Politico: Kasich lashes out: ‘What has happened to the conservative movement?’
Apparently, this is not a joke.
Kasich really said it.
And the left-wing media jumped on it in an effort to confuse Republican voters.
I suspect this article has doubled Kasich's voter base.
To four.
Four people who either don't know what 'conservative' means, or four people who don't know Gov. Kasich embraced ObamaCare as Ohio's Governor.
There is too much waste:
Kasich is wasting space in the GOP field,
The Politico is wasting space on the Internet, and
For some unknown reason, I am wasting time on this.
I think I'm going to walk over to the Glorious Hat factory and give an enlightening speech on the Proletarian Rationale for Reduced-Calorie Meals.
UPDATED 10.29.15:
Gov. Kasich bombed in last night's CNBC debate. Comrade Branco sums-up Kasich's candidacy with this today:
I created the "White Flag Spotting" label many years ago to track all the cartoons of liberals during the War on Terror. But lately, it is Republicans who are inspiring white flags.
Socialism is abundance. If it wasn't, why would we have all this proof?
Our dear leader was at a bakery in Alaska this week. One of the peoples' many bakeries, stocked fresh and full every day.
Need more proof of prosperity? Are you an abundance denier? Are you harping on the fact that we have more unemployed than ever before and $18T in debt?
If so, check out these historical photos of committed communists basking in the glow of their nations' wealth. And ask yourself, why haven't we seen any photos of Donald Trump shopping for groceries. . .
I never remember my dreams, but today is an exception.
Could I get help analyzing my dream from this morning?
I’m at a Chipotle at a small table reading and eating. This is a different [better] Chipotle, as I can go over to a buffet and fill my bowl with more chicken and rice. [Nice, eh?]
I’m there early and the lunch-hour crowd starts to form. The line goes through the middle of the restaurant, next to my table.
I go to the buffet table for my 2nd refill. The pan is empty and I realize another person is waiting for a new pan to come. I step behind her and we share a couple comments on the slow service. After I refill, I head back to my table.
The line is very long now, but it has moved up against the wall. Nearly all the tables are taken. I have a clear path back to my table. I’m still a few feet away when I notice Michelle Obama. She is holding a food tray in one hand, and is moving my iPad off the table with the other. And, she looks taller in person.
I continue to approach and say "I’m still using that table." She hands my iPad back to me and says “Sorry.” I correct her: “You're sorry you got caught.” She squares her shoulders, clearly pissed and clearly capable of kicking my ass, and moves toward me in a hostile approach...
My alarms goes off.
There is no need to analyze why I would eat three meals in one sitting at Chipotle. I know exactly what that means.
But what of the actions of, and my interactions with, our dear first lady?
Comrade Davis Aurini and friend, Jordan Owen, are seeking funding for a new documentary to fight a movement within the gaming community. Their video: The Sarkeesian Effect. Captain Capitalism posts an explanation: Zoe Quinn for Non-Geeks. Pledge Here.
Michigan residents lost their “right to farm” this week thanks to a new ruling by the Michigan Commission of Agriculture and Rural Development. Gail Philburn of the Michigan Sierra Club told Michigan Live, the new changes “effectively remove Right to Farm Act protection for many urban and suburban backyard farmers raising small numbers of animals.” Backyard and urban farming were previously protected by Michigan’s Right to Farm Act. The Commission ruled that the Right to Farm Act protections no longer apply to many homeowners who keep small numbers of livestock.
Kim White, who raises chickens and rabbits, said, “They don’t want us little guys feeding ourselves. They want us to go all to the big farms. They want to do away with small farms and I believe that is what’s motivating it.”
Just when I thought Michigan had hit bottom....
Step 1) Reduce food sources.
Step 2) Regulate food sources.
Step 3) Nationalize food distribution.
Step 4) Distribute food 'for the greater good."
It worked for Lenin (1921: 6mil internal enemies dead) and Stalin (1932: 6mil internal enemies dead).
I've had my nose in a bunch of books this past week, hence the limited blogging. The tabs have stacked up, so instead of a post for each topic, I'm going to clear them all here.
Trivia Question: Which Nevada senator's great-great-uncle (Remus Reid) was hanged in Montana in 1889 for stealing cattle horses?
(This came from FB and one commenter suggested it is not accurate. I'm sharing because it feels accurate. I'm in touch with my feelings!)
