Entry Points (2024)

Course Overview

Our First Year Students' End of Year Performance with Macnas

The BA degree in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies is an exciting 4 year denominated programme developed for students with a keen interest in all aspects of drama and performance, including all forms of theatre practice. 

This world-class programme provides a unique opportunity to study drama, theatre and performance from a practical, theoretical and historical perspective. You will explore all aspects of theatre, including acting, directing, playwriting, design and more. There are also specialised classes in such areas as Musical Theatre, Theatre for Children and Young Audiences, and Arts Management. Teaching on the programme will take a variety of forms, from lectures and seminars to practical workshops, performances and internships.

One of the most innovative features of the programme is its emphasis on putting learning into practice, through seminars in acting, design and directing, through workshops with professional theatre companies, and through the option of internships with arts organisations and professional placements in Year Three.

Applications and Selections

Who Teaches this Course

Professor Patrick Lonergan 
Dr Charlotte McIvor    
Dr Ian R. Walsh       
Marianne Kennedy        
Dr Finian O’Gorman      
Dr Aideen Wylde
Mike O’Halloran, Technical Manager 

Requirements and Assessment

Key Facts

Entry Requirements

Minimum Grade H5 in two subjects and passes in four other subjects at O6/H7 level in the Leaving Certificate, including Irish, English, another language, and three other subjects recognised for entry purposes. No audition or portfolio required as part of the admissions process.

Additional Requirements

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


4 years

Next start date

September 2025

A Level Grades (2024)


Average intake


QQI/FET FETAC Entry Routes

2 (More Info)

Closing Date
NFQ level

Mode of study

ECTS weighting




Course code

Course Outline

The BA degree in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies is an exciting 4 year denominated programme developed for students with a keen interest in all aspects of drama and performance, including all forms of theatre practice. This world-class programme provides a unique opportunity to study drama, theatre and performance from a practical, theoretical and historical perspective. You will explore all aspects of theatre, including acting, directing, playwriting, design and more. There are also specialised classes in such areas as Musical Theatre, Theatre for Children and Young Audiences, and Arts Management. Teaching on the programme will take a variety of forms, from lectures and seminars to practical workshops, performances and internships.

Putting Learning into Practice

One of the most innovative features of the programme is its emphasis on putting learning into practice, through seminars in acting, design and directing, through workshops with professional theatre companies, and through the option of internships with arts organisations and professional placements in Year Three.

Partnerships and Archives

Our students benefit from our partnerships with Irish theatre companies, including the internationally acclaimed Druid Theatre, which provide workshops as part of the Druid Academy programme. Students also have full access to Abbey Theatre Digital Archive, a unique resource that provides access to thousands of plays and videos. 

Performance Spaces 

All classes in Drama and Theatre studies are taught at the O’Donoghue Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance, a dedicated performance space which includes 3 studio spaces and a state-of-the-art 120 seat theatre.

Year 1

In year one you study Drama and Theatre along with two other Arts subjects  Drama and Theatre Studies modules include:      
Introduction to Acting         
Theatre Histories 1        
Introduction to Stagecrafts        
Theatre Histories 2  

Year 2

In year Two you study Drama and Theatre along with one other Arts subject. Drama and Theatre Studies modules include: 
Modern Drama
Irish Theatre
Stagecrafts 2
Introduction to Playwriting
Contemporary Theatre      
Introduction to Devising  

Year 3

This year is fully dedicated to Drama and Theatre studies. You choose from a range of optional modules which may include:
International Theatre Experience: Study abroad       
Third Year Theatre Production
Work Experience    
Musical Theatre        
Theatre for Children and Young Audiences 
Voice and Shakespeare  

Year 4

In year Four you study Drama and Theatre along with one other Arts subject.

Drama and Theatre Studies modules include:
Arts Management
Advanced Performance Studies
Contemporary Irish Theatre
Practice Based Research Project

Curriculum Information

Curriculum information relates to the current academic year (in most cases).
Course and module offerings and details may be subject to change.

Glossary of Terms

You must earn a defined number of credits (aka ECTS) to complete each year of your course. You do this by taking all of its required modules as well as the correct number of optional modules to obtain that year's total number of credits.
An examinable portion of a subject or course, for which you attend lectures and/or tutorials and carry out assignments. E.g. Algebra and Calculus could be modules within the subject Mathematics. Each module has a unique module code eg. MA140.
Some courses allow you to choose subjects, where related modules are grouped together. Subjects have their own required number of credits, so you must take all that subject's required modules and may also need to obtain the remainder of the subject's total credits by choosing from its available optional modules.
A module you may choose to study.
A module that you must study if you choose this course (or subject).
Required Core Subject
A subject you must study because it's integral to that course.
Most courses have 2 semesters (aka terms) per year, so a three-year course will have six semesters in total. For clarity, this page will refer to the first semester of year 2 as 'Semester 3'.

