Explicacion Present Perfect 2DO MEDIO

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Tema 6

Presente Perfecto

Un componente esencial del presente perfecto son los verbos en participio pasado. Los
cuales traducidos al español , terminan en :

Ejemplo: Observa los diferentes tiempos verbales:

Present Past Past Participle

Do did done = hecho

Drink drank drunk = bebido
Go went gone = ido
Sing sang sung = cantado
Write wrote written = escrito
Ride rode ridden = montado
Buy bought bought = comprado
*play played played = jugado

*Nota que los verbos regulares (los que en pasado

igual en participio pasado

El presente perfecto se conjuga de la siguiente manera:

Persona + has / have + verbo en participio pasado + complemento

She has eaten in a restaurant all this week.

You have eaten in a restaurant all this week.

La traducción de la primera oración sería:

Él ha comido en un restaurante toda esta semana.

¿En qué casos se usa el presente perfecto?
1.- from past to present
2.- repeated activities
3.- unusual activities


Un uso típico del "present perfect" es para describir acciones que empezaron en el
pasado y que aún no han finalizado. Por ejemplo:

I have lived in this city since 1980. He vivido en esta ciudad desde 1980:

Implica que he vivido en esta ciudad desde el 1980 y sigo viviendo en el presente.

I have played tennis since my childhood. He jugado tenis desde mi infancia y sigo

Si la acción hubiera ya finalizado entonces habría que utilizar el "past simple":

I lived in this city for 10 years. Yo viví en esta ciudad 10 años: pero ya no vivo ahí.
I played tennis for many years. Yo jugué al tenis muchos años: pero ya no juego.


Acciones que se han repetido varias veces

I have seen TITANIC like ten times. I love that movie!

He visto TITANIC como diez veces. Amo esa película.


She has cleaned her room three times this month

He has run in the park twice this week.
I have been in English courses four times this year


Para preguntar acerca de eventos inusuales se usa el presente perfecto,generalmente en

forma de preguntas.
Have you ever ridden a horse?
Has alguna vez montado a caballo

Have you ever eaten Chinese food?

Have you ever drunk
Have you ever eaten
Have you ever climbed a mountain ?

Presente perfecto negativo

La forma negativa se forma con la partícula de negación "not" entre el auxiliar y el verbo

I Yo no he hecho la tarea.
You have not done the homework. Tú/ Usted./ Ustedes no han hecho la tarea
We haven't Nosotros no hemos hecho la tarea.

He Él no ha hecho la tarea.
She has not done the homework. Ella no ha hecho la tarea

Presente perfecto interrogativo

La forma interrogativa se construye con el verbo auxiliar: has/ have al comienzo de la oración,
seguido del sujeto y del verbo principal en pasado participio:

I ¿He estado en Sevilla alguna vez?

Have you ever been in Seville? ¿Has estado en Sevilla alguna vez?
we ¿Hemos estado en Sevilla alguna vez?
They ¿Han estado en Sevilla alguna vez?

he ¿Ha estado él en Sevilla alguna vez?

Has she ever been in Seville? ¿Ha estado ella en Sevilla alguna vez?
it ¿Ha estado en Sevilla alguna vez?
Exercise 1
Fill the gaps with 'have' or 'has'.
1. I ___________answered the question.
2. She____________ opened the window.
3. They__________ called us.
4. You__________ carried a box.
5. It _____________rained a lot.
6. We_____________ washed the car.
7. He______________ closed the window.
8. Jenny______________ locked the door.
9. The girls _______________ visited the museum.
10.John and Sophie_____________ helped in the garden.

Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Rewrite the following sentences using present perfect

Example: John / sell / his car John has sold his car
1. Bob / visit / his grandma _____________________________________
2. Jimmy / play / on the computer ________________________________
3. Sue and Walter / wash / their car ______________________________
4. Andrew / repair / his bike ____________________________________
5. Phil / help / Anne with maths _________________________________
6. Brad and Louise / watch / a film ______________________________
7. Tamara / talk to / her best friend ______________________________
8. Bridgette / draw / a picture ___________________________________
9. Carol / read / a computer magazine ____________________________
10. Tom and Alice / be / to a restaurant ____________________________

Exercise 4


Sarah / not / wash the dishes.

1. Anita / not / clean the kitchen

2. Maureen and Gavin / not / water the plants

3. Joey / not / make his bed

4. David / not / buy milk

5. Lisa / not / be to the baker's

6. Aran and Jack / not / do their homework

7. Jane and Ben / not / tidy up their rooms

8. Alex / not / feed the hamster

9. Hazel / not / empty the bin

Exercise 5

Write questions????????? in Present Perfect Simple.

1. you / answer / the questionnaire. Have you answered the questionnaire?

2. Jenny / lock / the door ________________________________________?
3. Walter / call / us ________________________________________?
4. you / see / the picture ________________________________________?
5. your parents / get / the letter ________________________________________?
6. it / rain / a lot ________________________________________?
7. they / done/ the homework ______________________________________?
8. Maureen / watch / the film _________________________________________?
9. Bob / read / many books ________________________________________?
10. you /ever / be / to London ________________________________________?

Reading 1
Read the following conversation and answer the questions
1. Where is Brian?


2. Why is he there?
on holiday
on business
for a performance

3. Has he made the presentation yet?

doesn't say

4. When he is going to meet Frank?

at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning
tomorrow afternoon
at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening

5. Why hasn't he visited any museums yet?

He hasn't had time.
He doesn't want to visit any museums.
He thinks Boston is boring

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