischer S
HNO Nachrichten. 2018;48(6):.
Laryngoscopic Techniques and Office-Based Phonosurgery in Neurolaryngological Disorders
Hess M, Fleischer S
2018. Neurolaryngology. Sittel C, Guntinas-Lichius O (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. 135-143.
Photoangiolytische Laser in der Laryngologie
Hess M, Fleischer S
SPRACHE-STIMME-GEHOR. 2018;42:185-191.
Recurrent respiratory papilloma treatment in the office
Hess M, Fleischer S
ENT Audiol News. 2018;27(4):91-92.
Stimmfeminisierung: Chirurgisch zur höheren Stimmlage
Hess M, Fleischer S
HNO Nachrichten. 2018;48(3):.
New 445 nm blue laser for laryngeal surgery combines photoangiolytic and cutting properties
Hess M, Fleischer S, Ernstberger M
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2018;275(6):1557-1567.
Funktionelle Hörstörungen bei Kindern erkennen
Kiehn S, Hambeck-Gaumert G, Breitfuß A, Pflug C
HNO Nachrichten. 2018;48(4):17-21.
Drooling is no early sign of dysphagia in Parkinson's disease
Nienstedt J, Buhmann C, Bihler M, Niessen A, Plaetke R, Gerloff C, Pflug C
NEUROGASTROENT MOTIL. 2018;30(4):e13259.
Laryngopharyngealer Reflux: Korrelieren Klinik und oropharyngeale 24h-pH-Metrie?
Nienstedt J, Gallucci Z, Pflug C
2018. 35. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie (DGPP). German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, .
Effiziente Schluckdiagnostik in der Praxis
Nienstedt J, Pflug C, Flügel T
HNO Nachrichten. 2018;48(3):20-24.
EZH2 overexpression in head and neck cancer is related to lymph node metastasis
Nienstedt J, Schroeder C, Clauditz T, Simon R, Sauter G, Muenscher A, Blessmann M, Hanken H, Pflug C
J ORAL PATHOL MED. 2018;47(3):240-245.
Die Pin-Up Glottoplasty - Eine Machbarkeitsstudie
Nießen A
Critical Dysphagia is Common in Parkinson Disease and Occurs Even in Early Stages: A Prospective Cohort Study
Pflug C, Bihler M, Emich K, Niessen A, Nienstedt J, Flügel T, Koseki J, Plaetke R, Hidding U, Gerloff C, Buhmann C
DYSPHAGIA. 2018;33(1):41-50.
Entwicklungen in der Dysphagiediagnostik: Vorstellung eines interdisziplinären Konzepts
Pflug C, Flügel T, Nienstedt J
HNO. 2018;66(7):506-514.
Das Schluckvermögen von Tabletten bei Dysphagie-Patienten
Pflug C, Nienstedt J, Koseki J, Flügel T, Marsian F, Nießen A
2018. 35. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie (DGPP). German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, .
Socioeconomic status and quality of life in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer
Tribius S, Meyer M, Pflug C, Hanken H, Busch C, Krüll A, Petersen C, Bergelt C
STRAHLENTHER ONKOL. 2018;194(8):737-749.
Deformation Induced Fluid Flow Behaviour of Subglottic Mucosa
Anwar H, Goodyer E, Müller F, Hess M, Farukh F, Kandan K
High-Sensitivity-FEES : Verbesserte Schluckdiagnostik mit Narrow Band Imaging
Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO Nachrichten. 2017;47(1):33-34.
High-sensitivity FEES with NBI-illumination
Fleischer S, Pflug C, Hess M
LARYNGOSCOPE. 2017;127(5):1140-1142.
Biomechanical Flow Amplification Arising From the Variable Deformation of the Subglottic Mucosa
Goodyer E, Müller F, Hess M, Kandan K, Farukh F
J VOICE. 2017;31(6):669-674.
Future techniques in phonosurgery
Hess M
2017. A Practical Guide to Laryngeal Framework Surgery. Mohan S, Young K, Judd O (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Compton Publishing, 183-195.
