Vizcaino Torres Et Al 2015. Incremento de Inteligencia RFT

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ISSN: 0214-9915
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Universidad de Oviedo

Vizcaíno-Torres, Rosa M.; Ruiz, Francisco J.; Luciano, Carmen; López-López, Juan C.;
Barbero-Rubio, Adrián; Gil, Enrique
The effect of relational training on intelligence quotient: A case study
Psicothema, vol. 27, núm. 2, abril-junio, 2015, pp. 120-127
Universidad de Oviedo
Oviedo, España

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Rosa M. Vizcaíno-Torres, Francisco J. Ruiz, Carmen Luciano, Juan C. López-López, Adrián Barbero-Rubio and Enrique Gil


Psicothema 2015, Vol. 27, No. 2, 120-127
Copyright © 2015 Psicothema
doi: 10.7334/psicothema2014.149

The effect of relational training on intelligence quotient: A case study

Rosa M. Vizcaíno-Torres1, Francisco J. Ruiz2, Carmen Luciano1, Juan C. López-López1,
Adrián Barbero-Rubio1 and Enrique Gil1
Universidad de Almería and 2 Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz

Abstract Resumen
Background: Relational training protocols based on Relational Frame El efecto del entrenamiento en comportamiento relacional sobre el
Theory (RFT) are showing promising results in increasing intelligence cociente de inteligencia: un estudio de caso. Antecedentes: los protocolos
quotient. This case study aimed at analyzing the effect of a training protocol de entrenamiento relacional basados en la Teoría del Marco Relacional
in fluency and flexibility in relational responding on intelligence quotient (TMR) están mostrando resultados prometedores en el incremento del
with a 4-year-old child. Method: The child’s cognitive and psychomotor cociente de inteligencia. El objetivo de este estudio de caso fue analizar
development was evaluated before and after the implementation of the el efecto de un entrenamiento en fluidez y flexibilidad en comportamiento
training protocol using the McCarthy’s Aptitudes and Psychomotricity Scale relacional sobre el cociente de inteligencia en un niño de 4 años. Método: se
(MSCA). The training protocol consisted of a multiple-exemplar-training evaluó el desarrollo cognitivo y psicomotor del niño a través de las Escalas
(MET) in relational framing in accordance with COORDINATION (Phases de Aptitudes y Psicomotricidad de McCarthy (MSCA). La intervención
1 and 2), OPPOSITION (Phase 3 and 4), and COMPARISON (Phases 5 consistió en un entrenamiento relacional en múltiples ejemplos para
and 6). The MET protocol was implemented in approximately 12 hours enmarcar en COORDINACIÓN (Fases 1 y 2), OPOSICIÓN (Fases 3 y
throughout five and one half months. Results: The training was effective 4) y COMPARACIÓN (Fases 5 y 6). El entrenamiento se aplicó en 12
in establishing relational responding in OPPOSITION and COMPARISON horas aproximadamente durante cinco meses y medio, y resultó eficaz
frames as well as in promoting fluency and flexibility in all the three types en generar comportamiento relacional para enmarcar en OPOSICIÓN y
of trained relations. After this training, the child showed an increase above COMPARACIÓN y en promover fluidez y flexibilidad en los tres marcos
1.5 SD in the General Cognitive Index of the MSCA (from 106 to 131). relacionales. Resultados: el niño mostró un incremento superior a 1.5 DT
Conclusions: This case study adds further empirical evidence of the en el Índice Cognitivo General del MSCA (de 106 a 131). Conclusiones:
potential of RFT training to improve cognitive abilities and intelligence. este estudio añade evidencia al potencial de los entrenamientos basados en
Keywords: Relational frame theory; Intelligence; Multiple-exemplar- la TMR para mejorar las habilidades cognitivas e inteligencia.
training; Derived relational responding. Palabras clave: teoría del marco relacional; inteligencia; entrenamiento en
múltiples ejemplos; respuesta relacional derivada.

