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Release10 August 2009 (Update)
Quest itemFur 'n Seek
DestroyThe bonesack looks like it will fall apart if you drop it. You would have to go to the Odd Old Man for a replacement.
ExamineThis will allow me to teleport to the skeletal horror once a week.
Options [?]
BackpackWear, Teleport, Destroy
Value1 coin
AlchemyNot alchemisable
On deathReclaimable
Value: 1
Reclaim: 100
Weight0.003 kg
Advanced data
Item ID15215
LinksMRID • recipe

Bonesack(e) is a reward from the Fur 'n seek wishlist and is an upgrade to the Bonesack. It allows unlimited teleports to the Skeletal Horror.

The Skeletal horror Teleport is unlocked along with this item, which can be used regardless of the player still possessing the Bonesack(e) or not.

This item can be swapped for the Ram skull helm(e) at any time by speaking to the Odd Old Man with the sack in your inventory.

Combat stats[edit | edit source]

Bonesack(e) equipped.png: Bonesack(e) equipped by a playerBonesack teleport.gif: Bonesack(e) equipped by a player
NoneDefence Armour0.0
Constitution Life points0
AutoAbilityPrayer Prayer0
Damage--Damage reduction
Accuracy-PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
Style-Style bonuses

Teleport[edit | edit source]

Disassembly[edit | edit source]

Disassembly categoryClothing
Disassembly XP0.3
Item quantity required1
Material count1
Base junk chance  98.9%
Common materials
Cover parts35/100
Simple parts35/100
Padded parts29/100
Rare materials
Variable components1/100

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • hidden 9 January 2023 (Update):
    • This item can now be reclaimed upon death.
  • ninja 29 June 2020 (Update):
    • The Skeletal Horror teleport can now be used an unlimited number of times, instead of just weekly.
  • patch 20 October 2014 (Update):
    • A graphical issue with the bonesack (e) clipping with the player's head has been fixed.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Players could not swap between the Ram skull helm and the Bonesack at the time of release of the Fur 'n Seek quest. This has been fixed.
  • Although it provides unlimited teleports, the examine text and Odd Old Man dialogue has not been updated to reflect this.