Application of A Relational Frame Theory Account of Psychological FL Exibility in Young Children
Application of A Relational Frame Theory Account of Psychological FL Exibility in Young Children
Application of A Relational Frame Theory Account of Psychological FL Exibility in Young Children
Abstract Resumen
Background: Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a contextual Aplicación de una aproximación a la flexibilidad psicológica basada
behavior therapy based on relational frame theory (RFT), a functional- en la teoría del marco relacional en niños. Antecedentes: la terapia de
contextual approach to human language and cognition. The main aim of aceptación y compromiso (ACT) es una terapia contextual basada en la
ACT is to promote psychological flexibility, which has been defined in teoría del marco relacional (RFT), una aproximación funcional-contextual
middle-level terms. The current study proposes that a recently developed al lenguaje y la cognición. El objetivo de ACT es incrementar la flexibilidad
RFT account of psychological flexibility might facilitate the adaptation psicológica, que ha sido definida en términos de nivel medio. Este estudio
of ACT to the work with young children. Method: A case study with a propone que una aproximación a la flexibilidad psicológica basada en la
5-year-old boy presenting problematic anger is presented to illustrate the RFT podría facilitar la adaptación de ACT en el trabajo con niños. Método:
previous suggestion. The intervention consisted of a brief ACT protocol se presenta un estudio de caso con un niño de 5 años con ira problemática
applied in four, 20-min sessions and a token economy at the service of tratado con un protocolo de ACT aplicado en cuatro sesiones de 20 minutos
promoting psychological flexibility. The ACT protocol involved a multiple- y una economía de fichas al servicio de promover flexibilidad psicológica. El
exemplar training in framing own ongoing experiences through deictic and protocolo consistió en un entrenamiento en múltiples ejemplos en enmarcar
hierarchical relations and transforming the discriminative functions of those la propia experiencia en curso a través de relaciones deícticas y jerárquicas
experiences by relating them to rules that progressively specified longer y transformar sus funciones discriminativas al relacionarla con reglas que
term and symbolic, positive consequences. Results: The intervention was progresivamente especificaban consecuencias positivas, simbólicas y a
shown to be highly effective in reducing the anger episodes, and the results más largo plazo. Resultados: la intervención mostró ser altamente eficaz
were maintained during the one year of follow-up. Conclusions: This study en reducir los episodios de ira, manteniéndose los resultados durante el
supports the feasibility of the RFT account of psychological flexibility to año de seguimiento. Conclusiones: este estudio apoya la viabilidad de la
adapt ACT to the work with young children. aproximación a la flexibilidad psicológica basada en la RFT para adaptar
Keywords: Relational frame theory; Acceptance and commitment therapy; ACT en el trabajo con niños.
Psychological flexibility; Children. Palabras clave: Teoría del marco relacional; Terapia de aceptación y
compromiso; Flexibilidad psicológica; Niños.
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT; Hayes, Strosahl, different from”), opposition (“is opposite to”), comparison (“more
& Wilson, 1999) is a contextual behavior therapy rooted in a than,” “less than”), hierarchy (“is part of,” “includes”), deictic (I/
functional-contextual approach to human language and cognition here/now vs. you/there/then), etc. For instance, consider the case of
named relational frame theory (RFT; Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & a boy with a dog phobia who is told that perro is the Spanish word
Roche, 2001). for dog (i.e., dog is the same as perro). Later, he gets scared and
RFT suggests that relational framing is a generalized operant runs away when hearing the sentence “there is a perro next-door,”
behavior that is learned through multiple-exemplar training (MET) because of the arbitrary relationships between perro and dog, and an
and underlies human language and cognition. Relational framing actual dog. In RFT terms, the fear-eliciting and avoidance functions
means responding to one event in terms of another based on arbitrary of the actual dog were transferred to the word perro because they
relational cues. Examples of relational framing are relating stimuli were indirectly related through a relation of coordination.
in accordance with coordination (“is,” “same as”), distinction (“is Given an appropriate learning history (e.g., Luciano, Valdivia-
Salas, Berens et al., 2009), relational framing soon becomes a
predominant behavior that automatically relates myriad stimuli
Received: September 8, 2014 • Accepted: March 6, 2015 and provokes the transformation of their functions. This way,
Corresponding author: Francisco J. Ruiz relational framing heavily influences behavior. For instance, the
Facultad de Psicología child now reacts to previously neutral or unknown stimuli (e.g.,
Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz
Bogotá (Colombia) the word perro) in terms of another stimulus that was previously
e-mail: [email protected] conditioned (e.g., the actual dog).
