
class ResolutionInfo

A ResolutionInfo allows the application to know the resolution information of a specific use case.

Applications can know the resolution information of Preview before a SurfaceRequest is received, or know the resolution information of ImageAnalysis before an ImageProxy is received from ImageAnalysis.Analyzer.


Public constructors

ResolutionInfo(resolution: Size, cropRect: Rect, rotationDegrees: Int)

Creates a new instance of ResolutionInfo with the given parameters.

Public functions

equals(obj: Any?)

Returns the crop rectangle.


Returns the output resolution used for the use case.


Returns the rotation degrees needed to transform the output resolution to the target rotation.


Public constructors


Added in 1.3.0
ResolutionInfo(resolution: Size, cropRect: Rect, rotationDegrees: Int)

Creates a new instance of ResolutionInfo with the given parameters. This constructor is not normally needed outside of testing cases.

resolution: Size

The resolution used for the UseCase expressed in the coordinates of the camera sensor.

cropRect: Rect

The crop rectangle specifies the region of valid pixels in the buffer.

rotationDegrees: Int

The clockwise rotation in degrees that needs to be applied to the output buffer so the image appears upright at the target rotation setting.

Public functions


fun equals(obj: Any?): Boolean


Added in 1.1.0
fun getCropRect(): Rect

Returns the crop rectangle.

The crop rectangle specifies the region of valid pixels in the buffer, using coordinates from (0, 0) to the (width, height) of the resolution obtained by getResolution. The dimensions need to be flipped by the rotation degrees obtained via getRotationDegrees to match the target rotation setting.

If the use case is configured with a ViewPort, this value is calculated based on the configuration of ViewPort; if not, it returns the full rect of the buffer which the dimensions will be the same as the value obtained from getResolution.


Added in 1.1.0
fun getResolution(): Size

Returns the output resolution used for the use case.

The resolution will be expressed in the coordinates of the camera sensor. The dimensions need to be flipped by the rotation degrees obtained via getRotationDegrees to match the target rotation setting.


Added in 1.1.0
fun getRotationDegrees(): Int

Returns the rotation degrees needed to transform the output resolution to the target rotation.

This is a clockwise rotation in degrees that needs to be applied to the output buffer so the image appears upright at the target rotation setting. The rotation will be determined by the camera sensor orientation value and target rotation setting.


The rotation in degrees which will be a value in {0, 90, 180, 270}.


fun hashCode(): Int


fun toString(): String