We've all heard that Harry Reid called the patriots at Bundy's ranch "Domestic Terrorists." I am unable to find a similar quote about MOHAMMED Pedro Whitaker who was recently arrested for terrorizing Kansas City freeways over the past month. Ushanka Comrades NiceDeb and Mikhail both live there and I am glad they are ok. (And MOHAMMED should thank Allah he didn't take a shot at Mikhail... They'd still be cleaning up that mess.)
The media might be downplaying this crime - they took nearly a day to release his name - but there are some of us out here who understand the threat and who have long since found better sources for news.
Comrade Dave at MoonBattery posted this video. The focus is on the Bundy news, but watch it with a eye for understanding the Communists' need to control food distribution and use food as the ultimate weapon against the people.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America and in order to enhance Federal engagement with rural communities, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. Sixteen percent of the American population lives in rural counties. Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential to winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead. These communities supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. Though rural communities face numerous challenges, they also present enormous economic potential. The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands.
To enhance the Federal Government's efforts to address the needs of rural America, this order establishes a council to better coordinate Federal programs and maximize the impact of Federal investment to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in our rural communities.
This reminds me of how Obama used TARP. Intended by Bush and Congress to shore up the banks for a short term, Obama used TARP to invade the board rooms of banks. Even healthy banks who didn't want TARP, like Wells Fargo, were forced to take it and open their doors to those more equal. Once inside, invited or not, he has been able to re-establish sub-prime and other risky [redistribution] behavior, and establish priorities based on a government plan. The label "Facist" is more accurate than "Communist" in describing what Obama has done to the nation's banking industry.
If only our benevolent dear leader can start "helping" farmers with their priorities too.
Another great episode of Intellectual Froglegs:
Great editing, as always! And I appreciate his comments about different solutions to the Bundy legal issues: Asset seizure and/or a lien on their property. It speaks volumes when our FedGov skips those paperwork options and instead sends guns.
Imagine a day when The People see the paperwork imposed on them as an option.
They want the balance on their EBT card increased.
Saber-rattling has worked in the past for North Korea as crying has worked for babies.
Possible reasons why the Obama regime has not yet cowered:
1) Incompetence. Exhibit A: Secretary Kerry. Exhibit B: Benghazi. Exhibits C-ZZ: "Democracy" in the Middle East (Syria, Egypt, Libya, etal).
2) Indecision. We can imagine half the State Dept arguing for 5 tankers of food to be delivered next week. Unfortunately, the other half is likely demanding all US food supplies (in the red states of course) be diverted to NK immediately.
3) A Commie knows a Commie. A Chicago community organizer knows how to pull resources from productive efforts to unproductive efforts with tired tactics like white guilt, threats of civil unrest, or "for the children." We doubt Kim Jung Un is impressing Obama.
4) Competence. Maybe the Obama regime is continuing the Bush and Bolton policies re: North Korea.
Whatever the reason(s), we hope this continues.
The North has been close to collapse for over a decade and it will take ZERO effort to make that happen. Who better than a Democrat president to do nothing?
We just need a policy of neglect, and the preparations for a brief military engagement and a massive humanitarian effort, so the North Korean society can evolve from Sand Art.
Words you will hear and headlines you will see as we toil in the coming years:
"We are turning the corner"
"I will not rest until everything is fair"
"It was worse than we thought"
"There are folks who are not doing their fair share"
"We must make sensible changes to food distribution"
"We must follow a balanced approach when we discuss gun rights"
"America must pay its bills"
"We've disabled the extreme blogs for the greater good"
We are keeping track of our dear leader's progress on the path to utopia in our Obama's To Do document. This is a great tool for those who prefer to measure actual actions by this president instead of his words.
The battle around food does not just cover Obama's desire to control distribution as his forefathers Lenin, Stalin and Mao did.
The Institute for Justice has produced this excellent video explaining the protectionist efforts of food vendors to eliminate the innovators in their area.
In Obama's America, it is who you know. Not the value you add, nor the services you can deliver faster or better.
A similar battle is being fought against Uber, the mobile app company who have made it easy to get a town car or limo in large cities. Just enter your location and where you want to go, and the limo companies can give you an offer on the spot. Innovative, or an assault on those poor cab companies?
The masses have risen up against First Lady Commissar of Food Rationing.
Imagine if YouTube had existed before Povolzhye (5m dead) in 1921, or Holodomor in 1932 (6m dead).
We offered them hats, but they declined! They said the hat is not the message they are trying to send.
Food control is part of food-as-a-weapon, and their video shows the students are ground zero in this attempt. The reason their video has gone viral is because those who know their history are spreading the word. Do these people really think the viewers of their video are just watching cute kids demanding snacks?