High-level βIII-tubulin overexpression occurs in most head and neck cancers but is unrelated to clinical outcome
Nienstedt J, Gröbe A, Clauditz T, Simon R, Muenscher A, Knecht R, Sauter G, Moebius C, Blessmann M, Heiland M, Pflug C
J ORAL PATHOL MED. 2017;46(10):986-990.
CD151 expression is frequent but unrelated to clinical outcome in head and neck cancer.
Nienstedt J, Gröbe A, Lebok P, Büscheck F, Clauditz T, Simon R, Heumann A, Sauter G, Möbius C, Münscher A, Knecht R, Blessmann M, Heiland M, Pflug C, kiehn s
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2017;21(5):1503-1508.
Narrow Band Imaging Enhances the Detection Rate of Penetration and Aspiration in FEES
Nienstedt J, Müller F, Nießen A, Fleischer S, Koseki J, Flügel T, Pflug C
DYSPHAGIA. 2017;32(3):443-448.
Schluckstörungen: Altersbedingte Dysphagie frühzeitig erkennen
Nienstedt J, Pflug C
HNO Nachrichten. 2017;47(6):19-24.
Lack of evidence for prognostic value of epidermal growth factor receptor intron-1 CA repeats for oral carcinomas
Precht C, Blessmann M, Kluwe L, Scheld T, Schön G, Henningsen A, Pflug C, Smeets R, Heiland M, Gröbe A
EUR J ORAL SCI. 2017;125(2):95-101.
Unilateral hearing loss in children: a retrospective study and a review of the current literature
Rohlfs A, Friedhoff J, Bohnert A, Breitfuss A, Hess M, Müller F, Strauch A, Röhrs M, Wiesner T
EUR J PEDIATR. 2017;176(4):475-486.
Quantification of change in vocal fold tissue stiffness relative to depth of artificial damage
Rohlfs A, Schmolke S, Clauditz T, Hess M, Müller F, Püschel K, Roemer F, Schumacher U, Goodyer E
LOGOP PHONIATR VOCO. 2017;42(3):108-117.
Dysphonie: Diagnostik und Therapie von Stimmstörungen
Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO Nachrichten. 2016;46(6):26-33.
Neue Operationstechniken bei gutartigen Stimmlippenveränderungen
Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO Nachrichten. 2016;46(4):21-25.
Heiserkeit und Räuspern behandeln
Fleischer S, Müller F, Heckmann B, Papila J, Hess M
Hamb Ärztebl. 2016;70(5):28-29.
Excisions of Laryngeal Masses
Hess M, Fleischer S
2016. Sataloff’s Comprehensive Textbook of Otolaryngology: Head & Neck Surgery (Laryngology). Sataloff R, Benninger M (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 951-958.
KTP laser in the office
Hess M, Fleischer S
ENT Audiol News. 2016;25(1):106-109.
Laryngeal framework surgery: current strategies
Hess M, Fleischer S
CURR OPIN OTOLARYNGO. 2016;24(6):505-509.
Numerical simulation of glottal flow in surgically changed larynx
Hundertmark-Zaušková A, Lehmann R, Hess M, Müller F
Proc Appl Math Mech. 2016;16:843-844.
Hörstörung bei einem blinden Jugendlichen
Nießen A, Pflug C
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2016;95(6):413-4.
Frequency-specific Animal Sound Test (FAST) 4: A valid method for hearing screening
Nolte A, Coninx F, Müller F, Hess M, Wiesner T, Dudek N, Rohlfs A
INT J PEDIATR OTORHI. 2016;81(2):68-79.
Inflectional morphology in German hearing-impaired children
Penke M, Wimmer E, Hennies J, Hess M, Rothweiler M
LOGOP PHONIATR VOCO. 2016;41(1):9-26.
Nomenclature proposal to describe vocal fold motion impairment
Rosen C, Mau T, Remacle M, Hess M, Eckel H, Young V, Hantzakos A, Yung K, Dikkers F
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2016;273(8):1995-9.
