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Computers & Education, Volume 55
Volume 55, Number 1, August 2010
- Helen C. Reed, Paul Drijvers, Paul A. Kirschner
Effects of attitudes and behaviours on learning mathematics with computer tools. 1-15 - Ioanna Vekiri
Boys' and girls' ICT beliefs: Do teachers matter? 16-23 - Ofra Korat:
Reading electronic books as a support for vocabulary, story comprehension and word reading in kindergarten and first grade. 24-31 - Rong-Ji Chen:
Investigating models for preservice teachers' use of technology to support student-centered learning. 32-42 - Meltem Huri Baturay
, Ömer Faruk Bay:
The effects of problem-based learning on the classroom community perceptions and achievement of web-based education students. 43-52 - Jef C. Verhoeven
, Dirk Heerwegh, Kurt De Wit
Information and communication technologies in the life of university freshmen: An analysis of change. 53-66 - Francesca Pozzi
Using Jigsaw and Case Study for supporting online collaborative learning. 67-75 - Ching-Kun Hsu
, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Chih-Kai Chang
Development of a reading material recommendation system based on a knowledge engineering approach. 76-83 - Elizabeth Meyer, Philip C. Abrami, C. Anne Wade, Ofra Aslan, Louise Deault:
Improving literacy and metacognition with electronic portfolios: Teaching and learning with ePEARL. 84-91 - Martin Ebner
, Conrad Lienhardt, Matthias Rohs
, Iris Meyer:
Microblogs in Higher Education - A chance to facilitate informal and process-oriented learning? 92-100 - Selçuk Özdemir:
'To err is human, but to persist is diabolical': Loss of organizational memory and e-learning projects. 101-108 - Kim Hua Tan
, Ying Kei Tse, Pui Ling Chung:
A plug and play pathway approach for operations management games development. 109-117 - Nadh Ditcharoen
, Kanlaya Naruedomkul, Nick Cercone:
SignMT: An alternative language learning tool. 118-130 - Chorng-Shiuh Koong, Chi-Ying Wu:
An interactive item sharing website for creating and conducting on-line testing. 131-144 - Regina Juchun Chu, Anita Zichun Chu:
Multi-level analysis of peer support, Internet self-efficacy and e-learning outcomes - The contextual effects of collectivism and group potency. 145-154 - Jen-Her Wu, Robert D. Tennyson, Tzyh-Lih Hsia:
A study of student satisfaction in a blended e-learning system environment. 155-164 - Yuen-Hsien Tseng
, Chun-Yen Chang
, Shu-Nu Chang Rundgren, Carl-Johan Rundgren:
Mining concept maps from news stories for measuring civic scientific literacy in media. 165-177 - Maja Wrzesien
, Mariano Alcañiz Raya
Learning in serious virtual worlds: Evaluation of learning effectiveness and appeal to students in the E-Junior project. 178-187 - Ming-Lang Tseng
Implementation and performance evaluation using the fuzzy network balanced scorecard. 188-201 - Xia Mao, Zheng Li:
Agent based affective tutoring systems: A pilot study. 202-208 - Erin Phinney Johnson, Justin Perry, Haya Shamir:
Variability in reading ability gains as a function of computer-assisted instruction method of presentation. 209-217 - Kris M. Y. Law
, Victor C. S. Lee
, Yuen-Tak Yu:
Learning motivation in e-learning facilitated computer programming courses. 218-228 - Chao-Hsiu Chen:
The implementation and evaluation of a mobile self- and peer-assessment system. 229-236 - Yanqing Duan, Qile He
, Weizhe Feng, Daoliang Li, Zetian Fu:
A study on e-learning take-up intention from an innovation adoption perspective: A case in China. 237-246 - Huseyin Guruler
, Ayhan Istanbullu
, Mehmet Karahasan:
A new student performance analysing system using knowledge discovery in higher educational databases. 247-254 - Regina Juchun Chu:
How family support and Internet self-efficacy influence the effects of e-learning among higher aged adults - Analyses of gender and age differences. 255-264 - Xiaolei Liu, Haitao Liu, Zhen Bao, Bo Ju, Zhenghong Wang:
A web-based self-testing system with some features of Web 2.0: Design and primary implementation. 265-275 - Sara Dockrell, Deirdre Earle, Rose Galvin
Computer-related posture and discomfort in primary school children: The effects of a school-based ergonomic intervention. 276-284 - Lai-Chu See
, Yu-Hsun Huang, Yi-Hu Chang, Yeo-Ju Chiu, Yi-Fen Chen, Vicki S. Napper
Computer-enriched instruction (CEI) is better for preview material instead of review material: An example of a biostatistics chapter, the central limit theorem. 285-291 - Ching-Huei Chen
Promoting college students' knowledge acquisition and ill-structured problem solving: Web-based integration and procedure prompts. 292-303 - Joaquín Gairín-Sallán
, David Rodríguez-Gómez
, Carme Armengol-Asparó
Who exactly is the moderator? A consideration of online knowledge management network moderation in educational organisations. 304-312 - Ada Le, Steve Joordens
, Sophie Chrysostomou, Raymond Grinnell:
Online lecture accessibility and its influence on performance in skills-based courses. 313-319 - Margot Berger:
Using CAS to solve a mathematics task: A deconstruction. 320-332 - Vasilis Gialamas, Kleopatra Nikolopoulou
In-service and pre-service early childhood teachers' views and intentions about ICT use in early childhood settings: A comparative study. 333-341 - Carina Girvan
, Timothy Savage
Identifying an appropriate pedagogy for virtual worlds: A Communal Constructivism case study. 342-349 - Paul Warwick, Neil Mercer, Ruth Kershner, Judith Kleine Staarman:
In the mind and in the technology: The vicarious presence of the teacher in pupil's learning of science in collaborative group activity at the interactive whiteboard. 350-362 - You-Jin Seo, Honguk Woo:
The identification, implementation, and evaluation of critical user interface design features of computer-assisted instruction programs in mathematics for students with learning disabilities. 363-377 - Elizabeth Avery Gomez, Dezhi Wu, Katia Passerini
Computer-supported team-based learning: The impact of motivation, enjoyment and team contributions on learning outcomes. 378-390 - Tina N. Hohlfeld, Albert D. Ritzhaupt
, Ann E. Barron:
Connecting schools, community, and family with ICT: Four-year trends related to school level and SES of public schools in Florida. 391-405 - Hannah Thinyane
Are digital natives a world-wide phenomenon? An investigation into South African first year students' use and experience with technology. 406-414 - E. Vance Wilson
, Steven D. Sheetz:
A demands-resources model of work pressure in IT student task groups. 415-426
Volume 55, Number 2, September 2010
- Mansureh Kebritchi
, Atsusi Hirumi, Haiyan Bai:
The effects of modern mathematics computer games on mathematics achievement and class motivation. 427-443 - Sacide Güzin Mazman
, Yasemin Koçak Usluel
Modeling educational usage of Facebook. 444-453 - Martin Valcke, S. Bonte, Bram de Wever
, I. Rots:
Internet parenting styles and the impact on Internet use of primary school children. 454-464 - Veljko Potkonjak, Miomir Vukobratovic, Kosta Jovanovic
, Miroslav Medenica:
Virtual Mechatronic/Robotic laboratory - A step further in distance learning. 465-475 - Giorgio Olimpo, Rosa Maria Bottino, Jeffrey Earp, Michela Ott, Francesca Pozzi
, Mauro Tavella:
Pedagogical plans as communication oriented objects. 476-488 - Philip G. Butcher, Sally E. Jordan
A comparison of human and computer marking of short free-text student responses. 489-499 - Tamilselvi Gopal, Sherry S. Herron, Richard S. Mohn, Taralynn Hartsell, Jodie M. Jawor, Jacob C. Blickenstaff:
Effect of an interactive web-based instruction in the performance of undergraduate anatomy and physiology lab students. 500-512 - Kumar Laxman:
A conceptual framework mapping the application of information search strategies to well and ill-structured problem solving. 513-526 - Patcharin Panjaburee
, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Wannapong Triampo, Bo-Ying Shih:
A multi-expert approach for developing testing and diagnostic systems based on the concept-effect model. 527-540 - Ruben Vanderlinde, Johan van Braak:
The e-capacity of primary schools: Development of a conceptual model and scale construction from a school improvement perspective. 541-553 - Maja Cukusic, Niksa Alfirevic
, Andrina Granic
, Zeljko Garaca:
e-Learning process management and the e-learning performance: Results of a European empirical study. 554-565 - Juan C. Burguillo-Rial
Using game theory and Competition-based Learning to stimulate student motivation and performance. 566-575 - George Veletsianos
Contextually relevant pedagogical agents: Visual appearance, stereotypes, and first impressions and their impact on learning. 576-585 - Kuan-Hue Yeh, Hsiao-Ching She
On-line synchronous scientific argumentation learning: Nurturing students' argumentation ability and conceptual change in science context. 586-602 - Andreas Konstantinidis, Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos, Theodouli Terzidou, Andreas S. Pomportsis:
Fostering collaborative learning in Second Life: Metaphors and affordances. 603-615 - Tony Cheng-Kui Huang, Chih-Hong Huang:
An integrated decision model for evaluating educational web sites from the fuzzy subjective and objective perspectives. 616-629 - Tsung-Yu Liu, Yu-Ling Chu:
Using ubiquitous games in an English listening and speaking course: Impact on learning outcomes and motivation. 630-643 - Bas A. de Leng
, Diana H. J. M. Dolmans, H. H. L. M. Donkers, Arno M. M. Muijtjens, Cees P. M. van der Vleuten
Instruments to explore blended learning: Modifying a method to analyse online communication for the analysis of face-to-face communication. 644-651 - Stefan Hrastinski
, Christina Keller, Sven A. Carlsson:
Design exemplars for synchronous e-learning: A design theory approach. 652-662 - Nicolae Nistor
, Katrin Neubauer:
From participation to dropout: Quantitative participation patterns in online university courses. 663-672 - Cheng-Chieh Chang
, Fang-Ying Yang:
Exploring the cognitive loads of high-school students as they learn concepts in web-based environments. 673-680 - Björn B. de Koning, Huib K. Tabbers, Remy M. J. P. Rikers, Fred Paas
Learning by generating vs. receiving instructional explanations: Two approaches to enhance attention cueing in animations. 681-691 - Gemma Corbalan, Fred Paas
, Hans Cuypers:
Computer-based feedback in linear algebra: Effects on transfer performance and motivation. 692-703 - José A. González
, Lluís Jover
, Erik Cobo
, Pilar Muñoz:
A web-based learning tool improves student performance in statistics: A randomized masked trial. 704-713 - Doris U. Bolliger
, Supawan Supanakorn, Christine Boggs:
Impact of podcasting on student motivation in the online learning environment. 714-722 - Yu-Feng Lan, Yang-Siang Sie:
Using RSS to support mobile learning based on media richness theory. 723-732 - M'hammed Abdous, Miki Yoshimura:
Learner outcomes and satisfaction: A comparison of live video-streamed instruction, satellite broadcast instruction, and face-to-face instruction. 733-741 - Asli Ünlüsoy, Mariëtte de Haan
, Paul M. Leseman, Claudia van Kruistum
Gender differences in adolescents' out-of-school literacy practices: A multifaceted approach. 742-751 - Addison Y. S. Su, Stephen J. H. Yang
, Wu-Yuin Hwang
, Jia Zhang:
A Web 2.0-based collaborative annotation system for enhancing knowledge sharing in collaborative learning environments. 752-766 - Hernane Borges de Barros Pereira