Year 1 (60 Credits)

Optional Subject: Ancient Classics (20 Credits):
RequiredCC1101: Mythology and the City in Ancient Greece - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCC114: Written Words & Spoken Languages in the Ancient World - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCC1100: Classics in 20 Objects - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCC1102: Empire and Literature in Ancient Rome - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Archaeology (20 Credits):
RequiredAR113: Prehistoric Ireland & Europe - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredAR1104: Material Culture and Museums - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredAR1105: Medieval Ireland and Europe - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredAR1106: Sites and Monuments in the Landscape - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Celtic Civilisation (20 Credits):
If you choose this subject, you cannot choose International Development.
RequiredSG1100: Medieval Celtic Literature A - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredSG1101: Medieval Celtic Literature B - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredSG111: Early & Medieval History of the Celts - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredSG116: Celtic Mythology, Religion & Folklore - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Required Core Subject: Drama and Theatre (20 Credits):
RequiredDT1115: Introduction to Acting - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredDT1108: Theatre Histories 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredDT1109: Theatre Histories 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredDT1105: Introduction to Stagecraft - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Economics (20 Credits):
RequiredEC1108: Skills for Economics I - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredEC135: Principles of Microeconomics - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredEC1109: Skills for Economics II - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredEC136: Principles of Macroeconomics - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: English (20 Credits):
RequiredEN124: Introduction to English 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredEN1101: Literature and the Social World - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredEN1106: Exploring English - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredEN125: Introduction to English 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: French (20 Credits):
RequiredFR1100: Introduction to French Language and Culture - 15 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredFR1101: Introduction to French Literature in Context - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Gaeilge (20 Credits):
RequiredNG1105: An Teanga Bheo - 10 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredNG1106: Litríocht agus Cultúr na Linne - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredNG1107: Scéal agus Pobal na Gaeilge - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Geography/Tíreolaíocht (20 Credits):
RequiredTI1100: Geography in Practice - 10 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredTI150: Principles of Human Geography - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredTI151: Principles of Physical Geography - 5 Credits - Semester 1

Optional Subject: German (Advanced) (20 Credits):
RequiredGR1100: German Language and Culture (Advanced) - 15 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredGR1102: Skills for studying German (Advanced) - 5 Credits - Semester 1

Optional Subject: German (Beginners) (20 Credits):
RequiredGR1101: German Language and Culture (Beginners) - 15 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredGR1103: Skills for studying German (Beginners) - 5 Credits - Semester 1

Optional Subject: Global Media (20 Credits):
RequiredAJ1104: Digital Literacy Essentials - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredAJ1100: History of Media - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredAJ1106: Pop Culture, Media and Society - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredAJ1102: Introduction to Media and Communication Studies - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: History (20 Credits):
RequiredHI1103: Europe and Ireland 1789 - 1918 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredHISK1101: Skills for Historians (1) - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredHI1106: Early Cultural Encounters in Ireland and the Americas - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredHISK1102: Skills for Historians (2) - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: International Development (20 Credits):
If you choose this subject, you cannot choose Psychology.
If you choose this subject, you cannot choose Celtic Civilisation.
If you choose this subject, you cannot choose Law.
RequiredDEV1103: Introduction to International Development - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredHR101: Introduction to Human Rights I - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredDEV1100: Introduction to Sustainable Development I - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredHR102: Introduction to Human Rights II - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Italian (20 Credits):
RequiredIT1100: Italian Language and Culture - 15 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredIT1101: Italy at the movies - 5 Credits - Semester 1

Optional Subject: Law (20 Credits):
If you choose this subject, you cannot choose International Development.
RequiredLW3109: Tort Law - 10 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredLW3160: Introduction to Law - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredLW126: Legal Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Léann na Cumarsáide (20 Credits):
RequiredCG1100: Scéalaíocht Dhigiteach - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCG1105: Bunús na hIriseoireachta - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCG1107: Cleachtas Léirithe na Meán 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCG1104: Na Meáin agus an tSochaí - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Mathematics (20 Credits):
OptionalMA185: Analysis and Algebra 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA131: Mathematical Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA133: Analysis and Algebra 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA187: Mathematical Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalMA186: Analysis and Algebra 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalMA135: Analysis and Algebra 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredMA208: Quantitative Techniques for Business - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Modern Irish Culture Studies: Literature & Music (20 Credits):
RequiredISSK1100: Introducing Modern and Contemporary Irish Literature - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredIS1100: Irish Music and Emigration - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredIS1103: Introducing Irish Traditional Music & Dance since 1893 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredIS1104: The Migrant Experience in Modern Irish Writing - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Performance and Screen Studies (20 Credits):
RequiredFS101: Introduction to Film Studies I: Form - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredPSS1100: Introduction to Performance Studies - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredFM1100: Introduction to Visual Culture - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredPSS1101: Performing and Screening Ireland - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Philosophy (20 Credits):
RequiredPI107: Introduction To The History Of Philosophy - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredPI120: Philosophical Questions & Issues - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredPISK1102: Critical Thinking and Logic - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredPI108: Introduction To Practical Ethics - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Psychology (20 Credits):
If you choose this subject, you cannot choose International Development.
RequiredPS1103: Introduction to Research Methods and Practical Skills in Psychology - 10 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredPS122: Introductory Psychology 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredPS124: Introductory Psychology 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Spanish (Beginners) (20 Credits):
RequiredSH1100: Intensive Beginners Spanish Language and Culture - 15 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredSH1102: Mundo hispano: An Introduction to the Hispanic World - 5 Credits - Semester 1

