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15th ISBI 2018: Washington, DC, USA
- 15th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI 2018, Washington, DC, USA, April 4-7, 2018. IEEE 2018, ISBN 978-1-5386-3636-7
- Shu Zhang, Tuo Zhang, Xiao Li, Lei Guo, Tianming Liu:
Joint representation of cortical folding, structural connectivity and functional networks. 1-5 - Jingwen Yan, Kefei Liu, Huang Lv, Enrico Amico
, Shannon L. Risacher
, Yu-Chien Wu, Shiaofen Fang, Olaf Sporns
, Andrew J. Saykin, Joaquín Goñi, Li Shen:
Joint exploration and mining of memory-relevant brain anatomic and connectomic patterns via a three-way association model. 6-9 - Jian Fang, Julia M. Stephen
, Tony W. Wilson, Vince D. Calhoun
, Yu-Ping Wang:
Detection of differentially developed functional connectivity patterns in adolescents based on tensor discriminative analysis. 10-14 - Jian Li, Soyoung Choi
, Anand A. Joshi
, Jessica L. Wisnowski, Richard M. Leahy:
Global PDF-based temporal non-local means filtering reveals individual differences in brain connectivity. 15-19 - Hyekyoung Lee, Moo K. Chung, Hyejin Kang, Hongyoon Choi
, Yu Kyeong Kim, Dong Soo Lee:
Abnormal hole detection in brain connectivity by kernel density of persistence diagram and Hodge Laplacian. 20-23 - Ran Shadmi, Victoria Mazo, Orna Bregman-Amitai, Eldad Elnekave:
Fully-convolutional deep-learning based system for coronary calcium score prediction from non-contrast chest CT. 24-28 - Tianyou Dou, Lijuan Zhang, Wu Zhou:
3D deep feature fusion in contrast-enhanced MR for malignancy characterization of hepatocellular carcinoma. 29-33 - Jianfei Liu, Haewon Jung, Johnny Tam
Computer-aided detection of pattern changes in longitudinal adaptive optics images of the retinal pigment epithelium. 34-38 - Yair Dgani, Hayit Greenspan, Jacob Goldberger:
Training a neural network based on unreliable human annotation of medical images. 39-42 - Yanwu Xu
, Lixin Duan, Huazhu Fu
, Zhuo Zhang, Wei Zhao, Tianyuan You, Tien Yin Wong
, Jiang Liu
Ocular disease detection from multiple informatics domains. 43-47 - Claire Yilin Lin, Jeffrey A. Fessler:
Accelerated methods for low-rank plus sparse image reconstruction. 48-51 - Zhipeng Li, Saiprasad Ravishankar, Yong Long, Jeffrey A. Fessler:
Image-domain material decomposition using data-driven sparsity models for dual-energy CT. 52-56 - Christian Hauke, Martino Leghissa, Thomas Mertelmeier, Marcus Radicke, S. Sutter, Thomas Weber
, Gisela Anton
, Ludwig Ritschl:
Moiré artefact reduction in Talbot-Lau X-ray imaging. 57-60 - Tae Hyung Kim
, Justin P. Haldar:
The Fourier radial error spectrum plot: A more nuanced quantitative evaluation of image reconstruction quality. 61-64 - Michael T. McCann
, Laura Vilaclara, Michael Unser
Region of interest X-ray computed tomography via corrected back projection. 65-69 - Huan Liu, Shijie Zhao, Xi Jiang
, Shu Zhang, Xintao Hu
, Lei Quo, Tianming Liu:
Characterizing task-evoked and intrinsic functional networks from task-based fMRI data via two-stage sparse dictionary learning. 70-73 - Fangfei Ge, Jinglei Lv
, Xintao Hu
, Lei Guo, Junwei Han, Shijie Zhao, Tianming Liu:
Exploring intrinsic networks and their interactions using group wise temporal sparse coding. 74-77 - Heng Huang, Xintao Hu
, Qinglin Dong, Shijie Zhao, Shu Zhang, Yu Zhao, Lei Quo, Tianming Liu:
Modeling task fMRI data via mixture of deep expert networks. 82-86 - Siyuan Gao, Abigail S. Greene
, R. Todd Constable
, Dustin Scheinost
Task integration for connectome-based prediction via canonical correlation analysis. 87-91 - Junqi Wang, Vince D. Calhoun
, Julia M. Stephen
, Tony W. Wilson, Yu-Ping Wang:
Integration of network topological features and graph Fourier transform for fMRI data analysis. 92-96 - Juntang Zhuang
, Nicha C. Dvornek, Xiaoxiao Li, Daniel Y.-J. Yang, Pamela Ventola, James S. Duncan:
Prediction of Pivotal response treatment outcome with task fMRI using random forest and variable selection. 97-100 - Hongming Li, Theodore D. Satterthwaite, Yong Fan:
Brain age prediction based on resting-state functional connectivity patterns using convolutional neural networks. 101-104 - Aiying Zhang, Jian Fang, Vince D. Calhoun
, Yu-Ping Wang:
High dimensional latent Gaussian copula model for mixed data in imaging genetics. 105-109 - Colin J. Brown, Jeremy Kawahara, Ghassan Hamarneh
Connectome priors in deep neural networks to predict autism. 110-113 - Abdullah Alchihabi, Baran B. Kivilicim, Sharlene D. Newman, Fatos T. Yarman-Vural:
A dynamic network representation of fMRI for modeling and analyzing the problem solving task. 114-117 - Matthew Cieslak, Wendy Meiring, Tegan Brennan, Clint Greene, Lukas J. Volz
, Jean M. Vettel, Subhash Suri, Scott T. Grafton:
Compositional measures of diffusion anisotropy and asymmetry. 123-126 - Wei Zhang, Jinglei Lv
, Shu Zhang, Yu Zhao, Tianming Liu:
Modeling resting state fMRI data via longitudinal supervised stochastic coordinate coding. 127-131 - Daniel Schmitz, Katrin Amunts
, Thomas Lippert, Markus Axer
A least squares approach for the reconstruction of nerve fiber orientations from tiltable specimen experiments in 3D-PLI. 132-135 - Guodong Zeng, Guoyan Zheng:
Multi-stream 3D FCN with multi-scale deep supervision for multi-modality isointense infant brain MR image segmentation. 136-140 - Sudhanya Chatterjee
, Olivier Commowick
, Onur Afacan, Simon K. Warfield
, Christian Barillot:
Multi-compartment model of brain tissues from T2 relaxometry MRI using gamma distribution. 141-144 - Shubham Kumar, Sailesh Conjeti, Abhijit Guha Roy, Christian Wachinger
, Nassir Navab:
InfiNet: Fully convolutional networks for infant brain MRI segmentation. 145-148 - Karl Bäckström, Mahmood Nazari, Irene Yu-Hua Gu
, Asgeir Store Jakola
An efficient 3D deep convolutional network for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis using MR images. 149-153 - Qiang Zheng, Yong Fan:
Integrating semi-supervised label propagation and random forests for multi-atlas based hippocampus segmentation. 154-157 - Snehashis Roy
, John A. Butman, Leighton Chan, Dzung L. Pham:
TBI contusion segmentation from MRI using convolutional neural networks. 158-162 - Francisco Javier Alvarez Padilla
, Barbara Romaniuk, Benoît Naegel, Stéphanie Servagi-Vernat, David Morland, Dimitri Papathanassiou, Nicolas Passat:
Hierarchical forest attributes for multimodal tumor segmentation on FDG-PET/contrast-enhanced CT. 163-167 - Noel C. F. Codella, David A. Gutman, M. Emre Celebi, Brian Helba
, Michael A. Marchetti, Stephen W. Dusza, Aadi Kalloo, Konstantinos Liopyris
, Nabin K. Mishra, Harald Kittler
, Allan Halpern
Skin lesion analysis toward melanoma detection: A challenge at the 2017 International symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI), hosted by the international skin imaging collaboration (ISIC). 168-172 - Marek Wodzinski
, Andrzej Skalski
, Izabela Ciepiela, Tomasz Kuszewski, Piotr Kedzierawski:
Volume regularization in explicit image registration used for breast cancer bed localization. 173-176 - Anneke Meyer, Alireza Mehrtash
, Marko Rak, Daniel Schindele, Martin Schostak, Clare M. Tempany, Tina Kapur, Purang Abolmaesumi, Andriy Fedorov
, Christian Hansen
Automatic high resolution segmentation of the prostate from multi-planar MRI. 177-181 - Yuexiang Li, Xuechen Li, Xinpeng Xie, Linlin Shen:
Deep learning based gastric cancer identification. 182-185 - Korsuk Sirinukunwattana, J. Lin, P. Lu, F. Beca, J. Peng, A. Tolwani, A. Stancu, Sushama Varma, Robert West:
Quantifying chromosomal copy number alterations in breast ductal carcinoma in situ: A deep learning based approach. 186-190 - Ida Arvidsson, Niels Christian Overgaard, Felicia-Elena Marginean, Agnieszka Krzyzanowska, Anders Bjartell, Kalle Åström
, Anders Heyden:
Generalization of prostate cancer classification for multiple sites using deep learning. 191-194 - Yi-Jie Huang, Qi Dou
, Zi-Xian Wang, Li-Zhi Liu, Li-Sheng Wang, Hao Chen
, Pheng-Ann Heng
, Rui-Hua Xu
HL-FCN: Hybrid loss guided FCN for colorectal cancer segmentation. 195-198 - Wei Shao, Liang Sun, Daoqiang Zhang:
Deep active learning for nucleus classification in pathology images. 199-202 - Xuelu Li, Vishal Monga, Arvind U. K. Rao:
Analysis-synthesis model learning with shared features: A new framework for histopathological image classification. 203-206 - Islam Reda, Babajide O. Ayinde, Mohammed M. Elmogy