, Gilney F. Zebende
, Marcelo A. Moret:
Learning computer programming: Implementing a fractal in a Turing Machine. 767-776 - Yuping Wang, Nian-Shing Chen, Mike Levy:
The design and implementation of a holistic training model for language teacher education in a cyber face-to-face learning environment. 777-788 - Wen-Hao David Huang, Wen-Yeh Huang, Jill Tschopp:
Sustaining iterative game playing processes in DGBL: The relationship between motivational processing and outcome processing. 789-797 - Eddy K. M. Chong
Using blogging to enhance the initiation of students into academic research. 798-807 - Fengfeng Ke
Examining online teaching, cognitive, and social presence for adult students. 808-820 - Arturas Kaklauskas
, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, V. Pruskus, Andrejus Vlasenko, Mark Seniut, Gabrielius Kaklauskas, A. Matuliauskaite, Viktor Gribniak
Biometric and Intelligent Self-Assessment of Student Progress system. 821-833 - Chuang-Kai Chiou
, Judy C. R. Tseng, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Shelly Heller:
An adaptive navigation support system for conducting context-aware ubiquitous learning in museums. 834-845 - Michal Barla, Mária Bieliková, Anna Bou Ezzeddine, Tomás Kramár, Marián Simko
, Oto Vozár:
On the impact of adaptive test question selection for learning efficiency. 846-857 - Chun-Ling Ho, Ren-Jye Dzeng
Construction safety training via e-Learning: Learning effectiveness and user satisfaction. 858-867 - Donguk Cheong:
The effects of practice teaching sessions in second life on the change in pre-service teachers' teaching efficacy. 868-880 - Iwan Kartiko, Manolya Kavakli
, Ken Cheng
Learning science in a virtual reality application: The impacts of animated-virtual actors' visual complexity. 881-891 - Joel Lanir, Kellogg S. Booth, Kirstie Hawkey:
The benefits of more electronic screen space on students' retention of material in classroom lectures. 892-903 - Kofi Acheaw Owusu
, K. A. Monney, J. Y. Appiah, E. M. Wilmot:
Effects of computer-assisted instruction on performance of senior high school biology students in Ghana. 904-910 - Robert S. Savage, Ozlem Erten, Philip C. Abrami, Geoffrey Hipps, Erin Comaskey, Dea van Lierop
ABRACADABRA in the hands of teachers: The effectiveness of a web-based literacy intervention in grade 1 language arts programs. 911-922
Volume 55, Number 3, November 2010
- Tomoko Watanabe Traphagan, Yueh-hui Vanessa Chiang, Hyeseung Maria Chang, Benjaporn Wattanawaha, Haekyung Lee, Michael Charles Mayrath, Jeongwon Woo, Hyo-Jin Yoon, Min Jung Jee
, Paul E. Resta:
Cognitive, social and teaching presence in a virtual world and a text chat. 923-936 - Fethi A. Inan
, Deborah L. Lowther:
Laptops in the K-12 classrooms: Exploring factors impacting instructional use. 937-944 - William Douglas Woody, David B. Daniel, Crystal A. Baker:
E-books or textbooks: Students prefer textbooks. 945-948 - Mericia Rivera-Nivar, Cristina Pomales-García
E-training: Can young and older users be accommodated with the same interface? 949-960 - Ling-Chian Chang, Greg C. Lee:
A team-teaching model for practicing project-based learning in high school: Collaboration between computer and subject teachers. 961-969 - Jaime Sánchez, Mauricio Sáenz:
Metro navigation for the blind. 970-981 - Ju-Ling Shih, Bai-Jiun Shih, Chun-Chao Shih, Hui-Yu Su, Chien-Wen Chuang:
The influence of collaboration styles to children's cognitive performance in digital problem-solving game "William Adventure": A comparative case study. 982-993 - Rebecca Reynolds, Kevin Walker, Catherine Speight:
Web-based museum trails on PDAs for university-level design students: Design and evaluation. 994-1003 - Chien Chou
