Ardougne cloak

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The Ardougne cloaks are several capes given as rewards for completing Ardougne achievements:

To claim the next one, players need to claim the previous one(s), e.g. Ardougne cloak 2 is required to get Ardougne cloak 3.

Benefits[edit | edit source]

The Ardougne cloaks provide a variety of bonuses, increasing with the tier of the reward.

Reward When worn When operated At all times
Ardougne cloak 1.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ardougne cloak 1Ardougne cloak 1
Ardougne cloak 2.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ardougne cloak 2Ardougne cloak 2
  • 10 seconds of immunity when teleporting to the Wilderness via the lever in East Ardougne (but not the Edgeville lever to the same location) (bugged and doesn't work)
  • More drops from Creature Creation are noted
  • Increased chance of success when pickpocketing in Ardougne
  • A chance of additional runes at the Ourania Runecrafting Altar (approximately 15% more; no extra experience is gained)
  • Use of Manor farm Teleport once per day
  • Ability to toggle the ring of life to teleport to Ardougne (speak to any Ardougne task NPC)
  • Wizard Cromperty will give 100 noted pure essence per day
  • 50% chance to spawn an additional chompy bird while hunting chompy birds
Ardougne cloak 3.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ardougne cloak 3Ardougne cloak 3
  • Stealing from chests in Ardougne Castle or the Chaos Druid Tower will teleport to East Ardougne's north bank (instead of a random location)
  • Even more of the drops from Creature Creation will be noted (approximately 80%)
  • Increased chance of success when pickpocketing and stealing from chests anywhere in RuneScape
  • Wizard Cromperty will give 150 noted pure essence per day
  • Watchtower Teleport can be toggled to go to Yanille instead (speak to any Ardougne task NPC)
  • 75% chance to spawn an additional chompy bird while hunting chompy birds
Ardougne cloak 4.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ardougne cloak 4Ardougne cloak 4

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]