Food is the best weapon against people. Those who know their history will know why we shudder when we hear any politician suggest the government is better at, or should take a more active role in, food production, storage, transport and/or distribution. And even when that politician's wife suggests a 'better' menu for schools.
Glenn Beck owns one of our hats. Here he explains one possible outcome when the government controls the food.
Food seems to be the topic du jour. A friend emailed us this just now:
"Who will help me plant my wheat?" asked the little red hen.
"Not I," said the cow.
"Not I," said the duck.
"Not I," said the pig.
"Not I," said the goose.
"Then I will do it by myself." She planted her crop and the wheat grew and ripened.
"Who will help me reap my wheat?" asked the little red hen.
"Not I," said the duck.
"Out of my classification," said the pig.
"I'd lose my seniority," said the cow.
"I'd lose my unemployment compensation," said the goose.
"Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen, and so she did.
"Who will help me bake the bread?" asked the little red hen.
"That would be overtime for me," said the cow.
"I'd lose my welfare benefits," said the duck.
"I'm a dropout and never learned how," said the pig.
"If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination," said the goose.
"Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen.
She baked five loaves and held them up for all of her neighbors to see.
They wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share but the little red hen
said, "No, I shall eat all five loaves."
"Excess profits!" cried the cow.. (Nancy Pelosi)
"Capitalist leech!" screamed the duck. (Barbara Boxer)
"I demand equal rights!" yelled the goose. (Jesse Jackson)
The pig just grunted in disdain.. (Harry Reid)
And they all painted 'Unfair!' picket signs and marched around and around the little red hen, shouting obscenities.
When the farmer (Obama) came he said to the little red hen, "You must not be so greedy."
"But I earned the bread," said the little red hen.
"Exactly," said Barack the farmer. "That is what makes our free enterprise system so wonderful. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations, the productive workers must divide the fruits of their labor with those who are lazy and idle."
And they all lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, "I am grateful, for now I truly understand."
But her neighbors became quite disappointed in her. She never again baked bread because she joined the 'party' and got her bread free. And all the Democrats smiled. 'Fairness' had been established. Individual initiative had died but nobody noticed; perhaps no one cared so long as there was free bread that 'the rich' were paying for.
And perhaps....this is the end................... And the next week, there was no bread, or anything else to eat. So, they all starved equally.
But the video that started this thread is just about kids getting snacks....
Lenin did a reset, called The New Economic Policy or NEP, back in 21 when his policies failed. NEP gave some rights back to the people - just enough to cause a pause in the rebellions outside Moscow. Those rebellions were later crushed and their participants executed.
Then Hillary brings a reset button to her meeting with the Russians. How'd that go? Didn't they recently threaten to bomb our anti-missile defense systems? The defense systems that are meant to save lives?
And now Obama has taken money from the productive class to help reset 200,000 home loans - reducing the principle by as much as $150,000 for each homeowner. The principle. Meaning, our Dear Leader has helped 200,000 voters pay down the debts that they sought.
Bank of America, recipient of TARP and thus beholden to our Dear Leader, has made this reset offer. Yahoo story.
No doubt this latest reset will be touted by the LiberalsProgressives Communists in the MSM as a great and generous gift to those most in need.
What it really is:
Diluting the definition of private property.
One may ask: What other contracts can be rewritten?
Those 'homeowners' no longer can complain when the government stops by to check their smart meter, confiscate any food items not approved by the state, or to confirm all guns are unloaded and locked away.
Our Dear Leader doesn't want kids working on farms. Where was he when we were growing up in suburban Chicago and out picking beans in the hot dusty fields?
Oh ya, in the morning he was sitting in Reverend Wright's church just a few miles away. Then on to Man's Country to relax (new website since our last visit - NSFW).
Our first impulse upon hearing about this new law was the union angle. Get kids off the farms and put those hard-working union men and women in the fields. (Along with a break area furnished with comfortable furniture and cold beverages and plenty of shade. An on-site masseuse should be required for all farms over 5 acres. An air-conditioned shuttle to move these honorable union members to and from the parking area. What else did we miss?)
Our laziness in not identifying other reasons for this restriction has paid off. As we have long known: if we wait long enough, Ann Barnhardt, owner of our fine hat, will tell us the full story.
Ann says there are three reasons to keep kids off of farms:
First, they want to eliminate the next generation of farmers and ranchers so that nationalization of all food production can be hastened and facilitated.
