Guard (Rightie)

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Release6 February 2007 (Update)
OptionsTalk-to, Watch-shouting, Examine
ExamineOne of King Sorvott's militia.
Advanced data
NPC ID5489

Rightie is one of the guards protecting Jatizso. He can be found guarding the gates of Jatizso, and when chatted to, he will have an amusing conversation with his coworker Leftie. He can also be found fighting trolls outside the town with Leftie, having the same dialogue as when guarding the gate.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Guard (Rightie) speaks in:

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 8 August 2016 (Update):
    • Rightie on Jatizso will now correctly reference the player's gender.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The names Leftie and Rightie are a play on the words left and right.

See also[edit | edit source]