Relational Frame Theory (RFT; Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & word for snake (i.e., snake is the same as serpiente). Later, he
Roche, 2001) is a functional-contextual approach to complex gets scared when hearing the sentence “there is a serpiente in this
human behavior that holds two main premises with important room,” because of the arbitrary relationships between “serpiente,”
implications for the training of linguistic and cognitive abilities. “snake,” and an actual snake. Fluency in relational framing refers
The first premise is that fluency and flexibility in different to the ease to derive relations, whereas flexibility refers to the
patterns of arbitrarily applicable relational responding, or ability to relationally frame stimuli under different relational cues,
relational framing, underlie language and cognition (e.g., Hayes contexts, and formats.
et al., 2001; Luciano, Valdivia-Salas, Berens, Rodríguez-Valverde, Examples of relational framing are relating stimuli in
Mañas, & Ruiz, 2009). Relational framing means responding to accordance with coordination (is, same as), distinction (is different
one event in terms of another where the relationship between the from), opposition (is opposite to), comparison (more than, less
two events is not based on nonarbitrary features but on arbitrary than), hierarchy (is part of, includes), etc. Each type of relational
relational cues (e.g., same as). For instance, consider the case of a framing is defined according to three properties: mutual entailment,
boy with a snake phobia who is told that serpiente is the Spanish combinatorial entailment, and transformation of functions. Mutual
entailment involves the bidirectionality of stimulus relations: if A
is related to stimulus B, then B is related to A in a particular way.
Received: June 30, 2014 • Accepted: January 21, 2015 For instance, in relations of coordination, if A is the same as B,
Corresponding author: Carmen Luciano then B is the same as A (e.g., if serpiente is the same as snake,
Facultad de Psicología snake is the same as serpiente). Combinatorial entailment means
Universidad de Almería
04120 Almería (Spain) that two or more stimuli that have acquired the property of mutual
e-mail: [email protected] entailment can be combined. For example, if A is related to B and