Second, they want to force farmers and ranchers to hire and employ unionized labor, who will then effectively dictate how and what farmers and ranchers produce, and eventually drive them into insolvency and government takeover (see General Motors, et al).
Third, they want to break the spirit of the young toward any desire to work, be productive or be independent. They want every single person to view work as something to be avoided at all costs, and total government support as the only "fair" lifestyle, to which they are "entitled".
What is my response to all of this? It is very simple, and I am being as serious as pancreatic cancer when I say this:
God bless Ann for linking a farm labor law to gun rights.
Well Ann, it may be why you have guns. Unfortunately, we lost all of our guns in a freak boating accident and are currently unarmed. We are now quite smug, act enlightened, and know that the government will take care of us in hard times.
U/T: Ann.
UPDATE 12:45:
IOTW is asking Ann to go on an Occupy vs. Tea Party show, and is asking for donations. Link.
"Ms. McMillan is an amiable writer," it says here, "yet her book is lighted from within by anger at the poor food options many in this country face. Noting that Detroit is a city of 700,000 without a single store from a national grocery chain, she writes: 'Food is one of the only base human needs where the American government lets the private market dictate its delivery to our communities,'" and of course it's bad out there, so if we gotta have the government step in. The government's gotta get involved in making sure that food gets to the right places. We should hate Walmart because they offer low-cost produce.
Google "food justice." You think it's a new term? Google it! You get 1,810,000 hits. This is happening right in front of us for years, this kind of thing. Food is the next front in the left-wing war on the private sector. "Food justice," mark my words, will soon be joining the term "social justice." It will be appearing in news stories. The Drive-By Media reporters will accept this from the left uncritically and won't even bother to define it. I'm sorry, they will define it. They will define it. "Food justice: The private sector hates the poor. The private sector doesn't care if its customers live, even. The private sector doesn't care if its customers get sick. The private sector will make sure that cheap, low-cost, rotten, limp, needing-lipstick produce is the only thing you have available to you."
And responding to a caller:
Anywhere in America you can find quality produce! That's not the refutation of this piece. This piece really isn't about quality produce. This piece is about the fact that the federal government doesn't have any say-so in food distribution. And it represents yet another area for the left to have the government move into to have more and more power and strip away more and more freedom.
It's about freedom. It's not about produce.
Laura, a farmer, cooked a Farm-to-Fork meal for a group of people.
Their friendly neighborhood commie food inspector showed up at the same time as the guests.
The commie didn't like the food preparation and ordered the food destroyed.
Before realizing the commie was exercising authority she did not have, Laura complied. Then Laura remembered she was a member of the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund. She called, and the course of events made a 180 degree turn for the better.
As hard and demanding as this work is, I KNOW that this is what we are meant to do.
I KNOW that it is imperative that we stand up for our food choices.
I KNOW that local, organic, sustainable food produced by ourselves or by small family, local farms is indispensible to the health and well-being of our families and our communities now and in the future! If this work were not so vitally important, the “evil forces” would not be working so hard to pull it down.
We were victorious, we will be victorious, we must be! Our grandchildren’s future is at stake!
This is a good reminder of how liberalsprogressives communists think of themselves and of you.
It won't be too soon when the new Food Commissar positions open up. We'll get that unemployment number down to 9.0 if it means a new commissar in every rural town!
Her advice, based on a solid knowledge of history:
These people are going to show up and attempt to bribe rural America with handouts, promises of "fair markets" (to Marxists, the only "fair" market is no market at all - never forget that), and "free money". Fight them with every fiber of your being. Keep your powder dry, gentlemen.
Immediately following the Bolshevik revolution, Lenin sent out his commissars to collect forced grain-requisitions. When they met resistance, the resistance were labeled "Kulaks," a term for the middle-class peasant. The definition for Kulak changed over time but the response was the same: Forced relocations or execution. Famine followed as diligent farmers were replaced by lazy farmers.
Mao took this concept to a new level. Instead of sending commissars, he just told the poor peasants to kill their less poor counterparts and take their land. Poor peasants love taking land as much as ACORN employees love to help underage prostitution rings. The result was 60 million dead from execution and hunger.
Our Dear Leader is taking us down the same road. His efforts to improve efficiency on our farms will follow the same path as Lenin and Mao. Imposing a government bureaucracy over a capitalist enterprise results in human suffering on a massive scale EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
We find it extremely insensitive that Moby and his fellow liberalsprogressives communists call for fasting when hundreds of thousands of North Korean's are starving.