Glottal Adduction and Subglottal Pressure in Singing
Herbst C, Hess M, Müller F, Švec J, Sundberg J
J VOICE. 2015;29(4):391-402.
OSBPL2 encodes a protein of inner and outer hair cell stereocilia and is mutated in autosomal dominant hearing loss (DFNA67)
Thoenes M, Zimmermann U, Ebermann I, Ptok M, Lewis M, Thiele H, Morlot S, Hess M, Gal A, Eisenberger T, Bergmann C, Nürnberg G, Nürnberg P, Steel K, Knipper M, Bolz H
ORPHANET J RARE DIS. 2015;10:15.
Ventricular-fold dynamics in human phonation
Bailly L, Bernardoni N, Müller F, Rohlfs A, Hess M
J SPEECH LANG HEAR R. 2014;57(4):1219-42.
Vocal fold scars: current concepts and future directions. Consensus report of the Phonosurgery Committee of the European Laryngological Society
Friedrich G, Dikkers F, Arens C, Remacle M, Hess M, Giovanni A, Duflo S, Hantzakos A, Bachy V, Gugatschka M
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2013;270(9):2491-507.
Picosecond infrared laser (PIRL): an ideal phonomicrosurgical laser?
Hess M, Hildebrandt M, Müller F, Kruber S, Kroetz P, Schumacher U, Reimer R, Kammal M, Püschel K, Wöllmer W, Miller D
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2013;270(11):2927-37.
Numerical simulation of glottal flow
Hundertmark-Zaušková A, Lehmann R, Müller F, Hess M
COMPUT BIOL MED. 2013;43(12):2177–2185.
The anisotropic nature of the human vocal fold: an ex vivo study
Rohlfs A, Goodyer E, Clauditz T, Hess M, Kob M, Koops S, Püschel K, Roemer F, Müller F
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2013;270(6):1885-95.
Subglottal pressure oscillations accompanying phonation
Sundberg J, Scherer R, Hess M, Müller F, Granqvist S
J VOICE. 2013;27(4):411-21.
Does a New Photoablative Laser Set Fire On Endotracheal Tubes?
Wöllmer W, Hildebrandt M, Jowett N, Kroetz P, Franjic K, Müller F, Knecht R, Kucher S, Böttcher A, Miller R
2013. Proceedings of the International Laser Safety Conference 2013. Laser Institute of America (Hrsg.). 217.
Testing the phonemes relevant for German verb morphology in hard-of-hearing children: the FinKon-test.
Hennies J, Penke M, Rothweiler M, Wimmer E, Hess M
LOGOP PHONIATR VOCO. 2012;37(2):83-93.
Laryngopharyngeal reflux.
Karkos P, Issing W, Reichel O, Hess M
Int J Otolaryngol. 2012;2012:926806.
Screening auf umschriebene Entwicklungsstörungen des Sprechens und der Sprache (UESS): Evidenz und Herausforderungen
Kreis J, Möller D, Kasper J, Scheibler F, Steinzen A, Skipka G, von dem Knesebeck O, Lange S
LOGOS Interdisziplinär. 2012;20(1):14-22.
Distinct mutations in STXBP2 are associated with variable clinical presentations in patients with familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis type 5 (FHL5)
Pagel J, Beutel K, Lehmberg K, Koch F, Maul-Pavicic A, Rohlfs A, Al-Jefri A, Beier R, Lilian B, Ehlert K, Gross-Wieltsch U, Jorch N, Kremens B, Pekrun A, Sparber-Sauer M, Mejstrikova E, Wawer A, Ehl S, Zur Stadt U, Janka-Schaub G
BLOOD. 2012;119(25):6016-6024.
Uncommon lesions in the internal auditory canal (IAC): review of the literature and case report.
Rohlfs A, Burger R, Viebahn C, Held P, Woenckhaus M, Römer F, Strutz J
CENT EUR NEUROSURG. 2012;73(3):160-166.
Sling arytenoid adduction.
Hess M, Schröder D, Püschel K
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2011;268(7):1023-1028.
Population-based screening of children for specific speech and language impairment in Germany: a systematic review.
