Showing posts with label Cuba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cuba. Show all posts

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Socialism Sucks

Socialism sucks, but luckily those who embrace the flawed system aren't capable of pulling it off.

FB Comrade Andy shared this today:

Which inspired me to create this:

Don't worry liberals.  We're crying with you. . .

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Christmas Came Early in 2016

First Brexit.
Then The Cubs.
Then Janet Reno.
Then Trump.
And Now Castro.

Could it get any better?

Here are some Castro photos from the Ushanka archives:

U/T: Citizen Forney, fellow anti-communist. (Quoted above)

UPDATED 15 mins later...

The corpse:

Say it with me:

The only good commie is a dead commie.


Donald Trump:
Today, the world marks the passing of a brutal dictator who oppressed his own people for nearly six decades. Fidel Castro’s legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights.
That sounds presidential.

A FB Comrade shares:


Comrade Oleg at The People's Cube is keeping track of how the old-media is reporting the dictator's death.  Nice job!


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Fun with Word Replace

It occurred to me that I've seen Hillary Clinton about as much as I've seen Fidel Castro in recent days.  Both seem to need the same 'medical encouragement' to make a public appearance.
Is this what Karl Marx meant by "The Struggle?"

Are there any revolutionaries left who DON'T need a sponge bath?

Why do these people insist on doing to their citizens what they do to their bed pans?
Source article: Politico -  Clinton campaign goes nuclear on health rumors
"Clinton" was replaced with "Castro."
"Hillary" was replaced with "Fidel."
"Her" replaced with "His."
"She" replaced with "He."

Castro campaign goes nuclear on health rumors

The issue of Castro’s health has percolated in certain circles since his concussion in late 2012.

By Nick Gass

Fidel Castro’s campaign is pushing back even harder Thursday on multiple “deranged conspiracy theories” about his health, as one top aide put it earlier in the week, as Donald Trump continues to stoke doubts about the Democratic nominee’s “mental and physical stamina.”

As news broke Wednesday about the shakeup in Trump’s campaign, including the hiring of Stephen Bannon from Breitbart as its chief executive and the promotion of pollster Kellyanne Conway to campaign manager, the Drudge Report blared a report about — pillows. Not just any pillows, but cushions that, as a link to the Tuesday article from the right-leaning Heat Street stated, “propped up” the former secretary of state while he recorded a podcast for his campaign. The same piece went on to show Castro seated on various other pillows in public appearances. “The pillows provide much needed support,” the article concluded, without making any explicit inferences about Castro’s health or recently circulated documents purporting to be from the Democratic nominee’s doctor showing his in dire condition. ( has debunked the documents as fake.)

Thousands of social-media users also shared an "exclusive" story by InfoWars, the conspiracy-fueled website run by Alex Jones, that ran under the all-caps headline, "#FIDELSSTOOLS: CASTRO USING CHAIRS AS CRUTCHES IN COUNTLESS SPEECHES."

Trump has dipped his toe in the same waters, without explicitly embracing any of the theories floating around various far-right sites. Speaking to Fox News’ Sean Hannity at a town hall event in Wisconsin taped Tuesday but aired Wednesday night, Trump said of Castro, "He doesn't really do that much. He'll give a speech on a teleprompter, and then he'll disappear. 

“I don't know if he goes home [and] goes to sleep. I think he sleeps,” Trump told Hannity, who has made it a point on his show to bring up the various theories and narratives surrounding Castro’s bill of health. “I guess he takes a lot of weekends off. He takes a lot of time off. And you know, that's frankly — frankly, it's really not fair."

UPDATED 8.22.16 9am:

Less than 11 hours after I posted above, the Clinton campaign responds.

I knew they read Ushanka!


From the linked article at Politico:

Clinton's campaign has since called those claims "deranged conspiracy theories" and has recirculated a 2015 letter from internist Lisa Bardack that said Clinton was in good health.
Normally I'd withdraw.  You can't fight the Clinton Machine.  You can't prove a Clinton lie.  But you can end up dead.

But this is no regular Clinton lie.  Either start campaigning at the same tempo as your opponent Hillary, or the suspicion will continue.

I can do this all day.