Is Moby having fun at the expense of gulag prisoners whose only crime was to be the child of a man who was caught eating a piece of bread out of turn 20 years ago?
That man may have had impure thoughts about the compassionate Dear Leader too! Can he prove his thoughts were pure?
Where were these clowns when their ideology killed 100 million - mostly by starving - during the last century?
Maybe they can go to North Korean Economy Watch and tour the North Korean concentration camps with Google Earth as they sip their 180-calorie latte's and brag on how they are fasting for a better, more fair, world.
The daily ration in Soviet Gulags was 800 calories. Punishment rations were 400 calories.
Food is not only the ultimate weapon, it is the weapon of choice for leftists like Moby and his ilk. These are the same people who buy into Marx, then later find their chosen leader standing between them and their food.
I am convinced that Obama is a rather nice person, as was Pol Pot of Cambodia. --- The 3.3 million killed in the Soviet Ukraine were killed not by Hitler but by Stalin, and the Ukrainians that died in the famine of 1933, that followed Stalin's destructive collectivization of the farms. The farms. The farms.
Now Obama has not collectivized the United States' farms for better production, comma, yet, period. But he has taken over General Motors. He has nationalized the health care system.
Do you think it is beyond this man to nationalize agriculture in the United States of America?
I would say that this transformational dupe that we have in the White House is capable of anything.
Any libs out there want to challenge this thinking? This connecting of world history with our current situation?
Any bedwetters want to bleat about how calling Obama a socialist hurts the nation's political discourse, poisons all opportunities to find common ground and is the reason, rather than the DNC and Obama, that we find ourselves in today's uncertain times?
Our Comments are wide open for endless blather. Have at it.
Glenn, Unlike you, I am not a progressive. I am not a liberal who is so afraid of a word that I have to change my name to "progressive". Liberals amuse me.
I am a socialist.
I live to the extreme left - the extreme left of you mere liberals.
Ok, however, I know this about my country. Liberals are 20% of the electorate. Conservatives are 41% of the electorate. Ok?
So I don't pretend that my views which would ban all guns in America, make medicare available to all in America, have any chance of happening in the Federal government.
The only way you have a Chairman Barney Frank. There is only one way. By electing Blue Dogs.
"Blue Dogs" is code for "fool the electorate" as 2008 proved and 2010 corrected.
While we share the amusement the liberals offer, Lawrence, of course, is wrong in his label. There is only one label for these people, as there is only one final result if all their policies are enacted (by compulsion of course): Communist.
He mentioned gun ban and universal healthcare. All he forgot was "food management". Those are the three ingredients. Just stir over a warm flame and add Cheka for flavor...
WSJ's former deputy editor Melanie Kirkpatrick reports in today's Opinion section that North Korea's seal on information is leaking. A Free Press Stirs in North Korea.
It appears North Korea has more of a responsible media than we do, albeit not their choice.
North Koreans reporting from inside North Korea. Incredible as it may seem in a country where journalism as it is practiced in the West is punishable by a trip to the gulag or public execution, such reporters are a new and growing phenomenon. Armed with easy-to-hide pinhole cameras and flash drives, they are getting videos, photographs and written information out of North Korea.
Sounds like something a right-winger would do at the local ACORN office!
Kirkpatrick reports that Jiro Ishimaru, a Japanese journalist, sends his ten reporters into North Korea from China with cameras and money. They bribe their way around the country and return with pictures and information.
It is next to impossible for ordinary North Koreans to get close to military installations, the gulag or Kim Jong Eun. So the reporters have decided to focus on day-to-day life in North Korea, especially starvation, the growing market economy and corruption. They have produced more than 100 hours of video on these subjects. Among the tapes I viewed were ones that showed bags of rice labeled "WFP"—for the United Nations World Food Program—being sold in a marketplace, and soldiers using a military truck as a bus service for paying customers.
The information doesn't flow just one way. Mr. Ishimaru's reporters also try to get information about the outside world into North Korea, usually in the form of CDs containing videos of South Korean soap operas, news shows or documentaries. Before DVD players came into use in China, VCD players—video CD players—had a short run of popularity. Chinese merchants now sell these discarded devices, along with CDs, across the border in North Korea. It's against the law to possess a VCD player or to watch South Korean videos, but the law-enforcement system has broken down enough that more and more North Koreans are taking the risk, assuming that if they get caught they can bribe local officials to look the other way.
The cracks are forming. Soon - but not soon enough - the blinding glare of freedom will shine in the North and the world will once again see the evils of socialism.