Release | 20 November 2023 (Update) |
Members | Yes |
Quest item | No |
Tradeable | Yes |
Stacks in bank | Yes |
Equipable | Yes |
Stackable | No |
Disassembly | Yes |
Noteable | Yes |
Destroy | Drop |
Examine | A hauberk made from the hides of Vorkath and enhanced with Vorkath's spikes. |
Backpack | Wear, Check charges, Use, Drop, Examine |
Bank[?] | Wear |
Value | 600,000 coins |
High alch | 360,000 coins |
Low alch | 240,000 coins |
On death | Reclaimable Value: 78,409,853 Reclaim: 78,409 |
Weight | ? (edit) |
Exchange | 78,409,853 coins (info) |
Buy limit | 100 |
Volume | 3 |
Item ID | 56090 |
Links | MRID • recipe |
[view] • [talk]
Dracolich hauberkDracolich hauberk (broken)? (edit)? (edit)

? (edit)newusedbroken20 November 2023 (Update)? (edit)YesA hauberk made from the hides of Vorkath and enhanced with Vorkath's spikes.NoYestrueYesYestrueNoYesinfobox-cell-shown? (edit)truefalsefalseNo? (edit)falsefalsefalseNo? (edit)falsefalsefalseYestrueNoNoYesinfobox-cell-shown? (edit)truefalsefalseDrop? (edit)Wear, Check charges, Use, Drop, ExamineUse, Drop, Examinetrue? (edit)? (edit)WearNone? (edit)? (edit)truefalsefalseDracolich hauberkDracolich hauberk (broken)078409853? (edit)Exchange:Dracolich hauberkNot sold78,409,853 coins (info)No data to display-100? (edit)100-600000600000600,000 coins-3infobox-cell-shownreclaimable6000007840985360078409Reclaimable
Value: 600,000
Reclaim: 600Reclaimable
Value: 78,409,853
Reclaim: 78,409-true-0.6true? (edit)0.6360000240000360,000 coins240,000 coins? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)surface? (edit)? (edit)560905609256093? (edit)? (edit)560905609256093? (edit)MRIDMRID • recipeMRID • recipeMRID • recipeMRIDMRID? (edit){"edible":"no","release_date":"20 November 2023","examine":"A hauberk made from the hides of Vorkath and enhanced with Vorkath's spikes.","tradeable":"yes","value":600000,"release_update_post":"Vorkath, Battle for Forinthry - This Week In RuneScape","restriction":"surface","destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","disassembly":"yes","gemw":false,"highalch":240000,"members":"yes","equipable":"yes","bankable":"yes","name":"Dracolich hauberk","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no"}{"edible":"no","release_date":"20 November 2023","examine":"A hauberk made from the hides of Vorkath and enhanced with Vorkath's spikes.","tradeable":"yes","value":600000,"release_update_post":"Vorkath, Battle for Forinthry - This Week In RuneScape","restriction":"surface","destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","disassembly":"yes","gemw":{"name":"Dracolich hauberk","limit":100},"id":"56090","highalch":240000,"members":"yes","equipable":"yes","bankable":"yes","name":"Dracolich hauberk","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"yes","stackable":"no","noteable":"yes","version":"new"}{"edible":"no","release_date":"20 November 2023","examine":"A hauberk made from the hides of Vorkath and enhanced with Vorkath's spikes.","tradeable":"yes","value":600000,"release_update_post":"Vorkath, Battle for Forinthry - This Week In RuneScape","restriction":"surface","destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","disassembly":"yes","gemw":false,"id":"56092","highalch":240000,"members":"yes","equipable":"yes","bankable":"yes","name":"Dracolich hauberk","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"used"}{"edible":"no","release_date":"20 November 2023","examine":"A hauberk made from the hides of Vorkath and enhanced with Vorkath's spikes.","tradeable":"yes","value":600000,"release_update_post":"Vorkath, Battle for Forinthry - This Week In RuneScape","restriction":"surface","destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","disassembly":"yes","gemw":false,"id":"56093","highalch":240000,"members":"yes","equipable":"yes","bankable":"yes","name":"Dracolich hauberk (broken)","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"broken"}Versions: 3 Is members only: trueBuy limit: 100Item JSON: {"edible":"no","release_date":"20 November 2023","examine":"A hauberk made from the hides of Vorkath and enhanced with Vorkath's spikes.","tradeable":"yes","value":600000,"release_update_post":"Vorkath, Battle for Forinthry - This Week In RuneScape","restriction":"surface","destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","disassembly":"yes","gemw":{"name":"Dracolich hauberk","limit":100},"id":"56090","highalch":240000,"members":"yes","equipable":"yes","bankable":"yes","name":"Dracolich hauberk","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"yes","stackable":"no","noteable":"yes","version":"new"}Item JSON: {"edible":"no","release_date":"20 November 2023","examine":"A hauberk made from the hides of Vorkath and enhanced with Vorkath's spikes.","tradeable":"yes","value":600000,"release_update_post":"Vorkath, Battle for Forinthry - This Week In RuneScape","restriction":"surface","destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","disassembly":"yes","gemw":false,"id":"56092","highalch":240000,"members":"yes","equipable":"yes","bankable":"yes","name":"Dracolich hauberk","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"used"}Item JSON: {"edible":"no","release_date":"20 November 2023","examine":"A hauberk made from the hides of Vorkath and enhanced with Vorkath's spikes.","tradeable":"yes","value":600000,"release_update_post":"Vorkath, Battle