, Ahmed Shalaby, Moumen T. El-Melegy
, Mohamed Abou El-Ghar
, Ahmed Abou El-Fetouh, Mohammed Ghazal
, Ayman El-Baz
A new CNN-based system for early diagnosis of prostate cancer. 207-210 - Olmo Zavala-Romero
, Anke Meyer-Baese
, Marc B. I. Lobbes:
Breast lesion segmentation software for DCE-MRI: An open source GPGPU based optimization. 211-215 - Faisal Mahmood
, Nicholas J. Durr
Topographical reconstructions from monocular optical colonoscopy images via deep learning. 216-219 - Chunfeng Lian, Hua Li, Pierre Vera, Su Ruan
Unsupervised co-segmentation of tumor in PET-CT images using belief functions based fusion. 220-223 - Zisha Zhong, Yusung Kim, Leixin Zhou, Kristin A. Plichta
, Bryan Allen
, John M. Buatti
, Xiaodong Wu:
Improving tumor co-segmentation on PET-CT images with 3D co-matting. 224-227 - Zisha Zhong, Yusung Kim, Leixin Zhou, Kristin A. Plichta
, Bryan Allen
, John M. Buatti
, Xiaodong Wu:
3D fully convolutional networks for co-segmentation of tumors on PET-CT images. 228-231 - Deepak Roy Chittajallu, Neal Siekierski, Sanghoon Lee
, Samuel Gerber, Jonathan D. Beezley, David Manthey, David A. Gutman, Lee Cooper:
Vectorized persistent homology representations for characterizing glandular architecture in histology images. 232-235 - Nan Chen, Chaan Ng, Brian Paul Hobbs:
Bayesian classifiers of solid lesions with dynamic CT: Integrating enhancement density with washout density and delay interval. 236-239 - Maria J. M. Chuquicusma, Sarfaraz Hussein, Jeremy Burt, Ulas Bagci
How to fool radiologists with generative adversarial networks? A visual turing test for lung cancer diagnosis. 240-244 - Mariëlle J. A. Jansen, Hugo J. Kuijf, Josien P. W. Pluim:
Automatic classification of focal liver lesions based on clinical DCE-MR and T2-weighted images: A feasibility study. 245-248 - Dejan Knez, Imad S. Nahle, Tomaz Vrtovec
, Stefan Parent, Samuel Kadoury:
Computer-assisted pedicle screw placement planning: Towards clinical practice. 249-252 - Maria V. Sainz de Cea, Yongyi Yang, Robert M. Nishikawa
Reducing the effect of false positives in classification of detected clustered microcalcifications. 253-256 - Yang Song, Hang Chang, Yang Gao, Sidong Liu
, Donghao Zhang, Junen Yao, Wojciech Chrzanowski, Weidong Cai:
Feature learning with component selective encoding for histopathology image classification. 257-260 - Yan Zhuang, Omar Uribe
, Mark M. McDonald, Iris Lin, Daniel Arteaga, William Dalrymple, Bradford Worrall, Andrew Southerland
, Gustavo K. Rohde:
Pathological facial weakness detection using computational image analysis. 261-264 - P. M. Gordaliza
, Juan José Vaquero
, Sally Sharpe, Manuel Desco, Arrate Muñoz-Barrutia:
Towards an informational model for tuberculosis lesion discrimination on X-ray CT images. 265-268 - Dário Augusto Borges Oliveira
, Matheus Palhares Viana:
An efficient multi-scale data representation method for lung nodule false positive reduction using convolutional neural networks. 269-272 - Monica Iturrioz Campo, Javier Pascau
, Raúl San José Estépar
Emphysema quantification on simulated X-rays through deep learning techniques. 273-276 - Rong Zhang, Qiufang Liu, Hui Cui, Xiuying Wang
, Shaoli Song, Gang Huang, Dagan Feng:
Thyroid classification via new multi-channel feature association and learning from multi-modality MRI images. 277-280 - Monika Grewal
, Muktabh Mayank Srivastava, Pulkit Kumar, Srikrishna Varadarajan:
RADnet: Radiologist level accuracy using deep learning for hemorrhage detection in CT scans. 281-284 - Valentina Giannini
, Samanta Rosati
, Cristina Castagneri, Laura Martincich, Daniele Regge
, Gabriella Balestra
Radiomics for pretreatment prediction of pathological response to neoadjuvant therapy using magnetic resonance imaging: Influence of feature selection. 285-288 - Maayan Frid-Adar, Eyal Klang, Michal Amitai, Jacob Goldberger, Hayit Greenspan:
Synthetic data augmentation using GAN for improved liver lesion classification. 289-293 - Mostafa Mohamad, Amal Farag, Asem M. Ali
, Salwa Elshazly, Aly A. Farag, Mohamad Ghanoum:
Enhancing virtual colonoscopy with a new visualization measure. 294-297 - Jian Wu, Su Ruan
, Chunfeng Lian, Sasa Mutic, Mark A. Anastasio, Hua Li:
Active learning with noise modeling for medical image annotation. 298-301 - Prachi H. Kulkarni, S. N. Merchant, Suyash P. Awate
Bayesian reconstruction of R-fMRI from K-T undersampled data using a robust, subject-invariant, spatially-regularized dictionary prior. 302-306 - Tomasz Pieciak
, Inaki Rabanillo-Viloria, Santiago Aja-Fernández:
Bias correction for non-stationary noise filtering in MRI. 307-310 - Eunhee Kang, Jong Chul Ye:
Framelet denoising for low-dose CT using deep learning. 311-314 - Serhat Ilbey
, Can Baris Top
, Alper Gungor
, Emine Ulku Saritas
, H. Emre Guven:
Coded scenes for fast system calibration in magnetic particle imaging. 315-318 - James R. Clough
, Daniel R. Balfour, Paul K. Marsden, Claudia Prieto
, Andrew J. Reader
, Andrew P. King
MRI slice stacking using manifold alignment and wave kernel signatures. 319-323 - Chao Song, Yongyi Yang, Albert J. Ramon, Miles N. Wernick, P. Hendrik Pretorius, Michael A. King:
Improving perfusion defect detection with respiratory motion compensation in cardiac SPECT. 324-327 - C. Goubet, Max Langer, Françoise Peyrin
, Juan F. P. J. Abascal
Low-dose synchrotron nano-CT via compressed sensing. 328-331 - Thanh Nguyen-Duc, Won-Ki Jeong
Compressed sensing dynamic MRI reconstruction using multi-scale 3D convolutional sparse coding with elastic net regularization. 332-335 - Tom Hohweiller, Nicolas Ducros
, Françoise Peyrin
, Bruno Sixou:
A constrained Gauss-Newton algorithm for material decomposition in spectral computed tomography. 336-339 - Cong Zhao, Yuncheng Zhong, Jing Wang, Mingwu Jin:
Modified simultaneous motion estimation and image reconstruction (m-SMEIR) for 4D-CBCT. 340-343 - Lianli Liu, Adam Johansson, James M. Balter, Yue Cao, Jeffrey A. Fessler:
Accelerated high b-value diffusion-weighted MR imaging via phase-constrained low-rank tensor model. 344-348 - Peng Liu, Ruogu Fang
SDCNet: Smoothed dense-convolution network for restoring low-dose cerebral CT perfusion. 349-352 - Awais Mansoor, Teerit Vongkovit, Marius George Linguraru:
Adversarial approach to diagnostic quality volumetric image enhancement. 353-356 - Haris Jeelani
, Jonathan Martin, Francis Vasquez, Michael Salerno, Daniel S. Weller
Image quality affects deep learning reconstruction of MRI. 357-360 - Kyong Hwan Jin
, Michael Unser
3D BBPConvNet to reconstruct parallel MRI. 361-364 - Can Zhao
, Aaron Carass, Blake E. Dewey, Jerry L. Prince:
Self super-resolution for magnetic resonance images using deep networks. 365-368 - Rikkert Van Durme, Annelies Coene
, Guillaume Crevecoeur
, Luc Dupré
Model-based optimal design of a magnetic nanoparticle tomographic imaging setup. 369-372 - Jingru Yi, Pengxiang Wu, Daniel J. Hoeppner, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
Pixel-wise neural cell instance segmentation. 373-377 - Chi Xiao, Jing Liu, Xi Chen, Hua Han, Chang Shu, Qiwei Xie:
Deep contextual residual network for electron microscopy image segmentation in connectomics. 378-381 - Johannes Stegmaier
, Thiago Vallin Spina, Alexandre X. Falcão
, Andreas Bartschat, Ralf Mikut
, Elliot Meyerowitz, Alexandre Cunha:
Cell segmentation in 3D confocal images using supervoxel merge-forests with CNN-based hypothesis selection. 382-386 - Damian J. Matuszewski, Ida-Maria Sintorn:
Minimal annotation training for segmentation of microscopy images. 387-390 - Thiago Vallin Spina, Johannes Stegmaier
, Alexandre X. Falcão
, Elliot Meyerowitz, Alexandre Cunha:
SEGMENT3D: A web-based application for collaborative segmentation of 3D images used in the shoot apical meristem. 391-395 - D. Baltissen, Thomas Wollmann
, Manuel Gunkel, Inn Chung, Holger Erfle, Karsten Rippe, Karl Rohr:
Comparison of segmentation methods for tissue microscopy images of glioblastoma cells. 396-399 - Róger Bermúdez-Chacón
, Pablo Márquez-Neila, Mathieu Salzmann, Pascal Fua:
A domain-adaptive two-stream U-Net for electron microscopy image segmentation. 400-404 - Matthew Quay, Zeyad Ali Sami Emam, Adam Anderson
, Richard Leapman