Application of a relational frame theory account of psychological flexibility in young children
Due to their new abilities in relational framing, children soon with children and adolescents (Coyne, McHugh, & Martínez, 2011).
begin to understand and produce rules and self-rules, which However, to our best knowledge, no study has been published
will eventually, under appropriate circumstances, facilitate the regarding the application of ACT with young children. In this
emergence of a self-regulation repertoire (e.g., Luciano, Valdivia- study, we propose that the RFT account of PF might offer specific
Salas, Cabello, & Hernández, 2009) that is called psychological guidelines to adapt ACT with young children for several reasons.
flexibility. For example, children could learn to discriminate their Firstly, the RFT account defines the relational repertoires necessary
ongoing thoughts and feelings (e.g., the automatic fear reaction to to shape PF (i.e., deictic and hierarchical relational responding,
the word perro), to cease their initial reaction to them (e.g., to run rule-following in accordance with comparative, deictic, and
away), and behave under the control of what is most important for causality relations, etc.). In this sense, assessment tests of these
them. This way, children display more flexible behavior because relational repertoires could be developed to evaluate whether a
they are not entirely under the control of their automatic feelings child is prepared to receive an ACT intervention and, if this is not
and thoughts. the case, to implement training protocols in the specific types of
Precisely, ACT attempts to produce behavior change by relational framing that are absent (e.g., Luciano, Valdivia-Salas,
increasing psychological flexibility (PF). PF has shown to be an Berens et al., 2009). Secondly, the RFT definition of PF provides
important factor involved in psychological health and behavioral guidelines to design defusion and self-based exercises that can be
effectiveness (Ruiz, 2010) and was initially defined according to applied to young children because of the specification of the main
six interrelated middle-level terms: acceptance, cognitive defusion, verbal processes involved in them (i.e., framing ongoing behavior
self-as-context, contact with the present moment, values, and through deictic and hierarchical relations). Lastly, values work with
committed action (Hayes, Strosahl, Bunting, Twohig, & Wilson, young children would involve progressively promoting behavior
2004). Middle-level terms are constructs that serve as shortcuts towards longer term, probabilistic, and abstract consequences that
to apply behavioral principles and theories to complex situations are meaningful because they hierarchically contain more concrete
(Vilardaga, Hayes, Levin, & Muto, 2009). This way, PF has been reinforcers for the children.
defined as the ability to be in contact with the private experiences The current article presents a case study with a 5-year-old
that surface in the present moment without needing to avoid and/ boy who presented problematic anger episodes, with the aim of
or escape from them and to adjust one’s behavior according to illustrating how ACT can be adapted to work with young children
whatever the situation requires in order to pursue valued ends. according to the RFT account of PF.
The former definition of PF was a useful step forward in the
description and dissemination of ACT. However, influenced by Method
recent research in deictic and hierarchical relational responding
(e.g., Gil, Luciano, Ruiz, & Valdivia-Salas, 2012, 2014; McHugh Participant
& Stewart, 2012) and rule-governed behavior (e.g., Luciano,
Valdivia-Salas, Cabello et al., 2009; Luciano et al., 2012; Plumb, Samuel, a five-year and one month old boy, was the participant
Stewart, Dahl, & Lundgren, 2009), an account of PF based on of this case study. He lived with his parents and two-year-old
behavioral principles has been developed during the past few years brother. Samuel was at the appropriate stage of social development
that strengthen the link between ACT and RFT (e.g., Luciano et and grade level for his age, being enrolled in Preschool during the
al., 2011, 2012; Törneke, Luciano, Barnes-Holmes, & Bond, in period of the study.
