
Chhiah-sek lú-ông ká-soat

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Chhiah-sek lú-ông ká-soat (赤色女王假說, Eng. Red Queen's Hypothesis, Ji̍t. 赤の女王仮説) ia̍h Âng hông-hiō ká-soat (紅皇后假說) sī chi̍t ê seng-bu̍t chìn-hòa ê ká-soat.

John Tenniel ê chhah-ōe


Chhiah-sek lú-ôngLewis Carroll ê sió-soat Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (Hôa. 愛麗絲鏡中奇遇) ê teng-tiûⁿ jîn-bu̍t, i káng ê tâi-sû ''To̍k-to̍k put-toān cháu lo̍h-khì, lí chiah tek thêng-liû tī goân-tē'' (''It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place'') ho͘ iōng-lâi pí-lūn bu̍t-chióng, kò-thé, ûi-thoân-chú ài kè-sio̍k chìn-hòa chiah tek seng-chûn lo̍h-khì.

Chhiah-sek lú-ông ká-soat kiông-tiâu seng-bu̍t ê hia̍p-tông chìn-hòa, put-lî-kò hut-sī seng-bu̍t chìn-hòa ê gōa-bō· in-sò·.

Chham-khó bûn-hiàn

[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]
  • マット・リドレー 『赤の女王』 翔泳社 <翔泳選書>、ISBN 4-88135-146-X、ISBN-13: 978-4-88135-146-8。

Iú-koan bûn-hiàn

[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]
  • Hamilton, W. D. "Sex versus non-sex versus parasites" 1980. Oikos 35,282-290.
  • Hamilton, W. D. et al. "Sexual reproduction as an adaptation to resist parasites" 1990. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 87:3566-3573.