Kasper J, Kreis J, Scheibler F, Möller D, Skipka G, Lange S, von dem Knesebeck O
FOLIA PHONIATR LOGO. 2011;63(5):247-263.
Interdisziplinäre Sprechstunde für professionelle Sänger und Sprecher in Hamburg
Müller F
2011. Sbornik nautshnykh trudov. Rossijskaja Obshestvennaja Akademija Golosa: 104-109.
Interdisciplinary approach to design, performance, and quality management in a multicenter newborn hearing screening project. Discussion of the results of newborn hearing screening in Hamburg (part II).
Rohlfs A, Wiesner T, Drews H, Müller F, Breitfuß A, Schiller R, Hess M
EUR J PEDIATR. 2010;169(12):1453-1463.
Interdisciplinary approach to design, performance, and quality management in a multicenter newborn hearing screening project: introduction, methods, and results of the newborn hearing screening in Hamburg (Part I).
Rohlfs A, Wiesner T, Drews H, Müller F, Breitfuß A, Schiller R, Hess M
EUR J PEDIATR. 2010;169(11):1353-1360.
Whispering-A Single-Subject Study of Glottal Configuration and Aerodynamics.
Sundberg J, Scherer R, Hess M, Müller F
J VOICE. 2010;24(5):574-584.
Induction chemotherapy with paclitaxel and cisplatin followed by radiotherapy for larynx organ preservation in advanced laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer offers moderate late toxicity outcome (DeLOS-I-trial).
Dietz A, Rudat V, Dreyhaupt J, Pritsch M, Hoppe F, Hagen R, Pfreundner L, Schröder U, Eckel H, Hess M, Schröder M, Schneider P, Jens B, Zenner H, Werner J, Engenhardt-Cabillic R, Vanselow B, Plinkert P, Niewald M, Kuhnt T, Budach W, Flentje M
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2009;266(8):1291-1300.
[Hearing loss in childhood--questions for pediatric audiology]
Fleischer S, Hess M
Kinderkrankenschwester. 2009;28(4):148-154.
Frühe Sprachintervention mit Eltern: Schritte in den Dialog
Möller D, Spreen-Rauscher M
2009. Frühe Sprachintervention mit Eltern: Schritte in den Dialog. Thieme-Verlag Stuttgart: 1-118.
[Quality assurance of a universal newborn hearing screening. Recommendations of the German Society of Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audiology]
Neumann K, Nawka T, Wiesner T, Hess M, Böttcher P, Gross M
HNO. 2009;57(1):17-20.
Spasmodic dysphonia, perceptual and acoustic analysis: presenting new diagnostic tools.
Siemons-Lühring D, Moerman M, Martens J, Deuster D, Müller F, Dejonckere P
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2009;266(12):1915-1922.
Vocal cord dysfunction: an important differential diagnosis of bronchial asthma.
Kenn K, Hess M
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2008;105(41):699-704.
Artificial neural network-based classification to screen for dysphonia using psychoacoustic scaling of acoustic voice features.
Linder R, Albers A, Hess M, Pöppl S, Schönweiler R
J VOICE. 2008;22(2):155-163.
[Implementation and evaluation of a parent training for language delayed children]
Möller D, Probst P, Hess M
PRAX KINDERPSYCHOL K. 2008;57(3):197-215.
[Glottal and supraglottal configuration during whispering]
Fleischer S, Kothe C, Hess M
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2007;86(4):271-275.
The shear modulus of the human vocal fold, preliminary results from 20 larynxes.
Goodyer E, Hemmerich S, Müller F, Kobler J, Hess M
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2007;264(1):45-50.
In vivo measurement of the shear modulus of the human vocal fold: interim results from eight patients.
Goodyer E, Müller F, Licht K, Hess M
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2007;264(6):631-635.
Differential gene expression profiling of vocal fold polyps and Reinke's edema by complementary DNA microarray.
Duflo S, Thibeault S, Li W, Smith M, Goetz S, Hess M
ANN OTO RHINOL LARYN. 2006;115(9):703-714.
