Showing posts with label Ushanka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ushanka. Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Sabbatical Continued

 Greetings comrades! It has been four years!

I have, I am, and I will remain on sabbatical. But lets call it what it is: retirement. I have plenty to say, but we know those days are over. You have plenty to say too, but comments are off for the same reason. We've all had way too much to think, and this is the new United States. Or as the other Karl would call it: The Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

Were those four years of Trump amazing or what!? The man set a new standard for honor, integrity, fighting for and getting results. I was, as you were, hoping for just four more years of peace and prosperity before the nation was crushed under the weight of envy, resentment and the pursuit of free stuff, but alas, it wasn't to be.

Don't fall for the noise that says Trump failed, or Pence for that matter. Don't let them cloud the issues,  minimize our great men or values. They want us fighting each other for breadcrumbs. The law failed us - at the state level with the election, and our supreme court when it ignored the evidence brought to it by 14 states. That third branch of government is no more. It is dead to me, and to you. The commies can stack the court or disband it - makes no difference. And having lost that third branch, our Constitutional Republic is now... something else.

Trump promised to drain the swamp, but the swamp could not be drained. If a powerfully moral and driven man like Trump couldn't do it, nobody will. Which means, if the swamp ever does get drained, it will be after a bottom-up process rather than from the top-down. My sincere thanks to President Trump for trying the less-messy of the two options. Only a principled and bold man would have even tried.

President Trump flew too close to the swamp and it grabbed him and pulled him in. But, along the way, from day #1, he grabbed its pussy. The swamp used to live in the shadows. Now 75 million Americans are aware of it. And, they are really pissed off about their votes being stolen. How will that anger express itself in the coming months and years? It should be interesting.


Trump accomplishments that Biden* will fail to continue:

  1. Peace. Trump's economic warfare was a paradigm shift that delivered results but not bombs. China was on its knees, Iran and North Korea were all but silent, and a few countries now recognize Israel. Biden*, et al, are incapable of imitating that brilliant statesmanship and will start dropping bombs in 3, 2, 1...
  2. Prosperity. Where Trump gave us record growth, Biden* will give us focus-group-tested excuses and tell us a return to prosperity is 'just around the corner.'  How do I know this? Because this is what every commie dictator does. If you're not prepared for bad times, you're behind the curve.

Trump failures that Biden* will continue:

  1. Fiscal policy. Trump continued Obama's government spending habits, and Biden* will continue expanding the debt ad infinitum. What will it look like when they've gone too far? Are you ready? Biden's spending priorities will be to bail out California, Illinois and other failed states, and to prop up union pension funds. You're golden if you fall into one or both of those categories. If not, you're on your own kulak.
  2. AGs. As much as Trump was for the rule of law, he was incapable of hiring competent attorney generals. America will continue to suffer from failed AGs, albeit on purpose under Biden*. 

Other predictions:

  1. Coup #2. Biden* lasts <1 year. He is pushed out when they can't contain the bad news from their early policies. "A fresh start" is what they will tell us.
  2. Foreign troops on US soil. Many of our troops will fail their political loyalty tests, and the US will have to - temporarily - invite Chinese peacekeepers to help contain the domestic terrorists. (I'm not joking. This is my serious face.) Call it a "partnership" between the world's two superpowers. A partnership that includes "sharing technologies, intelligence and goodwill."
  3. Lies. So many, don't even try to keep track. Here is one I hope you don't see, but it is best to put this on the record: Karl Ushanka committed suicide. That one will be total bullshit.
  4. Sabotage. Poor economic results will be blamed on anti-admin unknowns within the work force. Stalin called them wreckers and internal enemies. Some of this will be true. Most will be the result of D economic policies and will be no fault of the workers. All, however, will be suspect and help accountable in appropriate show trials.
  5. Cancelled. Expect this blog and my book to be disappeared, sooner rather than later.
  6. Negative Interest Rates. This will be presented as "a temporary measure" and "for the greater good."