Designing deep neural networks to automate segmentation for serial block-face electron microscopy. 405-408 - Donghao Zhang
, Yang Song
, Siqi Liu, Dagan Feng, Yue Wang, Weidong Cai:
Nuclei instance segmentation with dual contour-enhanced adversarial network. 409-412 - Carlos Castilla, Martin Maska
, Dmitry V. Sorokin, Erik Meijering, Carlos Ortiz-de-Solorzano:
Segmentation of actin-stained 3D fluorescent cells with filopodial protrusions using convolutional neural networks. 413-417 - David Joon Ho
, Chichen Fu, Paul Salama
, Kenneth W. Dunn, Edward J. Delp
Nuclei detection and segmentation of fluorescence microscopy images using three dimensional convolutional neural networks. 418-422 - Yousef Al-Kofahi, Fiona Ginty:
Image analytic algorithms for automated cell segmentation quality control. 423-426 - Enrico Grisan, Jean-Marie Graïc
, Livio Corain
, Antonella Peruffo:
Resolving single cells in heavily clustered Nissl-stained images for the analysis of brain cytoarchitecture. 427-430 - Pol del Aguila Pla
, Joakim Jaldén:
Cell detection on image-based immunoassays. 431-435 - Chang Shu, Xi Chen, Qiwei Xie, Chi Xiao, Hua Han:
Non-iterative simultaneous rigid registration method for serial sections of biological tissue. 436-440 - Jing Qin
, Xiyu Yi, Shimon Weiss:
A novel fluorescence microscopy image deconvolution approach. 441-444 - Joseph Boyd, Alice Pinhiero, Elaine Del Nery, Fabien Reyal, Thomas Walter
Analysing double-strand breaks in cultured cells for drug screening applications by causal inference. 445-448 - Jorge Sola-Pikabea, Ana Doblas
, Genaro Saavedra
, Manuel Martínez-Corral
, Chrysanthe Preza:
Optimal design of incoherent tunable-frequency structured illumination microscope scheme. 449-452 - Lopamudra Mukherjee, Adib Keikhosravi, Kevin W. Eliceiri:
Neighborhood regularized image superresolution for applications to microscopic imaging. 453-457 - Yao Yao, Ihor Smal, Erik Meijering:
Deep neural networks for data association in particle tracking. 458-461 - Ilkay Öksüz
, Bram Ruijsink
, Esther Puyol-Antón
, Matthew Sinclair, Daniel Rueckert, Julia A. Schnabel
, Andrew P. King
Automatic left ventricular outflow tract classification for accurate cardiac MR planning. 462-465 - Siming Yan, Feng Shi
, Yuhua Chen, Damini Dey, Sang-Eun Lee, Hyuk-Jae Chang, Debiao Li, Yibin Xie:
Calcium removal from cardiac ct images using deep convolutional neural network. 466-469 - Dongqing Zhang, Ilknur Icke, Belma Dogdas, Sarayu Parimal, Smita Sampath, Joseph Forbes, Ansuman Bagchi, Chih-Liang Chin, Antong Chen:
A multi-level convolutional LSTM model for the segmentation of left ventricle myocardium in infarcted porcine cine MR images. 470-473 - Ilya A. Verzhbinsky
, Patrick Magrath, Eric Aliotta, Daniel B. Ennis
, Luigi E. Perotti:
Time resolved displacement-based registration of in vivo cDTI cardiomyocyte orientations. 474-478 - Dong Yang, Qiaoying Huang, Leon Axel, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
Multi-component deformable models coupled with 2D-3D U-Net for automated probabilistic segmentation of cardiac walls and blood. 479-483 - Tim Tsz-Kit Lau
, Emilie Chouzenoux, Claire Lefort
, Jean-Christophe Pesquet
Optimal multivariate Gaussian fitting for PSF modeling in two-photon microscopy. 484-488 - Anna Jezierska
, Hugues Talbot
, Jean-Christophe Pesquet:
Spatially variant PSF modeling in confocal macroscopy. 489-492 - Bertha Mayela Toledo Acosta, Xavier Heiligenstein
, Grégoire Malandain, Patrick Bouthemy:
Intensity-based matching and registration for 3D correlative microscopy with large discrepancies. 493-496 - Sanjay Viswanath, Simon de Beco
, Maxime Dahan, Muthuvel Arigovindan:
Multi-resolution based spatially adaptive multi-order total variation for image restoration. 497-500 - Jizhou Li
, Feng Xue, Thierry Blu:
Accurate 3D PSF estimation from a wide-field microscopy image. 501-504 - Tianyi Zhao, Dashan Gao, Jiao Wang, Zhaozheng Yin:
Lung segmentation in CT images using a fully convolutional neural network with multi-instance and conditional adversary loss. 505-509 - Silas Nyboe Ørting
, Jens Petersen
, Laura H. Thomsen, Mathilde M. W. Wille, Marleen de Bruijne
Detecting emphysema with multiple instance learning. 510-513 - Xiaodong Wu, Zisha Zhong, John M. Buatti
, Junjie Bai:
Multi-scale segmentation using deep graph cuts: Robust lung tumor delineation in MVCBCT. 514-518 - David Bermejo-Peláez
, Raúl San José Estépar
, María J. Ledesma-Carbayo
Emphysema classification using a multi-view convolutional network. 519-522 - Hao Tang, Daniel R. Kim, Xiaohui Xie:
Automated pulmonary nodule detection using 3D deep convolutional neural networks. 523-526 - Mahmoud Mostapha, Sun Hyung Kim, Guorong Wu, Leo Zsembik, Stephen M. Pizer, Martin Styner:
Non-Euclidean, convolutional learning on cortical brain surfaces. 527-530 - Xiaoqing Tan, Christopher A. Ross, Michael I. Miller, Xiaoying Tang:
Changepoint analysis of putamen and thalamus subregions in premanifest huntington's disease. 531-535 - Dajiang Zhu, Li Wang:
Exploring latent structures of Alzheimer's disease via structure learning. 536-540 - Qinghua Zhao, Xiaoshuang Sang, Jianfeng Lu:
Weighted group sparse functional connectivity modeling for Alzheimer's disease identification. 541-544 - Lyujian Lu, Hua Wang, Xiaohui Yao, Shannon L. Risacher
, Andrew J. Saykin, Li Shen:
Predicting progressions of cognitive outcomes via high-order multi-modal multi-task feature learning. 545-548 - Tolga Tasdizen, Mehdi Sajjadi, Mehran Javanmardi, Nisha Ramesh:
Improving the robustness of convolutional networks to appearance variability in biomedical images. 549-553 - Mehran Javanmardi, Tolga Tasdizen:
Domain adaptation for biomedical image segmentation using adversarial training. 554-558 - Xuhui Chen, Yi Lu, Junjie Bai, Youbing Yin, Kunlin Cao, Yuwei Li, Hanbo Chen, Qi Song, Jun Wu:
Train a 3D U-Net to segment cranial vasculature in CTA volume without manual annotation. 559-563 - Juan J. Cerrolaza, Matthew Sinclair, Yuanwei Li, Alberto Gómez, Enzo Ferrante, Jacqueline Matthew
, Chandni Gupta, Caroline L. Knight, Daniel Rueckert:
Deep learning with ultrasound physics for fetal skull segmentation. 564-567 - Meet P. Shah, S. N. Merchant, Suyash P. Awate
Abnormality detection using deep neural networks with robust quasi-norm autoencoding and semi-supervised learning. 568-572 - Farhad Ghazvinian Zanjani, Svitlana Zinger, Babak Ehteshami Bejnordi, Jeroen A. W. M. van der Laak
, Peter H. N. de With:
Stain normalization of histopathology images using generative adversarial networks. 573-577 - Kausik Das, Sailesh Conjeti, Abhijit Guha Roy, Jyotirmoy Chatterjee, Debdoot Sheet:
Multiple instance learning of deep convolutional neural networks for breast histopathology whole slide classification. 578-581 - Thomas Wollmann
, C. S. Eijkman, Karl Rohr:
Adversarial domain adaptation to improve automatic breast cancer grading in lymph nodes. 582-585 - Maxime W. Lafarge, Josien P. W. Pluim, Koen A. J. Eppenhof
, Pim Moeskops, Mitko Veta:
Inferring a third spatial dimension from 2D histological images. 586-589 - Simon Graham, Nasir M. Rajpoot
SAMS-NET: Stain-aware multi-scale network for instance-based nuclei segmentation in histology images. 590-594 - Lei Li, Xintao Hu
, Heng Huang, Chunlin He, Liting Wang, Junwei Han, Lei Quo, Wei Zhang, Tianming Liu:
Latent source mining of fMRI data via deep belief network. 595-598 - Daniel R. Balfour, James R. Clough
, Xin Chen
, Martin A. Belzunce
, Claudia Prieto, Paul K. Marsden, Andrew J. Reader
, Andrew P. King
PET-MR respiratory signal estimation using semi-supervised manifold alignment. 599-603 - Dushyant Sahoo
, Nicolas Honnorat, Christos Davatzikos:
GPU accelerated extraction of sparse Granger causality patterns. 604-607 - César Caballero-Gaudes
, Peter A. Bandettini, Javier Gonzalez-Castillo:
A temporal deconvolution algorithm for multiecho functional MRI. 608-611 - Bartosz Kopczynski, Pawel Strumillo, Marcin Just, Ewa Niebudek-Bogusz
Generating 3D spatio-temporal models of vocal folds vibrations from high speed digital imaging. 612-615 - Jose Dolz, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jing Yuan, Christian Desrosiers:
Isointense infant brain segmentation with a hyper-dense connected convolutional neural network. 616-620 - Pierre-Antoine Ganaye, Michaël Sdika, Hugues Benoit-Cattin:
Towards integrating spatial localization in convolutional neural networks for brain image segmentation. 621-625 - Biting Yu, Luping Zhou
, Lei Wang
, Jurgen Fripp, Pierrick Bourgeat
3D cGAN based cross-modality MR image synthesis for brain tumor segmentation. 626-630 - Iván Ramírez
, Adrián Martín
, Emanuele Schiavi
Optimization of a variational model using deep learning: An application to brain tumor segmentation. 631-634 - Jen-Wei Kuo, Ziming Qiu, Orlando Aristizábal
, Jonathan Mamou, Daniel H. Turnbull
, Jeffrey A. Ketterling, Yao Wang
Automatic body localization and brain ventricle segmentation in 3D high frequency ultrasound images of mouse embryos. 635-639 - Sarun Gulyanon
, Nima Sharifai, Michael D. Kim
, Akira Chiba, Gavriil Tsechpenakis:
Part-wise neuron segmentation using artificial templates. 640-644 - Assaf Arbelle, Tammy Riklin Raviv:
Microscopy cell segmentation via adversarial neural networks. 645-648 - Jan Funke, Chong Zhang, Tobias Pietzsch, Miguel Ángel González Ballester, Stephan Saalfeld:
The candidate multi-cut for cell segmentation. 649-653 - Leonid Kostrykin
, Christoph Schnörr, Karl Rohr:
Segmentation of cell nuclei using intensity-based model fitting and sequential convex programming. 654-657 - Benjamin Quachtran, Luis de la Torre Ubieta
, Marianna Yusupova, Daniel H. Geschwind, David W. Shattuck:
Voting-based segmentation of overlapping nuclei in clarity images. 658-662 - Rodrigo A. Lobos, Ahsan Javed, Krishna S. Nayak
, W. Scott Hoge, Justin P. Haldar:
Robust autocalibrated loraks for EPI ghost correction. 663-666 - S. K. HashemizadehKolowri, Rong-Rong Chen, Edward V. R. DiBella
, Edward W. Hsu, Leslie Ying
, Ganesh Adluru:
Improving image reconstructions for simultaneous multi-slice readout-segmented diffusion MRI data with phase errors. 667-670 - Hemant Kumar Aggarwal
, Merry P. Mani
, Mathews Jacob
Model based image reconstruction using deep learned priors (MODL). 671-674 - Daeun Kim, Jessica L. Wisnowski, Christopher T. Nguyen, Justin P. Haldar:
Probing in vivo microstructure with T1-T2 relaxation correlation spectroscopic imaging. 675-678 - Ipshita Bhattacharya, Mathews Jacob
Denoising and deinterleaving of EPSI data using structured low-rank matrix recovery. 679-682 - Jing Xia, Caiming Zhang, Fan Wang, Yu Meng, Zhengwang Wu
, Li Wang
, Weili Lin, Dinggang Shen, Gang Li:
A computational method for longitudinal mapping of orientation-specific expansion of cortical surface area in infants. 683-686 - Snehashis Roy
, Andrew K. Knutsen, Alexandru Korotcov, Asamoah Bosomtwi, Bernard Dardzinski
, John A. Butman, Dzung L. Pham:
A deep learning framework for brain extraction in humans and animals with traumatic brain injury. 687-691 - Tengfei Li
, Fan Zhou, Ziliang Zhu, Hai Shu
, Hongtu Zhu:
A label-fusion-aided convolutional neural network for isointense infant brain tissue segmentation. 692-695 - Jing Xia, Caiming Zhang, Fan Wang, Oualid M. Benkarim
, Gerard Sanroma, Gemma Piella
, Miguel Ángel González Ballester, Nadine Hahner, Elisenda Eixarch
, Dinggang Shen, Gang Li:
Fetal cortical parcellation based on growth patterns. 696-699 - Alexandre Pron, Lucile Brun, Christine Deruelle, Olivier Coulon:
Dense and structured representations of U-shape fiber connectivity in the central sulcus. 700-703 - Fan Wang, Chunfeng Lian, Jing Xia, Zhengwang Wu
, Dingna Duan
, Li Wang
, Dinggang Shen, Gang Li:
Construction of spatiotemporal infant cortical surface atlas of rhesus macaque. 704-707 - Vikash Gupta, Sophia I. Thomopoulos
, Conor K. Corbin, Faisal Rashid, Paul M. Thompson:
FIBERNET 2.0: An automatic neural network based tool for clustering white matter fibers in the brain. 708-711 - Ali Haddad
, Laleh Najafizadeh:
Recognizing task-specific dynamic structure of the brain function from EEG. 712-715 - Puyang Wang, Nick G. Cuccolo, Rachana Tyagi, Ilker Hacihaliloglu, Vishal M. Patel:
Automatic real-time CNN-based neonatal brain ventricles segmentation. 716-719 - Seyed Sadegh Mohseni Salehi, Seyed Raein Hashemi
, Clemente Velasco-Annis, Abdelhakim Ouaalam, Judy A. Estroff, Deniz Erdogmus, Simon K. Warfield
, Ali Gholipour:
Real-time automatic fetal brain extraction in fetal MRI by deep learning. 720-724 - Nicha C. Dvornek, Pamela Ventola, James S. Duncan:
Combining phenotypic and resting-state fMRI data for autism classification with recurrent neural networks. 725-728 - Sharib Ali
, Markus Axer
, Katrin Amunts, Roland Eils
, Karl Rohr:
Evaluating local features in high-resolution 3D-PLI data. 729-733 - Changhee Han, Hideaki Hayashi, Leonardo Rundo
, Ryosuke Araki, Wataru Shimoda, Shinichi Muramatsu, Yujiro Furukawa, Giancarlo Mauri
, Hideki Nakayama
GAN-based synthetic brain MR image generation. 734-738 - Yuhua Chen
, Yibin Xie, Zhengwei Zhou, Feng Shi
, Anthony G. Christodoulou
, Debiao Li:
Brain MRI super resolution using 3D deep densely connected neural networks. 739-742 - Divya Varadarajan
, Justin P. Haldar:
Towards optimal linear estimation of orientation distribution functions with arbitrarily sampled diffusion MRI data. 743-746 - Yi-Yu Chou, Snehashis Roy
, Catie Chang, John A. Butman, Dzung L. Pham:
Deep learning of resting state networks from independent component analysis. 747-751 - Aziz Kocanaogullan, Fernando Quivira, Deniz Erdogmus:
Incorporating temporal dependency on ERP based BCI. 752-756 - James McLean, Fernando Quivira, Deniz Erdogmus:
Improved classification in tactile BCIs using a noisy label model. 757-761 - Sharib Ali
, Katrin Amunts, Roland Eils
, Markus Axer
, Karl Rohr:
Scale-bundle spline-based non-rigid registration for handling fissures. 762-765 - Mohammed Hassan Attia
, Imali Hettiarachchi, Mohammed Hossny, Saeid Nahavandi:
A time domain classification of steady-state visual evoked potentials using deep recurrent-convolutional neural networks. 766-769 - Jonathan Folmsbee, Xulei Liu, Margaret Brandwein-Weber, Scott Doyle:
Active deep learning: Improved training efficiency of convolutional neural networks for tissue classification in oral cavity cancer. 770-773 - Raunak Dey, Zhongjie Lu, Yi Hong:
Diagnostic classification of lung nodules using 3D neural networks. 774-778 - Jung won Cha, Neal Dunlap, Amir A. Amini:
Statistical correlation of CT ventilation imaging and V/Q spect in patients with lung cancer. 779-783 - Diana Mandache
, E. Dalimier, J. R. Durkin, C. Boceara, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, Vannary Meas-Yedid:
Basal cell carcinoma detection in full field OCT images using convolutional neural networks. 784-787 - Felicia Alfano
, F. Perez Garcia, Juan Enrique Ortuño Fisac
, Mercedes Herrero Conde, Oscar Bueno Zamora, Felipe A. Calvo, Serafín Lizarraga, Andrés Santos
, Javier Pascau
, María J. Ledesma-Carbayo
Tumor localization using prone to supine surface based registration for breast cancer surgical planning. 788-791 - Ruben Sánchez de la Rosa, Ann-Katherine Carton, Pablo Milioni de Carvalho, Z. Li, Serge Muller, Isabelle Bloch:
Preliminary study of CEDBT and CESM performances using simulated analytical contrast uptakes. 792-795 - Elliot Gray, Elizabeth Mitchell, Sonali Jindal, Pepper Schedin, Young Hwan Chang
A method for quantification of calponin expression in myoepithelial cells in immunohistochemical images of ductal carcinoma in situ. 796-799 - Sarfaraz Hussein, Pujan Kandel, Juan E. Corral, Candice W. Bolan, Michael B. Wallace
, Ulas Bagci
Deep multi-modal classification of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN) with canonical correlation analysis. 800-804 - Vaishnavi Subramanian
, Benjamin Chidester, Jian Ma
, Minh N. Do
Correlating cellular features with gene expression using CCA. 805-808 - Xiuying Wang
, Hui Cui, Chaojie Zheng, Shan Zeng, Wensi Tang, Peng Gong, Dagan Feng:
Collaborative learning based feature adaption model with applications on MRI prostate boundary delineation. 809-812 - Zongqing Ma, Xi Wu, Shanhui Sun, Chaoyang Xia, Zhipeng Yang, Shuo Li
, Jiliu Zhou:
A discriminative learning based approach for automated nasopharyngeal carcinoma segmentation leveraging multi-modality similarity metric learning. 813-816 - Johanna Uthoff
, Jessica C. Sieren
Information theory optimization based feature selection in breast mammography lesion classification. 817-821 - Masaharu Sakamoto, Hiroki Nakano, Kun Zhao, Taro Sekiyama:
Lung nodule classification by the combination of fusion classifier and cascaded convolutional neural networks. 822-825 - Christoph Haarburger, Johannes Ruther, Daniel Truhn, Simone Schrading, Daniel Bug, Christiane K. Kuhl
, Dorit Merhof:
Abbreviated breast biopsy procedure by registration of craniocaudal and mediolateral breast MR images. 826-830 - Garrett Winkelmaier, Mina Khoshdeli, Qingsu Cheng
, Alexander Borowsky, Bahram Parvin:
Quantum cascade laser infrared microscopy differentiates malignant phenotypes in breast histology sections. 831-834 - Wenbing Lv, Qingyu Yuan, Quanshi Wang, Jianhua Ma, Qianjin Feng, Wufan Chen, Arman Rahmim, Lijun Lu:
Radiomics analysis of baseline F-FDG PET/CT images for improved prognosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. 835-838 - Saramati Narasimhan, Michael I. Miga, Nitesh Rana, Haley B. Johnson, Albert Attia, Jared A. Weis:
Differentiating tumor recurrence from radiation-induced necrosis: An image-based mathematical modeling framework. 839-842 - Sebastian Otálora, Oscar J. Perdomo
, Manfredo Atzori, Mats Andersson, Ludwig Jacobsson, Martin Hedlund, Henning Müller
Determining the scale of image patches using a deep learning approach. 843-846 - Wentao Zhu, Xiang Xiang, Trac D. Tran, Gregory D. Hager, Xiaohui Xie:
Adversarial deep structured nets for mass segmentation from mammograms. 847-850 - Archit Raj, Srikrishnan Vishwanathan, Bhavya Ajani, Karthik Krishnan, Harsh Agarwal:
Automatic knee cartilage segmentation using fully volumetric convolutional neural networks for evaluation of osteoarthritis. 851-854 - Maria Vakalopoulou, Guillaume Chassagnon, Nikos Paragios, Marie-Pierre Revel, Evangelia I. Zacharaki:
Deep patch-based priors under a fully convolutional encoder-decoder architecture for interstitial lung disease segmentation. 855-858 - Yuan Xue
, Tao Xu, Xiaolei Huang:
Adversarial learning with multi-scale loss for skin lesion segmentation. 859-863 - Karen López-Linares
, Nerea Lete, Luis Kabongo, Mario Ceresa
, Gregory Maclair
, Ainhoa García-Familiar, Iván Macía, Miguel Ángel González Ballester:
Comparison of regularization techniques for DCNN-based abdominal aortic aneurysm segmentation. 864-867 - William Whitehead
, Steven Moran, Bilwaj Gaonkar, Luke Macyszyn, Subramanian S. Iyer:
A deep learning approach to spine segmentation using a feed-forward chain of pixel-wise convolutional networks. 868-871 - Ahmed Harouni, Alexandros Karargyris, Mohammadreza Negahdar, David Beymer, Tanveer F. Syeda-Mahmood:
Universal multi-modal deep network for classification and segmentation of medical images. 872-876 - Zahra Mirikharaji, Saeed Izadi, Jeremy Kawahara, Ghassan Hamarneh
Deep auto-context fully convolutional neural network for skin lesion segmentation. 877-880 - Saeed Izadi, Zahra Mirikharaji, Jeremy Kawahara, Ghassan Hamarneh
Generative adversarial networks to segment skin lesions. 881-884 - Zishun Feng, Dong Nie, Li Wang
, Dinggang Shen:
Semi-supervised learning for pelvic MR image segmentation based on multi-task residual fully convolutional networks. 885-888 - Botian Xu, Yaqiong Chai, Cristina M. Galarza, Chau Q. Vu, Benita Tamrazi, Bilwaj Gaonkar, Luke Macyszyn, Thomas D. Coates Jr., Natasha Leporé, John C. Wood:
Orchestral fully convolutional networks for small lesion segmentation in brain MRI. 889-892 - Rens Janssens, Guodong Zeng, Guoyan Zheng:
Fully automatic segmentation of lumbar vertebrae from CT images using cascaded 3D fully convolutional networks. 893-897 - Gopalkrishna Veni, Mehdi Moradi, Hakan Bulu, Girish Narayan, Tanveer F. Syeda-Mahmood:
Echocardiography segmentation based on a shape-guided deformable model driven by a fully convolutional network prior. 898-902 - Zhe Guo
, Xiang Li
, Heng Huang, Ning Quo, Quanzheng Li:
Medical image segmentation based on multi-modal convolutional neural network: Study on image fusion schemes. 903-907 - Ruoyang Yao, Marien Ochoa, Xavier Intes, Pingkun Yan
Deep compressive macroscopic fluorescence lifetime imaging. 908-911 - Tamal Batabyal, Andrea Vaccari, Scott T. Acton:
NeuroBFD: Size-independent automated classification of neurons using conditional distributions of morphological features. 912-915 - Yiran Li, Stephen J. Lockett, Robert J. Kinders, Wojciech Czaja:
Detection of epithelial versus mesenchymal regions in 2D images of tumor biopsies using shearlets. 916-920 - Buda Bajic, Amit Suveer, Anindya Gupta, Ivana Pepic, Joakim Lindblad, Natasa Sladoje
, Ida-Maria Sintorn:
Denoising of short exposure transmission electron microscopy images for ultrastructural enhancement. 921-925 - Zhongyu Li, Chaowei Fang, Shaoting Zhang
Deep feature representation for the computational analytics of 3D neuronal morphology. 926-929 - Anca-Ioana Grapa
, Raphaël Meunier, Laure Blanc-Féraud, Georgios Efthymiou
, Sebastien Schaub
, Agata Radwanska, Ellen Van Obberghen-Schilling
, Xavier Descombes:
Classification of the fibronectin variants with curvelets. 930-933 - Peixian Liang, Jianxu Chen
, Pavel A. Brodskiy
, Qinfeng Wu
, Yejia Zhang, Yizhe Zhang, Lin Yang, Jeremiah J. Zartman, Danny Z. Chen:
A new registration approach for dynamic analysis of calcium signals in organs. 934-937 - Qi Gao, Simon Eck, Jessica Matthias
, Inn Chung, Jessica Engelhardt, Karsten Rippe, Karl Rohr:
Bayesian joint super-resolution, deconvolution, and denoising of images with Poisson-Gaussian noise. 938-942 - Yasmin M. Kassim, Noor M. Al-Shakarji, Emilia Asante, Anand Chandrasekhar, Kannappan Palaniappan:
Dissecting branchiomotor neuron circuits in zebrafish - toward high-throughput automated analysis of jaw movements. 943-947 - Nisha Ramesh, Tolga Tasdizen:
Semi-supervised learning for cell tracking in microscopy images. 948-951 - Sandeep Manandhar, Patrick Bouthemy, Erik Welf, Philippe Roudot
, Charles Kervrann:
A sparse-to-dense method for 3D optical flow estimation in 3D light-microscopy image sequences. 952-956 - Christian Ritter, Andrea Imle
, Ji Young Lee, Barbara Müller, Oliver T. Fackler, Ralf Bartenschlager, Karl Rohr:
Two-filter probabilistic data association for tracking of virus particles in fluorescence microscopy images. 957-960 - Yinxue Wang, Maria Ali, Yue Joseph Wang, Sarah Kucenas, Guoqiang Yu:
Detection and tracking of migrating oligodendrocyte progenitor cells from in vivo fluorescence time-lapse imaging data. 961-964 - Tim Becker, Juan C. Caicedo, Shantanu Singh, Markus Weckmann, Anne E. Carpenter
Combining morphological and migration profiles of in vitro time-lapse data. 965-968 - Narita Pandhe, Balazs Rada, Shannon Quinn:
Generative spatiotemporal modeling of neutrophil behavior. 969-972 - Ihor Smal, Niels Galjart, Erik Meijering:
Accurate estimation of intracellular dynamics and underlying spatial structures using hierarchical trajectory smoothing. 973-976 - Astha Jaiswal, Konrad Beyer, Friedrich Frischknecht
, Karl Rohr:
Multi-channel boosting and multi-scale localization-based tracking of dense malarial sporozoites. 977-980 - Mojtaba Sedigh Fazli
, Stephen Andrew Vella, Silvia N. J. Moreno, Shannon Quinn:
Unsupervised discovery of toxoplasma gondii motility phenotypes. 981-984 - Islem Rekik, Gang Li, Weili Lin, Dinggang Shen:
Estimation of shape and growth brain network atlases for connectomic brain mapping in developing infants. 985-989 - Irene Kaltenmark, Lucile Brun, Guillaume Auzias, Julien Lefèvre
, Christine Deruelle, Olivier Coulon:
Sparse description of the cortical surface pediatric development: A sulcal pits study. 990-993 - Min Jin Lee, Helen Hong, Kyu Won Shim, Yong Oock Kim:
Quantitative analysis and automatic classification of skull deformity based on combined two- and three-dimensional shape indices. 994-997 - Mohamad Ghanoum, Asem M. Ali
, Salwa Elshazly, Islam Alkabbany
, Aly A. Farag:
Automatic extraction of interdental gingiva regions for accurate statistical shape from shading-based reconstruction of human jaw. 998-1001 - Duc Duy Pham, Cosmin Adrian Morariu, Tobias Terheiden, Sebastian Warwas, Stefan Landgräber, Marcus Jäger, Josef Pauli:
Polar appearance models: A fully automatic approach for femoral model initialization in MRI. 1002-1005 - José Alonso Solís-Lemus, Brian Stramer, Greg G. Slabaugh
, Constantino Carlos Reyes-Aldasoro
Shape analysis and tracking of migrating macrophages. 1006-1009 - James Fishbaugh, Laura Pascal, Luke Fischer, Tung Nguyen, Celso Boen, Joao Goncalves, Guido Gerig, Beatriz Paniagua:
Estimating shape correspondence for populations of objects with complex topology. 1010-1013 - Sungmin Hong, James Fishbaugh, Guido Gerig:
4D continuous medial representation by geodesic shape regression. 1014-1017 - Andres Coila
, Gabriela Torres
, Julien Rouyer
, Sara Aristizabal, Matthew W. Urban, Roberto J. Lavarello
Recent developments in spectral-based ultrasonic tissue characterization. 1018-1021 - Ke Yan, Le Lu
, Ronald M. Summers:
Unsupervised body part regression via spatially self-ordering convolutional neural networks. 1022-1025 - Zhou Fang, Howan Leung, Chiu-sing Choy:
Spatial temporal GRU convnets for vision-based real time epileptic seizure detection. 1026-1029 - Viktor Wegmayr, Giacomo Giuliari, Stefan Holdener, Joachim M. Buhmann:
Data-driven fiber tractography with neural networks. 1030-1033 - Haotian Xu, Ming Dong, Yasuo Nakai, Eishi Asano
, Jeong-Won Jeong:
Automatic detection of eloquent axonal pathways in diffusion tractography using intracanial electrical stimulation mapping and convolutional neural networks. 1034-1037 - Ali Madani, Mehdi Moradi, Alexandros Karargyris, Tanveer F. Syeda-Mahmood:
Semi-supervised learning with generative adversarial networks for chest X-ray classification with ability of data domain adaptation. 1038-1042 - Fangfei Ge, Hanbo Chen, Tuo Zhang, Xianqiao Wang, Lin Yuan, Xintao Hu
, Lei Guo, Tianming Liu:
A novel framework for analyzing cortical folding patterns based on sulcal baselines and gyral crestlines. 1043-1047 - Changqing Zhang, Ehsan Adeli, Zhengwang Wu
, Gang Li, Weili Lin, Dinggang Shen:
Infant brain development prediction with latent partial multi-view representation learning. 1048-1051 - Yannick Suter
, Christian Rummel
, Roland Wiest
, Mauricio Reyes:
Fast and uncertainty-aware cerebral cortex morphometry estimation using random forest regression. 1052-1055 - Zhengwang Wu
, Gang Li, Li Wang
, Weili Lin, John H. Gilmore, Dinggang Shen:
Construction of spatiotemporal neonatal cortical surface atlases using a large-scale dataset. 1056-1059 - Dakai Jin, Ziyue Xu
, Adam P. Harrison
, Daniel J. Mollura:
White matter hyperintensity segmentation from T1 and FLAIR images using fully convolutional neural networks enhanced with residual connections. 1060-1064 - Michael Ebner
, Marc Modat
, Sebastiano Ferraris, Sébastien Ourselin
, Tom Vercauteren
Forward-backward splitting in deformable image registration: A demons approach. 1065-1069 - Yipeng Hu, Marc Modat
, Eli Gibson, Nooshin Ghavami, Ester Bonmati, Caroline M. Moore
, Mark Emberton, J. Alison Noble
, Dean C. Barratt, Tom Vercauteren
Label-driven weakly-supervised learning for multimodal deformarle image registration. 1070-1074 - Hongming Li, Yong Fan:
Non-rigid image registration using self-supervised fully convolutional networks without training data. 1075-1078 - Miguel Amável Pinheiro, Jan Kybic:
Incremental B-spline deformation model for geometric graph matching. 1079-1082 - Ke Zeng, Aristeidis Sotiras
, Christos Davatzikos:
Statistically-constrained robust diffeomorphic registration. 1083-1087 - Zih Huei Wang, Geet Lahoti, Kan Wang, Shizhen Liu, Chuck Zhang, Ben Wang, Chien-Wei Wu
, Mani Vannan, Zhen Qian:
Prediction of paravalvular leak post transcatheter aortic valve replacement using a convolutional neural network. 1088-1091 - Jiamin Liu, Jinzheng Cai, Karthik Chellamuthu, Mohammadhadi Bagheri, Le Lu
, Ronald M. Summers:
Cascaded coarse-to-fine convolutional neural networks for pericardial effusion localization and segmentation on CT scans. 1092-1095 - Avi Ben-Cohen, Eyal Klang, Michal Marianne Amitai, Jacob Goldberger, Hayit Greenspan:
Anatomical data augmentation for CNN based pixel-wise classification. 1096-1099 - Ling Zhang, Vissagan Gopalakrishnan, Le Lu
, Ronald M. Summers, Joel Moss, Jianhua Yao
Self-learning to detect and segment cysts in lung CT images without manual annotation. 1100-1103 - Yang Gao, Jeff M. Phillips, Yan Zheng, Renqiang Min
, P. Thomas Fletcher, Guido Gerig
Fully convolutional structured LSTM networks for joint 4D medical image segmentation. 1104-1108 - Botong Wu, Zhen Zhou, Jianwei Wang, Yizhou Wang:
Joint learning for pulmonary nodule segmentation, attributes and malignancy prediction. 1109-1113 - Oeslle Lucena, Roberto Souza, Letícia Rittner
, Richard Frayne
, Roberto A. Lotufo
Silver standard masks for data augmentation applied to deep-learning-based skull-stripping. 1114-1117 - Christian Lucas, André Kemmling, Amir Madany Mamlouk, Mattias P. Heinrich
Multi-scale neural network for automatic segmentation of ischemic strokes on acute perfusion images. 1118-1121 - Mahsa Shakeri, Imad S. Nahle, Eric Finley, Samuel Kadoury:
Inter-vertebral disk modelling from pairs of segmented vertebral models using trainable pre-processing networks. 1122-1125 - Sheng Chen, Zhe Wang, Jianping Shi, Bin Liu, Nenghai Yu:
A multi-task framework with feature passing module for skin lesion classification and segmentation. 1126-1129 - Devinder Kumar, Vlado Menkovski
, Graham W. Taylor, Alexander Wong:
Understanding anatomy classification through attentive response maps. 1130-1133 - Ibrahim Almakky, Vasile Palade, Yih-Ling Hedley, Jianhua Yang:
A stacked deep autoencoder model for biomedical figure classification. 1134-1138 - Esther Puyol-Antón
, Bram Ruijsink
, Wenjia Bai, Hélène Langet
, Mathieu De Craene, Julia A. Schnabel
, Paolo Piro, Andrew P. King
, Matthew Sinclair:
Fully automated myocardial strain estimation from cine MRI using convolutional neural networks. 1139-1143 - Shengyao Guo, Eric Ho, Yalun Zheng, Qiming Chen, Vivian Meng, John Cao, Si Wu, Leanne Chukoskie, Pamela C. Cosman:
Using face and object detection to quantify looks during social interactions. 1144-1148 - Oscar Bauer, Thomas Bourgeron, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, Elodie Ey
, Fabrice de Chaumont:
Unsupervised analysis of mouse social behaviour reveals how hyperactivity impacts social aspects in a mouse model of autism. 1149-1152 - Jian Wu, Su Ruan
, Thomas R. Mazur, Nalini Daniel, Hilary Lashmett, Laura Ochoa, Imran Zoberi, Chunfeng Lian, H. Michael Gach, Sasa Mutic, Maria Thomas, Mark A. Anastasio, Hua Li:
Heart motion tracking on cine MRI based on a deep Boltzmann machine-driven level set method. 1153-1156 - Xiaoying Wang, Eva Cheng
, Ian S. Burnett
, Richardt H. Wilkinson, Margaret Lech:
Automatic tracking of multiple zebrafish larvae with resilience against segmentation errors. 1157-1160 - Daisuke Yamada, Alperen Degirmenci, Robert D. Howe:
Ultrasound imaging for identifying dynamics of soft tissue. 1161-1165 - Mohamad Hourani, Adrian Basarab, Denis Kouame, Jean-Marc Girault, Jean-Yves Tourneret:
Restoration of ultrasonic images using non-linear system identification and deconvolution. 1166-1169 - Pooneh R. Tabrizi, Awais Mansoor, Juan J. Cerrolaza, James Jago, Marius George Linguraru:
Automatic kidney segmentation in 3D pediatric ultrasound images using deep neural networks and weighted fuzzy active shape model. 1170-1173 - Francis Tom, Debdoot Sheet:
Simulating patho-realistic ultrasound images using deep generative networks with adversarial learning. 1174-1177 - Mahdi Bayat, Azra Alizad, Mostafa Fatemi
Multi-rate higher order singular value decomposition for enhanced non-contrast ultrasound Doppler imaging of slow flow. 1178-1181 - Hossein Khodadadi, Amir G. Aghdam, Hassan Rivaz:
Direct strain estimation in ultrasound elastography using a novel dynamic programming approach. 1182-1186 - James Cunningham, Yi Zheng, Thyagarajan Subramanian
, Mohamed Almekkawy
Regularization methods for solving third-order volterra filter with improved convergence speed: In-vivo application. 1187-1190 - Ananya S. Dhawan, Jana Kosecka, Huzefa Rangwala, Siddhartha Sikdar
An intuitive muscle-computer interface using ultrasound sensing and Markovian state transitions. 1191-1194 - Hasmila A. Omar, João S. Domingos, Arijit Patra, Ross Upton
, Paul Leeson, J. Alison Noble
Quantification of cardiac bull's-eye map based on principal strain analysis for myocardial wall motion assessment in stress echocardiography. 1195-1198 - E. Tsizin, Mordekhay Medvedovsky, K. A. Bronstein:
vibroEEG: Improved EEG source reconstruction by combined acoustic-electric imaging. 1199-1202 - Hatem Younes, Sandrine Voros
, Jocelyne Troccaz:
Automatic needle localization in 3D ultrasound images for brachytherapy. 1203-1207 - Saiprasad Ravishankar, Anish Lahiri, Cameron Blocker
, Jeffrey A. Fessler:
Deep dictionary-transform learning for image reconstruction. 1208-1212 - Ukash Nakarmi, Konstantinos Slavakis, Leslie Ying
MLS: Joint manifold-learning and sparsity-aware framework for highly accelerated dynamic magnetic resonance imaging. 1213-1216 - Yuankai Huo, Zhoubing Xu, Shunxing Bao
, Albert Assad, Richard G. Abramson, Bennett A. Landman:
Adversarial synthesis learning enables segmentation without target modality ground truth. 1217-1220 - Chaowei Tan, Liang Zhao
, Zhennan Yan, Kang Li
, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Yiqiang Zhan:
Deep multi-task and task-specific feature learning network for robust shape preserved organ segmentation. 1221-1224 - Anton Böhm, Annekathrin Ucker, Tim Jager, Olaf Ronneberger, Thorsten Falk:
ISOODL: Instance segmentation of overlapping biological objects using deep learning. 1225-1229 - Zhihui Quo, Ling Zhang, Le Lu
, Mohammadhadi Bagheri, Ronald M. Summers, Milan Sonka
, Jianhua Yao
Deep LOGISMOS: Deep learning graph-based 3D segmentation of pancreatic tumors on CT scans. 1230-1233 - Mengran Fan, Jens Rittscher
Global probabilistic models for enhancing segmentation with convolutional networks. 1234-1238 - Thomas William Arthur Bolton
, Younes Farouj, Silvia Obertino, Dimitri Van De Ville
Graph slepians to strike a balance between local and global network interactions: Application to functional brain imaging. 1239-1243 - Debadatta Dash
, Vinayak Abrol, Anil Kumar Sao, Bharat B. Biswal:
The model order limit: Deep sparse factorization for resting brain. 1244-1247 - Herwig Wendt
, Patrice Abry, Philippe Ciuciu:
Spatially regularized wavelet leader scale-free analysis of fMRI data. 1248-1251 - Xiaoxiao Li, Nicha C. Dvornek, Xenophon Papademetris, Juntang Zhuang
, Lawrence H. Staib
, Pamela Ventola, James S. Duncan:
2-Channel convolutional 3D deep neural network (2CC3D) for fMRI analysis: ASD classification and feature learning. 1252-1255 - Sukrit Gupta, Jagath C. Rajapakse
Nodal degree distributions of resting-state functional brain modules. 1256-1259 - Yue Hu
, Xiaohan Liu, Mathews Jacob
Adaptive structured low rank algorithm for MR image recovery. 1260-1263 - Manu Ghulyani, Muthuvel Arigovindan:
Fast total variation based image restoration under mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise model. 1264-1267 - Thanh-An Pham, Emmanuel Soubies
, JooWon Lim, Alexandre Goy, Ferréol Soulez, Demetri Psaltis
, Michael Unser
Phaseless diffraction tomography with regularized beam propagation. 1268-1271 - Sunrita Poddar, Mathews Jacob
Recovery of point clouds on surfaces: Application to image reconstruction. 1272-1275 - Abib Alimi, Yves Usson, Pierre-Simon Jouk
, Gabrielle Michalowicz, Rachid Deriche:
An analytical fiber ODF reconstruction in 3D polarized light imaging. 1276-1279 - Debadatta Dash
, Vinayak Abrol, Anil Kumar Sao, Bharat B. Biswal:
Spatial sparsification and low rank projection for fast analysis of multi-subject resting state fMRI data. 1280-1283 - Wonsang You
, Feng Xu, Catherine Limperopoulos:
Linear convolution model of fetal circulation for hemodynamic responses to maternal hyperoxia using in utero functional MRI. 1284-1287 - Dustin Scheinost
, John A. Onofrey
, Soo Hyun Kwon, Sarah N. Cross, Gordon Sze, Laura R. Ment, Xenophon Papademetris:
A fetal fMRI specific motion correction algorithm using 2nd order edge features. 1288-1292 - Florian Griese, Peter Ludewig, Florian Thieben, Nadine Gdaniec, Tobias Knopp
Imaging and moving magnetic beads with magnetic particle imaging for targeted drug delivery. 1293-1296 - Karim Makki
, Bhushan Borotikar, Marc Garetier, Sylvain Brochard
, Douraied Ben Salem
, François Rousseau
High-resolution temporal reconstruction of ankle joint from dynamic MRI. 1297-1300 - Jianhua Yao
, Robert Zhu, Pomi Yun, Nathan Hsieh, William Kovacs, Andrew E. Arai
, Ami Mankodi, Ronald M. Summers, A. Reghan Foley, Carsten G. Bönnemann:
Tracking diaphragm and chest wall movement on cine-MRI. 1301-1304 - Everson Sarmiento, Jean Pico, Fabio Martínez:
Cardiac disease prediction from spatio-temporal motion patterns in cine-MRI. 1305-1308 - Yaqiong Chai, Jieshen Chen, Cristina M. Galarza, Maayke A. Sluman, Botian Xu, Chau Q. Vu, Edo Richard
, Barbara Mulder, Benita Tamrazi, Natasha Leporé, Henri J. M. M. Mutsaerts, John C. Wood:
Cerebral blood flow and predictors of white matter lesions in adults with Tetralogy of Fallot. 1309-1312 - Ran Wang, Yilin Song, Yao Wang
, Jonathan Viventi:
Long-term prediction of μECOG signals with a spatio-temporal pyramid of adversarial convolutional networks. 1313-1317 - Mohammed Alawad, Linwei Wang:
Leveraging simulation data for learning a patient-specific model to localize the origin of ventricular activation. 1318-1322 - Laurent Risser, Soléakhéna Ken
, Sandra Lebreton, Éloïse Grossiord, Salim Kanoun, François Malgouyres:
Regularized multi-label fast marching and application to whole-body image segmentation. 1323-1326 - Tejas Sudharshan Mathai, John M. Galeotti, Kira L. Lathrop:
Visualizing the palisades of Vogt: Limbal registration by surface segmentation. 1327-1331 - Eugene Vorontsov, An Tang
, Chris Pal, Samuel Kadoury:
Liver lesion segmentation informed by joint liver segmentation. 1332-1335 - Yan Wang, Biting Yu, Lei Wang
, Chen Zu, Yong Luo, Xi Wu, Zhipeng Yang, Jiliu Zhou, Luping Zhou
Tumor segmentation via multi-modality joint dictionary learning. 1336-1339 - Hongzhi Wang, Prasanth Prasanna, Tanveer F. Syeda-Mahmood:
Rapid annotation of 3D medical imaging datasets using registration-based interpolation and adaptive slice selection. 1340-1343 - Roberto Souza, Oeslle Lucena, Mariana P. Bento
, Julia Garrafa
, Simone Appenzeller, Letícia Rittner
, Roberto A. Lotufo
, Richard Frayne
Reliability of using single specialist annotation for designing and evaluating automatic segmentation methods: A skull stripping case study. 1344-1347 - Renzo Phellan, Thomas Lindner, Michael Helle, Alexandre X. Falcão
, Nils Daniel Forkert:
Robust cerebrovascular segmentation in 4D ASL MRA images. 1348-1351 - Vy Bui, Li-Yueh Hsu
, Lin-Ching Chang
, Marcus Y. Chen:
An automatic random walk based method for 3D segmentation of the heart in cardiac computed tomography images. 1352-1355 - Min Tang, Zichen Zhang, Dana Cobzas, Martin Jägersand, Jacob L. Jaremko:
Segmentation-by-detection: A cascade network for volumetric medical image segmentation. 1356-1359 - Laxmi Gupta, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Peter Boor, Dorit Merhof, Michael Gadermayr
Stain independent segmentation of whole slide images: A case study in renal histology. 1360-1364 - Heba Kandil
, Ahmed Soliman
, Luay Fraiwan
, Ahmed Shalaby, Ali H. Mahmoud, Ahmed ElTanboly
, Adel Elmaghraby
, Guruprasad A. Giridharan, Ayman El-Baz
A novel MRA framework based on integrated global and local analysis for accurate segmentation of the cerebral vascular system. 1365-1368 - Daniel Felipe Gonzalez Obando
, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, Vannary Meas-Yedid:
Morphological operations on polygons using straight skeletons for digital pathology. 1369-1372 - Tsachi Hershkovich, Tammy Riklin-Raviv
Model-dependent uncertainty estimation of medical image segmentation. 1373-1376 - Xiaowei Song
, Suchita Bhinge, Raimi Quiton, Tülay Adali:
A two-level ICA approach reveals important differences in the female brain response to thermal pain. 1377-1380 - Omar Dekhil, Hassan Hajjdiab, Babajide O. Ayinde, Ahmed Shalaby, Andy Switala, Dawn Sosnin, Aliaa Elshamekh, Mohammed Ghazal
, Robert Keynton, Gregory Barnes, Ayman El-Baz
Using resting state functional MRI to build a personalized autism diagnosis system. 1381-1385 - Emily L. Dennis, Elisabeth A. Wilde, Mary R. Newsome, Randall S. Scheibel, Maya Troyanskaya, Carmen Velez, Benjamin S. C. Wade
, Ann Marie Drennon, Gerald E. York, Erin D. Bigler, Tracy J. Abildskov, Brian A. Taylor
, Carlos A. Jaramillo, Blessen Eapen, Heather Belanger, Vikash Gupta, Rajendra A. Morey, Courtney Haswell, Harvey S. Levin, Sidney R. Hinds
, William C. Walker, Paul M. Thompson, David F. Tate
ENIGMA military brain injury: A coordinated meta-analysis of diffusion MRI from multiple cohorts. 1386-1389 - Samar S. M. Elsheikh