[The significance of videostroboscopy in laryngological practice]
Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO. 2006;54(8):628-634.
In vivo measurement of the elastic properties of the human vocal fold.
Goodyer E, Müller F, Bramer B, Chauhan D, Hess M
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2006;263(5):455-462.
Measurements of vocal fold elasticity using the linear skin rheometer.
Hess M, Müller F, Kobler J, Zeitels S, Goodyer E
FOLIA PHONIATR LOGO. 2006;58(3):207-216.
[Unilateral auditory neuropathy. A rare differential diagnosis of unilateral deafness]
Kothe C, Fleischer S, Breitfuss A, Hess M
HNO. 2006;54(3):215-220.
[Bright white vocal folds and capillary ectasias. Late sequelae after radiotherapy]
Kothe C, Fleischer S, Grundmann T, Hess M
HNO. 2006;54(4):312-314.
Office-based laryngoscopic observations of recurrent laryngeal nerve paresis and paralysis.
Fleischer S, Götz S, Hess M
ANN OTO RHINOL LARYN. 2005;114(6):488-493.
[Early diagnosis of language development disorders in children]
Kothe C, Möller D, Fleischer S
HNO. 2005;53(3):263-267.
[Experiences with 'optical' biopsies of leukoplakia of the vocal folds.]
Kothe C, Münzenmayer C, Wittenberg T, Hess M
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2005;84(2):92-95.
[Experiences with intraoperative application of prednisolone during Isshiki type I thyroplasty]
Kothe C, Schade G, Fleischer S, Grundmann T, Hess M
HNO. 2005;53(7):651-654.
[Clinical application of the endolaryngeal laser measurement technique]
Schade G, Kirchhoff T, Hess M
HNO. 2005;53(5):473-478.
[Laser measuring device for phonation]
Schade G, Kirchhoff T, Hess M
FOLIA PHONIATR LOGO. 2005;57(4):202-215.
[High speed glottographic diagnostics in laryngology]
Schade G, Müller F
HNO. 2005;53(12):1085-1086, 1088-1091.
[Endolaryngeal distance measurement by laser light projection--from the idea to clinical application]
Schade G, Rassow B, Kirchhoff T, Kraas M, Hess M
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2005;84(4):246-252.
Calcitonin gene related peptide mediates cardioprotection by remote preconditioning
Wolfrum S, Nienstedt J, Heidbreder M, Schneider K, Dominiak P, Dendorfer A
REGUL PEPTIDES. 2005;127(1-3):217-24.
[Psychotherapeutic care of dysphonic patients]
Behrendt S, Hess M
HNO. 2004;52(7):642-647.
Impaired calmodulin binding of myosin-7A causes autosomal dominant hearing loss (DFNA11).
Bolz H, Bolz S, Götz S, Kothe C, Mohrmann G, Hess M, Gal A
HUM MUTAT. 2004;24(3):274-275.
Phenotypic variability of non-syndromic hearing loss in patients heterozygous for both c.35delG of GJB2 and the 342-kb deletion involving GJB6.
Bolz H, Götz S, Ehmer S, Kothe C, Hess M, Gal A
HEARING RES. 2004;188(1-2):42-46.
Laryngeal morphometry with a new laser 'clip on' device.
Goetz S, Leuwer R, Kraas M, Rassow B, Hess M
LASER SURG MED. 2004;34(5):363-367.
[Universal hearing screening for babies--recommendations for the organization and performance of the universal screening of babies for hereditary hearing disorders in Germany]
Gross M, Buser K, Freitag U, Hess M, Hesse V, Hildmann A, Hildmann H, Hippel K, Lenarz T, Lindbauer-Eisenach U, Plinkert P, Pohlandt F, Ptok M, Reuter G, Rossi R, Schnitzer S, Thyen U, Vetter K
Z GEBURTSH NEONATOL. 2004;208(6):239-245.
[Vocal cord dysfunction--a "solely pneumatologic" illness?]
Kenn K, Hess M
HNO. 2004;52(2):103-109.
