2013 April Fools

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For April Fools' in 2013, Jagex announced Cook's Assistant: The Musical via a bonus Behind the Scenes video. The video for the Cook's Assistant The Musical included phrases like "The tickets will literally be impossible to get hold of" and "we are on track for a totally unreal show" to hint at the fact it was a joke. Additionally, in Old School RuneScape, partyhats and easter eggs were dropped in Varrock, Falador, Ardougne, and Lumbridge. However, they jumped and hopped away when players tried to pick them up, and casting Telekinetic Grab on them only gave cabbages and pink skirts

Cook's Assistant: The Musical Lyrics[edit | edit source]

Original video

4 Kids & A Goat[edit | edit source]

  • It's the Duke's birthday today
  • I should be making him a lovely cake
  • Special ingredients, I'm missing a few
  • He's gonna sack me, what can I do
  • He's in a terrible, terrible mess
  • He'll get the sack, he's very distressed
  • You gotta help him and get what he needs
  • He's got four kids and a goat to feed.

The Mix It Song[edit | edit source]

  • Crack it. Whip it. Grind it. Pick it. Stir it. Mix it. Beat it. Heat it.
  • Crack it. Whip it. Grind it. Pick it. Stir it. Mix it.
  • Look out for the shell
  • Or the Duke will give you hell
  • Crack it. Whip it. Grind it. Pick it. Stir it. Mix it.
  • Pull up all the wheat
  • For the Duke to eat
  • Crack it. Whip it. Grind it. Pick it. Stir it. Mix it.
  • Pour the milk in
  • Cake is rising out the tin

Bacon The Cake[edit | edit source]

  • Moo moo moo, move out of my way
  • I'm butter, butter, butter, but a shadow of myself
  • Beef, beef, beef, before you go
  • Cud, cud, cud, could you help me it's Freshian out here
  • But so I've herd, that life is offal
  • Steaks are high, it's udder madness
  • But at least I'm not bacon... bakin' the cake

Credits[edit | edit source]

  • Lyrics & Music - Mod Lord
  • The Amazing Cow - Mod Moon
  • The Chef - Mod Moltare
  • The Cast - The Angels of Loc

External links[edit | edit source]