, Emile R. Chimusa
, Nicola J. Mulder, Alessandro Crimi
Relating connectivity changes in brain networks to genetic information in Alzheimer patients. 1390-1393 - Upul Senanayake, Arcot Sowmya, Laughlin Dawes:
Deep fusion pipeline for mild cognitive impairment diagnosis. 1394-1997 - Ruoxuan Cui, Manhua Liu, Gang Li:
Longitudinal analysis for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis using RNN. 1398-1401 - Kai Liu, Hua Wang, Shannon L. Risacher
, Andrew J. Saykin, Li Shen:
Multiple incomplete views clustering via non-negative matrix factorization with its application in Alzheimer's disease analysis. 1402-1405 - Jie Zhang, Yanshuai Tu, Qingyang Li, Richard J. Caselli, Paul M. Thompson, Jieping Ye, Yalin Wang
Multi-task sparse screening for predicting future clinical scores using longitudinal cortical thickness measures. 1406-1410 - Zhongwei Huang
, Haijun Lei, Yujia Zhao, Feng Zhou
, Jin Yan, Ahmed El-Azab
, Baiying Lei:
Longitudinal and multi-modal data learning for Parkinson's disease diagnosis. 1411-1414 - Rongjie Liu, Chao Huang
, Tengfei Li
, Liuqing Yang, Hongtu Zhu:
Statistical disease mapping for heterogeneous neuroimaging studies. 1415-1418 - Atif Riaz, Muhammad Asad, S. M. Masudur Rahman Al-Arif, Eduardo Alonso
, Danai Dima, Philip Corr, Greg G. Slabaugh
Deep fMRI: AN end-to-end deep network for classification of fMRI data. 1419-1422 - Oscar J. Perdomo
, Sebastian Otálora, Fabio A. González, Fabrice Mériaudeau, Henning Müller
OCT-NET: A convolutional network for automatic classification of normal and diabetic macular edema using sd-oct volumes. 1423-1426 - Abhishek Vahadane, Ameya Joshi
, Kiran Madan, Tathagato Rai Dastidar:
Detection of diabetic macular edema in optical coherence tomography scans using patch based deep learning. 1427-1430 - Ahmed ElTanboly
, Mohammed Ghazal
, Ashraf Khalil
, Ahmed Shalaby, Ali Mahmoud, Andy Switala, Magdi El-Azab, Shlomit Schaal, Ayman El-Baz
An integrated framework for automatic clinical assessment of diabetic retinopathy grade using spectral domain OCT images. 1431-1435 - Ruwan B. Tennakoon
, Amirali K. Gostar
, Reza Hoseinnezhad
, Alireza Bab-Hadiashar
Retinal fluid segmentation in OCT images using adversarial loss based convolutional neural networks. 1436-1440 - Yihao Liu, Aaron Carass, Sharon D. Solomon, Shiv Saidha, Peter A. Calabresi, Jerry L. Prince:
Multi-layer fast level set segmentation for macular OCT. 1445-1448 - Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Bhavna Josephine Antony
, Suman Sedai
, Rahil Garnavi:
Deformable medical image registration using generative adversarial networks. 1449-1453 - Abhay Shah, Stephanie Lynch
, Meindert Niemeijer, Ryan Amelon, Warren Clarida, James C. Folk
, Stephen R. Russell
, Xiaodong Wu, Michael D. Abràmoff
Susceptibility to misdiagnosis of adversarial images by deep learning based retinal image analysis algorithms. 1454-1457 - Jianyang Xie, Yitian Zhao, Yalin Zheng, Pan Su, Jiang Liu
, Yongtian Wang:
Retinal vascular topology estimation via dominant sets clustering. 1458-1462 - A. Guerre, Mathieu Lamard, Pierre-Henri Conze, Béatrice Cochener, Gwenolé Quellec
Optical flow estimation in ocular endoscopy videos using flownet on simulated endoscopy data. 1463-1466 - Shahrukh Athar, Abhishek Vahadane, Ameya Joshi
, Tathagato Rai Dastidar:
Weakly supervised fluid filled region localization in retinal OCT scans. 1467-1470 - Prajna Ramesh Desai, Ilker Hacihaliloglu:
Enhancement and automated segmentation of ultrasound knee cartilage for early diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis. 1471-1474 - Yifan Cai, Harshita Sharma
, Pierre Chatelain
, J. Alison Noble
SonoEyeNet: Standardized fetal ultrasound plane detection informed by eye tracking. 1475-1478 - Na Wang, Yi Wang, Huifang Wang, Baiying Lei, Tianfu Wang
, Dong Ni:
Auto-context fully convolutional network for levator hiatus segmentation in ultrasoudn images. 1479-1482 - B. Anila Satheesh
, Arun Kumar Thittai:
A method of ultrasound simulation from patient-specific CT image data: A preliminary simulation study. 1483-1486 - Qiang Zheng, Gregory Tasian, Yong Fan:
Transfer learning for diagnosis of congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract in children based on ultrasound imaging data. 1487-1490 - Hoda S. Hashemi, Stefanie Fallone, Mathieu Boily, Anna Towers, Robert D. Kilgour, Hassan Rivaz:
Ultrasound elastography of breast cancer-related lymphedema. 1491-1495 - AliArshad Kothawala, Divya Baskaran, Kavitha Arunachalam, Arun Kumar Thittai:
A time domain method to monitor temperature in microwave hyperthermia using ultrasound attenuation. 1496-1499 - Thomas Hastings Greer, Samuel Gerber, Marc Niethammer, Roland Kwitt
, Matt McCormick
, Deepak Roy Chittajallu, Neal Siekierski, Matthew Oetgen, Kevin Cleary, Stephen R. Aylward
Scoliosis screening and monitoring using self contained ultrasound and neural networks. 1500-1503 - Allen Lu, Ehsan Dehghan, Gopalkrishna Veni, Mehdi Moradi, Tanveer F. Syeda-Mahmood:
Detecting anomalies from echocardiography using multi-view regression of clinical measurements. 1504-1508 - Zichen Zhang, Min Tang, Dana Cobzas, Dornoosh Zonoobi, Martin Jägersand, Jacob L. Jaremko:
End-to-end detection-segmentation network with ROI convolution. 1509-1512 - Ravi Teja Narra, Nitin Singhal, Nikhil S. Narayan, G. A. Ramaraju:
Automated ovarian volume quantification in transvaginal ultrasound. 1513-1516 - Feng Jiang, Dong Ni, Siping Chen, Yuan Yao, Minh Hung Le, Tianfu Wang
, Baiying Lei:
Placental maturity grading via hybrid descriptors based on fisher vector. 1517-1520 - Huizhuo Yuan, Jinzhu Jia, Zhanxing Zhu:
SIPID: A deep learning framework for sinogram interpolation and image denoising in low-dose CT reconstruction. 1521-1524 - Arun Govindaiah, Md. Akter Hussain, Roland Theodore Smith, Alauddin Bhuiyan:
Deep convolutional neural network based screening and assessment of age-related macular degeneration from fundus images. 1525-1528 - Nova F. Smedley, William Hsu
Using deep neural networks for radiogenomic analysis. 1529-1533 - Marzieh Haghighi, Simon K. Warfield
, Sila Kurugol
Automatic renal segmentation in DCE-MRI using convolutional neural networks. 1534-1537 - Hansang Lee, Helen Hong, Junmo Kim:
BCD-NET: A novel method for cartilage segmentation of knee MRI via deep segmentation networks with bone-cartilage-complex modeling. 1538-1541 - Chen Zu, Yan Wang, Luping Zhou
, Lei Wang
, Daoqiang Zhang:
Multi-modality feature selection with adaptive similarity learning for classification of Alzheimer's disease. 1542-1545 - Xinyang Feng
, Jie Yang, Andrew F. Laine, Elsa D. Angelini
Alzheimer's disease diagnosis based on anatomically stratified texture analysis of the hippocampus in structural MRI. 1546-1549 - Shen Lu, Yong Xia, Weidong Cai, David Dagan Feng, Michael J. Fulham
Cross-cohort dementia identification using transfer learning with FDG-PET imaging. 1550-1554 - Jianfeng Wu, Jie Zhang, Jie Shi, Kewei Chen, Richard J. Caselli, Eric M. Reiman, Yalin Wang
Hippocampus morphometry study on pathology-confirmed Alzheimer's disease patients with surface multivariate morphometry statistics. 1555-1559 - Erdem Varol, Aristeidis Sotiras
, Christos Davatzikos:
Regionally discriminative multivariate statistical mapping. 1560-1563 - Sarun Gulyanon
, Liping He, W. Dan Tracey, Gavriil Tsechpenakis:
Neurite tracking in time-lapse calcium images using MRF-modeled pictorial structures. 1564-1568 - Eitan Levin
, Tamir Bendory
, Nicolas Boumal, Joe Kileel, Amit Singer
3D ab initio modeling in cryo-EM by autocorrelation analysis. 1569-1573 - Mohammad Rami Koujan, Ahsan R. Akram, Paul McCool, Jody Westerfeld, David Wilson, Kevin Dhaliwal
, Steve McLaughlin
, Antonios Perperidis:
Multi-class classification of pulmonary endomicroscopic images. 1574-1577 - Mark Hernandez, Adam Brewster, Larry Thul, Brian A. Telfer
, Arjun Majumdar, Heejin Choi, Taeyun Ku, Kwanghun Chung, Laura J. Brattain:
Learning-based long-range axon tracing in dense scenes. 1578-1582 - Thyagarajan Radhakrishnan, K. Krishna Harsha Reddy, Suyash P. Awate
A novel Bayesian graphical model and perfect Monte Carlo EM algorithm for automated colocalization estimation in multichannel fluorescence microscopy. 1583-1587

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