press). According to this line of research, PF would consist of the Samuel’s parents were worried because he presented excessive
generalized repertoire of framing one’s own ongoing behavior, anger at home, which was a problem when interacting with
including thoughts and feelings, through deictic (I-HERE, him because they were afraid of provoking his disproportionate
BEHAVIOR-THERE) and hierarchical (I contain BEHAVIOR) reactions. They reported that most of his anger episodes appeared
relations, which reduces its discriminative functions and allows when things were not done the way he wanted. In fact, they tried to
the derivation of augmental rules that specify abstract, delayed, avoid Samuel’s anger episodes by not bothering him (e.g., trying
probabilistic, and positively reinforcing consequences and to do things the way Samuel liked before he could get angry, not
behavior that is in accordance with them (Luciano et al., 2009, scolding him when he misbehaved, etc.), but this strategy was not
2012; Törneke et al., in press). Firstly, deictic relations allow fully successful, and they considered that it was not the best way
the individual to treat her ongoing behavior as something to be to handle the problem. Samuel also made annoying comments
observed by symbolically situating it THERE while the individual when feeling jealous. For instance, when his little brother got a
is HERE. Secondly, the previous observation of one’s own new bedroom, he said: “Bah, that doesn’t bother me because it
ongoing behavior can lead to differentiate between oneself and will be old in two days and then, it will not be new.” Also, when
the behavior and to hierarchically frame it with the deictic “I” (I a schoolmate showed him his new tennis shoes, he said: “They
contain behavior, I am bigger than it, the behavior is only a part of are ugly, I don’t like them,” although he actually liked them very
me, etc.). Lastly, the latter relational framing typically provokes a much. Lastly, when one of his parents’ friends found a job, he said:
reduction of the discriminative functions of the ongoing behavior, “Bah, he will lose it.”
which can lead the individual to derive and behave according to Samuel complained about getting angry too frequently and that
appetitive augmental rules that specify abstract and positively he was not able to stop doing that. After every episode, he used to
reinforcing consequences (i.e., values) that hierarchically contain promise not to do it again because “it is better to be happy than to
more concrete sources of reinforcement such as goals and tangible be angry.”
reinforcers (Luciano et al., 2012; Plumb et al., 2009). The second author is Samuel’s mother. She was a last-year
To date, ACT has been successfully applied in multiple areas teaching student in an online university in which the first author
with adult participants (Ruiz, 2010) and it is beginning to be applied was a professor. Because both authors lived in different and
Francisco J. Ruiz and Leticia Perete
distant cities, all assessment and intervention procedures were Psychological flexibility training. The protocol consisted of four,
implemented by the second author at home under the online 20-min sessions that commenced the first day of the intervention
supervision of the first author. and were conducted approximately every three days so that the
training was implemented within the ten initial days. The sessions
Instruments were videotaped and supervised by the first author to ensure that
they were conducted correctly.
Assessment of anger episodes. The second author was instructed A multiple-exemplar training was conducted in which Samuel was
to register all Samuel’s anger episodes when he was with his asked to: (a) relationally frame his ongoing experience through deictic
parents throughout the study and to videotape some anger episodes relations (I-HERE, EXPERIENCE-THERE) by describing its form,
that occurred during the baseline (e.g., at home, the mall, etc.). painting it on a piece of paper, and noticing that the experience was
The register of Samuel’s anger episodes included the following THERE on the paper while he was HERE; (b) relationally frame the
data: hour, antecedent stimuli, anger intensity, Samuel’s actions experience through hierarchical relations (I contain EXPERIENCE)
during the episode, other peoples’ actions, and episode duration (in by responding to several questions (e.g., Who is having that thought/
minutes). Anger episodes were defined as persisting complaints, sensation? Who is painting it? Who is bigger: Samuel or the thought/
crying, and tantrums (e.g., yelling, throwing things, etc.). Anger sensation? Who can do more things: the thought/feeling or Samuel?);
intensity was assessed by the mother on a 1-10 scale, where 1 and and (c) transform the discriminative functions of the ongoing
10 reflected, respectively, the smallest and biggest anger episode experiences by relating them to rules that progressively specified
she had ever seen in Samuel. longer term and symbolic, positive consequences (i.e., augmentals)
After the two weeks of baseline, the register and videos were (see Luciano, Valdivia-Salas, Cabello et al., 2009, pp. 347-349).