Optional Subject: Spanish (Intermediate) (20 Credits):
RequiredSH1102: Mundo hispano: An Introduction to the Hispanic World - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredSH1101: Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture - 15 Credits - Semester 1

Year 2 (60 Credits)

Optional Subject: Ancient Classics (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Classics in the previous year / semester.
This subject is available if you studied Ancient Classics in the previous year / semester.
OptionalCC2103: Mediterranean Origins - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalCC230: Beginning Latin Part 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalCC2105: Heroic Epic - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalCC2104: The City-State - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCC232: Beginning Latin Part 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalSG217: A Field of Gods & Men: Celtic Myths - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCC2107: Science and God - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: Archaeology (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Archaeology in the previous year / semester.
OptionalTI254: Space, Place and the Irish Landscape - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredAR246: Castles, Colonists & Crannogs 1100-1350 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalAR2103: Archaeology and Irish Identity – Celts, Christians, Vikings - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredAR245: Archaeology in Practice - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredAR236: Interpretation in Archaeology - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredAR2106: Introduction to Archaeological Excavation - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredAR334: Ancient Civilisations: The Rise of Complex Societies - 5 Credits - Semester 3

Optional Subject: Celtic Civilisation (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Celtic Civilisation in the previous year / semester.
OptionalSG221: Medieval Irish Language I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalSG223: Society & Social Institutions in the Celtic-speaking West - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalAR246: Castles, Colonists & Crannogs 1100-1350 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalSG216: The Stories of Medieval Wales - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalCC230: Beginning Latin Part 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI2110: Making Ireland English: 1580-1665 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalCC2105: Heroic Epic - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalSG219: The Celtic Languages in the Modern World - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalSG217: A Field of Gods & Men: Celtic Myths - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalSG222: Medieval Irish Language II - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalSG220: King Arthur & the Holy Grail - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCC232: Beginning Latin Part 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalAR2103: Archaeology and Irish Identity – Celts, Christians, Vikings - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalCC2107: Science and God - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Required Core Subject: Drama Theatre (30 Credits):
OptionalDT2114: Fail Better: Taking Risks and Developing Resilience - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalDT2106: Irish Theatre - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMG3113: Megatrends - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredDT2107: Stagecraft 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredDT2105: Modern Drama - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMG3115: Megatrends - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredDT201: Introduction to Devising - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredDT204: Introduction to Playwriting - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredDT2104: Contemporary Theatre - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: Economics (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Economics in the previous year / semester.
RequiredEC207: Irish Economic History - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredEC269: Intermediate Microeconomics - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredEC273: Mathematics for Economics - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEC247: Introduction to Financial Economics - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEC259: Economics of Public Policy - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredEC268: Intermediate Macroeconomics - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredEC275: Statistics for Economics - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: English (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied English in the previous year / semester.
OptionalEN2166: Seduction, Sexuality, and Race: Early Modern Identities - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2102: Renaissance Drama - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2106: Shakespearean Comedies - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2107: Shakespearean Comedies - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2154: Exploring Shakespeare (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2112: Creative Writing - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2173: Travel Writing in the Arctic - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2133: Media, Culture, Society - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2185: Stories Told and Re-Told - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2308: Spenser: The Faerie Queene (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2306: History Of the English Language (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2191: Eighteenth-Century Writing (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2175: Postcolonial Literature (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN3152: The Sonnet (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2181: Special Topic S1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEN2114: Renaissance Drama - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEN2116: Shakespearean Comedies - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEN2155: Exploring Shakespeare (S2) - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalAJ2114: Communicating Through Storytelling - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEN264: Studies In Medieval Literature - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEN2100: Creative Writing - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEN2174: Exploring Shakespeare (S2) - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEN2176: Postcolonial Literature (S2) - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEN2179: 19th Century Detective Fiction S2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEN2182: Special Topic S2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEN2187: Jane Austen S2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEN2189: Nineteenth-Century Writing S2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalENG304: Contemporary Literature - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalENG203: Genre Studies - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: French (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied French in the previous year / semester.
RequiredFR269: Lecture du français: Textes, Contextes, Idées - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredFR266: French Language 5 - 10 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredFR270: Langue poétique/ langue vivante - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalFR2100: Expressing French and Francophone Identities - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredFR267: La France mise en scène - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: Gaeilge (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Gaeilge in the previous year / semester.