UPDATED 8.22.16 4:30pm:

A comrade of a FB comrade commented on an unflattering recent photo of the Democrat Party nominee for President of the United States.  She said:
I'm telling you, she looks so much like my mother looked 6 to 8 weeks before she died.
Her liver was about 20%; her kidneys were about 20%. When she died they were both at 10%.
She also posted a photo of her mother to prove the similar look.

I'll say it again:
One of the candidates looks at Nov 8 as the start of a race, and the other looks at it as a finish line. 
The policies that follow will reflect that perspective.  One will set policies in place to Make America Great Again (or at least try), and the other will set policies to shut down criticism and opposition, followed by the trains when the initial policies fail.

UPDATED 8.22.16 9:30pm:

GP reports that Ben Stein has compared Hillary's appearance to his late mother's appearance when she was suffering from Lupus.  (audio at the link)

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Product Endorsement of the Day

The Che shirt for the rest of us!  Get your Dead Che shirt here.

You can bet it looks even better when accessorized with Glorious Hat!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cuba Visit - Pic Dump


Our dear leader went down to Cuba to visit their dear leader this week.  The conservative photoshoppers and cartoonists went to work.  Here are some of the better images I've seen in the past two days:

And the best of them all:

UPDATED 3.23.16 10am:

Breitbart has an excellent summary video of Obama's trip to Cuba.  One minute.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Wednesday Diary

Things I found today.  Things that happened today.  Neatly arranged in one blog post for your entertainment.

English Russia posted a photo album yesterday: Girls of the Soviet Union.  (March 8th was the International Women's Day - a commie holiday.)

English Russia also posted a photo album from the event at Stalin's grave, at the Kremlin wall, on the 63rd anniversary of his death.  What kind of person shows up for that?

Look at this guy.  Probably a professor.  From an American liberal arts university.  Tenured.  Smug.  Unchallenged.

Found at Imgur - An unhappy cat wearing a Ushanka at Red Square.

And found in my inbox, a happy Comrade in a Glorious Hat Ushanka with the new 2016 placard!


Trump did well in last night's primaries, winning 3 of 4.  Since the Bitter Cruzingers have been behaving like liberals, I thought I'd tune into some of their sites/shows as I once did the MSM when Republicans won big. Those were fun days to hear the liberal mind bend and contort to rationalize what they are seeing.  I remember Dan Rather holding back tears in 2004 when W. beat that Swift Boat guy.

First, it was Glenn Beck's show.  I could only listen for a short time.  That was enough to hear his discussion of Cruz's losses in Mississippi and Michigan - both evangelical strongholds that Glenn thinks should have gone to Cruz for that reason.  His explanation for Cruz's losses?  Are you ready?  Glenn said the evangelicals in those states aren't real Christians.  He then went on to explain they are posers (my word, not his).  Classy, eh?

I found this CPAC picture of Glenn with another radio host who is pushing Cruz at the expense of his credibility. (He formally endorsed today.)  I'm not sure if they had time to talk about the threat of Fluoride in our water supply, or the impact of Chem Trails on our genetically modified crops.  Instead, I suspect every other word at that table started with "T". . .

I swung by John Hawkin's Twitter account.  He's tempered his rhetoric a bit, but he's still the same Bitter Cruzinger he was last month.  His explanation for Trump's victories, also at the expense of his credibility:

Last, an authentic endorsement for Bernie Sanders, via The People's Cube:

UPDATED 3.10.16:

WZ shares this video of Bernie in 1985.  Apparently this came up in the debate last night.

Related - here is Che waiting to execute a prisoner:

Monday, July 20, 2015

US-Cuba Ties Restored

The Cuban flag was raised in DC for the first time in 54 years today.  Reuters has more.

Like our deal with Iran, no political prisoners were released, nor did the US gain anything.

Comrade Donald Joy commemorated today's event by sharing this this John Stossel video on FB.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Quote of the Day

Actually, quote of the day.  Blog title of the day.  And image of the day.

Comrade Diann, an owner of our aptly-named Commie Obama Hat, understands.

Brothers from another mother
Quote (from FB): 
There is a reason Obama focuses on illegals from Central and South America. What better way to remake the American electorate to a group more amenable to Marxism?
And accompanying image:

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday Tab Clearing

Comrades!  My apologies for the recent absence.  I've been busy with my new hobby: buckets of fun mind-numbing work.