reviewed. When the child was angry, some interactions of his As in previous studies (Luciano et al., 2011; Ruiz, Luciano,
parents seemed to intensify the episode (e.g., when the child was Vizcaíno-Torres, & Sánchez, 2012), the training commenced
about to calm himself, some new reprimands “stoked the fire”). It with neutral and slightly aversive private experiences in order to
was hypothesized that anger episodes were partly maintained by promote an errorless discrimination. Then, the training proceeded
the parents’ attention (positive reinforcement) and by the escape with more aversive events and finished with trials in which rage
from rage sensations by means of anger explosion (negative reactions were elicited. Before the beginning of the intervention,
Samuel’s mother told him that they were going to play some games
that might help him to be in charge of his anger.
Assessment of the derived relational responding repertoire.
During the two weeks of baseline, Samuel’s mother was instructed
Session 1. The first session began with the discrimination of
to implement several exercises to evaluate his relational repertoire
sensations (Trials 1 to 5) and finished with the discrimination of
(see details in Luciano, Valdivia-Salas, Berens et al., 2009). The
thoughts (Trials 6 to 9). The trial sequence was as follows (the
child seemed to be at least relatively competent in relational
experimenter’s statements are transcribed):
framing through coordination, opposition, distinction, comparison,
and deictic relational cues. Abilities in relational framing through
1) Doing a difficult posture: “Let’s play doing difficult postures.
hierarchical relations, which were especially important for this
I do a complicated and uncomfortable posture and you try
study, were evaluated with exercises like the following one. to imitate me… What do you notice, what do you feel? ...
Samuel’s mother put eight animal toys on the floor, among them What is the form of the sensation? … Who is noting it? …
six horses, and asked: “Are there more horses or toys”? At the Now, paint the sensation that you are having… Look at the
beginning, Samuel responded incorrectly to this type of exercise, sensation painted on the paper, where is the sensation now?
indicating that there were more horses than animal toys. However, … And where is Samuel? … Who is bigger: the sensation or
after providing explanations of the correct responses (e.g., the horses Samuel? And in this moment, what does Samuel want to do:
are part of the toys, so there are six horses and eight toys), Samuel stop doing that posture or stay for a little more time and win
began to answer correctly. Samuel’s new abilities in hierarchical a strawberry gum”?
relational framing were considered sufficient to implement the 2) Putting a cold bottle of water on his shoulder. This example
intervention because the aim of introducing hierarchical cues was similar to the previous one.
in the defusion exercises was to promote Samuel’s derivation 3) Feeling like eating a candy: “I am showing you something
that he “contained” and was “bigger” than his ongoing private that you like very much… Do you feel like eating it? Who
experiences, which seems functionally equivalent to the above- is having that sensation? How big is your sensation? Now,
mentioned exercises. paint the sensation… Do you realize that your sensation is
now on the paper and that you are here? What do you choose
Procedure to do: eat the candy now or wait and win two candies? (The
mother left the room for a few minutes and Samuel did not
A single case experimental design (A-B) was used with a one- eat the candy). Very well, Samuel. Who chose waiting?
year follow-up. The intervention began after the two weeks of Who is bigger: you or the sensation of feeling like eating the
baseline and comprised two components that were implemented candy? Who was in charge: the sensation or Samuel?”.
within three weeks: an ACT protocol based on the RFT definition 4) Tickling on the shoulder: Samuel’s mother provoked him
of psychological flexibility (Luciano et al., 2012; Törneke et al., by tickling him on the shoulder with a feather and asked:
in press) and a token economy (Ayllon & Azrin, 1968), which was “What do you notice? What is the form of that sensation?
introduced to establish a motivational context for Samuel to stop Now paint the sensation. Do you see the sensation on the
displaying anger episodes. paper? Who is bigger: the sensation or Samuel?”.