The effect of relational training on intelligence quotient: A case study

B is related to C, then C and A are related in a particular way. and flexibility in relational framing according to coordination,
Similarly, with relations of coordination, if A is the same as B and opposition, and comparison in a normally developing 4-year-old
B is the same as C, then A is the same as C and C is the same as child. Unlike the only study conducted with normal developing
A (e.g., if serpiente is the same as snake and snake is the same children (first study of Cassidy, Roche, & Hayes, 2011), the
as an actual snake, serpiente is the same as the actual snake and actual protocol involved the establishment of relational framing
vice versa). Transformation of functions means that the function according to opposition and comparison because these repertoires
of a stimulus can change the functions of other stimuli that are were absent, and included fluency and flexibility training in- and
mutually or combinatorially related. In the previous example, if C out-session in daily interactions.
acquires a fear-eliciting function, then B and A will have the same
eliciting function due to the mutual and combinatorial relations of Method
coordination, respectively (e.g., the boy get scared when hearing
the sounds “serpiente” and “snake”). Importantly, recent empirical Participants
evidence has found that abilities in relational framing correlate
with performance on standardized intelligence tests (for a review, CR, a boy who was 3 years and 8 months old at the beginning
see Cassidy, Roche, & O’Hora, 2010) and specific cognitive skills of the study, was the participant of this case study. According to
(e.g., Ruiz & Luciano, 2011). Indeed, psychometric measures of his parents’ reports, he was a healthy, happy, and occasionally
intelligence can be deconstructed in terms of the specific relational shy boy. He was at the appropriate stage of social development
responses necessary to solve their items (Cassidy et al., 2010). and grade level for his age although he did not stand out in any
The second premise with implications for the training of linguistic particular subject. He was enrolled in Preschool during the period
and cognitive abilities is that all patterns of relational framing are of the study.
generalized operant behaviors that are learned through multiple CR’s mother, a first year Ph.D. student, administered all tests
exemplar trainings (MET). MET consists of a process in which and relational trainings, which were carried out in a room at CR’s
multiple examples of mutual relations, combinatorial relations and home that had several bookshelves, two tables with computers,
transformations of functions with a particular pattern of relational two chairs, and a piano. Training trials were conducted on a small
framing are provided, using multiple sets of stimuli. Empirical table adapted to CR’s height with two chairs facing each other on
evidence supports that relational frames such as coordination, which the experimenter and the child sat.
opposition, or comparison can be trained through MET (e.g.,
Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, & Smeets, 2004; Berens & Hayes, Instruments
2007; Luciano, Gómez-Becerra, & Rodríguez-Valverde, 2007).
Taken together, the previous premises point to the idea McCarthy’s Aptitudes and Psychomotricity Scale (MSCA;
that linguistic and cognitive abilities might be established and McCarthy, 1988). The MSCA is a widely used psychological test
improved through MET in different patterns of relational framing. that provides normative T-scores (i.e., M = 50 and SD = 10) in several
Preliminary evidence is showing that training based on RFT can areas of development for children from 2 years to 8.5 years: verbal,
lead to significant increases in intelligence for both normally and perceptual-manipulative, numerical, motor skills, and memory. A
developmentally delayed individuals (Cassidy, Roche, & Hayes, general index, the General Cognitive Index (GCI), is also obtained
2011; Ruiz, Suárez, & López, 2012). In Cassidy et al.’s first study, by adding the verbal, perceptual-manipulative and numerical
four normally developing children, aged from 8 to 12 years, subscales, which has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of
were matched against a no-treatment control group and received 16. This index can be seen as an intelligence quotient. The MSCA
automated METs throughout two years (15 hours in total) to provides 90% confidence intervals for the scores on every scale and
promote fluency in stimulus equivalence and relational framing the GCI. The GCI has very good psychometric properties and there is
according to opposition and comparison. Experimental participants evidence of its factorial and predictive validity (Kaplan & Sacurzzo,
showed significant improvements in IQ (mean = 27.25 points) while 2012). Very strong correlations have been found between the GCI
control participants remained roughly the same. In a second study, and the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence and
an improved training protocol was implemented throughout nine the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales. The Spanish adaptation by
months (approximately two 90-minute sessions per week) with eight TEA Ediciones was used in this study.
schoolchildren, aged 11 to 12 years, who showed educational and
behavioral difficulties. The implemented training protocol included: Materials
(a) control tasks designed to preclude the possibility of extraneous
sources of control over relational framing and IQ responding, (b) When presenting the training and testing trials, a 50cm × 30cm
remedial training to accelerate the generalization of relational × 10cm box was used as a physical barrier between the researcher
framing when it was slow to emerge, and (c) a greater number of and the child at the time of touching or naming the stimulus. On
stimulus sets to ensure generalization of relational framing. All some occasions, stimuli were presented using a computer program
but one participant improved their IQ scores above 1 SD (mean (Microsoft PowerPoint®), and an Apple laptop (MacBook Pro,
= 13 points) and pre-post differences were statistically significant. 15.4 inches). A video camera (Sony Handycam HDD LCD Wide®)
Lastly, in Ruiz et al. (2012), a 4-year-old, autistic child showed an was used to record sessions and the child’s responses.
improvement of 35 IQ points after six months of treatment, with
2-3 hours per week, mostly based on MET to establish and provide Procedure
fluency and flexibility with the most basic relational frames.
The current study aimed at adding additional evidence to The design of this study was N=1. The main dependent variables
the improvement of intelligence measures by training fluency were the scores obtained by CR in the MSCA. This instrument was