, Hsinyi Peng, Chun-Yu Chang:
The technical framework of interactive functions for course-management systems: Students' perceptions, uses, and evaluations. 1004-1017 - Jeremy Roschelle
, Ken Rafanan, Gucci Estrella, Miguel Nussbaum
, Susana Claro
From handheld collaborative tool to effective classroom module: Embedding CSCL in a broader design framework. 1018-1026 - Jeffrey Alan Greene
, Lara-Jeane Costa
, Jane Robertson, Yi Pan, Victor M. Deekens
Exploring relations among college students' prior knowledge, implicit theories of intelligence, and self-regulated learning in a hypermedia environment. 1027-1043 - Javier López-Cuadrado
, Tomás A. Pérez, José Ángel Vadillo Zorita, Julián Gutiérrez Serrano:
Calibration of an item bank for the assessment of Basque language knowledge. 1044-1055 - Christopher A. Sanchez, James Z. Goolsbee:
Character size and reading to remember from small displays. 1056-1062 - Simon B. Heilesen:
What is the academic efficacy of podcasting? 1063-1068 - Luis de-Marcos
, José Ramón Hilera, Roberto Barchino
, M. Lourdes Jiménez
, José-Javier Martínez, José Antonio Gutiérrez, José María Gutiérrez, Salvador Otón
An experiment for improving students performance in secondary and tertiary education by means of m-learning auto-assessment. 1069-1079 - Min-Ling Hung, Chien Chou
, Chao-Hsiu Chen, Zang-Yuan Own:
Learner readiness for online learning: Scale development and student perceptions. 1080-1090 - Hatice Odaci, Melek Kalkan:
Problematic Internet use, loneliness and dating anxiety among young adult university students. 1091-1097 - Mike Carbonaro, Duane Szafron, Maria Cutumisu
, Jonathan Schaeffer:
Computer-game construction: A gender-neutral attractor to Computing Science. 1098-1111 - Alison E. Lane
, Jenny M. Ziviani:
Factors influencing skilled use of the computer mouse by school-aged children. 1112-1122 - Sufen Chen:
The view of scientific inquiry conveyed by simulation-based virtual laboratories. 1123-1130 - Yee Leng Eow, Wan Zah bte Wan Ali, Rosnaini bt. Mahmud, Roselan Baki:
Computer games development experience and appreciative learning approach for creative process enhancement. 1131-1144 - Chwee Beng Lee:
The interactions between problem solving and conceptual change: System dynamic modelling as a platform for learning. 1145-1158 - Wenli Chen
, Chee-Kit Looi, Sini Tan:
What do students do in a F2F CSCL classroom? The optimization of multiple communications modes. 1159-1170 - Hsiu-Mei Huang, Ulrich Rauch, Shu-Sheng Liaw:
Investigating learners' attitudes toward virtual reality learning environments: Based on a constructivist approach. 1171-1182 - David Kember
, Carmel McNaught, Fanny C. Y. Chong, Paul Lam, Kin-Fai Cheng:
Understanding the ways in which design features of educational websites impact upon student learning outcomes in blended learning environments. 1183-1192 - Yu-Fen Yang:
Developing a reciprocal teaching/learning system for college remedial reading instruction. 1193-1201 - Yu-Fen Yang:
Students' reflection on online self-correction and peer review to improve writing. 1202-1210 - Yong Liu
, Hongxiu Li
, Christer Carlsson:
Factors driving the adoption of m-learning: An empirical study. 1211-1219 - Jie-Chi Yang
, Sherry Y. Chen:
Effects of gender differences and spatial abilities within a digital pentominoes game. 1220-1233 - J. Ben Arbaugh:
Sage, guide, both, or even more? An examination of instructor activity in online MBA courses. 1234-1244 - Shu-Chiao Tsai
Developing and integrating courseware for oral presentations into ESP learning contexts. 1245-1258 - Athanassios Jimoyiannis:
Designing and implementing an integrated technological pedagogical science knowledge framework for science teachers professional development. 1259-1269 - Qiyun Wang