Application of a relational frame theory account of psychological flexibility in young children
5) Feeling like drinking a beverage. This example was similar before when I would cry and yell. I just thought how I have to do
to the third one. the letters (in reference to the fourth exercise).”
6) Thinking about playing soccer with Dad: “Do you remember
playing soccer with Dad? … Paint that memory on the Session 4. This session was similar to the last one but included
paper… Who is bigger, who can do more things: the memory more aversive elements than on previous occasions, which bothered
or Samuel?”. Samuel very much. The following trials were conducted:
7) Samuel’s best friend’s birthday: “Do you remember Marco’s
birthday? … Paint it… Where is that memory now? And 1) Playing videogames: Samuel was allowed to play a
where are you? Who is bigger: the memory or Samuel?”. videogame of racing cars that he liked very much, but
8) Arriving at the finish line with Dad in a race. It was similar sometimes, especially when he was winning the race,
to the previous two examples. his mother covered the screen with her hands for a few
9) Mom reads a story before he goes to sleep (similar to the seconds.
previous examples). 2) Feeling like eating a chocolate bar. This trial was similar to
the third one of Session 3.
Session 2. The second session was similar to the first one but 3) Writing his name and date in the notebook. Samuel was
involving the following new exemplars: asked to write his name, the date, and several other words
in the notebook to show his Dad. His mother corrected some
1) Feeling like jumping. of the letters, and after some corrections, she finally tore the
2) Feeling like playing hide-and-seek. page out of the notebook and tore it up.
3) Going to have dinner at the burger bar.
4) Feeling like cooking with Dad. Samuel also reacted very well to the exercises of this session.
5) Feeling like eating a chocolate. He was about to get angry during the third exercise, but he
6) Remembering going to the three king’s parade. managed to not react so he could tell his grandmother how strong
7) Thinking about sleeping at Uncle David’s home. he was.
8) Thinking about spending the weekend in a farmhouse. Token economy. Token economy served to help Samuel to
9) Thinking about going to the beach on holidays. derive rules specifying the consequences for not behaving fused
10) Thinking about catching spiders with Mom. with rage after framing it through deictic and hierarchical relations
(i.e., “If I don’t get angry, I will win a token).
Session 3. In this session, elements that usually provoked anger According to the data gathered in the assessment, the parents
episodes were introduced. The mother told Samuel the following were instructed to avoid paying attention to Samuel’s anger
rationale: “I propose something for you: we are going to play some episodes and to wait until he calmed down to provide social
games and sometimes, I will bother you in some way so you will reinforcement for this (e.g., “Well done, you managed to calm
feel rage. You have two options then: you can choose to get angry yourself”). The parents informed Samuel that he could obtain
at me or you can paint the rage in your mind and not get angry. tokens if he managed not to get angry for some time intervals. A
If you don’t get angry, you will show the anger that you are the panel was hung in the kitchen on which Samuel could stick his
boss and that you are in charge of it.” The following trials were tokens and see his progress. Those tokens could be exchanged for
conducted: several reinforcers.
During the first week, a token was given to Samuel if he did
1) Samuel began playing videogames and when he was not get angry in the following situations: (a) when awakening; (b)
absorbed with them, he was asked to stop and switch off the dressing, having breakfast and going to school; (c) having lunch;
videogame. (d) tidying his bedroom; and (e) having a shower and putting on
2) Samuel began making a construction with toy blocks and his pajamas. Every token could be exchanged for the following
when he was about to finish it, he was asked to stop and put reinforcers: his mother would read him two stories instead of one
the toys back in their box. at night, he could choose his dinner and his dessert, and he could
3) Eating a chocolate bread roll: “I know you like chocolate watch a chapter of a TV show that he liked.
bread rolls a lot. Do you want to eat one right now? … Do The token economy was faded during the following weeks.