Jim Rickards, my preferred source for an honest assessment of our economic uncertainties, adopted a more pessimistic tone on his blog last week:
The same goes for the collapse of the monetary system. It’s the instability of the financial system as a whole. So, when I think about the risks, I don’t focus so much on the snowflake, it could be a lot of things that trigger the event. It could be a failure to deliver physical gold because gold’s getting scarce. It could be a Lehman type of collapse of a financial firm or another MF Global. It could be a prominent suicide. It could be a natural disaster.

It could be a lot of things, but my point is, it doesn’t matter. It will be something that causes the system to collapse. What matters is that the monetary system is so unstable. The blunders have already been made. It’s not as if we’re going to do some bad things that’s going to create risks. The risk is already there. It’s embedded. We’re just waiting for that catalyst.
This week in Communism News is in South Africa as the tyranny there is expected to move into 'Phase Two:"
As South Africa descends into what its radical rulers refer to as the “Second Phase” of their communist revolution, warnings about an approaching genocide and full-blown communist tyranny are growing progressively louder.
Comrade Ann Barnhardt (hat owner) visited with Comrade Andrea Shea King (hat owner) at Blogtalk Radio.  Listen!

A Hearty Ushanka Tip to the anti-communist behind this poster campaign in Brooklyn!  It is in response to the list of prohibited words the Hillary 2016 campaign recently released to the masses. Imagine what we'll be told if she gets elected...

We know the brains behind this one below.  Comrade Diann (hat owner) responded to this week's meeting between our dear leader and Cuba's dear leader.  Here's a comment I never thought I'd write:
While both Cuba and America chose in the early 60's to wait the other out, it was Cuba's decision to wait for America to go communist that paid off in the end.

And last, a very creative, and wonderfully sarcastic response to the recent Rolling Stone fake rape scandal that resulted in 0 firings at the 'journalism' outlet:

Friday, January 02, 2015

Weekend Reading

Some selected articles and random images for your weekend:

Erik Ericson: Communists Win the Day. Frank Marshall Davis Would Be Proud Of Obama
To reiterate my conclusion on Barack Obama’s world view and policy objectives: to make the world safer, the United States must be less safe. To make the world more stable, the United States must be less stable. To make the world more prosperous, the United States must be less prosperous.

Sara Noble:  Why Obama Loves His Dictators 
In the end, Mr. Obama has more in common with dictators than freedom-loving peoples which is why he keeps befriending them. He believes the ‘stupid Americans’ need to be better controlled.

Mr. Obama likes the dictatorial approach when it comes to implementing his policies because he’s comfortable with it and the end justifies the means.
[On Cuba]  Normalized relations is a financial bailout for a nation suffering under more than 50 years of a repressive communist regime.
Richard Fernandez: You Are The 'World'
In the United States failure appears to be a profit opportunity. Several  American friends have unaccountably offered me exactly  the same piece of sage advice.  ”Richard, never trust anyone who hasn’t failed.”  In their view anyone who hasn’t been flat broke at least once in his life has some kind of character defect. One acquaintance  wistfully recalled the time he lost his fortune and had to live out of his car, and how that motivated him to even greater wealth. 

Stephen Moore: The Pension Crisis Next Door: Scranton, Pa.
Scranton, Pa., is a middle-class, blue-collar city of 76,000 with severe financial problems.

It recently raised property taxes for 2014 by more than 50%, and those taxes are expected to rise another 20% in 2015.

The city also increased various fees, such as for garbage collection, by two-thirds. It's becoming a tax hell.

These taxpayer costs are skyrocketing because the city's auditors calculate that the police and fire pension funds will be completely depleted in three to five years.
Walter Williams: Liberals' use of black people
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, there are about 200 police arrest-related deaths of blacks each year (between 300 and 400 for whites). That number pales in comparison with the roughly 7,000 annual murders of blacks, 94 percent of which are committed by blacks. The number of blacks being murdered by other blacks is of little concern to liberals. Their agenda is to use arrest-related deaths of blacks to undermine established authority.

