Recuperacion 8 Tercer Periodo 2014

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Pre-School Education, Basic Education, Elementary and Secondary
Subject: English 3 Period term Area: Humanities
rd Teacher: Jhon Ramirez.
Name:________________________________________________________Grade : 8___
The aim of the procedural guide is get high the weakness on the subject to those students who have had some
difficulties with the learning of a second language.

NOTA: Los estudiantes deben presentar el cuaderno adelantado y el taller

completamente resuelto a mano y traducido al español, después de
presentarlo deberán sustentar y posteriormente presentar una evaluación.

El Pasado Simple en Ingles es un tiempo verbal que es utilizado para describir acciones que ocurrieron y
culminaron en un pasado cercano o lejano. También muchas veces podemos utilizar los adverbios de
tiempo para apoyar la idea del pasado. Por ejemplo:

I worked in Coca Cola Yo trabajé en Coca Cola

She sang on my birthday last week Ella cantó en mi cumpleaños la semana pasada


Afirmativo Interrogativo Negativo

I played soccer Did I play soccer? I did not play soccer

Yo jugué ¿Jugué yo? Yo no jugué

You played soccer Did You play soccer? You did not play soccer
Tú jugaste ¿Jugaste tú? Tú no jugaste

He played soccer Did He play soccer? He did not play soccer

El jugó ¿Jugó él? El no jugó

We played soccer Did We play soccer? We did not play soccer

Nosotros jugamos ¿Jugamos nosotros? Nosotros no jugamos

Observando en el cuadro de arriba podemos notar:

 El infinitivo del verbo sufre una transformación cuando se usa en la forma afirmativa del pasado simple.
Por ejemplo:

Con verbos regulares: Se añade al verbo la letra "d" o "ed"

Infinitivo Love (Amar)
Tiempo pasado Loved (Amaba)

Con verbos irregulares: Se cambia a su forma de tiempo pasado

Infinitivo Drink (Beber)
Tiempo pasado Drank (Bebió)

El verbo Must: significa deber en el contexto de obligación Must es un verbo modal junto con may, can, etc.
Esto significa que normalmente requieren otro verbo para completar el significado:
You must wash your hands before you eat - Tú debes lavarte las manos antes de comer
We must study for the chemistry test - Nosotros debemos estudiar para el examen de química
Como se ve en el ejemplo, el verbo pleno que está a continuación de must, se encuentra en la forma de
infinitivo sin to.

La conjugación de must es especial sólo se puede conjugar en un tiempo verbal: presente simple.
Conjugación Significado
I must yo debo
you must tú debes
he must él debe
we must nosotros debemos
you must vosotros debéis
they must ellos deben

La negación en oraciones con must

You must not go out at night No debés salir por las noches
Sin contracción Contraído
must not mustn't

El verbo Can pertenece a los verbos modales y se ubica antes del verbo principal en infinitivo. Significa 'poder'.
Se utiliza para expresar habilidad, permiso.
I can play the trumpet. Yo puedo/sé tocar la trompeta.
We can take a taxi to the airport. Podemos tomar un taxi hasta el aeropuerto.
I cannot swim. No puedo/sé nadar.
You can't tell me what to do. No puedes decirme qué hacer
Can Peter speak German? ¿Puede/sabe Peter hablar alemán?
Can you help me with my homework? ¿Me puedes ayudar con mi tarea?

Taller a desarrollar

1. Haga 5 oraciones por cada verbo en afirmación negación y pregunta.

Be - ser o estar I was in my house Estaba en mi casa

Write – escribir He wrote a poem last year El escribió un poema el año pasado
Break - romper
Tell - contar
Know - saber
Have - tener
Do - hacer
Drink - beber
Sell - vender
See - ver
Sleep - dormir
Take - agarrar
Fly - volar
Get - conseguir
Undertand - entender
Go - ir
Meet - encontrar
Teach - enseñar
Leave - dejar
Think - pensar
Speak - hablar
Buy - comprar
Drive - conducir
Make - hacer
Eat - comer
Come - venir
Become - convertirse en
Sing – cantar

2. Write the past simple of these verbs.

1. copy __________
2. revise __________
3. cycle __________
4. listen __________
5. practice __________
6. play __________
7. like __________
8. move __________
9. shout __________
10. start __________

3. Complete with past simple (regular verbs).

1. I opened the door and ___________ (look) inside.

2. Who ___________ (close) all the windows?
3. I ___________ (carry) my mom´s shopping bag.
4. I ___________ (not climb) over the fence.
5. I ___________ (rip) my shirt.
6. The plane ___________ (land) ten minutes ago.
7. We ___________ (live) in that house when I was a baby.
8. My brother ___________ (not cry) when he fell of his bike.
9. We ___________ (walk) to school yesterday.
10. She ___________ (smile) when she saw me.
11. We ___________ (hurry) to the station to catch the train.
12. She ___________ (laugh) when I told her the joke.
13. We ___________ (race) each other on our bikes.
14. Dad ___________ (not help) me with my homework.
15. Helen ___________ (whisper) me a secret.
16. Luis Miguel ___________ (hurry) to catch a bus.
17. We ___________ (return) our books to the library.
18. She ___________ (not kiss) the frog.
19. The frog ___________ (change) into a prince.
20. Two doctors ___________ (rush) into the room.