you feel like eating one? ... Who is having that sensation? In the second week, Samuel could obtain two tokens per day:
… Paint that sensation on the paper. See now the sensation one for not getting angry in the morning and another one for
there on the paper and that you are here… Who can do more not getting angry during the afternoon. At the end of the day,
things: you or the sensations?… Now you can choose to take he could exchange the tokens for the dessert he desired and
a bite of the chocolate bread roll or wait till the end and eat watching the TV show he liked. Lastly, during the third week,
all of it. What do you choose? (Samuel chose to wait) Who Samuel should not get angry the whole day in order to obtain a
was stronger: the ‘feeling like’ sensation or you?”. token. At the end of the week, he could exchange the token for
4) Writing words on notebook. Samuel was asked to write the following reinforcers: 1 token – two stories instead of one; 2
some words on a notebook but his mother erased the letters tokens – two stories and choosing his dessert; 3 tokens – going
that were not perfectly written. to his favorite park; 4 tokens – having a bath with his chosen
toys; 5 tokens – doing a children’s theatre with marionettes; 6
Samuel reacted very well to these exercises. At some moments, tokens – playing with the mattress on the floor; and 7 tokens –
he almost exploded but he managed to keep calm. At the end of choosing between going to the zoo, the theme park, or the river
the session, Samuel said, “I only got angry a little bit, but not like on the countryside.
Francisco J. Ruiz and Leticia Perete
Figure 1 shows that, during the baseline, Samuel’s anger
episodes were relatively frequent (median= 1 per day, range 0 10 20 30
0-2), long (median= 10 minutes per day, range 0-30), and intense
(median= 6.5, range 0-10). According to the Tau-U, no statistically
significant trends during baseline were identified (duration: Tau-U=
.209, p= .226; number: Tau-U= .229, p= .185; intensity: Tau-U=
-.058, p= .753). However, all Tau-U values of the intervention 6
effect were statistically significant (duration: median= 0, range
0-1, Tau-U= .574, p= .002; number: median= 0, range 0-8, Tau-U=
Anger intensity (1-10)
During the one-year follow-up, Samuel only had one anger 4
episode per month, on average, and they were considerably
less intense than before. Samuel also stopped making annoying
comments when he felt envious and angry. 3
Discussion 2
Application of a relational frame theory account of psychological flexibility in young children
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first published application validate measures of young children’s relational abilities in order
of ACT with a young child. This paucity of ACT studies could be due to better specify whether they have the prerequisite repertoires
to the difficulty adapting ACT as described in middle-level terms to to receive the ACT intervention. Lastly, the intervention was
clients of this age. In this sense, the RFT definition of psychological implemented and evaluated by Samuel’s mother, so experimenter
flexibility seems to facilitate the adaptation of ACT in young children bias is a threat to this study. However, this also shows that the ACT
because it specifies the relational repertoires necessary to shape protocol can be implemented with minimal training by parents and
psychological flexibility (e.g., deictic and hierarchical relational teachers in a natural context for children. This seems especially
framing and rule-following in accordance, at least, with comparative, important because behavioral interventions with young children
deictic, and causality relations) and it provides guidelines about how are often applied by the parents. In this sense, the current ACT
defusion and values exercises can be implemented. protocol might be adopted by behavior therapists as an addition to
Some limitations of this study are worth mentioning. Firstly, classical behavioral techniques.
due to the design of this study, it was not possible to isolate the In conclusion, this study provides a preliminary demonstration
effect of the ACT protocol from that of the token economy. As of the feasibility of ACT protocols based on an RFT account of
previously commented, the latter technique was implemented psychological flexibility in young children. Further research
to establish a motivational context for Samuel to defuse rage. In should analyze the potential of this approach to design ACT
this sense, traditional contingency management techniques are interventions specifically tailored to children’s problems such
completely coherent with ACT and can be put at the service of as anxiety, behavioral disorders, and attention and hyperactivity
shaping psychological flexibility (Ruiz et al., 2012). Further deficit disorder.
research might analyze the differential effect of incorporating the
brief ACT protocol to the sole implementation of a token economy Acknowledgements
or exploring the efficacy of the ACT protocol alone. Secondly,
the assessment and training of the relational repertoire was not This paper was supported, in part, by Spanish the National
conducted systematically. Further research might design and Research Plan Project PSI-2011-25497.
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