Rosa M. Vizcaíno-Torres, Francisco J. Ruiz, Carmen Luciano, Juan C. López-López, Adrián Barbero-Rubio and Enrique Gil

administered before and after the introduction of the independent were presented to CR every day involving relational framing
variable: a training protocol in relational framing. Figure 1 shows according to coordination, opposition, and comparison depending
the six phases of the training protocol. Phases 1, 3, and 5 were on the specific phase of the study (Phase 2: coordination; Phase 4:
dedicated to the evaluation, training, and testing of relational opposition and coordination; Phase 6: comparison and opposition;
framing according to coordination, opposition, and comparison, see details below).
respectively. In Phases 2, 4, and 6, fluency and flexibility were Phase 1. Evaluation of relational framing according to
promoted in the use of the above-mentioned relational frames COORDINATION. This phase assessed CR’s most basic relational
(Phase 2: coordination; Phase 4: opposition and coordination; repertoires and commenced when he was 3 years, 8 months, and
Phase 6: comparison and opposition). 4 days old. As in Luciano et al. (2007), a generalized and delayed
The study lasted approximately five months during which ten naming test (auditory-visual mutual relations) was first conducted
sessions were conducted: five to administer the above-mentioned with receptive and productive trials. Five unknown objects were
instrument and five to apply the training protocol. The study began used: three to assess productive mutual relations and two to assess
when the child was 3 years, 7 months and 23 days old, and finished receptive ones (see Figure 2). In a receptive trial, CR was told that a
when he was 4 years and 11 days old. particular object, for instance, was called corkscrew and was asked
Pre-intervention assessment. The MSCA was administered to produce that word. Then, after 60 minutes, CR was asked to take
during three sessions in the first week of the study according to the the corkscrew between an array of several stimuli. In a productive
guidelines provided by the test developer. trial, CR was told that a particular object, for instance, was called
Training protocol. The protocol designed was based on the padlock and was asked to produce that word after a 60-minute
following guidelines presented in Barnes-Holmes et al. (2004), delay. Figure 3 shows that CR responded correctly to all trials.
Berens and Hayes (2007), and Luciano et al. (2009): (a) evaluation Subsequently, four visual-visual conditional discriminations
of the relational repertoire, (b) sequential and errorless training, (c) (B1-A1, C1-A1, B2-A2, C2-A2) were trained in a many-to-one
firstly training with nonarbitrary relations and then with arbitrary matching to sample procedure with three comparisons. Afterwards,
relations, (d) use of several sets of stimuli with several dimensions mutual (A1-B1, A1-C1, A2-B2, and A2-C2) and combinatorial
and functions, (e) use of different training formats, and (f) assess relations (B1-C1, C1-B1, B2-C2, and C2-B2) were evaluated. The
transformation of functions through mutual and combinatorial trials were presented on sheets that were covered with a cardboard.
entailment. During all phases, CR’s correct responding was
followed by positive social feedback and intermittently by a happy
face sticker. CR was told that he could change the stickers for some Stimuli for auditory-visual
Stimuli for visual-visual relations
prizes at the end of the day. Incorrect responding was followed by relations
the experimenter saying: “No, CR, that is not right” or “No, that
is not correct.” A sad face sticker was also added intermittently.
The stickers and social feedback were faded across trial phases: A1 B1 C1
in Phase 1, they were provided every three correct responses; in “Candado”
A golden
Phase 3, every six correct responses; and in Phase 5, every eight metal
correct responses. In Phases 2, 4, and 6, some informal trials padlock

™ McCarthy’s Aptitudes and Psychomotor Scale “Dedal”
A metal

Phase 1. Evaluation of relational framing of COORDINATION

Phase 2. Promoting fluency and flexibility in relational framing of A2 B2 C2
A metal

Phase 3. Evaluation and training of relational framing of OPPOSITION

Phase 4. Promoting fluency and flexibility in relational framing of

Phase 5. Evaluation and training of relational framing of A yellow
Phase 6. Promoting fluency and flexibility in relational framing of
A3 B3 C3