I've had a chance to reflect on my activism over these past years. Here are some top picks:

  1. NeverTrump. I'm glad I saw the NeverTrump movement for what it was, as early as I did. These are the traitors of the Right, and they did more damage to the country than the Democrats could ever claim.
  2. Q. I thank God I never followed Q. It looked stupid, smelled awful, and sounded dumb. Biden* is proof that it was all of the above. There was, and there will be, enough stories of freedom being destroyed that we won't have to go looking for more.
  3. The hat. I recognized the Democrats' communist inspirations back in 2006 when I started blogging, and in 2008 when I started selling the Commie Obama hat (later called Glorious Hat). Fuck'in legend.
  4. The book. Trade the Ratio is on its second edition. I have followed my own advice in that book, with pleasant success so far...  And yes, I am mulling a third edition with the unofficial title: I Told You So. Here is a prescient quote from page 69:

"We all know precious metal values are linked to the US Dollar and international stability. But these predictions above show that the true link is to the US political environment, as those in power can control, or at least influence, those two factors. Another lesson-learned (and the most valuable advice in this book): the next time you see the nation shift left prior to a presidential election, adjust your portfolio to accommodate more precious metals. Individual results will not vary."
Last, we have lost two patriots since I stopped blogging. Join me in promising to never forget.

  1. Ol Remus (cancer)
  2. Ashlii Babbitt (government)


Comrades, I wish you well in the coming days.

If you want to chat, swing by Buckman's Tavern. Approach the thirsty guy in the furry hat with the correct challenge/response:

You: In Concord, April's a spring month.
Me: Whereas in Lexington we're freezing our butts off.


UPDATED 2.4.21: Added prediction #6, negative interest rates.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Changing of the Hats

FB Comrade Bill just posted this symbolic photo - just moments before Donald J. Trump takes his oath of office.

One hat replaces another.

And I'd have it no other way.

Today we celebrate.  For the EXACT SAME REASON these people celebrated 26 years ago:

Tomorrow, we start the hard work to Make America Great Again!

U/T: Bill

Monday, January 16, 2017

Product Endorsement

Glorious Hat is no longer available for sale.  It is now a collector's item. 

A hat owner posted this on FB today:

But if you have a few $$ burning a hole in your pocket, and you've already considered our favorite charity, Liberty in North Korea, you may want to look at these litho prints from McNaughton:

The late Mr. Breitbart was an inspiration. 

I'm not one for political books, but I did read Breitbart's Righteous Indignation and it was excellent in its explanation of the origins of the Communist inspirations of the left.  (It is one of only two political books in the Ushanka Library at the left.)

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Russian Art and Photo

English Russia has a couple cool photo albums posted.

Visual Arts of the USSR: Aviation.  Here are a couple that stood out:

Artist Antonov Sergey Georgievich (1932-2006) "Strong in Spirit" 1974

A painting of two Soviet pilots wearing ushankas.  Artist Tureckiy Boris Zaharovich (1928-1997) "Pilot" 1968

And photos from five Russian ghost towns.  Halmer-U, a former mining town:

Monday, December 19, 2016

Glorious Hat Pic

Reiuxcat, over at All The Right Snark, is sporting the latest placard on his Glorious Hat:

Remember, Friday is the last day for Glorious Hat sales.  

The factory workers and I have started boxing the excess hats in preparation for a charity. 

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Saturday Afternoon Cigar

I smoked a Palmetto that I recently picked-up in Charleston.  I'm still making my way through the Clancy books and am about 30% through #7, Debt of Honor.  Good stuff.

Sunday is probably the last day to order a Glorious Hat and get it in time for Christmas.  Orders of three hats or more ship Priority Mail, so orders as late as Tuesday AM should arrive on time.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

North Korea Employment

Good News from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea!

Like the US, North Korea is experiencing incredible economic growth.  The US unemployment rate is 4.9%, and -2.5% in North Korea.  Prosperity is so out of control here in the States that just yesterday the Federal Reserve Bank announced the second rate increase (in ten years).

There is so much to do in the worker's paradise (N. Korea, not the US) that the children must do their part for the greater good.  The Mirror has that story, with photos.

And The Daily Mail today has an article about the ushanka-wearing traffic ladies who have automated the role of the country's obsolete traffic lights.

It would not be much of a stretch to think the North Koreans are considering an expansion Southward to acquire more labor and... lebensraum.

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

The Last Case of Glorious Hats

The Glorious Hat Factory is closing down on the 23rd, and we are now filling orders from our last case of Glorious Hats.

Ask your computer to take you to the Glorious Hat website.  But don't be surprised if it asks you: "What would a computer do with a Glorious Hat?"

You may use your Glorious Hat for ransom.  Or not.

Well Comrade?  What will it be?

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Glorious Hat - Last Chance

Glorious Hat sales will end December 23, 2016.

This is not sad news, comrades!  Just the opposite!

Our work is done!

Glorious Hat has led the charge in the war against the Communist-Inspired here in America.  We have mocked them into submission.  With a furry hat!

After Christmas 2016, Glorious Hat will become a collector's item with as much significance as a chunk from the Berlin Wall.