for Forinthry - This Week In RuneScape","restriction":"surface","destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","disassembly":"yes","gemw":false,"id":"56093","highalch":240000,"members":"yes","equipable":"yes","bankable":"yes","name":"Dracolich hauberk (broken)","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"broken"}SMW Subobject for usedHigh Alchemy value: 360000Examine: A hauberk made from the hides of Vorkath and enhanced with Vorkath's spikes.Stacksinbank: falseIs variant of: Dracolich hauberkLocation restriction: surfaceKept on death: reclaimableValue: 600000Bankable: trueLendable: falseDisassembleable: trueIs members only: trueLow Alchemy value: 240000Tradeable: trueStackable: falseItem name: Dracolich hauberkRelease date: 20 November 2023Version anchor: usedNoteable: falseItem ID: 56092
SMW Subobject for brokenHigh Alchemy value: 360000Examine: A hauberk made from the hides of Vorkath and enhanced with Vorkath's spikes.Stacksinbank: falseIs variant of: Dracolich hauberkLocation restriction: surfaceKept on death: reclaimableValue: 600000Bankable: trueLendable: falseDisassembleable: trueIs members only: trueLow Alchemy value: 240000Tradeable: trueStackable: falseItem name: Dracolich hauberk (broken)Release date: 20 November 2023Version anchor: brokenNoteable: falseItem ID: 56093
SMW Subobject for newHigh Alchemy value: 360000Examine: A hauberk made from the hides of Vorkath and enhanced with Vorkath's spikes.Tradeable: trueIs variant of: Dracolich hauberkLocation restriction: surfaceKept on death: reclaimableValue: 600000Bankable: trueLendable: falseBuy limit: 100Disassembleable: trueIs members only: trueLow Alchemy value: 240000Stacksinbank: trueVersion anchor: newExchange page: Exchange:Dracolich hauberkItem name: Dracolich hauberkRelease date: 20 November 2023Stackable: falseNoteable: trueItem ID: 56090
The dracolich hauberk is tier 90 Ranged power armour made at level 90 Crafting using an undead dragonhide body and 36 Vorkath's spikes. It requires level 90 Defence to wear and is part of the Dracolich armour set.
This item degrades to a broken, repairable state over 100,000 charges of combat. The base repair cost is 3,200,000 coins for a full repair, which is scaled to how damaged it is. It can be repaired by a character capable of repairing equipment, or for less on an armour stand or whetstone. Equipping the hauberk will immediately cause it to begin degrading—even outside of combat—and it must be repaired before it can be traded again.
Dracolich armour has a set bonus called Dracolich Remnant, which activates after the armour pieces are equipped for at least 9 seconds:
- Set bonus (1): Channelling Rapid Fire generates an additional 0.2 adrenaline per piece worn every 0.6 seconds.
- Set bonus (3): Whilst wielding a bow, channelling Rapid Fire for its full duration grants Dracolich infusion for 3 seconds, increasing critical strike chance by 20% with ranged attacks.
- Set bonus (4): The duration of Dracolich infusion is increased by 1.8 seconds.
- Set bonus (5): The duration of Dracolich infusion is increased by an additional 1.8 seconds.
This is an auto-generated list (
update now), and shows the first 100 items alphabetically. For all items, click
This item costs at most 3,200,000 coins to repair completely. The repair cost is calculated by the degradation percentage rounded down (e.g. with 75.5% charge remaining, a full repair would only cost 800,000 coins). It may be repaired through a variety of methods.
Non-player characters[edit source]
These methods cost more as they do not consider the player's Smithing level for a repair discount.
These methods provide a repair cost discount of 0.5% per Smithing level (including boosts):
template = Calculator:Template/Smithing/Armour stand
form = repairForm
result = repairResult
param = level|Smithing level (1-118)|1|int|1-118||
param = charge|Item charge|0.0|number|0.0-100.0||
param = cost|cost|3200000|hidden|||
param = round|round|down|hidden|||
Calculator |
The calculator form will appear here soon. You will need JavaScript enabled. |
Result |
The result will appear here when you submit the form. |
Combat charges | 100,000 |
Method | Repair NPC, armour stand, whetstone |
Item(s) consumed | 3,200,000 x Coins[uc 1] |
Total GE price | 3,200,000 |
Per hour |
Average rate[uc 2] | 57,600 |
High rate[uc 3] | 115,200 |
Maximum rate[uc 4] | 192,000 |
- ^ Cost at armour stand and whetstone is reduced by 0.5% per Smithing level (Reductions of 50% at 99 Smithing, 55.5% at 110 Smithing).
- ^ 1,800 charges per hour.
- ^ 3,600 charges per hour.
- ^ 6,000 charges per hour.
This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
- patch 15 January 2024 (Update):
- The new Sirenic and Dracolich set effects now work in PvP.
- A typo in the Dracolich armour tooltip has been removed.
- Undead dragon, Dracolich, and Elite Dracolich armour pieces now have unique weights.
- patch 11 December 2023 (Update):
- Broken Dracolich armour now appears darker in the player's inventory, to help distinguish it from unbroken armour.
- hotfix 27 November 2023 (Update):
- T90 Dracolich now requires a needle and thread to craft.
Tank | |
Power |
Barrows |
Minigame |
Promotional | |
Treasure Trail | Trimmed |
Gold trimmed |
Blessed dragonhide |
Other |
Dyed | |
Removed |