RequiredNG227: Teanga Na Nua-Ghaeilge I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredNG2100: An tSochtheangeolaíocht - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredNG2101: An Gearrscéal sa Ghaeilge - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalNG2103: Teanga na Sean-Ghaeilge I - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalNG2107: Ainmneacha, Sloinnte agus Logainmneacha na hÉireann - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalNG2102: Scannánaíocht na Gaeilge - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalMA2104: Matamaitic don Inbhuanaitheacht (Mathematics for Sustainability) - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalNG2111: Scríbhneoireacht Mháirtín Uí Chadhain - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredNG2109: Téamaí i Nuafhilíocht na Gaeilge - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredNG228: Teanga Na Nua-Ghaeilge II - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: Geography/Tíreolaíocht (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Geography/Tíreolaíocht in the previous year / semester.
OptionalTI254: Space, Place and the Irish Landscape - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalTI2102: Introduction To GIS - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalTI229: Political & Cutural Geography: Identity, Race & the Nation - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalTI235: Biogeography - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalTI216: Aimsir Agus Aeraid/ Weather And Climate - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBSS2103: Introduction to Sustainability 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredTI251: Theory & Practice in Geography I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalTI2108: Introduction to Palaeoclimatology - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalAJ2114: Communicating Through Storytelling - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalTI248: Coastal Environments - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalTI2109: Sustainable Planning in Marine Environments - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalTI236: Environmental Planning: Principles & Processes - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredTI252: Theory & Practice in Geography II - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: German (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied German (Beginners) in the previous year / semester.
This subject is available if you studied German (Advanced) in the previous year / semester.
RequiredGR239: History of German Literature & Culture I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredGR236: German Language I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredGR238: German Studies I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredGR237: German Language II - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredGR240: German Studies II - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredGR235: History of German Literature & Culture II - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: Global Media (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Global Media in the previous year / semester.
OptionalAJ2112: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMG3113: Megatrends - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBSS2103: Introduction to Sustainability 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalAJ2122: Social Class and Media Culture - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredAJ2109: Understanding Media Audiences - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredAJ2102: Power without Responsibility - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMG3115: Megatrends - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalBSS2104: Introduction to Sustainability 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredAJ2121: Media and Visual Cultures - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredAJ2123: The Media and Global Migration - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredAJ2100: Online and Social Media: Theory and Practice - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: History (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied History in the previous year / semester.
OptionalHI2155: Cultural Heritage & Public History - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI2150: Europe, 1918-49 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI2146: The Making & Breaking of Britain - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalTI255: Earth Surface Landforms and Processes - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI2157: The Reformation: Tolerance and Intolerance in Early Modern Society - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI2160: Ireland since Independence - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI2158: Global History and Modern Capitalism:1400-1820 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalENL2100: ENLIGHT University Alliance UG (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI431: French Mobilisation and the Great War, 1914-24 - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI2151: Europe since 1950 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI166: Ireland in the 1950s - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI2103: Monarchy & Society in Early 17th Century France - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI2159: Land and Revolution in Ireland, 1879-1922 - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalENL2101: ENLIGHT University Alliance UG (S2) - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI494: British Social Movements Since 1945: Sex, Colour, Peace and Power - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI292: Central Europe, 1867-1918 - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: International Development (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied International Development in the previous year / semester.
RequiredDEV2104: Food Systems and Geographies - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredDEV2102: Development Policy and Practice - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredDEV2101: Sustainable Agriculture - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredHR2103: Contemporary Issues in Human Rights Protection - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredDEV2103: International Development Seminar - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredDEV2100: Comparative Rural Business Development - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: Italian (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Italian in the previous year / semester.
RequiredIT238: Italian Culture & Society I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredIT235: Intermediate Language I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredIT2101: Oral (Communication and Presentation Skills) - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredIT237: Applied Language Skills: Intercultural Studies - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredIT236: Intermediate language II - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredIT239: Italian Culture & Society II - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredLW202: Contract I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredLW228: Constitutional Law II - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredLW3161: Advanced Legal Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalLW232: Housing Law & Policy - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalLW358: Environmental Law II - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalLW3162: International and Comparative Disability Rights - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalAJ2114: Communicating Through Storytelling - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredLW227: Constitutional Law I - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredLW205: Contract II - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: Léann na Cumarsáide (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Léann na Cumarsáide in the previous year / semester.
OptionalEX025: Previous Yr Exemption - 25 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEX015: Previous Yr Exemption - 15 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEX020: Previous Yr Exemption - 20 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEX005: Previous Yr Exemption - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEX010: Previous Yr Exemption - 10 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredGA117: Dlí, Eiticí agus an Córas Poiblí - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredCG2100: Anailís na Meán - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredCG2101: Craoltóireacht - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredCG2103: Teicneolaíochtaí na Meán - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredCG2106: Cleachtas Léirithe na Meán 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredGA212: Na Meáin Chraolta - 5 Credits - Semester 3

