Investigación de Las Habilidades Rítmicas de Los Estudiantes de Deporte
Investigación de Las Habilidades Rítmicas de Los Estudiantes de Deporte
Investigación de Las Habilidades Rítmicas de Los Estudiantes de Deporte
The elaborateness of motor activities in sports disciplines increases the requirements to agility being a com-
plex quality of athletes. The different components of this quality, defined as the ability for quick change in the
execution of movements and abilities for reaction in various conditions, are in complex interrelation. Object
of the research is the rhythmical abilities of students at the three faculties of the National Sports Academy
—Coach faculty, Physical education faculty, and Kinesitherapy faculty. In order to assess the coordination in
rhythm we used four tests of Damjanovska, Gontarev, Rhedzepi, and Gantcheva (2015). The results from the
research show that the students in the three faculties possess good rhythmical abilities. The sports practiced
with musical accompaniment facilitate the harmonious mastery of coordination in rhythm.
La elaboración de actividades motoras en las disciplinas deportivas aumenta los requisitos para que la agili-
dad sea una cualidad compleja de los atletas. Los diferentes componentes de esta cualidad, definida como la
capacidad de cambio rápido en la ejecución de movimientos y habilidades de reacción en diversas condicio-
nes, se encuentran en una interrelación compleja. El objeto de la investigación es la capacidad rítmica de los
estudiantes en las tres facultades de la Academia Nacional de Deportes: facultad de educación superior, facul-
tad de educación física y facultad de kinesioterapia. Para evaluar la coordinación en el ritmo utilizamos cuatro
pruebas de Damjanovska, Gontarev, Rhedzepi y Gantcheva (2015). Los resultados de la investigación muestran
que los estudiantes en las tres facultades poseen buenas habilidades rítmicas. Los deportes practicados con
acompañamiento musical facilitan el dominio armónico de la coordinación en el ritmo.
1 Full Professor, National Sports Academy „Vassil Levski“, Gymnastics Department. Sofia, Bulgaria. [email protected]
O desenvolvimento de atividades motoras em disciplinas esportivas aumenta os requisitos para que a agili-
dade seja uma qualidade complexa dos atletas. Os diferentes componentes dessa qualidade, definida como a
capacidade de mudança rápida na execução de movimentos e capacidades de reação em diferentes condições,
estão em uma inter-relação complexa. O objeto da pesquisa é a capacidade rítmica dos alunos nas três facul-
dades da Academia Nacional de Esportes: faculdade de ensino superior, faculdade de educação física e facul-
dade de cinesioterapia. Para avaliar a coordenação no ritmo, foram utilizados quatro testes de Damjanovska,
Gontarev, Rhedzepi e Gantcheva (2015). Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que os alunos nas três faculdades
possuem boas habilidades rítmicas. Os esportes praticados com acompanhamento musical facilitam o domí-
nio harmonioso da coordenação no ritmo.
Kinesitherapy, tourism
Coach faculty Physical education faculty
and sports animation
• Bulgarian language
• Foreign languages
• Information technologies for
analysis of the movements
• Center “Information Systems
and technologies”
Modern sport is characterized by its complexity of potential of strength, speed and flexibility, and also
motor movements. Certain physical qualities domi- requires the manifestation of abilities for reaction in 9
nate in the different kinds of sports. Agility, being a different conditions (Stoikov, 2014). Other authors
complex quality, finds much more application and is in (Mienel and Schnabell, 1987; Rachev, 1984) define
close relation to coordination, which is defined as abil- coordination abilities as related to rhythmical abilities.
ity for quick change in the performance of movements
We generally agree with the opinion of the cited
according to the ability to execute fast, coordinated
authors; however, it does not apply to an equal extent
and connected movements (Damjanovska, Gontarev,
to all kinds of sports. They do not take into consid-
and Radisavljevic, 2013; Damjanovska et al., 2015).
eration some factors typical of what is known as
Some authors consider agility the most important artistic disciplines (rhythmic gymnastics, aesthetic
complex motor quality dependent on the achieved gymnastics, figure skating, and synchronized swim-
ming) where the use of musical accompaniment is and abilities for reaction are part of the components
obligatory and determines the execution of motor of coordination abilities (Hadjiev, Andonov, Dobrev,
actions. The above-mentioned rhythmical abilities and Petrov, 2011).
Jumps in four squares. consecutive times in the left wall, separates the left
hand from the wall, with the right foot strikes the right
In the floor are painted four squares of the same
dimension, 40x40 cm, spaced from each other in
wall and lowers the leg on the floor. This makes one
5 cm. The performer stands in an upright posi- cycle of movement. Respondent, starting with hitting
tion, with free slumped hands beside the body, with his left foot into the left wall opens the next cycle
in the right lower square. The movement starts of movement. The test is executed three times, the
with a jump of the right foot into the right upper number of the best performed cycles in 20 seconds is
square, jumping with the left foot into the left recorded. Practicing is not allowed. (Damjanovska et
upper square, starting with the right foot in the al., 2013, p. 282)
lower left square and taking three steps (right, left,
Each test was executed three times. We allowed for a
right foot), after the performed three steps, with
his left foot jumps in the left upper square, with the short elaboration of the movements in the beginning.
right foot jumps in the top right square, and start- However, we did not let the subjects learn them well.
ing with the left foot in the lower right square The results from all tests were recorded in a prelimi-
takes three steps (left, right, left foot). This makes narily prepared individual form for each participant
one cycle of movements. The test is executed three in the research. In the end, the best achievement was
times, the number of the best performed cycles in highlighted.