My thanks to the hat-enthusiast masses out there that had as much fun with the hat as I did. 

[The Glorious Hat store will stay online through December 23rd.  That link will then point to this post.]

Friday, November 04, 2016

Glorious Hat Contest - Winner Announced!

[orig post 11.1.16 8:47am]

You can win a free Glorious Hat!  

Be the first in the comments to guess my write-in for Ohio's Senate seat.

Senator Rob Portman (OH-R) is running against Ohio's former failed governor, Ted Strickland (Commie).  I was a fan of Portman in the past and was planning to vote for him, but then he went #NeverTrump and vowed to write-in Mike Pence instead of his party's nominee.

My Nov. 8 ballot will be my opportunity to provide valuable feedback to Senator Portman.  I will write in a name that is 1) well known, and 2) a personal political favorite of mine.  

Be the first to guess my write-in for Ohio's senate seat and win a Glorious Hat!

But wait!  There's more!

A Second Hat! 

I could change my mind if someone suggests a better write-in than who I've chosen. So be sure to add the name(s) of who you would write-in too!

I will update this post once with winner(s). 

This contest will end Nov 4th at noon so I can get the hats to the winners by election day!

Remember to check back.  The winner(s) will need to send me their shipping information!

UPDATED 11.3.16 9:30am:

Nobody has guessed the name yet.  Remember: well known, political.

UPDATED and BUMPED 11.4.16 3:30pm:

The contest is over. Thanks to those who commented.

Part #1 doesn't have a winner.  My write-in for Ohio Senator on Tuesday will be Richard Bruce Cheney.

As for Part #2, good ideas for the write-in, I liked the suggestion from Mad Jack, The Deplorable:  Ayn Rand.

Mad Jack, send me an email and I'll get your hat in the mail asap.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Glorious Hat Giveaway - Chicago

I was in Chicago for some October baseball, and decided to hand out some surplus Glorious Hats

Here is the video:

Friday, October 28, 2016

The Comey FBI

Q:  What's the difference between a sleeping security guard and an FBI agent?

A:  The security guard never looked away when presented proof of crimes that put national security at risk.

My July article on the Comey-FBI - FBI Resignations: Where Are They?

Here is the Drudge page today.

Apparently FBI Director Comey was fooled by the recent polling showing Hillary up in double digits.  He thought he was safe.  Then, as the Hillary campaign was warned behind closed doors, the polls were going to be 'corrected' once early-voting had started in key states.  After all, these obsolete-media outlets have to save some face for the post-election season.

So what does Comey do today?  He re-opens the investigation in to Hillary's emails.  They allegedly have 'new' information that the 150 agents didn't find in the first 18-month investigation.  Perhaps...  she may have violated a law after all.  Perhaps.

I think this is a more accurate headline for today.  Don't you?

The Comey-FBI.  If an agent still works there after Director Comey first covered-up Hillary's crimes, they should 1) be ashamed of themselves, and 2) they should admit they now work for the "Comey FBI."

I'd be posting this from jail had I done a tenth of her crimes.

UPDATED 10 minutes later:

FB Comrade Matt says:
If you think the FBI "just learned new information" please slap yourself.
They re-opened the case because now WE have the same info they HAD and they are out of excuses.

UPDATED 10.29.16 9:20am (CST):

Comrade Matt Bracken shared this on FB this morning:

UPDATED 10.30.16 10pm:

And Anthony wears an imitation Glorious Hat!

UPDATED 10.31.16 1pm:

Multiple sources are saying Comey had multiple resignations on his desk, including resignations from senior FBI staff.  Here is one from ZH.

Did I influence this with my July article at American Thinker where I suggested immediate resignation was the only right thing to do?  I hope so.  But I take no joy in it.

My opinion of the FBI does not change until:
1) Comey resigns,
2) The rule of law is restored, and all criminals are treated (indicted) equally,
#2 will take a while.  And to be clear here, #2 includes the entire Clinton crime syndicate in prison.

UPDATED 12.5.17:

Judge Pirro offers a new term re: Comey:  "Political whore."

We are now learning that FBI agent, Peter Strzok, is an anti-Trumper.

That's ok if he can keep it separate from his duties.  But he was recently transferred to HR (not fired as some are reporting) from the Mueller special counsel investigation because he couldn't keep it separate.  Before that, he was a supervisor on the Clinton email scandal that led to my article (linked above).  The Daily Caller explains.

More from Tucker Carlson:

Every agent who failed to resign in 2016 now works for the Comey-FBI.
Every agent who failed to resign is Peter Strzok, by another name.