[Pronounced bilateral mesocochlear hearing impairment from 40-45 dB in spite of regular TEOAE, DPOAE and inconspicuous click-BERA]
Kothe C, Fleischer S, Blank M, Hess M
HNO. 2004;52(6):557-560.
[Vocal cord dysfunction. An important differential diagnosis to bronchial asthma]
Kothe C, Schade G, Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO. 2004;52(3):261-264.
[Influence of the head position in laryngoscopy]
Schade G, Fleischer S, Müller F, Kutta H, Hess M
HNO. 2004;52(10):921-926.
[Is there a consensus in the division of the vocal folds in thirds?]
Schade G, Hess M, Bubenheim M, Berger J
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2004;83(4):236-242.
[Voice-improving laser-surgical therapy in amyloidosis of the larynx]
Schade G, Jaehne M, Hess M
HNO. 2004;52(8):740-743.
[Phoniatry and ENT on: dagnostic and therapeutic problems with organic voice disorders]
Eckel E, Glanz H, Hess M, Nawka T, Schultz-Coulon H
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2003;82(11):756-757.
[Systematic investigation technique in videolaryngoscopy and stroboscopy]
Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO. 2003;51(2):160-167.
[Diagnosis of psychogenic hearing disorders in childhood]
Kothe C, Fleischer S, Breitfuss A, Hess M
HNO. 2003;51(11):915-920.
Forced inspiration: a laryngoscopy-based maneuver to assess the size of Reinke's edema.
Kothe C, Goetz S, Fleischer S, Hess M
LARYNGOSCOPE. 2003;113(4):741-742.
[Endoscopic assessment criteria in central laryngeal motility disturbances]
Kothe C, Schade G, Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO. 2003;51(1):52-54.
[Reinke edema--helpful in unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis?]
Kothe C, Schade G, Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO. 2003;51(10):833-835.
[Oropharyngeal vocal tract space during singing--comparison of tactile-kinesthetic and auditory perception with objective endoscopic findings]
Schade G, Adelmann W, Müller F, Mantay C, Fleischer S, Leuwer R, Bubenheim M, Berger J, Hess M
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2003;82(8):541-551.
[Hoarseness in a case of right-sided partial hearing loss, tinnitus and incomplete facial palsy. Suspected low grade astrocytoma of the medulla oblongata with involvement of cranial nerves VII, VIII and X]
Schade G, Giese A, Hess M
HNO. 2003;51(3):232-234.
[Non-invasive screening for GJB2 mutations in buccal smears for the diagnosis of inherited hearing impairment]
Schade G, Kothe C, Ruge G, Hess M, Meyer C
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2003;82(6):397-401.
[Characteristics of hearing aid management in infancy, early childhood and preschool age]
Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO. 2002;50(5):501-510.
Imaging of the larynx--extending the use of stroboscopy-related techniques.
Hess M, Ludwigs M, Kobler J, Götz S
LOGOP PHONIATR VOCO. 2002;27(2):50-58.
[Forced inspiration. A useful criterium in diagnosis of Reinke edema?]
Kothe C, Schade G, Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO. 2002;50(8):756-757.
[Chronic progressive dysphonia, dyspnea, dysphagia and globus sensation. Chondrosarcoma of the larynx with tumor-induced tracheal stenosis and infiltration of the right thyroid gland]
Schade G, Grundmann T, Jakel K, Krupski G, Leuwer R, Hess M
HNO. 2002;50(11):1012-1013.
[Clinical management of reflux laryngitis]
Schade G, Hess M
HNO. 2002;50(2):172-176.
[Endolaryngeal biopsies with local anesthesia]
Schade G, Hess M
HNO. 2002;50(10):940-942.
[Laryngoscopy in the awake infant]
Schade G, Hess M
HNO. 2002;50(9):850-852.
[Physical and technical elements of short-interval, color-filtered double strobe flash-stroboscopy]
Schade G, Hess M, Müller F, Kirchhoff T, Ludwigs M, Hillman R, Kobler J
HNO. 2002;50(12):1079-1083.
[Possibility for endolaryngeal morphometric measurements with a new laser light method]
Schade G, Hess M, Rassow B
HNO. 2002;50(8):753-755.
