SMW Subobject for StandardNPC ID: 1312Options: Talk-to, Attack, Pickpocket, ExamineExamine: One of Rellekka's many citizens.Release date: 2 November 2004NPC location: RellekkaIs members only: trueIs variant of: Jennella
SMW Subobject for Blood Runs DeepNPC ID: 9126Options: ExamineExamine: One of Rellekka's many citizens.Release date: 15 December 2009NPC location: RellekkaIs members only: trueIs variant of: Jennella
Jennella is a resident of Rellekka. She lives in a house just west of the main entrance. She can be pickpocketed for 40 coins. She also drops lyres which can be used in The Fremennik Trials, rather than having to make them with 25 Fletching.
During Blood Runs Deep, she helps defend Rellekka from the invading Dagannoth.
^Jagex. Mod Ash's Twitter account. 2 September 2019. (Archived from the original on 7 April 2020.) Mod Ash: "[can you check Lanzig's droprate of lyre there is no way it is 1/17] Looks to me like it is. Sorry."
^Jagex. Mod Ash's Twitter account. 28 May 2019. (Archived from the original on 27 May 2020.) Mod Ash: "Sorry, I misread. It's 1/512. The 1/128 was for clue scrolls only."