Ancient Zygomite

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Ancient Zygomite
Released7 September 2017 (Update)
Combat level109
ExamineNot in the ground anymore! It looks a little wobbly.
League regionMisthalin Misthalin
Combat info
XP bonus+2.5%
Max hit9 (melee)
10 (ranged)
Attack styleMagical melee, Magical ranged
Attack speed4 ticks (2.4 seconds)
Respawn time30 ticks (18 seconds)
Slayer info
Slayer level57
Slayer XP154 xp
CategoryMutated Zygomites
Assigned by
Combat stats
Aggressive stats
Monster attack bonusMonster strength bonusMonster magic strength bonusMonster ranged strength bonus
Melee defence
Magic defence
No elemental weakness
+30No elemental weakness
Ranged defence
PoisonNot immune
VenomNot immune
Advanced data
Monster ID7797
Ancient Fungi
Released7 September 2017 (Update)
LocationFossil Island
League regionMisthalin Misthalin
ExamineAn old mushroom, rooted in the ground. It looks strong and stable.
Advanced data
NPC ID8690,8691

Ancient Zygomites are stronger variants of mutated zygomites that require level 57 Slayer to harm. They are found exclusively on Fossil Island in the Mushroom Forest. Ancient zygomites cannot be killed unless a fungicide spray has been used to deliver the final blow. They first appear as non-attackable Ancient Fungi, which players must pick in order to provoke them out of the ground.

Players who have been given a mutated zygomite Slayer task can choose to kill these as an alternative for the task, unless the task was given by Konar quo Maten and Zanaris was specified. Likewise, if she assigns a task for Mutated Zygomites on Fossil Island, players will be required to kill Ancient Zygomites since there are no mutated variants on the island.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Location Levels Members Spawns Map League region
Fossil Island109Members27Show mapMisthalin Misthalin

Strengths and weaknesses[edit | edit source]

Ancient Zygomites use both magic-based melee attacks and magic-based ranged. Armour with a low magic defence bonus such as rune will typically have a higher chance of being hit, therefore dragonhide armour or Karil's armour if you can afford it is strongly recommended while fighting them, as its higher magic defence will reduce the chance of being damaged. If praying against their attacks, Protect from Missiles is recommended, as their ranged attacks are stronger and more accurate than their melee attacks.

It is possible to safespot them by trapping them and standing at least 6 tiles away from them, since their maximum range for the ranged attack is only 5 tiles.

A safespot near the Ancient Wyvern cave

Drops[edit | edit source]

The average Ancient Zygomite kill is worth 2,173.66.

The average Ancient Zygomite kill while on a Konar task is worth 3,537.23.

Drop rates estimated based on 797,375 samples from the Drop Rate Project, unless otherwise cited.

100%[edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Mort myre fungus.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Mort myre fungus with rarity Always in quantity 1Mort myre fungus1Always3960

Weapons[edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Rune axe.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Rune axe with rarity 3/118 in quantity 1Rune axe13/1187,2547,680

Runes[edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Earth rune.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Earth rune with rarity 18/118 in quantity 100Earth rune10018/118500200
Law rune.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Law rune with rarity 6/118 in quantity 15Law rune156/1181,9202,160
Cosmic rune.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Cosmic rune with rarity 6/118 in quantity 15Cosmic rune156/1181,470450
Nature rune.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Nature rune with rarity 6/118 in quantity 15Nature rune156/1181,7401,620

Herbs[edit | edit source]

There is a 12/118 chance of rolling on the noted herbs table, which gives 2 chances at kwuarm, cadantine, dwarf weed, and lantadyme.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Grimy kwuarm.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Grimy kwuarm with rarity 15/472 in quantity 1-2 (noted)Grimy kwuarm1–2 (noted)15/4723,170–6,34012–24
Grimy torstol.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Grimy torstol with rarity 6/118 in quantity 1Grimy torstol16/1183,80815
Grimy cadantine.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Grimy cadantine with rarity 3/118 in quantity 1-2 (noted)Grimy cadantine1–2 (noted)3/1183,298–6,59613–26
Grimy dwarf weed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Grimy dwarf weed with rarity 3/118 in quantity 1-2 (noted)Grimy dwarf weed1–2 (noted)3/1181,957–3,91414–28
Grimy lantadyme.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Grimy lantadyme with rarity 9/472 in quantity 1-2 (noted)Grimy lantadyme1–2 (noted)9/4721,693–3,38613–26

Seeds[edit | edit source]

There is a 1/118 chance of rolling the tree-herb seed drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Mushroom spore.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Mushroom spore with rarity 10/118 in quantity 1Mushroom spore110/1189751
Ranarr seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Ranarr seed with rarity 1/983.3 in quantity 1Ranarr seed11/983.322,74430
Snapdragon seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Snapdragon seed with rarity 1/1,053.6 in quantity 1Snapdragon seed11/1,053.641,33136
Torstol seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Torstol seed with rarity 1/1,340.9 in quantity 1Torstol seed11/1,340.97,68642
Watermelon seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Watermelon seed with rarity 1/1,404.8 in quantity 15Watermelon seed151/1,404.8975495
Willow seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Willow seed with rarity 1/1,475 in quantity 1Willow seed11/1,4751309
Mahogany seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Mahogany seed with rarity 1/1,638.9 in quantity 1Mahogany seed11/1,638.995828
Maple seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Maple seed with rarity 1/1,638.9 in quantity 1Maple seed11/1,638.94,85328
Teak seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Teak seed with rarity 1/1,638.9 in quantity 1Teak seed11/1,638.911228
Yew seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Yew seed with rarity 1/1,638.9 in quantity 1Yew seed11/1,638.926,89485
Papaya tree seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Papaya tree seed with rarity 1/2,107.1 in quantity 1Papaya tree seed11/2,107.11,69269
Magic seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Magic seed with rarity 1/2,681.8 in quantity 1Magic seed11/2,681.8105,302253
Palm tree seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Palm tree seed with rarity 1/2,950 in quantity 1Palm tree seed11/2,95019,903152
Spirit seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Spirit seed with rarity 1/3,687.5 in quantity 1Spirit seed11/3,687.5Not sold0
Dragonfruit tree seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Dragonfruit tree seed with rarity 1/4,916.7 in quantity 1Dragonfruit tree seed11/4,916.7216,174258
Celastrus seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Celastrus seed with rarity 1/7,375 in quantity 1Celastrus seed11/7,37575,955324
Redwood tree seed.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Redwood tree seed with rarity 1/7,375 in quantity 1Redwood tree seed11/7,37520,623390