Optional Subject: Mathematical Studies (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Mathematics in the previous year / semester.
RequiredST2001: Statistics for Data Science 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredMA284: Discrete Mathematics - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredMA211: Calculus I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBSS2104: Introduction to Sustainability 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredST2002: Statistics for Data Science 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredMA203: Linear Algebra - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredMA212: Calculus II - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalST1111: Probability Models - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalST2001: Statistics for Data Science 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredMA2286: Differential Forms - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredMA284: Discrete Mathematics - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalST1112: Statistical Methods - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalST2002: Statistics for Data Science 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredMA2287: Complex Analysis - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredMA283: Linear Algebra - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: Modern Irish Culture Studies: Literature & Music (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Modern Irish Culture Studies: Literature & Music in the previous year / semester.
OptionalIS2102: Festival, Ritual and Commemoration - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalIS2104: Claiming Place in Gaelic Irish Literature - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalIS2105: Popular Music, Cultural Identities and Ireland - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalIS2107: Negotiating Identities: Aspects of 20th Century Irish Writing S1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalIS2100: Music, Gender and Ireland - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalIS2103: Irish Landscapes, Culture and Literature - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalIS2108: Negotiating Identities: Aspects of 20th Century Irish Writing S2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: Performance and Screen Studies (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Performance and Screen Studies in the previous year / semester.
OptionalPSS2102: The Live Arts Event: Theory and Practice (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPSS2104: Sport and Performance - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPS3108: Design Thinking - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBI3103: Career Development and Employability Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPS3123: Exploring Routes to Wellbeing - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredPSS2100: Body and Performance - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredFM2101: Introduction to Film Theory - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPSS2101: Activism and Performance - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalFS2100: Themes in European Cinema - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalFS304: Digital Storytelling - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalED2104: Design Your Life Semester 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalSP3212: Navigating the Digital World - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: Philosophy (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Philosophy in the previous year / semester.
OptionalPI210: Moral And Political Philosophy - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPI248: Phenomenology - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPI240: Bioethics - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPI2113: Topics in Ancient Philosophy - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredPI2111: Themes in the History of Modern Philosophy 1: Rationalism - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPI2102: Formal Logic - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPI2105: Philosophical Inquiry through P4C - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPI241: History Of Irish Thought - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalED2104: Design Your Life Semester 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPI2101: Information Ethics - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPI207: Philosophy Of Art - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredPI2112: Themes in the History of Modern Philosophy 2: Empiricism and Beyond - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredPS403: Biological Psychology - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredPS338: Theories of Personality - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredPS214: Developmental Psychology 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredPS219: Research Methods in Psychology - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredPS428: Social Psychology - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredPS3122: Cognitive Psychology - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Optional Subject: Spanish (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Spanish (Intermediate) in the previous year / semester.
This subject is available if you studied Spanish (Advanced) in the previous year / semester.
This subject is available if you studied Spanish (Beginners) in the previous year / semester.
OptionalSH2101: Spanish Language II A: Ex-Intermediate - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalSH2100: Spanish Language II B: Ex-Beginner - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredSH232: Hispanic Literature & Culture I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredSH2102: Spoken Spanish and Oral Presentation Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredSH236: Cultural Debates in Latin America - 5 Credits - Semester 3
RequiredSH2103: Spanish Language II C - 5 Credits - Semester 4
RequiredSH233: Hispanic Literature & Culture II - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalBSS2104: Introduction to Sustainability 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Year 4 (60 Credits)