™ McCarthy’s Aptitudes and Psychomotor Scale corkscrew

Figure 1. Design sequence Figure 2. Stimuli used in Phase 1

The effect of relational training on intelligence quotient: A case study

The sample stimuli were presented in the center of the upper third were tested. The whole procedure was conducted using 80 trials
of the sheet and the comparisons appeared in line in the lower (64 training trials and 16 test trials, two per relation) in a single
third of the screen. A typical trial was as follows: the experimenter session. CR responded correctly to all test trials (see Figure 3).
presented the sample by sliding the cardboard off the top of the Phase 2. Promoting fluency and flexibility in relational framing
sheet. Then, while discovering the lower portion of the sheet, the according to COORDINATION. The experimenter generated
experimenter pointed to the sample and said: “CR, what goes with diverse opportunities in everyday language activities with new
this?” or “tell me what goes with this.” When CR learned the examples with arbitrary relations and asked for responses in
previous relations, the derived mutual and combinatorial relations different contexts and changing functions so that the same stimuli

3 years 3 years 3 years

8 months 11 months 11 months
4 days 5 days 20 days



5/5 16/16 8/8 12/12 4/4




12/12 8/8
11/12 19/20




MET 8/8
(106) 44/48
40 8/10













Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6

(Fluency) (Fluency) (Fluency)

Figure 3. Percentage of correct responses per phase. The numbers separated by bars (e.g., 5/5) indicate the number of correct trials of the total number of
trials. The numbers in parenthesis refer to the number of trials involved in the multiple exemplar training. The terms evaluation and test have been used to
differentiate if there was previous training (test) or not (evaluation), but are functionally the same

Rosa M. Vizcaíno-Torres, Francisco J. Ruiz, Carmen Luciano, Juan C. López-López, Adrián Barbero-Rubio and Enrique Gil