20 seconds is recorded. Practicing is not allowed.
The tests we chose are characterized with general
(Damjanovska et al., 2013, p. 282)
music-rhythmical structure, the movements involved
Crossover jumps in four squares.
are five-three with a bigger amplitude and two with
a smaller one. They are subjected to the same met-
Is the same as the previous test, but here the move- ro-rhythm and are counted as one/two, one-two/
ment starts with left foot jump in the left upper square, three, with two four time.
and with his right foot in the right upper square, with
the left leg jump in the lower left square is performed Math-statistical methods:
three steps (left, right, left foot). Then the movement Variation analysis of the results from the research
starts with the right foot jump in the top right square, aimed at establishing the statistically significant
then with left foot jump in the left upper square and relations between the variables of coordination in
starting with the right foot in the lower right square rhythm.
is performed three steps (right, left, right foot). This
All statistical analyses were performed with the use
makes one cycle of movement. The test is executed
of SPSS 19.
three times, the number of the best cycles in 20
seconds is recorded. Practicing is not allowed. (Dam-
janovska et al., 2013, p. 282) RESULTS
Tables 1, 2 and 3 present the results from the research
Kicking with legs and arms (in a corner).
and the variation analysis. The average number of
This test is performed in the corner of a room. On the cycles performed for each of the tests ranges from
left and right side of the floor, in height and distance 7.09 to 10.6 with the students from I group (Coach
from the floor, are marked lines with a length of 20 cm. faculty); from 4.41 to 8.24 with the students from II
Respondent in upright position, with arms raised to
group (Physical education faculty); and from 5.76 to
the level of the shoulders, stands on the marked place. 10 with III group (Kinesitherapy). The variation of
With the right side of the body the hits are performed the values is relatively high in all the tests because
to the right side wall, while with left side of the body the coefficient of variation is over 10%. The values
to the left side of the wall. But the movements are per- have a normal distribution. The coefficients of asym-
formed as follows: the respondent with the left foot metry and excess constitute a sufficient premise for
hits the left wall above the line and lowers the leg on this conclusion. The values of the range (R) are simi-
the floor, with his right hand hits the right wall at the lar with the exception of the test Frontal kicking with
height of the chests, separates the arm from the wall, legs and arms on the wall, where R=15 for I group;
with his left hand, at the height of the chests, hits two test Jumps in four squares R=11 for II group, and
test Kicking with legs and arms (in a corner) R=10 I group. The students from I and II group are within
for III group. The average values of the results from the range of the normal students’ age but the bigger
the tests are higher for I group, especially regard- age values in II group are due to the part-time stu-
ing the tests performed with arms and legs —Fron- dents who joined the research. They usually begin
tal kicking with legs and arms on the wall (x=10.20, their education at a later age, or this is their sec-
x=4.41, =5.76, for the three groups and Kicking with ond university degree. Sports experience is an index
legs and arms (in a corner) (x=10.6,x=8.24, x=10.00). which generally influences the rhythmical abilities of
The mean values of the results from tests 2 and 3 the students. Due to the fact that these abilities are
(Jumps in four squares and Crossover jumps in four dependent on the individual rhythmical abilities, and
squares) are not characterized with big differences they have been developed and perfected in diverse
both within the groups and between the groups. We ways specific for the different sports disciplines, the
should pay attention to the following values: Xmin=0, result Xmin=0 for II and III group could not have
in test 3 for II group and Xmin=1, in the same test for influenced the research so much.
Table 1
Variation analysis of the results from the research among students from the Coach faculty
Table 2
Variation analysis of the results from the research among students from Physical education faculty
Table 3
Variation analysis of the results from the research among students from Kinesitherapy faculty
The rhythmical ability is most often manifested be an exact quantitative measurement of rhythmi-
in rhythmic and artistic gymnastics and aerobics cal abilities.
where the competitors perform their routines with
musical accompaniment. Each gymnastics exercise
and every routine have their specific rhythm of
execution related to the gymnasts’ kinematic and Damjanovska, M., Gontarev, S., and Radisavljevic, L. (2013).
dynamic abilities. Determination of measurement characteristics for
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logical Status with Children, Youth and Adults. Beograd,
fected in different conditions. The constantly chang-
december, 281-287.
ing environment in team games, the collaboration
with the teammates, and the absence of musical Damjanovska, M., Gontarev, S., Rhedzepi, A., and Gan-
accompaniment with strictly defined function, place tcheva, G. (2015). Comparing reliability and validity
the researched groups in a totally different situation. of some tests with classic and image model of assess-
ment rhythmic ability. Sborník příspěvků z mez-
Their rhythmical abilities correspond to the motor
inárodní vědecké conference. Evropské Pedagogické
activity they practice, depending on the individual
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inner rhythm of the body, but differ in their manifes-
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rhythmical abilities. The better achievements of the
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with the help of the specific means of the particular Schaal, S., Sternad, D., Osu, R., and Kawato, M. (2004).
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effects of a developmentally appropriate music and
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