Remote preconditioning protects the heart by activating myocardial PKCepsilon-isoform
Wolfrum S, Schneider K, Heidbreder M, Nienstedt J, Dominiak P, Dendorfer A
CARDIOVASC RES. 2002;55(3):583-9.
A quantitative output-cost ratio in voice production.
Berry D, Verdolini K, Montequin D, Hess M, Chan R, Titze I
J SPEECH LANG HEAR R. 2001;44(1):29-37.
[Use and results of universal newborn hearing screening with ALGO portable device]
Bretschneider J, Maier H, Hess M, Leuwer R
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2001;80(7):357-364.
[Noninvasive evaluation of laryngeal function]
Fleischer S, Hess M
HNO. 2001;49(9):756-761.
[Auditory processing and perceptual disorders in childhood]
Hess M
HNO. 2001;49(8):593-597.
Vocal fold impact stress analysis.
Jiang J, Shah A, Hess M, Verdolini K, Banzali F, Hanson D
J VOICE. 2001;15(1):4-14.
[Flexible versus rigid laryngoscopy and stroboscopy. Differential findings in voice disorders]
Schade G, Hess M
HNO. 2001;49(7):562-568.
[Salivary foaming as a complication of local anesthesia with lidocaine]
Schade G, Hess M
HNO. 2001;49(11):933-935.
[Psychoacoustic scaling of acoustic voice parameters by multicenter voice ratings]
Schönweiler R, Wübbelt P, Hess M, Ptok M
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2001;80(3):117-122.
[Hearing screening of high risk newborn infants]
Finckh-Krämer U, Gross M, Bartsch M, Kewitz G, Versmold H, Hess M
HNO. 2000;48(3):215-220.
Strobophotoglottographic transillumination as a method for the analysis of vocal fold vibration patterns.
Hess M, Ludwigs M
J VOICE. 2000;14(2):255-271.
Novel approach to acoustical voice analysis using artificial neural networks.
Schönweiler R, Hess M, Wübbelt P, Ptok M
JARO-J ASSOC RES OTO. 2000;1(4):270-282.
[Manifestation of epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA) in the ENT area]
Bloching M, Dippel E, Jovanovic S, Hess M, Zouboulis C
HNO. 1999;47(5):497-501.
Pulmonary function after total laryngectomy.
Hess M, Schwenk R, Frank W, Loddenkemper R
LARYNGOSCOPE. 1999;109(6):988-994.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of voice onset by means of a multidimensional voice analysis system (MVAS) using high-speed imaging.
Köster O, Marx B, Gemmar P, Hess M, Künzel H
J VOICE. 1999;13(3):355-374.
Investigation of vocal fold impact stress in human subjects.
Verdolini K, Hess M, Titze I, Bierhals W, Gross M
J VOICE. 1999;13(2):184-202.
[Data protection for the national German Central Registry of Pediatric Hearing Disorders]
Finckh-Krämer U, Hess M, Gross M, Wienke A
HNO. 1998;46(4):339-345.
[Is diagnosis of persistent pediatric hearing loss still made too late?]
Finckh-Krämer U, Spormann-Lagodzinski M, Nubel K, Hess M, Gross M
HNO. 1998;46(6):598-602.
Hearing screening in at-risk neonate cohort.
Hess M, Finckh-Krämer U, Bartsch M, Kewitz G, Versmold H, Gross M
INT J PEDIATR OTORHI. 1998;46(1-2):81-89.
Endolaryngeal contact pressures.
Hess M, Verdolini K, Bierhals W, Mansmann U, Gross M
J VOICE. 1998;12(1):50-67.
Correspondence of electroglottographic closed quotient to vocal fold impact stress in excised canine larynges.
Verdolini K, Chan R, Titze I, Hess M, Bierhals W
J VOICE. 1998;12(4):415-423.
[Endoscopic imaging of vocal cord vibrations. Digital high speed recording with various systems]
Hess M, Herzel H, Köster O, Scheurich F, Gross M
HNO. 1996;44(12):685-693.