It gets worse.  Washington Post:
During the Clinton investigation, Strzok was involved in a romantic relationship with FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who worked for Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, according to the people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

The extramarital affair was problematic, these people said, but of greater concern among senior law enforcement officials were text messages the two exchanged during the Clinton investigation and campaign season in which they expressed anti-Trump sentiments and other comments that appeared to favor Clinton.

An affair?  With a co-worker?
Steering more than one criminal investigation with political bias?
Still employed at FBI?

Removal of an investigator and hiding the reason from congress?
The only arrest is Gen. Flynn who was tricked by Strzok?  And these charges remain valid how?

ZH: The WSJ Editorial Board suggests today that Mueller step down.  
All of this reinforces our doubts about Mr. Mueller’s ability to conduct a fair and credible probe of the FBI’s considerable part in the Russia-Trump drama. Mr. Mueller ran the bureau for 12 years and is fast friends with Mr. Comey, whose firing by Mr. Trump triggered his appointment as special counsel. The reluctance to cooperate with a congressional inquiry compounds doubts related to this clear conflict of interest.
The FBI needs to go the direction of the League of Nations: away.  Time to flush that toilet and rebuild new.  My suggestions: 1) aim for 1/3 the size of the current FBI and 1/4 the current FBI scope, 2) ignore affirmative action and other HR/SJW muck, and 3) seek top police investigators with a history of success and work-ethic.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Glorious Hat 2-for-1 Sale

You can buy two Glorious Hats for the price of one through Sunday.  Comrade Captain Capitalism (Aaron Clarey) has the details:

One detail he left out: this offer is only good for US orders.

A great Christmas gift for the conservative who has everything!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

99 Years Ago Today

The Bolshevik seized power in Russia.

Their takeover occurred after months of rioting, crime, chaos, and efforts to dilute the legitimacy of the government.* 

My question to the Ushanka visitors: 
Are the Communists in America aiming for a similar success on the 100-year anniversary?
Yes or no, don't fool yourself into thinking there aren't some who'd welcome such a turnover.

Of course, if it wasn't for the Bolsheviks, we wouldn't have Glorious Hat....

* BLM, public schools, ISIS, illegal email servers, 'Bush's fault,' Loretta Lynch, Clinton Foundation, James Comey, transgender bathrooms, the purging of key military leaders, etc.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Saturday Afternoon Cigar

I smoked a New World cigar as I continued reading through the Tom Clancy novels.  I finished The Cardinal of the Kremlin and started Clear and Present DangerGlorious Hat came in handy, as it was only 50 degrees today.  Remember Comrades, winter is coming!

From Cardinal of the Kremlin:
(P 21) To Russians, who rarely had enough of anything, "having enough" meant having more than anyone else - preferably more than everyone else.  Ryan thought it evidence of a national inferiority complex, and reminded himself that people who feel themselves inferior have a pathological desire to disprove their own perceptions.


(P 422)  If there was anything Russians hated, it was to be looked down on, and most of all by the Americans, to who they had a terminal inferiority complex.


(P 698)  "Our weapons make us equals!  Alexandrov objected.
"But what advantage do they give us when the West has weapons, too?  Is there anyone around this table who is content to be equal to the West?  Our rockets do that for us," Narmonov said, "but there is more to national greatness than the ability to kill.  If we are to defeat the West, it cannot be with nuclear bombs - unless you want the Chinese to inherit our world." Narmonov paused.  "Comrades, if we are to prevail we have to get our economy moving!"

The price of oil is high right now, around $50/barrel.  Here is Russia's oil-price requirement (from last August):

Hillary's main campaign theme seems to be, "elect me, and we'll go to war with Russia."  She's upset her private email server communications (and her many crimes) are coming to light, and she thinks Russia is behind it.

I'm just a simple hat maker who is the product of American public schools, but I have to ask: 
Why would Russia want to hurt the weakest candidate's chances at getting elected? 
Russia has enjoyed a weak US President for 8 years who has cancelled anti-ballistic systems in Poland and elsewhere, who has helped ISIS and the formation of the Caliphate in the Middle East, and who has purged the war-fighting leadership in the US military. Shouldn't they want four more years of this?

Bottom line: Russia is no military threat to the US at any level except the ultimate, non-option: total thermonuclear war.

The only variable that runs counter to this is a Democrat Party President. They know their history, and they have many stories of missed opportunities where a Republican replaced a Democrat and changed the geopolitical landscape at Russia's expense.  Recall, Reagan was the first Cold War President that reversed the Communist expansion into other countries.

