Visualize your CW2 progress
A new way to see your Clan Wars performance. Weekly score and average per season, how to know if you need to find new Clash Royale decks.
clan wars 2 new feature siteThere are still many mysteries around Clan Wars’ matchmaking system. We know there is a secret Elo rating for all players, but it’s hard to tell how it evolves and how much it matters when you look for your next opponent.
Today we are releasing a CW score visualization tool that will shed some light on this black box.
We’ve always logged CW performance for most players and shown it in their player profiles, behind the “Load Clan Wars 2 history” button. But as years have gone by, these records have gotten quite long and hard to digest. That’s why we have decided to chart all this data, to make it easier to see your progress through time.
How to read the chart
The scores obtained each week are represented as light blue bars, usually ranging up to 3600 (B), which is the maximum score you get if you win all 4 attacks in each of the 4 war days.
These bars are paired with a moving average line (dark blue) that helps you see score trends by reducing the noise that weekly variations create.
There are also two values highlighted with horizontal dotted lines:
- 1600 (C) is the minimum score you can get if you complete your 16 weekly attacks. If the weekly score is below this value, the player must have missed some daily attacks.
- 2600 (A) is the average score for most players, the middle point between the 1600 minimum and the 3600 maximum. Given that CW2 is based on Elo rating, a consistent player will stabilize with a 50% battle win rate, and this translates into a 2600 weekly score.
The 2600 score line is your best guide to evaluate war performance. A player that consistently scores above it will be increasing his war rating. This could be because he is becoming a better player or because his rating still hasn’t stabilized, which usually happens with players that started playing wars recently.
And the opposite is also true: if you consistently score below 2600 it means you are underperforming. Maybe your decks aren’t a good fit for the current meta. We suggest you check our fairly new Duel Search, use it to find 4 decks that work well for you and astonish your clan mates with high scores!
If you are a clan leader or someone who cares about CW2 performance when accepting new clan members, the 1600 score line should be the most useful to look at. Someone who frequently scores below it is likely to either miss a lot of attacks or be a clan hopper.
Average or ceiling?
It’s worth noting that almost everyone will stabilize at 2600 points per week; even the players who lead the CW2 leaderboard do so!
So don’t be frustrated if you can’t win all your war battles every week, this happens by design. On average, you’ll only win half. If one week you score highly, next week you’ll probably face better player and win less, and vice versa.
The exception to this appears when you reach the upper tail of the player distribution. I.e.: your Elo rating is so high that all your opponents are worse, in this case your win rate may stabilize at more than 50%. This is of course very rare and attainable by very few players, but it is possible if you are one of the best. Check out Pompeyo’s profile if you want to see an example.
Chart details and limitations
- Starting on Season 73: the CW2 system hasn’t always been the same, it’s had several adjustments through time, and until season 73 the weekly scores were quite different. To display more comparable results we have removed the older seasons, so displayed weekly scores should all have a 3600 maximum.
- Our CW2 history stats are based on war logs from a lot of clans. This can sometimes lead to issues when a player switches clan in the middle of a war week and competes with both.
This can seem like a small addition, but we hope that it can be useful for clan managers and as a way to quickly see your progress through time.
Let us know below if you have ideas and suggestions to improve this feature.