Other[edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Pyrophosphite.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Pyrophosphite with rarity 18/118 in quantity 1Pyrophosphite118/118[d 1]12018
Calcite.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Calcite with rarity 18/118 in quantity 1Calcite118/118[d 1]7818
Supercompost.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Supercompost with rarity 12.8/118 in quantity 2 (noted)Supercompost(noted)12.8/118138102
Mort myre fungus.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Mort myre fungus with rarity 10/118 in quantity 5 (noted)Mort myre fungus(noted)10/1181,9800
Volcanic ash.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Volcanic ash with rarity 3.2/118 in quantity 2Volcanic ash23.2/118132240
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Pyrophosphite and Calcite are dropped together.

Gem drop table[edit | edit source]

There is a 6/118 chance of rolling the gem drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
This does not exist.NothingN/A1/39.41; Never[d 1]N/AN/A
Uncut sapphire.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Uncut sapphire with rarity 1/78.67 in quantity 1Uncut sapphire11/78.67; 1/39.95[d 2]27715
Uncut emerald.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Uncut emerald with rarity 1/157.33 in quantity 1Uncut emerald11/157.33; 1/79.9[d 2]47930
Uncut ruby.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Uncut ruby with rarity 1/314.67 in quantity 1Uncut ruby11/314.67; 1/159.79[d 2]1,05160
Uncut diamond.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Uncut diamond with rarity 1/1,258.67 in quantity 1Uncut diamond11/1,258.67; 1/639.17[d 2]2,296120
Nature talisman.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Nature talisman with rarity 1/839.11 in quantity 1Nature talisman11/839.11; 1/426.11[d 2]3192
Loop half of key.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Loop half of key with rarity 1/2,517.33 in quantity 1Loop half of key11/2,517.33; 1/1,278.33[d 2]13,06560
Tooth half of key.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Tooth half of key with rarity 1/2,517.33 in quantity 1Tooth half of key11/2,517.33; 1/1,278.33[d 2]11,13860
Rune javelin.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Rune javelin with rarity 1/2,517.33 in quantity 5Rune javelin51/2,517.33; 1/1,278.33[d 2]9601,200
Rune spear.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Rune spear with rarity 1/40,277.33 in quantity 1Rune spear11/40,277.33; 1/2,396.88[d 2][d 3]11,78212,480
Shield left half.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Shield left half with rarity 1/80,554.67 in quantity 1Shield left half11/80,554.67; 1/4,793.75[d 2][d 3]65,27866,000
Dragon spear.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Dragon spear with rarity 1/107,406.22 in quantity 1Dragon spear11/107,406.22; 1/6,391.67[d 2][d 3]39,45037,440
  1. ^ The "nothing" drop is removed while wearing a ring of wealth.
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 The drop rate is increased while wearing a ring of wealth due to the "nothing" drop being removed.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Only dropped if Legends' Quest has been finished; if not, a talisman is dropped instead.

Tertiary[edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Numulite.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Numulite with rarity 63/175 in quantity 5-19Numulite5–1963/175250–950150–570
Unidentified small fossil.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Unidentified small fossil with rarity 7/350 in quantity 1Unidentified small fossil17/350Not sold60
Unidentified medium fossil.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Unidentified medium fossil with rarity 7/700 in quantity 1Unidentified medium fossil17/700Not sold120
Unidentified large fossil.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Unidentified large fossil with rarity 7/875 in quantity 1Unidentified large fossil17/875Not sold180
Unidentified rare fossil.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Unidentified rare fossil with rarity 7/3,500 in quantity 1Unidentified rare fossil17/3,500Not sold750
Brimstone key.png: Ancient Zygomite drops Brimstone key with rarity 1/79 in quantity 1Brimstone key11/79[d 1]Not soldN/A
Clue scroll (medium).png: Ancient Zygomite drops Clue scroll (medium) with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1Clue scroll (medium)11/128[d 2][1]Not sold12
  1. ^ Brimstone keys are only dropped if killed on a Slayer task given by Konar quo Maten.
  2. ^ The medium clue scroll drop rate increases to 1/121 after unlocking the medium Combat Achievements rewards tier.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ancient Zygomite.
Standard dialogue

  • Ancient Zygomite: I'm coming for you!
  • (End of dialogue)

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The name zygomite comes from Zygomycota, an outdated term for a phylum of the kingdom Fungi.
  • The netting around the Ancient Fungi bears resemblance to the indusium ("skirt") of several species of mushroom of the genus Phallus, such as the basket stinkhorn (Phallus indusiatus).

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^