might be related in different ways. Although these tasks were When CR made a mistake, he was allowed to touch the stimulus to
topographically different from the ones used in the previous obtain feedback and was asked again. This stage finished when CR
phase, they were functionally equivalent because they all involved responded correctly 8 consecutive trials (with the set containing
deriving relations through coordination. Eight stories were used cotton balls, see Table 1; overall, CR responded correctly to 37 of
with a total of 8 mutual and 12 combinatorial relations. CR the 47 training trials).
responded correctly to all 20 trials (see Figure 3). The extract of Afterwards, a MET of mutual and combinatorial relations was
one story with four questions is described below (not all stories conducted with arbitrary relations (13 trials in total). This training
had the same structure): was similar to the previous one, but the trials were presented on the
computer screen and involved two dimensions (full/empty, sweet/
There was a teacher who played with his students in the salty) and three sets of stimuli (see Table 1) and ended when CR
following way: When the teacher drew a square (A1) on the responded correctly to 8 consecutive trials. Lastly, CR was exposed
blackboard, the children raised their hands (B1). What did to a test of arbitrary mutual and combinatorial relations consisting
the teacher draw on the board in order for the children to of 12 trials (8 mutual and 4 combinatorial relations) with two sets
raise their hands? (...) When the children raised their hands of stimuli (see Table 1). CR passed the test by responding correctly
(B1), a violin sounded (C1). What did the children do to to 11 of the 12 trials (see Figure 3).
make the violin sound? (...) What did the teacher draw on Phase 4. Promoting fluency and flexibility in relational framing
the board in order to make a violin sound? If the teacher according to OPPOSITION and COORDINATION. Similar to
drew a square on the board, what could be heard? (...). Phase 2, fourteen stories that led to 36 trials involving both mutual
and combinatorial relations were used in daily interactions. CR
Phase 3. Evaluation and training of relational framing responded correctly to 95% of the trials with opposite relations
according to OPPOSITION. This phase began when CR was 3 and to 100% of the trials with coordination (see Figure 3). An
years, 11 months, and 5 days old, and was conducted intensively illustrative story is presented below:
for a period of 150 minutes, with several 10-15 minute breaks.
An evaluation including five mutual entailment trials with With identical toy cars but with different colors, a red
arbitrary relations was conducted first to explore CR’s abilities in car (A) (on the right side), a blue car (B) (at the center), and
relational framing through opposition (e.g., “is the opposite of”). a yellow car (C) (on the left side), CR was told: “This car
Three identical boxes were used, the dimension evaluated was (pointing to the red car) is a fast car and is the opposite of
sweet vs. salty, and the expression used as opposition relational this other car (pointing to the yellow car), and the yellow
cue was “is the opposite of.” In a typical trial, the experimenter car is the opposite of the blue car (left). What is the blue car
presented two boxes on the computer screen, one on the left (A) like? What about the red and blue cars? (...) Are they the
and the other one on the right (B). She said: “There are sweet things same or the opposite? (...)”
in box number 1 (A), and in box number 2 (B), there are things that
are the opposite of the things of box 1. What are the things in box Phase 5. Evaluation and training of relational framing
2 like?” CR only responded correctly to one trial. according to COMPARISON. This phase began when CR was 3
In view of the fact that this repertoire was absent, a MET years, 11 months and 20 days old, and was conducted in a single
with nonarbitrary opposite relations was conducted. This training session that lasted 3 hours and included 114 trials and several 10-
consisted of 60 trials with three dimensions and seven sets of 15-minute breaks.
stimuli (see Table 1). Transformation of functions through mutual
entailment was trained first. The first trial of a dimension was
Table 1
presented twice. For instance, with the first set of stimuli (potatoes),
Stimuli used in Phase 3
while touching the first potato (A), the child was told that it was
cold and the second potato (B) is the opposite of first one (i.e., Dimensions Stimuli
hot), and he touched this stimulus too. In the next trial, stimulus A
Evaluation arbitrary opposite
was presented again, and without touching B, CR was asked what relations
Sweet-Salty Drawings of boxes
B was like if it is the opposite of A. The remaining trials for this
dimension (i.e., hot-cold) were presented once, and CR was asked Potatoes
to touch the first stimulus and then to describe the second one that Glasses of water
was in an opposite relation. This stage ended when CR responded Porcelain containers
correctly to 8 consecutive trials. Training nonarbitrary opposite Boiled eggs
Subsequently, CR was exposed to a similar training with three relations
stimuli for training mutual and combinatorial entailment. First, Dry-Wet
the experimenter presented the A-B relations as before (e.g., Kitchen napkins

“This potato [A] is cold and is the opposite of this one [B]. What Hard-Soft Cotton balls
is this potato like [B]”?). When CR responded correctly, the B-C
relations were introduced (e.g., “This potato [B] is hot and is the Drawings of colored glasses
Training arbitrary opposite
opposite of this one [C]. What is this potato like [C]”?). Finally, the Full-Empty Drawings of boxes
experimenter presented the three stimuli together and evaluated Surprise gift boxes
the corresponding transformation of functions (e.g., “This potato
Drawings of glasses
[A] is cold and is the opposite of this one [B], and this one [B] is Test arbitrary opposite relations Sweet-Salty
Drawings of boxes
the opposite of this other one [C]. What is this potato like [C]”?).

