Showing posts with label DNC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DNC. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2017

Not the Change They Hoped For

This doesn't convey the frustration and depression that comes with watching your country be sold out by an anti-American.  If you want to see that, just click through the history here at Ushanka.

But today is trash day, and America comes first again.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The State of the Inner City

From FreeAtLastPAC:

Here is a video I made 8 long years ago.  I wonder what that place looks like now.

Trump's promise of a border wall was the biggest campaign promise I'd ever heard.  Until he promised to turn things around in America's inner cities.  The only way I can imagine him doing so within 8 years is with school vouchers.  Make parents choose their children's schools and bypass the unions.  Will he do it?  Or will he waste tax payer money, or expect Ben Carson to do anything positive as the leader of the bureaucratic HUD?

U/T: FB Comrade Andy

Question of the Day

Found at Imgur:

Meanwhile, earlier today in DC:

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Meme of the Day

For those worried about protesters disrupting President Trump's inauguration on Friday:

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Aaaannd, it's Islam. Again.


 WZ just shared today's news:

So it wasn't PTSD as the family tried to explain.  Yes, the family of this guy:

That single finger sign is an ISIS sign.  The scarf is a hint too for those who need more proof the murder of five innocent people wasn't accidental.

And this is the ISIS agenda, in color:

 More vacuous emptiness from the outgoing ineffective dear leader:

Still, not enough Americans killed for libs and MSM to admit Islam is a death cult and totalitarian political ideology disguised as a religion.   More must die.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Product Endorsement

Glorious Hat is no longer available for sale.  It is now a collector's item. 

A hat owner posted this on FB today:

But if you have a few $$ burning a hole in your pocket, and you've already considered our favorite charity, Liberty in North Korea, you may want to look at these litho prints from McNaughton:

The late Mr. Breitbart was an inspiration. 

I'm not one for political books, but I did read Breitbart's Righteous Indignation and it was excellent in its explanation of the origins of the Communist inspirations of the left.  (It is one of only two political books in the Ushanka Library at the left.)

Internet Dump

The creativity among my Internet comrades has exceeded the production quota for Ushanka's 2nd Five Year Plan.  Here are just the best from this past week:

John Lewis

 Democrat John Lewis:

He once had political capital, then he faced a decision:
1) Use the political capital to help his constituents (60% black), or
2) Sell his political capital for personal profit.
Are the blacks in Atlanta better now than they were eight years ago when a fellow black took office? 

How about THIRTY YEARS ago when Lewis first started representing them?

If not, perhaps it is time to try something different. 

Perhaps we could try to Make America Great Again. 

And if it doesn't work, we can always go back to perpetual welfare, abortion as birth control, single-parents, fake religion and government/union-run education.  Those are always the easy options.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Time to Rewrite History

They're scrambling.  For cover.  Like cockroaches.

Breitbart reports Pelosi is now trying to spin ObamaCare as bipartisan legislation, as its total failure has given us President-Elect Trump.  The momentum to repeal is so strong it might be gone before Trump takes office.

Remember?  Not even John McCain voted for ObamaCare!

It is called "ObamaCare" for a reason.  It was passed with super-majorities in congress and without any input from Republicans.  Why not have a partisan repeal?

Fair is fair, and next week there will be a new sheriff in town.

My two cents: 

Obama's takeover plans for America didn't happen because the late Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars discovered Fast and Furious - a plan to create chaos and death which the dear leader would use to disarm America.

This is step #1, otherwise the citizens are armed and nothing can be accomplished.

Further, Obama's hope that some angry white tea partiers would rampage and give credibility to his theory, announced in April 2009 by Homeland Security, of the threat of the new internal enemy: the Right Wing Extremists.

Comrades, one does not make a policy like this in the absence of a known threat.

Unless one has plans.

And don't forget Obama's snitch programs that were laughed away by both conservatives and liberals alike.   These too were intended to create the internal enemy that would justify the nationalization of the police and suspensions of liberties.

There were three, if my memory serves me right:
There was Flag @ WhiteHouse gov.

And the "Fight the Smears" website.

Then there was #AttackWatch in 2012.  Remember?

My instincts were right 8 years ago, as were their Communist Inspirations authentic.

They will do everything now to say people like yours truly were overly excited and suspicious.  I won't be proved wrong, nor will I be fooled by their revisionist propaganda.

In fact, starting next week, when a liberal talks, it will only be noise. 

Fortunately, the Tea Party started kicking ass in 2010, taking seats in Congress and, later, exposing RINO traitors.  Next week President-Elect Trump will take the baton for the next lap.  Not a moment too soon.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Friday, January 06, 2017

Making the Media Great Again, Perhaps

Kudos to FOX for their harassment of follow-up with one of the liberal do-gooders who harassed Ivanka Trump on a Jet Blue plane a couple weeks ago.

Daily Mail has the story. 

The reporter, Jesse Watters, questions and comment to the liberal who couldn't show his face:
You harassed a woman with her baby on a flight. You proud of that?

Real class act aren't you? Now you're afraid to show your face?
We didn't see any effort from the MSM like this during last year's presidential campaign.  Hillary and Bernie ran unopposed, with no one asking a single tough question of the criminal and socialist, respectively.

Trump isn't even in office and the journalists in the MSM are behaving like . . . journalists? 

I'll have to see a few more of these before I'm convinced the media is great again.

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Hillary. Alone.

Hillary was spotted alone at 11am this morning in an upstate NY restaurant troubleshooting her cell phone.

Rumor has it her cell phone was recently hacked by the Russians.

We recommend she use a hammer on it.

U/T: Comrade Forney

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Ain't That the Truth

Shall we ask our comrades in West Virginia what they think she should do with that lump of coal?

A New Intellectual Froglegs

It is great to see Joe Dan sticking with his Froglegs videos.  Some good zingers towards the MSM in this one.

Under New Management - Intellectual Froglegs Holiday Edition from IntellectualFroglegs w Joe Dan on Vimeo.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Internet Gem Dump

Some are a bit more racy than average, but too good not to share.

What a year!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Gummit Pic Dump

The files are stacking up here, so time to share!

Yes we are.

Yes he has.

Friday, December 09, 2016

#MAGA Idea #4

We all have our own idea of what Make America Great Again (#MAGA) means.

Here is another one of mine:

Trump is not a zero-sum leader.  Other countries can choose to improve themselves too.

For example, Comrade Zhukov and I came up with this one:

By definition, the only group that considers themselves harmed when Trump 'Makes America Great Again' are those who voted against making America great again (aka: The Democrat Party, Democrat voters, and people too lazy to go vote for Democrats.) 

However. . . if Trump's promises of new jobs, better jobs and better security are met, then - also by definition - even those against making America great again will benefit more than if their candidate had won.

This is just bias-free logic.

UPDATED 12.9.16 3:30pm:

I used a screenshot from today's Drudge