High-speed imaging of vocal fold vibrations and larynx movements within vocalizations of different vowels.
Maurer D, Hess M, Gross M
ANN OTO RHINOL LARYN. 1996;105(12):975-981.
Suppression of natural killer cell activity by serum derived from head and neck cancer patients.
Kumazawa H, Minamino M, Yukawa N, Hess M
CANCER DETECT PREV. 1995;19(6):494-502.
A new method for tracheoesophageal puncture under topical anesthesia.
Gross M, Hess M
LARYNGOSCOPE. 1994;104(2):233-234.
[Secondary ambulatory voice prosthesis implantation with the argon laser using local anesthesia]
Gross M, Hess M
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 1994;73(9):496-499.
High-speed, light-intensified digital imaging of vocal fold vibrations in high optical resolution via indirect microlaryngoscopy.
Hess M, Gross M
ANN OTO RHINOL LARYN. 1993;102(7):502-507.
[Individual adjustment of tracheal valves in voice prosthesis patients with morphologically aberrant stoma relations]
Hess M, Gross M, Rösler H, Horlitz S
Folia Phoniatr (Basel). 1993;45(3):130-134.
What accounts for the interindividual variability of sIgA concentration in saliva?
Kugler J, Hess M, Haake D
ANN NY ACAD SCI. 1993;694:296-298.
Morphologic analysis of three-dimensional tumors developed in fibrin matrix and agar culture system.
Kumazawa H, Hess M, Koldovsky P
PATHOBIOLOGY. 1993;61(1):31-35.
[Experimental study of airflow in the main nasal cavity of the human using a nose model]
Hess M, Lamprecht J, Horlitz S
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 1992;71(9):468-471.
Secretion of salivary immunoglobulin A in relation to age, saliva flow, mood states, secretion of albumin, cortisol, and catecholamines in saliva.
Kugler J, Hess M, Haake D
J CLIN IMMUNOL. 1992;12(1):45-49.
Contacts between nerves and lymphocytes in human tonsils.
Lamprecht J, Hess M, Novotny G
Adv Otorhinolaryngol. 1992;47:37-40.
[Neuro-otologic diagnosis after long-term exposure to wood preservatives containing pentachlorophenol]
Hess M, Haake D, Kühn A, Lamprecht J
HNO. 1991;39(3):108-110.
Reduced concentration of secretory IgA indicates changes of local immunity in children with adenoid hyperplasia and secretory otitis media.
Hess M, Kugler J, Haake D, Lamprecht J
ORL J OTO-RHINO-LARY. 1991;53(6):339-341.
[Measuring evoked otoacoustic emissions at various times during intubation anesthesia]
Hess M, Lamprecht A, Kirkopoulos S, Fournell A
Folia Phoniatr (Basel). 1991;43(2):68-73.
Influence of serum derived from patients with head and neck cancer on natural killer cell activity.
Kumazawa H, Hess M
ONCOLOGY-BASEL. 1991;48(5):372-376.
[Establishing three dimensional tumors in vitro and the reaction of the lymphokine-activated killer cells (LAK) to the three dimensional tumors]
Kumazawa H, Koldovsky P, Kürten C, Hess M, Tujikawa S, Vosteen K
AURIS NASUS LARYNX. 1991;18(3):235-269.
[A simple method for the demonstration of the bacterial spectrum in the nose and the nasopharynx in the infection-free interval in children with adenoid hypertrophy]
Hess M, Haake D, Baginski B, Hell W, Lamprecht J
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 1990;69(10):554-557.
[The effect of functional impairments and autonomic symptoms on the quality of life after the therapy of tumors in the ENT area]
Hess M, Kugler J, Kalveram K, Vosteen K
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 1990;69(12):647-652.
[Diagnosis and therapy of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo]
Hess M, Kühn A, Lamprecht J
HNO. 1990;38(7):262-265.
[Aerodynamics of respiratory flow in the nasopharynx]
Hess M, Kumazawa H, Lamprecht J
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 1990;69(1):58-60.
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