Optional Subject: Ancient Classics (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Ancient Classics in the previous year / semester.
OptionalCC230: Beginning Latin Part 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCC3102: Studying Greek Figured Pottery - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCC3113: Latin Literature in the Age of Nero - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCC316: Barbarians - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCCS315: Intermediate Latin 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalSG3100: The Cultural Impact of Christianity on Ireland - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCC232: Beginning Latin Part 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCC3100: Pompeii - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCCS306: Iconography - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCCS307: Ireland & the Ancient World - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCCS316: Intermediate Latin 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Archaeology (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Archaeology in the previous year / semester.
RequiredAR3100: Metal, Warfare, and Chiefdoms - The Bronze Age Roots of European Civilization - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredAR343: Public Archaeology - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredAR2101: Early Kingship: From Chaos to Cosmos - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredAR3104: Archaeological Post-excavation - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalAR325: Minor Dissertation - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalBSS2104: Introduction to Sustainability 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalAR347: Palaeoecology - Reconstructing Past Environments - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredAR3101: Landscape and Archaeology: Context and Practice - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Celtic Civilisation (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Celtic Civilisation in the previous year / semester.
OptionalSG3100: The Cultural Impact of Christianity on Ireland - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalSG313: The Poetry of Medieval Wales c.600-1100 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalAR3100: Metal, Warfare, and Chiefdoms - The Bronze Age Roots of European Civilization - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCC230: Beginning Latin Part 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalSG221: Medieval Irish Language I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalSG317: Medieval Irish Language III - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalSG318: Research Project - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCC316: Barbarians - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalSG3103: Poets and Patrons: Gaelic Literature c.1100-1600 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCC232: Beginning Latin Part 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCCS307: Ireland & the Ancient World - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalSG222: Medieval Irish Language II - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalSG319: Medieval Irish Language IV - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalSG316: The Celtic Languages & their Relatives - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalSG320: Medieval Women in the Celtic-speaking West - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalSG3102: Celtic Onomastics - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalAR3101: Landscape and Archaeology: Context and Practice - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Required Core Subject: Drama Theatre (30 Credits):
OptionalDT4101: Contemporary Irish Theatre - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalDT2114: Fail Better: Taking Risks and Developing Resilience - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredDT4102: Performance Studies - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalDT4108: Arts Management - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredDT4107: Practice-based Research Project - 10 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Economics (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Economics in the previous year / semester.
OptionalEC369: Money And Banking - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEC3105: Econometrics - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEC345: Health Economics - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEC388: Environmental And Natural Resource Economics - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredEC3101: Microeconomics and Public Policy - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEC3100: Economics and Philosophy - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEC362: Economics Of Financial Markets - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEC386: Public Economics - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEC429: Marine Economics - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEC3106: Behavioural Finance - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEC3104: Agricultural and Food Economics - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEC357: Development Economics - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredEC3102: Macroeconomics and Public Policy - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: English (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied English in the previous year / semester.
OptionalEN3109: Poetry of the First World War - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEN3110: Poetry of the First World War - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEN3105: 20th Century Children's Fiction - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEN3144: Empire Writing (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEN3141: North American Literature - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEN3160: Autism Fictions, Autistic Writing (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEN3172: Transformations of the Novel (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEN3164: World Literature (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEN3180: Special Theme S1 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEN3184: The hero's quest monomyth in medieval and modern literature & 20th C film (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalIS2107: Negotiating Identities: Aspects of 20th Century Irish Writing S1 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEN3138: Literature in the Digital Age - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalENG238: Nineteenth Century British Literature - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEN3168: Contemporary Irish Writing S1 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEN3111: Poetry of the First World War - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEN3112: Poetry of the First World War - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEN3137: James Joyce, Ulysses (S2) - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEN3120: Technology and Culture B - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEN385: Drama And Theatre Studies - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEN3145: Empire Writing (S2) - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEN3173: Transformations of the Novel (S2) - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEN3178: African Fiction S2 - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEN3165: World Literature (S2) - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEN3181: Special Theme S2 - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalIS2108: Negotiating Identities: Aspects of 20th Century Irish Writing S2 - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEN3116: Literature and Environmental Crisis B - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEN4112: Ecology and Literature - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalENG228: Old English Poetry - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEN3161: Autism Fictions, Autistic Writing (S2) - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: French (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied French in the previous year / semester.
RequiredFR379: French Language 6 - 10 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredFR371: French Literature & Culture 7 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredFR3100: French Literature and Culture 11 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredFR380: French and Francophone Studies 11 - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredFR366: French and Francophone Studies 10 - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Gaeilge (Cursa A) (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Gaeilge in the previous year / semester.
OptionalNG4102: Miontráchtas Taighde i Léann na Gaeilge - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalWE111: Introduction to Welsh Language I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalNG4107: Teanga na Sean-Ghaeilge II - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalNG4106: Ainmeolaíocht na Gaeilge - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalNG4103: Scannánaíocht na Gaeilge - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalNG4112: Scríbhneoirí Thír Chonaill - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredNG4101: Filí agus Filíocht na Gaeilge, 700-1900 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredNG4113: Teanga Na Nua-Ghaeilge 111 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredNG4109: Próslitríocht na Gaeilge - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredNG4105: An Béaloideas - An Scéalaíocht - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredNG4114: Teanga Na Nua-Ghaeilge IV - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Geography/Tíreolaíocht (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Geography/Tíreolaíocht in the previous year / semester.
OptionalTI326: War & Representation: Spaces & Politics of the Media - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalTI369: Geographical Perspectives on Rural Change - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalTI303: Coastal Dynamics - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalTI3127: Critical Geographies of Children - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalTI3128: Palaeoceanography - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMG3117: Intercultural Encounters - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalTI324: Urban Geography: Planning the Modern City - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredTI335: Research Project Design & Development - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalTI338: Palaeoecology - Reconstructing Past Environments - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalTI311: Advanced Gis - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalTI3117: Migration, Mobility and Belonging - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalMG3115: Megatrends - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: German (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied German in the previous year / semester.