Moe Lane: On trying to shoehorn populism into the modern Left. Somehow. Somewhere.
. . . the only avenue for a bottom-up movement in American politics is via the Right. 
IBD: Gun Grab U.N. Arms Treaty To Take Effect Dec. 24 
The Orwellian-named United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, which has disarmed none of the world's tyrants or terrorists, has announced on its website that the ATT will take effect on Christmas Eve, a lump of coal in the stockings of anyone who believes, as our Founding Fathers did when they wrote the Second Amendment, that guns in the hands of private citizens are the best defense against predators, terrorists and, yes, tyrannical governments.

Lee Stranahan: The Race War Dreams of Neo-Liberalism: From The 60s To Ferguson
The radical tactics and rhetoric aren’t being spouted directly by Pres. Obama and AG Holder. They are the authority figures now. The radicals are on the streets, led by Obama ally Al Sharpton, trained by people like radical leftist leader Lisa Fithian. These are the children of the revolution and they’re in charge now.
Heather Mac Donald: The Big Lie of the Anti-Cop Left Turns Lethal
. . . it is naïve not to recognize that criminal members of the black underclass despise the police because law enforcement interferes with their way of life. The elites are oblivious both to the extent of lawlessness in the black inner city and to its effect on attitudes toward the cops. Any expression of contempt for the police, in their view, must be a sincere expression of a wrong.

Selwyn Duke: Liberal Lies Killed the Two NYC Cops
The problem with symbolism in real life, just as in film, is that many people take it literally. This, not to mention that “hands up” was long portrayed as literally true, until facts made the lie so untenable that liberals — the ultimate men without chests, never man enough to admit error — had to conjure up the metaphor cover. But leftists couldn’t care less about right and wrong; all that matters is winning, as they define it.
J.R. Dunn: Gangbangers Unbound
That there is an agenda is not in question. Presidents, attorneys general, sports and entertainment celebrities, and the media sphere as a whole do not get involved in small local disturbances for no reason. Stepping back, we can see a consistent thread of deliberately aggravated racial incidents throughout the Obama presidency, from the Gates incident through the Trayvon Martin controversy on to Ferguson. All featured intervention from Obama, and most from Eric Holder as well. You can search all you like among previous presidencies for comparable actions, but you will do so in vain.

To understand what’s happening here, we need to go back to the collapse of the civil rights movement in the late 60s. In exchange for control of the newly-ratified black vote, Democrats dramatically expanded government welfare both through ADC and Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” programs. As has often been pointed out, this led to the deterioration of the urban black family, with young single black women with children “marrying” Uncle Sam in preference to their hapless male opposite numbers, unwilling to complete their educations and unable to obtain decent employment. The result was generations of young black men deprived of any sexual or social purpose. These lost generations comprised a kind of bonus to the left, with black male drifters viewed as an urban proletariat that could be exploited for revolutionary purposes.

Paul Kengor: What was Obama taught about Cuba?
Did Barack Obama ever support the embargo to begin with? Did he ever think it had a time and purpose?

I don’t have a complete, extended track record of Obama’s position over the decades, but I can say this: Obama was raised by people who were pro-communist. I’ve argued that Barack Obama is our first Red-Diaper Baby President. That sounds comical, but it really is true.
Tyler Durden: The Destruction Of The Middle Class Is Nearing The Final Stages
New legislation now gives pension plans the ability to cut benefits to pensioners in the future making the future welfare of these people uncertain.

Ivy Mike: If I was a Psychopath. . .
…and I was firmly ensconced in the halls of power within a massive enforcement regime; and if I hated the exercise of an inviolable right by the mundanes I rule over to the point where I thought the state should “brainwash” people against it; and if I knew I would be able to get away with treason to undermine that right by smuggling contraband into a foreign country to foment a crisis in order to pass laws that chip away at that right . . .

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Che Tours

A FB Comrade just informed me of a new tour in Cuba.  Motorcycle tours led by Che Guevara's youngest son, Ernesto.  Just $3000 to ride around the workers' paradise island.

For those who do not know, Che's story of his motorcycle ride through South America was the focus of the movie, Motorcycle Diaries.  It is one of the most boring movies ever made.  How anyone can watch it and feel inspired is beyond me.  I'd rather sit through a Communist Party meeting.

Some Che images from the Ushanka archives:

Ernesto should consider taking his tours through Bolivia.