The effect of relational training on intelligence quotient: A case study

An evaluation including eight trials with arbitrary relations follows: Cards identical in size but different in color were used.
was conducted first to explore CR’s abilities in relational framing CR was told: “Here we have two cards: you can buy less ice cream
through comparison relational cues (e.g., “more than,” “less than”). with the red card than with the black card. With which card can we
Table 2 shows that three sets of stimuli were used. An illustrative buy less ice cream? With which can we buy more? Now, pay close
trial was as follows: Three round tokens of the same size but of attention, we have these two cards, we can buy less ice cream with
different colors were used as coins. CR was told: “With the blue the black card than with the yellow one. So, tell me, which card
token, we can buy more presents than with yellow token (A>B), but can we use to buy less ice cream? Which can we use to buy more
with the yellow token we can buy more presents than with the red ice cream?” If the child responded correctly, he was told: “Now
token (B>C). With which token can we buy more presents? With we have all three cards. With the red card (A) we can buy less ice
which token can we buy fewer presents? If you want go to the shop cream than with the black card (B), but with this one (B) we can
and buy a lot of presents, which token would you choose? With buy less ice cream than with the yellow card (C): if you want to
the blue token, can we buy more or fewer presents than with the buy a lot of ice cream, which card would you choose? Now, take
others? With the red token, can we buy more or fewer presents than the card that buys the least amount of ice cream. Now, with the red
with the others?” CR responded incorrectly to all trials. card, could we buy more or less ice cream? And with the yellow
Once it was shown that this repertoire was absent, a MET with card, could we buy more or less ice cream? Is the red card the one
nonarbitrary mutual and combinatorial relations was conducted (85 we could use to buy the most ice cream or the least ice cream?
trials) with other sets of stimuli. Two dimensions (volume and size) And is the yellow card the one that can be used to buy the most
and seven sets of stimuli were used (see Table 2). A typical trial ice cream or the least ice cream?” If the child made a mistake,
proceeded as follows: Two towers (A>B) with a different number the relation “If A is … and A is more/less than B, then B is…” was
of pieces of wood were presented and CR was asked: “Which trained explicitly. Next, the trial was repeated. If he made the same
of them has more pieces? Which has fewer?” Progressively, the mistake, the nonarbitrary trials were repeated.
differences between the towers were minimized throughout 3 trials Figure 3 shows that, after this intensive training, CR responded
while the same questions were asked. Later, a third tower (A>B>C) correctly to 8 of the 10 trials of the test with arbitrary relations
was presented and CR was asked for the combinatorial relations involving the same sets used in the previous evaluation of this
(A>C and C<A): “Which tower has the most pieces? Which has the repertoire.
least? Does this tower have more or fewer pieces than the others? Phase 6. Promoting fluency and flexibility in relational framing
If you want the tower with the most pieces, which tower would you according to COMPARISON and OPPOSITION. Twenty-four
choose?” If CR responded incorrectly, he was allowed to count the new stories involving 56 comparison and 16 opposition trials
pieces of the tower. Afterwards, the trial was repeated. were presented on a day-to-day interactions basis. He responded
When CR produced 15 correct consecutive responses, a MET correctly to 92.9% of comparison and 93.8% of opposition trials
with arbitrary relations (21 trials) commenced with four dimensions (see Figure 3). An example of story with comparative relations is
and six series of stimuli (see Table 2). A typical trial proceeded as presented below:

Table 2
“Let’s imagine that we have 3 towels: one green, one
Stimuli used in Phase 5 yellow, and one black. The green towel is smaller than the
yellow one, but the yellow one is smaller than the black one.
Dimensions Stimuli If you want to have the biggest towel, which towel would you
Value Tokens choose? And if you want to have the smallest towel for your
Evaluation arbitrary comparative little brother, which would you choose?”
Quantity Boxes
Value Meaningless symbols
Post-intervention assessment. This evaluation was conducted
Wooden blocks in two sessions at the end of the study when CR was 4 years and
Bottles 11 days old.
Paint brushes
Training nonarbitrary Stickers Data analyses
comparative relations
Quantity CR’s direct scores on the MSCA at pre-intervention were
Transparent boxes
interpreted according to the scales for 3 years and 4 months to 3
Glasses of water years and 9 months when he was 3 years and 7 months old. Direct
Speed Toy cars scores at post-intervention were interpreted according to the scales
Value Cards for 3 years and 10 months to 4 years and 3 months when he was 4
Bounce Balls years old. Ninety percent confidence intervals were obtained from
Training arbitrary comparative the MSCA manual.
relations Drawings of bags The integrity of the protocol administration (Phases 1, 3, and 5)
Quantity Drawings of rubbish bins was measured by means of inter-observer agreement (agreement
Opaque containers among two independent observers divided by the sum of agreement
and disagreement, multiplied by 100). Both observers claimed
Value Tokens
Test arbitrary comparative 100% agreement in evaluation, training, and tests regarding the
Quantity Boxes
relations correct presentation of the trials, identification of CR’s responses,
Value Meaningless symbols
and adequate feedback provision.