OptionalGR337: German Cultural Studies I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredGR341: German Language I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredGR338: German Cultural Studies II - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGR339: German Cultural Studies III - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredGR340: German Cultural Studies IV - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredGR342: German Language II - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Global Media (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Global Media in the previous year / semester.
OptionalAJ4110: Independent Research Project - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalAJ4115: Gender, Race and the Media - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalAJ4117: Rehabilitating Reality: studies and strategies to strength factual storytelling - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalAJ4113: Bursting the Western Bubble: Alternative Media Systems and the Global South - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalFS201: Screening Ireland: Ireland & the Irish in Film & Television - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredAJ4114: Contemporary Issues in Media - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredAJ4106: Media Research Methods - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalAJ4105: Media Law and Ethics - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalAJ4116: Crime, Criminals and the Media - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredAJ4102: Global Political Economy of the Mass Media - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: History (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied History in the previous year / semester.
OptionalHI167: Power and Conflict in Northern Ireland, 1963-1972 - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalHI3100: Brave New World: Globalisation since 1945 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalHI3102: The Irish and Colonial Australasia 1788-1901 - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalHI3112: The First World War: Transnational perspectives - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalHI3123: Power and Pleasure at Versailles: The Reign of Louis XIV of France, 1661-1715 - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalHI3194: The Environment Since 1945 - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalHI168: Coming to Terms with the Nazi Past - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalHI3196: The Great Irish Famine - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalHI3197: Topics in Modern Irish History - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalENL2100: ENLIGHT University Alliance UG (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalHI3200: Topics in the History of Race and Ethnicity - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalHI362: Party & Power In 19th & 20th Century British History. - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalHI2156: Revolutionary Technologies, from Steam to Green - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalHI3198: Themes in Modern Irish History - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalENL2101: ENLIGHT University Alliance UG (S2) - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalHI3201: Themes in the History of Race and Ethnicity - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Italian (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Italian in the previous year / semester.
RequiredIT342: Italian Culture & Society III - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredIT324: Language 111 - 10 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredIT346: Oral, Presentation and Transferable Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredIT343: Italian Culture & Society IV - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredIT344: Italian Childrens Literature - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Law (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Law in the previous year / semester.
RequiredLW503: European Union Law I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredLW4103: Administrative Law I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredLW409: Criminal Law I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredLW504: European Union Law II - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredLW4104: Administrative Law II - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredLW413: Criminal Law II - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Léann na Cumarsáide (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Léann na Cumarsáide in the previous year / semester.
RequiredGA413: Geilleagar na Meán - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredCG4102: Lucht Féachana na Meán - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredCG2104: Scriptscríobh - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredGA402: Iriseoireacht Fheidhmeach - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredCG4101: Dúshláin na Meán Sóisialta - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredCG4103: Tionscadal Deireadh Céime - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Mathematical Studies (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Mathematical Studies in the previous year / semester.
OptionalST311: Applied Statistics I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCS3304: Logic - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredMA313: Linear Algebra I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredMA335: Algebraic Structures - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCS402: Cryptography - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalST312: Applied Statistics II - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredCS3101: Software for Mathematical Scientists and Educators - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredMA334: Geometry - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredMA302: Complex Variable - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Mathematics (Honours) (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Mathematics in the previous year / semester.
OptionalMA490: Measure Theory - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalST311: Applied Statistics I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCS3304: Logic - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMA341: Metric Spaces - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMA416: Rings - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalST417: Introduction to Bayesian Modelling - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalST2003: Random Variables - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredMA3343: Groups - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBSS2104: Introduction to Sustainability 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredMA3101: Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalST312: Applied Statistics II - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalMA482: Functional Analysis - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalMA461: Probabilistic Models for Molecular Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCS402: Cryptography - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalMA4344: Advanced Group Theory - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalST2004: Statistical Inference - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCS4423: Networks - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredMA3491: Fields and Applications - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredMA342: Topology - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Modern Irish Culture Studies: Literature & Music (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Modern Irish Culture Studies: Literature & Music in the previous year / semester.
RequiredIS3100: Introducing Literary and Cultural Theory - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredIS3101: Topics in Irish Music Studies - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredIS3102: Topics in Irish Literature Studies - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredIS3103: Independent Project in Irish Studies - 15 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Performance and Screen Studies (30 Credits):
OptionalFM4100: Gender and Sexuality Onscreen - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalFM4101: Media & Audiences - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalFM4106: Documentary and Creative Non-Fiction on Screen - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredPSS3100: Performance and Screen Studies Capstone Project I : Research Methodologies - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalFM4108: Sport and Cinema - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalFM4110: Television Drama - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalFS305: Early and Silent Film (1895 - 1927) - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalFS308: Film Studies Abroad - 25 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredPSS3102: Applied Performance in Educational, Social and Community Contexts - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredPSS3101: Performance and Screen Studies Capstone Project II: Thesis Project - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Philosophy (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Philosophy in the previous year / semester.
OptionalPI3104: Philosophy of Culture in Context - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPI315: Philosophy of Mind - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPI3103: Environmental Ethics - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPI3106: Formal Logic 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPI335: Moral Theory - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPI3107: Philosophy of Science - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPI399: Extended Essay - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPI327: Philosophy Of Religion - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPI310: Topics In Applied Philosophy: Disability, Poverty And Human Freedom - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPI3105: Philosophy of Nature - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPI129: Advanced Philosophical Text - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPI3100: Kant's Theoretical Philosophy - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalSP3211: Empathy in Action - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Psychological Studies (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Psychological Studies in the previous year / semester.
OptionalPS342: Introduction to Positive Psychology - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPS408: Human Sexuality - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPS409: Psychology, Science & Pseudoscience - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredPS334: Applied Behaviour Analysis - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredPS322: Health Psychology - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPS3114: Introduction to Communication Skills and Counselling - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPS345: Applied Developmental Psychology - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPS336: Psychology, Society & Human Values - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalLW365: Criminology - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPS341: Introduction to Collaborative Enquiry & Applied Systems Science - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredPS3100: Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredPS427: Forensic, Abnormal & Clinical Psychology - 5 Credits - Semester 8

