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ICRA 1993: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 1993. IEEE Computer Society Press 1993, ISBN 0-8186-3450-2
Mobile Robots I
- Akio Kosaka, Min Meng, Avinash C. Kak:
Vision-Guided Mobile Robot Navigation Using Retroactive Updating of Position Uncertainty. 1-7 - Martin David Adams:
Amplitude Modulated Optical Range Data Analysis in Mobile Robotics. 8-13 - Michael G. Kay, Ren C. Luo:
Global Vision for the Control of Free-Ranging AGV Systems. 14-19 - Pierrick Grandjean, Larry H. Matthies:
Perception Control for Obstacle Detection by a Cross-country Rover. 20-27
Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments
- Jun Ota, Tamio Arai:
Motion Planning of Multiple Mobile Robots Using Dynamic Groups. 28-33 - Kikuo Fujimura:
Motion Planning Using Transient Pixel Representations. 34-39 - Thierry Fraichard, Christian Laugier:
Path-Velocity Decomposition Revisited and Applied to Dynamic Trajectory Planning. 40-45 - Daniel J. Challou, Maria L. Gini, Vipin Kumar:
Parallel Search Algorithms for Robot Motion Planning. 46-51
Assembly Planning II
- Johnson P. Thomas, Keith D. Baker:
Modelling of Assembly Partitions for a Distributed Environment. 52-57 - Norihiro Abe, Katsumi Ohno, Tadahiro Kitahashi, Shoujie He:
Task Specification Using Technical Illustrations. 58-62 - Kai-I Huang:
Development of an Assembley Planner Using Decomposition Approach. 63-68 - Jong Hun Park, Myung Jin Chung, Kye Young Lim:
Acquisition of Assembly Constraints Without Redundancies. 69-74
Robot Control
- Michel Cotsaftis:
Intelligent Control for Complex Robotic Systems. 75-80 - Basilio Bona, Marina Indri:
Friction Compensation and Robust Hybrid Control. 81-86 - Shinichi Hirai, Kazuaki Iwata:
Derivation of Damping Control Parameters Based on Geometric Model. 87-92
Underwater Robotics I
- Chiu-Ho Yu, Shahriar Negahdaripour:
Underwater Experiments for Orientation and Motion Recovery from Video Images. 93-98 - Song K. Choi, Junku Yuh:
Design of Advanced Underwater Robotic Vechile and Graphic Workstation. 99-105 - Junku Yuh, Kishan V. Gonugunta:
Learning Control of Underwater Robotic Vehicles. 106-111 - Barry Steer, J. Kloske, Philip N. Garner, L. LeBlanc, S. Schock:
Towards Sonar Based Perception and Modelling for Unmanned Untethered Underwater Vehicles. 112-116
Multisensor Fusion and Integration: Low Level Fusion I
- Long Hong, Todd Scaggs:
Real-Time Optimal Multiresolutional Sensor/Data Fusion. 117-122 - Marc G. Slack:
Fixed Computation Real-Time Sonar Fusion for Local Navigation. 123-129 - Roderic A. Grupen, Manfred Huber:
2-D Contact Detection and Localization Using Proprioceptive Information. 130-135 - Ken Hughes, N. Ranganathan:
A Model for Determining Sensor Confidence. 136-141
Robotic Calibration
- John M. Hollerbach, David M. Lokhorst:
Closed-Loop Kinematic Calibration of the RSI 6-DOF Hand Controller. 142-148 - Zvi S. Roth, Hanqi Zhuang, Luke Wang:
Simultaneous Calibration of a Robot and a Hand-Mounted Camera. 149-154 - Louis J. Everett:
Models for Diagnosing Robot Error Sources. 155-159 - Wyatt S. Newman, David W. Osborn:
A New Method for Kinematic Parameter Calibration via Laser Line Tracking. 160-165
Fault Detection, Monitoring, and Diagnosis
- Anders Adlemo, Sven-Arne Andréasson:
Failure Semantics in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems. 166-173 - James H. Graham, Jian Guan:
Intelligent Diagnostics in Robotics and Integrated Manufacturing Systems. 174-179 - Monica L. Visinsky, Ian D. Walker, Joseph R. Cavallaro:
Layered Dynamic Fault Detection and Tolerance for Robots. 180-187 - A. Syed, Hoda A. ElMaraghy, N. Chagneux:
Real-Time Monitoring and Diagnosing of Robotic Assembly with Self-Organizing Neural Maps. 188-195
Analysis and Control of Enveloping Systems I
- Antonio Bicchi:
Force Distribution in Multiple Whole-Limb Manipulation. 196-201 - Makoto Kaneko, Tatsunori Hayashi:
Standing-up Characteristic of Contact Force During Self-Posture Changing Motions. 202-208 - Nobuharu Mimura, Yasuyuki Funahashi:
Parameter Identification in the Grasp of an Inner Link Mechanism. 209-215 - Toru Omata:
Finger Position Computation for 3-dimensional Equilibrium Grasps. 216-222
Control of Flexible Manipulators I
- Ola Dahl:
Path Constrained Motion Optimization for Rigid and Flexible Joint Robots. 223-229 - Dirk Torfs, Joris De Schutter:
Comparison of Control Results of a Flexible One-Link Robot Equipped with a Velocity or Torque Controlled Actuator. 230-235 - Eric Kubica, David Wang:
A Fuzzy Control Strategy for a Flexible Single Link Robot. 236-241 - Jae Young Lew, Wayne J. Book:
Hybrid Control of Flexible Manipulators with Multiple Contact. 242-247
Mobile Robots II
- Camillo J. Taylor, David J. Kriegman:
Exploration Strategies for Mobile Robots. 248-253 - Karansher Singh, Kikuo Fujimura:
Map Making by Cooperating Mobile Robots. 254-259 - James P. Ostrowski, Joel W. Burdick:
Designing Feedback Algorithms for Controlling the Periodic Motions of Legged Robots. 260-266 - Reda E. Fayek, Ramiro Liscano, Gerald M. Karam:
A System Architecture for a Mobile Robot Based on Activities and a Blackboard Control Unit. 267-274
Path Planning III
- Alistair McLean, Stephen Cameron:
Snake-Based Path Planning for Redundant Manipulators. 275-282 - Sanjeev Seereeram, John T. Wen:
A Global Approach to Path Planning for Redundant Manipulators. 283-288 - René V. Mayorga, K. S. Ma, Andrew K. C. Wong, B. Ressa:
A Fast Approach for the Path Planning of Telerobotic Manipulators. 289-294 - Max B. Reid:
Path Planning Using Optically Computed Potential Fields. 295-300
Assembly Planning III
- Akira Okano:
Computer-Aided Assembly Process Planning with Resource Assignment. 301-306 - Sukhan Lee, Fu-Chung Wang:
Physical Reasoning of Interconnection Forces for Efficient Assembly Planning. 307-313 - Daniel E. Whitney, Olivier L. Gilbert:
Representation of Geometric Variations Using Matrix Transforms for Statistical Tolerance Analysis in Assemblies. 314-321 - Randall H. Wilson:
Minimizing User Queries in Interactive Assembly Planning. 322-327
Adaptive Control II
- M. Erlic, Wu-Sheng Lu:
A Reduced-Order Adaptive Velocity Observer for Manipulator Control. 328-333 - Jian-Min Xu, Qi-Jie Zhou, T. P. Leung:
Implicit Adaptive Inverse Dynamics Control of Robot Manipulators. 334-339 - Liu Hsu, Raul Guenther:
Variable Structure Adaptive Cascade Control of Multi-Link Robot Manipulators with Flexible Joints: The Case of Arbitrary Uncertain Flexibilities. 340-345 - David C. Swift, Howard Kaufman, Steven T. Cummings:
Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control of a Puma Manipulator. 346-351
Multisensor Fusion and Integration: High Level Fusion
- Gregory D. Hager, Sean P. Engelson, Sami Atiya:
On Comparing Statistical and Set-Based Methods in Sensor Data Fusion. 352-358 - M. Abdulghafour, T. Chandra, Mongi A. Abidi:
Data Fusion Through Fuzzy Logic Applied to Feature Extraction from Multi-Sensory Images. 359-366 - Ze-Nian Li, Danpo Zhang:
Real-time Line-based Motion Stereo. 367-372 - Tiziana D'Orazio, Massimo Ianigro, Ettore Stella, Francesco Paolo Lovergine, Arcangelo Distante:
Mobile Robot Navigation by Multi-Sensory Integration. 373-379
Sensor and Actuators
- Mohsen Shahinpoor:
Microelectro-Mechanics of Ionic Polymeric Gels as Artifical Muscles for Robotic Applications. 380-385 - Yayoi Kubo, Isao Shimoyama, Hirofumi Miura:
Study of Insect-based Flying Microrobots. 386-391 - David Wilkes, Gregory Dudek, Michael Jenkin, Evangelos E. Milios:
Multi-transducer Sonar Interpretation. 392-397 - Yasuhiro Hayakawa, Sadao Kawamura:
Sensing Actuators Using a Pneumatic Bellows System and Its Application to a Soft Gripper. 398-403
Real-Time Architecture and Operating System Kernels for Robotics
- Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Marco Di Natale:
HARTIK: A Hard Real-Time Kernel for Programming Robot Tasks with Explicit Time Constraints and Guaranteed Execution. 404-409 - Nenad Kircanski, Tatjana Petrovic, Miomir Vukobratovic:
A Parallel Computer Architecture for Real-Time Control Applications in Grasping and Manipulation. 410-415 - Robert J. Anderson:
SMART: A Modular Architecture for Robotics and Teleoperation. 416-421 - M. Anthony Lewis, Andrew H. Fagg, George A. Bekey:
The USC Autonomous Flying Vehicle: An Experiment in Real Time Behavior-Based Control. 422-429
Analysis and Control of Enveloping Systems II
- Khalid Mirza, Mark D. Hanes, David E. Orin:
Dynamic Simulation of Enveloping Power Grasps. 430-435 - Dominiek Reynaerts, Hendrik Van Brussel:
Two-Fingered Full Envelope Dexterous Manipulation. 436-441 - Jeffrey C. Trinkle, R. C. Ram, A. O. Farahat, Peter F. Stiller:
Dexterous Manipulation Planning and Execution of an Enveloped Slippery Workpiece. 442-448 - Marko I. Vuskovic, A. K. Marjanski:
Programmed Synergy in Dextrous Robotic Hands. 449-455
Control of Flexible Manipulators II
- Yuan F. Zheng, Ming Z. Chen:
Vibration-Free Movement of Deformable Beams by Robot Manipulator. 456-461 - Fumitoshi Matsuno, Kazuo Yamamoto:
Dynamic Hybrid Position/Force Control of a Flexible Manipulator. 462-467 - W. Yim:
End-Point Trajectory Control, Stabilization, and Zero Dynamics of a Three-Link Flexible Manipulator. 468-473 - David P. Magee, Wayne J. Book:
Eliminating Multiple Modes of Vibration in a Flexible Manipulator. 474-479
Motion Planning and Control
- H. P. Qian, Joris De Schutter:
Generalized Acceleration Control of Robot Manipulators with Nonlinear Active Damping. 480-486 - Sunil K. Singh:
Motion Planning and Control of Non-Redundant Manipulators at Singularities. 487-492 - Ola Dahl:
Path Constrained Robot Control with Limited Torques - Experimental Evaluation. 493-498 - Homayoun Seraji, Richard Colbaugh:
Force Tracking in Impedance Control. 499-506
Assembly Planning IV
- Tatsuya Suzuki, Takahide Kanehara, Akio Inaba, Shigeru Okuma:
On Algebraic and Graph Structural Properties of Assembly Petri Net. 507-514 - Johnson P. Thomas:
Constructing Assembly Plans. 515-520 - Sukhan Lee, Chunsik Yi:
Subassembly Stability and Reorientation. 521-526 - Tomás Lozano-Pérez, Randall H. Wilson:
Assembly Sequencing for Arbitrary Motions. 527-532
Motion Control I
- Carlos Canudas de Wit, Romeo Ortega, S. I. Seleme:
Robot Motion Control Using Induction Motor Drives. 533-538 - Andreas Glatzl, Steve H. Murphy, John T. Wen, Peter Kopacek:
Discrete Implementation and Adaptation of Sliding Mode Control for Robot Manipulators. 539-544 - Jianwei Zhang, Petra Bohner:
A Fuzzy Control Approach for Executing Subgoal Guided Motion of a Mobile Robot in a Partly-known Environment. 545-550 - Costanzo Manes
Constrained Robot Motion in Presence of Stiff and Compliant Contact. 551-558
Multisensor Fusion and Integration: Integration
- Otman A. Basir
, Helen C. Shen:
Goal-Driven Task Assignment and Sensor Control in Multi-sensor Systems: A Multicriteria Approach. 559-566 - Erann Gat, Albert Behar, Rajiv S. Desai, Robert Ivlev, John Loch, David P. Miller:
Behavior Control for Planetary Exploration: Interim Report. 567-571 - Robin R. Murphy:
Robust Sensor Fusion for Teleoperations. 572-577 - Polly K. Pook, Dana H. Ballard:
Recognizing Teleoperated Manipulations. 578-585
Sensing Strategies
- Cregg K. Cowan, Bharath R. Modayur:
Edge-Based Placement of Camera and Light Source for Object Recognition and Location. 586-591 - Michael A. Erdmann:
Action Subservient Sensing and Design. 592-598 - Keith D. Gremban, Katsushi Ikeuchi:
Planning Multiple Observations for Specular Object Recognition. 599-604 - Steven Abrams, Peter K. Allen, Konstantinos A. Tarabanis
Dynamic Sensor Planning. 605-610
- John M. Hollerbach, Ian W. Hunter, J. Lang, S. Umans, R. Sepe, Eric Vaaler, Iñaki Garabieta:
The McGill/MIT Direct Drive Motor Project. 611-617 - Toshio Fukuda, Shinobu Hattori, Fumihito Arai, Hideo Matsuura, Tsutomu Hiramatsu, Yoichi Ikeda, Akinari Maekawa:
Characteristics of Optical Actuator-Servomechanisms Using Bimorph Optical Piezo-Electric Actuator. 618-623 - Timothy Tuttle, Warren P. Seering:
Modeling a Harmonic Drive Gear Transmission. 624-629 - Benjamin B. Bederson, Richard S. Wallace, Eric L. Schwartz:
Control and Design of the Spherical Pointing Motor. 630-636
Passivity and Compliance in Mechanical Systems
- Roger W. Brockett, Ann Stokes, Frank C. Park:
A Geometrical Formulation of the Dynamical Equations Describing Kinematic Chains. 637-641 - Ambarish Goswami, Michael A. Peshkin:
Task-space/Joint-space Damping Transformations for Passive Redundant Manipulators. 642-647 - Thomas S. Lindsay, Pramath R. Sinha, Richard P. Paul:
An Instrumented Compliant Wrist for Robotics Applications. 648-653 - Byung-Ju Yi, Robert A. Freeman:
Geometric Characteristics of Antagonistic Stiffness in Redundantly Actuated Mechanisms. 654-661
Trajectory and Path Planning
- Charles W. Warren:
Fast Path Planning Using Modified A \ast Method. 662-667 - Prabir K. Pal, K. Jayarajan:
Fast Path Planning for Robot Manipulators Using Spatial Relations in the Configuration Space. 668-673 - Akira Mohri, Motoji Yamamoto, Shinya Marushima:
Collision-Free Trajectory Planning for Two Manipulators Using Virtual Coordination Space. 674-679 - Richard Volpe:
Task Space Velocity Blending for Real-Time Trajectory Generation. 680-687
Teaching by Showing
- Katsushi Ikeuchi, Masato Kawade, Takashi Suehiro:
Assembly Task Recognition with Planar, Curved, and Mechanical Contacts. 688-694 - Tomoichi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Ogata, Shin-yo Muto:
A Method for Analyzing Human Assembly Operations for Use in Automatically Generating Robot Commands. 695-700 - Kosei Kitagaki, Tsukasa Ogasawara, Takashi Suehiro:
Methods to Detect Contact State by Force Sensing in an Edge Mating Task. 701-706 - Barry Shepherd:
Applying Visual Programming to Robotics. 707-712
Motion Control II
- Chau-Chang Wang, Vijay Kumar:
Velocity Control of Mobile Manipulators. 713-718 - Fuminori Saito, Toshio Fukuda, Fumihito Arai:
Swing and Locomotion Control for Two-Link Brachiation Robot. 719-724 - Zvi Shiller, Mikko Tarkiainen:
Time Optimal Motions of Manipulators with Acutator Dynamics. 725-730 - You-Liang Gu, Yangsheng Xu:
A Normal Form Augmentation Approach to Adaptive Control of Space Robot Systems. 731-737
Neural Nets
- Jeremy R. Cooperstock, Evangelos E. Milios:
An Efficiently Trainable Neural Network Based Vision-Guided Robot Arm. 738-743 - James D. Yegerlehner, Peter H. Meckl:
Experimental Implementation of Neural Network Controller for Robot Undergoing Large Payload Changes. 744-749 - Min Meng, Avinash C. Kak:
NEURO-NAV: A Neural Network Based Architecture for Vision-Guided Mobile Robot Navigation Using Non-Metrical Models of the Environment. 750-757 - Jean Koh, Minsoo Suk, Suchendra M. Bhandarkar:
A Self-Organizing Neural Network for Hierarchical Range Image Segmentation. 758-763
Active Hand-Eye
- Anup Basu:
Active Calibration. 764-769 - Chichyang Chen, Yuan F. Zheng:
A New Robotic Hand/Eye Calibration Method by Active Viewing of a Checkerboard Pattern. 770-775 - Michael Jenkin, Evangelos E. Milios, John K. Tsotsos, Brian Down:
A Binocular Robotic Head System with Torsional Eye Movements. 776-781 - Yasuharu Yamada, Akio Ishiguro, Yoshiki Uchikawa:
A Method of 3D Object Reconstruction by Fusing Vision with Touch Using Internal Models with Global and Local Deformations. 782-787
Design of Robotic Systems
- A. Dougan, Donald T. Gavel, D. Gustaveson, M. Holliday, R. Johnson, B. Kettering, H. Wilhelmsen:
Demonstration of Automated Robotic Workcell for Hazardous Waste Characterization. 788-794 - Paul G. Backes, John Beahan, Bruce Bon:
Interactive Command Building and Sequencing for Supervised Autonomy. 795-801 - Sean Quinlan, Oussama Khatib:
Elastic Bands: Connecting Path Planning and Control. 802-807 - Paul I. Ro, Byung R. Lee:
An Optimum Path and Posture Planning for Fixtureless Assembly. 808-813
- I-Ming Chen
, Joel W. Burdick:
A Qualitative Test for N-Finger Force-Closure Grasps on Planar Objects with Applications to Manipulation and Finger Gaits. 814-820 - Jean Ponce, Steve Sullivan, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Jean-Pierre Merlet:
On Characterizing and Computing Three- and Four-Finger Force-Closure Grasps of Polyhedral Objects. 821-827 - Marnix van Bruggen, Jan Peter Baartman, Willem F. Bronsvoort:
Grips on Parts. 828-833 - Andrew Blake, Michael J. Taylor:
Planning Planar Grasps of Smooth Contours. 834-839

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