Rosa M. Vizcaíno-Torres, Francisco J. Ruiz, Carmen Luciano, Juan C. López-López, Adrián Barbero-Rubio and Enrique Gil

Results training in nonarbitrary relations, as conducted in previous studies.

This might quickly facilitate the abstraction of the relational
Figure 4 shows that, at pre-intervention, CR obtained average cues. More specifically, this study adds empirical information in
levels adjusted to the norm in all areas (T scores between 40 and regard to the efficacy of RFT-based trainings to improve IQ in
59) and in the General Cognitive Index (GCI = 106, 90% CI [99, normally developing children. A novelty of the current study was
113], percentile 65, and a direct score of 80). At post-intervention, the incorporation of daily natural interactions to promote fluency
CR showed increases in the scores on all areas, especially in the and flexibility in relational framing as indicated in Luciano et al.
verbal one where he obtained a T score of 49 at pre-intervention (2009).
(90% CI [44, 54]) and of 66 at post-intervention (90% CI [61, 71]). However, the current study has all the limitations of N =
As shown in Figure 4, CR obtained a very high level in the GCI, 1 designs. In addition, some other limitations are noteworthy.
scoring 131 points (90% CI [124, 138], percentile 97, and a direct First, the experimenter was CR’s mother. This made the protocol
score of 140). implementation less intrusive and facilitated the day-to-day
interactions to promote fluency and flexibility in relational
Discussion framing, but her behavior could be more strongly affected by the
expectations of the experimenter. For instance, it could be that the
CR entered in the study performing at average levels in the mother inadvertently provided some cues that would have facilitated
MSCA. After the implementation of the training protocol, he CR’s responses both during the training and tests. Second, the
showed improvements in all areas of the MSCA. These changes training protocol used was formed of coordination, opposition,
were especially relevant in the verbal area and in the GCI, the and comparison framing. Further studies should study the effect
intelligence quotient of the MSCA, in which CR showed a 25- of a protocol training including relational framing according
point increase (from 106 to 131). Anecdotal reports by CR’s to relations such as distinction, hierarchy, spatial, causality, and
teacher and family were consistent with the improvement found deictic. Third, this study lacked of a control participant that would
in the MSCA (e.g., CR performed better at school, showed better allow controlling for the child interactions that occurred throughout
verbal understanding than his schoolmates, etc.). the five months of training.
As in previous studies with normal developing children (e.g., In conclusion, the current case study provides promising
Barnes-Holmes et al., 2004; Berens & Hayes, 2009), METs were evidence of the effect of an RFT-based training in improving the
effective in establishing relational framing in accordance with linguistic and cognitive abilities categorized within the construct
opposition and comparison. In this study, however, both relational of intelligence. In this sense, this type of studies might change the
frames were trained with the same participant, and the number of way most psychologists conceive intelligence as a relatively stable
sessions necessary to establish them was reduced. As suggested construct across lifetime (Cassidy et al., 2010). However, better
in Luciano et al. (2009), this might be due to the incorporation of controlled studies are required to analyze the potential of these
diverse stimuli with different functions in addition to the initial RFT-based trainings.

McCarthy subscales McCarthy GCI

70 132

60 116

General cognitive
50 100


-1SD -1SD
40 84

Figure 4. Pre-post differences in McCarthy’s Scales with M referring to normative mean scores and SD to the standard deviations

The effect of relational training on intelligence quotient: A case study


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