$50 oil, thanks to US fracking and Saudi over-production, is killing Russia.  A President Trump will call their bluster bluff bs and meet them head-on in any regional misstep.  Putin has three months left to achieve his goals via illegal means.  Then, assuming Trump wins, Putin is stuck fixing internal problems the old fashion way: through hard work, sacrifice and all other legal means.


Check out this updated post suggesting the World needs to see a live demo of a nuclear weapon: Hiroshima Day - or- Nukes: Time for a Live Demo.
I can assure you that having the entire world tune in for "The Live Demo" -- and the whole world will tune in -- shall give the entire planet pause. It's not enough for humans to be told about nukes. Every so often, we need to see to believe.

And if you give some thought to this you'll be far ahead of any #NeverTrumper: It was our restrictions on steel exports to Japan that brought them into WWII.  They came to the [incorrect] realization that they had more to lose by not going to war.  Is Russia feeling the same way with $50 oil, a declining population and other internal stresses?  And if so, what would have a stabilizing effect: strong US leadership, or weak US leadership?

UPDATED 10.23.16 Noon:

Monday, October 17, 2016

Oct 17 Tab Clearing


23 San Antonio police officers were disciplined this week for wearing Trump's Make America Great Again hats on the tarmac with Trump on the 11th.  These officers worked that day to help Trump get through town safely, and afterwards, in a relaxed moment, put on the hats for photos.  Deemed "unprofessional" by the liberal Mayor, Ivy Taylor, they were disciplined.

I have set aside 23 extra Glorious Hats in the Glorious Hat Factory for these officers.  I just need one to contact me, prove his association with the group, accept the shipment of the 23 Glorious Hats and distribute among those great officers.

No obligation to the officers.

Remember, you don't have to stand in line at!


Stefan Molyneux and Duke Pesta discuss Cultural Marxism.  One excellent hour on the current threat to Western Civilization.


On the same topic, author and blogger Adam Piggot reacts to the levels that Cultural Marxism has attained in Australian public schools.  His post: What happens when students brainwashed with cultural-Marxism find jobs?
But to then indoctrinate students at that age and tell them that their masculinity is toxic is beyond the pale. How does a confused and lost adolescent even begin to deal with that kind of misinformation? This is psychological child abuse of the very worst nature and it is state sponsored in a country like Australia. It is incredible to think that our education system has been reduced to this but once again it is simply a natural progression when viewed through the prism of the last forty years of Marxist intrusion into the teaching profession.
I found Adam through Aaron Clarey and Matt Forney.


Severian psycho-analyzes the #NeverTrumpers at his blog, House of Eratosthenes.  #5 in his list of 10:
5. They are very bothered by the lately emerging signs that character no longer matters, or is no longer valued. But they themselves care nothing about their bedfellows in the #NeverTrump orgy, what level of character they possess. Very rarely do I see a #NeverTrump protest that a statement injurious to Donald Trump, while tantalizing, is just too demonstrably untrue, too easily proven false, too craven, too low-balled. Nothing is too low for them. Anybody who shares this common enemy, with them, must be their friend. And then they wonder what happened to valuing character.
Here is my latest post (and list) on the #NeverTrumpers.

Doug Ross linked to this.  Oddly.


David French, of the now defunct #NeverTrump NRO, lectures - correctly - the 40-year old liberals on their values.
I don’t want to hear your shock and horror over Donald Trump. I really don’t. Almost twenty years ago, in the face of credible and serious claims of serious sexual misconduct — including misconduct in the Oval Office — the overwhelming majority of you chose to circle the wagons to retain political power, even when Clinton’s resignation would have left Democrats in control of the White House.
Found at Instapundit.


My routine every Monday is to review several bookmarks including the one of a saved Google News search: Chicago Shootings.  Check out the 4-hour difference between headline #1 and headline #2.

Lesson: stay out of Chicago on Sunday nights!


IOTW Report recently hosted a contest that included our Glorious Hat as the prize.  There were 364 brilliant and creative entries.  So brilliant, in fact, that we awarded four hats as prizes.


Thezman posted some deep thoughts on debate #2 and current demographics at his The Z Blog.
I had no intention of watching the debate as I’ve seen enough of them to know they will always be “two-on-one moonbat fun.” The moderator will gang up with the Democrat to attack the Republican. Even mild nothing-burgers like Mitt Romney got the business from that fat woman on CNN. But, friends told me Trump was beating the old bag up, so I tuned in just in time to see him put the saddle on the fat cow and ride her around the debate stage. I did not watch a lot of it, but it was fun seeing the good guys win.
Linked by WRSA (a while ago).