Using online shared workspaces to support group collaborative learning. 1270-1276 - Hassan Qudrat-Ullah:
Perceptions of the effectiveness of system dynamics-based interactive learning environments: An empirical study. 1277-1286 - Akin Efendioglu
, Tugba Yanpar Yelken
Programmed instruction versus meaningful learning theory in teaching basic structured query language (SQL) in computer lesson. 1287-1299 - Chien-Yuan Su
, Tzone-I Wang:
Construction and analysis of educational assessments using knowledge maps with weight appraisal of concepts. 1300-1311 - César Domínguez
, Arturo Jaime Elizondo:
Database design learning: A project-based approach organized through a course management system. 1312-1320 - Anne T. Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Krista D. Glazewski
, Timothy J. Newby, Peggy A. Ertmer:
Teacher value beliefs associated with using technology: Addressing professional and student needs. 1321-1335 - José María Cuenca López
, Myriam J. Martín Cáceres
Virtual games in social science education. 1336-1345 - Jie-Chi Yang
, Chih-Hung Chen, Ming-Chang Jeng:
Integrating video-capture virtual reality technology into a physically interactive learning environment for English learning. 1346-1356 - Roisin Donnelly:
Interaction analysis in a 'Learning by Doing' problem-based professional development context. 1357-1366 - Jun-Ming Chen, Meng Chang Chen, Yeali S. Sun:
A novel approach for enhancing student reading comprehension and assisting teacher assessment of literacy. 1367-1382 - Heeok Heo, Kyu Yon Lim
, Youngsoo Kim:
Exploratory study on the patterns of online interaction and knowledge co-construction in project-based learning. 1383-1392 - Florin D. Salajan, Dieter J. Schönwetter, Blaine M. Cleghorn:
Student and faculty inter-generational digital divide: Fact or fiction? 1393-1403 - Hannah Thinyane
Corrigendum to "Are digital natives a world-wide phenomenon? An investigation into South African first year students' use and experience with technology" [Computers & Education 55 (2008) 406-414]. 1404
Volume 55, Number 4, December 2010
- Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu, Wayne Huang, Qiuhong Wang
Internet inequality: The relationship between high school students' Internet use in different locations and their Internet self-efficacy. 1405-1423 - Elinda Ai-Lim Lee, Kok Wai Wong, Chun Che Fung
How does desktop virtual reality enhance learning outcomes? A structural equation modeling approach. 1424-1442 - Laura Wengenroth, Inga Hege, Katja Förderreuther, Elena Riu, Heinz Mandl, Peter Kujath, Katja Radon:
Promoting occupational health in secondary schools through virtual patients. 1443-1448 - Yufang Cheng, Hsuan-Chi Chiang, Jun Ye, Li-hung Cheng:
Enhancing empathy instruction using a collaborative virtual learning environment for children with autistic spectrum conditions. 1449-1458 - Adnan Baki, Ünal Çakiroglu:
Learning objects in high school mathematics classrooms: Implementation and evaluation. 1459-1469 - Kevin Biesinger, Kent J. Crippen
The effects of feedback protocol on self-regulated learning in a web-based worked example learning environment. 1470-1482 - Yen-Ting Lin
, Yueh-Min Huang, Shu-Chen Cheng:
An automatic group composition system for composing collaborative learning groups using enhanced particle swarm optimization. 1483-1493 - Angela Yan Yu, Stella Wen Tian, Douglas R. Vogel, Ron Chi-Wai Kwok:
Can learning be virtually boosted? An investigation of online social networking impacts. 1494-1503 - Baohui Zhang, Chee-Kit Looi, Peter Sen Kee Seow, Gean Chia, Lung-Hsiang Wong
, Wenli Chen
, Hyo-Jeong So, Elliot Soloway, Cathie Norris:
Deconstructing and reconstructing: Transforming primary science learning via a mobilized curriculum. 1504-1523 - Ozlem Cakir
, Nurettin Simsek:
A comparative analysis of the effects of computer and paper-based personalization on student achievement. 1524-1531 - Wing Mui Winnie So
Meaning representation in video outcomes of inquiry project. 1532-1541 - Michael W. Firmin, Ruth L. Firmin, Whitney Muhlenkamp Wood, Jordan C. Wood:
Social influences related to college students' use of Macintosh computers on an all-PC campus. 1542-1551 - A. Seugnet Blignaut, J. Enrique Hinostroza
, Christo J. Els
, Mario Brun
ICT in education policy and practice in developing countries: South Africa and Chile compared through SITES 2006. 1552-1563 - Terry S. Judd
, Gregor E. Kennedy:
A five-year study of on-campus Internet use by undergraduate biomedical students. 1564-1571 - Chih-Wei Chang, Jih-Hsien Lee, Chin-Yeh Wang, Gwo-Dong Chen:
Improving the authentic learning experience by integrating robots into the mixed-reality environment. 1572-1578 - Peter Tiernan:
Enhancing the learning experience of undergraduate technology students with LabVIEWTM software. 1579-1588 - Kueh Chin Yap, Kok Pin Chia:
Knowledge construction and misconstruction: A case study approach in asynchronous discussion using Knowledge Construction - Message Map (KCMM) and Knowledge Construction - Message Graph (KCMG). 1589-1613 - Cindy McCoy:
Perceived self-efficacy and technology proficiency in undergraduate college students. 1614-1617 - Hui-Chun Chu
, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Chin-Chung Tsai
, Judy C. R. Tseng:
A two-tier test approach to developing location-aware mobile learning systems for natural science courses. 1618-1627 - Hsiu-Ju Chen:
Linking employees' e-learning system use to their overall job outcomes: An empirical study based on the IS success model. 1628-1639 - Daniel C. Moos:
Nonlinear technology: Changing the conception of extrinsic motivation? 1640-1650 - Anneline Devolder, Ruben Vanderlinde, Johan van Braak, Jo Tondeur
Identifying multiple roles of ICT coordinators. 1651-1655 - Leanna M. Archambault
, Joshua H. Barnett:
Revisiting technological pedagogical content knowledge: Exploring the TPACK framework. 1656-1662 - Eva Millán
, Tomasz D. Loboda, José-Luis Pérez-de-la-Cruz:
Bayesian networks for student model engineering. 1663-1683 - Serkan Sendag
Pre-service teachers' perceptions about e-democracy: A case in Turkey. 1684-1693 - Michael J. Jacobson
, Hyo-Jeong So, Timothy Teo
, June Lee, Suneeta Pathak, Hans G. Lossman:
Epistemology and learning: Impact on pedagogical practices and technology use in Singapore schools. 1694-1706 - Bert Slof, Gijsbert Erkens, Paul A. Kirschner
, Jeroen Janssen, Chris Phielix:
Fostering complex learning-task performance through scripting student use of computer supported representational tools. 1707-1720 - Peter Shea
, Temi Bidjerano
Learning presence: Towards a theory of self-efficacy, self-regulation, and the development of a communities of inquiry in online and blended learning environments. 1721-1731 - Fotis Lazarinis, Steve Green, Elaine Pearson:
Creating personalized assessments based on learner knowledge and objectives in a hypermedia Web testing application. 1732-1743 - Syh-Jong Jang:
Integrating the interactive whiteboard and peer coaching to develop the TPACK of secondary science teachers. 1744-1751 - Xiangming Mu:
Towards effective video annotation: An approach to automatically link notes with video content. 1752-1763 - Timothy Teo, Seng Chee Tan
, Chwee Beng Lee, Ching Sing Chai
, Joyce Hwee Ling Koh, Chen Wen Li, Horn Mun Cheah:
The self-directed learning with technology scale (SDLTS) for young students: An initial development and validation. 1764-1771 - Siu Cheung Kong
Using a web-enabled video system to support student-teachers' self-reflection in teaching practice. 1772-1782

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