Optional Subject: Spanish (30 Credits):
This subject is available if you studied Spanish in the previous year / semester.
RequiredSH339: Spanish Language III - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredSH336: Hispanic Literature & Culture III - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredSH337: Hispanic Literature & Culture IV - 5 Credits - Semester 7
RequiredSH3104: Hispanic Research: From Theory to Practice - 5 Credits - Semester 8
RequiredSH340: Spanish Language IV - 10 Credits - Semester 8

Further Education

Graduates of this degree have engaged in further study in a variety of areas. Many have gone on to engage in further training in acting, design, directing and/or playwriting. Others have specialized in arts management and arts policy. Some have engaged in work in specialized areas such as Musical Theatre, and some have gone on to develop academic careers. 

Because your degree allows you to graduate with a second arts subject, our graduates can also engage in further study in their other area. Students have gone on to take further study in Education (training to be a secondary school teacher), Psychology, Law, languages, and much more. 


Why Choose This Course?

Career Opportunities

  • Creative Industries are one of Ireland’s greatest international strengths
  • Builds key skills – presentations, group work, writing, improvisation
  • Small classes
  • Theatre- Makers – our graduates are theatre-makers who have a broad range of skills in all areas of theatre including acting, directing, design, playwriting, devising, performance analysis. This makes our graduates more versatile, employable, and entrepreneurial.
  • O’Donoghue Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance: state of the art facilities including 3 x studio spaces and a 120-seat theatre.
  • Opportunities to be in productions, behind the scenes and on stage
  • Partnerships: Druid, Galway International Arts Festival, Abbey theatre, Gate theatre and more
  • A four-year degree (including optional work placements and study abroad)
  • Strong international links
  • Theatre archives, including Abbey Theatre Digital Archives, Gate Theatre Digital Archives and other resources including Drama Online a database with hundreds of playscripts and Digital Theatre + and National Theatre Live, databases with videos of major productions.

Who’s Suited to This Course

Learning Outcomes

Transferable Skills Employers Value

Work Placement

Study Abroad

Related Student Organisations

Course Fees

Fees: EU

€5,598 p.a. (€5,738 p.a. including levy) 2025/26

Fees: Tuition

€2,598 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Student Contribution

€3,000 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Student levy

€140 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Non EU

€20,500 p.a. (€20,640 including levy). 2025/26

EU Fees are comprised of Tuition + Student Contribution Charge + Student Levy* €140. *Payable by all students and is not covered by SUSI.  Further detail here.

For 25/26 entrants, where the course duration is greater than 1 year, there is an inflationary increase approved of 3.4% per annum for continuing years fees**.
**Excludes Full-Time EU Undergraduate fees.  These are fixed and do not change.

Find out More

Dr Ian R. Walsh
Drama and Theatre Studies
Email: [email protected]

Web: https://www.universityofgalway.ie/drama/

What Our Students Say


Fiona Buckley |   BA Drama, Theatre and Performance student

The BA in Drama, Theatre and Performance allowed me to try my hand at all things theatre. Throughout the course I was able to broaden my skill set, explore different theatre practitioners and techniques and study theatre literature in depth, all while being encouraged to flex my acting muscle. Through the course I was given opportunities to perform in different venues around Galway and work with a medley of skilled theatre makers. Because of a production in my third year I met Decadent Theatre Company's Andrew Flynn and subsequently worked as a stage manager and a costume assistant for Decadent. After graduating, I worked as a performer with the Active Consent Programme on a touring production of 'The Kinds of Sex You Might Have At College' directed by Dr Charlotte McIvor, who taught me throughout my years in University of Galway.

Patrick Conneely |   BA Drama, Theatre and Performance Graduate

BA DTP is an ideal environment for creatives of all types. If you have an interest in acting, playwriting, music, stage management or graphic design, you won’t be short of opportunities to explore these roles. During my four years, I performed in a Druid production, I composed scores and sound design for multiple productions, and I wrote a short mini-musical in my final year – that’s before taking into account the possibilities provided by the drama and musical societies and extra-curricular activities. In DTP you will hone your skills and learn new ones all while learning about and making theatre.”

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