4. Past simple (irregular verbs).

1. I ___________ (loose) my watch in the park.

2. David ___________ (not hurt) his knee.
3. I kicked the ball and it ______ (break) a window.4. My new shoes _____ (not cost) a lot of money.
5. I ___________ (get) this book from the library.
6. We had a garage where we ___________ (keep) our car.
7. Ali ___________ (cut) his knee.
8. The glass ___________ (fall) off the table.
9. The glass ___________ (not break).
10. We ___________ (sell) our old car.
11. We ___________ (buy) a new car.
12. The bell ___________ (not ring).
13. We all ___________ (go) into school.
14. The dog ___________ (catch) the ball.
15. The man ___________ (not kneel) down.
16. Our cat ___________ (run) onto the road.
17. Jane ___________ (not write) a letter.
18. I ___________ (buy) a new camera last week.
19. We ___________ (drive) to a safari park yesterday.
20. Yesterday Dad ___________ (not take) me to the carnival.

5. haga una historieta de 5 viñetas utilizando pasado simple.

6. Complete el texto con el pasado de cada verbo.

Sally (leave)__________ home when she was 18. She (want/not)__________ to go to university, so
she (go)__________ to work in a book shop in London. One day, a customer (come) __________to the store. His
name (be) __________Bill. He liked Sally, and (ask) __________her out.
They (go) __________out to dinner and (have) __________a nice time. Bill (tell)__________ Sally that
he (work)__________ in a bank in the financial district. Sally (smile)__________ and __________(say) that
she (hope)__________ she would see him again.
Nobody is sure how it (happen)__________, but Sally and Bill (fall) __________hopelessly in love,
and (end) __________ up getting married. They (move)__________ into a small flat together,
and (pay)__________ incredibly high rent for a few years, until Sally (announce)__________ that
she (be)__________ pregnant.
Bill (ask)__________ for a loan from the bank so they (can) __________buy a nicer flat in a friendlier neighborhood
outside London, and a few months later Sally (have) her baby. They (name) __________the baby Andrea.
Like most Europeans in the year 2005, they (be) __________very happy

7. Fill in the blanks with MUST or MUSTN’T

A. She is ill, so she ______ see the doctor.

B. It is raining. You______ take your umbrella.
C. You ______ throw litter on the stairs.
D. This is a secret. You ______ tell anybody.
E. You______ make noise in the library.
F. We ______ hurry or we will miss the bus.
G. You ______ eat fruit and vegetables.
H. The baby is sleeping. You______ shout.
I. You ______ be friendly to everybody.
J. You ______ walk on the grass.
K. You ______ light fires in the forests.

8. Write 10 rules about house and school debts using the verb MUST.

9. Haga oraciones utilizando el verbo modal can / can’t

a. speak English: I can speak English.
b. drive a car: I can’t drive a car.
c. swim: __________________________________________________________________
d. play tennis: ______________________________________________________________
e. ride a bike: ______________________________________________________________
f. play chess: ______________________________________________________________
g. make a cake: ____________________________________________________________

10. Escriba que puede o no puede hacer (can/can’t) de acuerdo a sus habilidades.
a. I _________speak Chinese.
b. I _________sing very well.
c. I _________run 20 kilometers.
d. I _________ride a bicycle.
e. I _________play basket.
f. I _________swim.
g. I_________ understand my teacher of English.
h. I _________dance “vallenato”.

11. Escoja can or can’tde acuerdo a cada situacion:

Example: She can’t answer the phone now; she is not at home.

a. I know the answer; I _________answer the question now.

b. She is good at the piano; she_________ play the piano very well.
c. This test is very difficult; I _________answer any question.
d. Maria can speak English but she_________ speak French.
e. You_________ sleep today because you are very nervous.
f. Juan_________ play tennis very well; he is a good tennis player.

12. Write the following words in order:

a. milk can please I the have? Can I have the milk, please?
b. school can’t to she go. ____________________________________
c. languages can other speak she? ____________________________________
d. can’t he letter a write. ____________________________________
e. you under can’t water the run. ____________________________________
f. vegetarian she because meat eat she’s can’t a. ____________________________________
g. come on Sunday to they lunch can. ____________________________________
h. have we taxi a can? ____________________________________

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