SMW Subobject for Livid FarmNPC ID: 13619Options: Talk-to, Claim-rewards, Encourage, ExamineExamine: She looks her normal, perky self.Release date: 4 April 2011NPC location: Lunar IsleIs members only: trueIs variant of: Pauline Polaris
SMW Subobject for DrainedNPC ID: 13620Options: Talk-to, Claim-rewards, Encourage, ExamineExamine: She looks tired and needs some encouragement.Release date: 4 April 2011NPC location: Lunar IsleIs members only: trueIs variant of: Pauline Polaris
SMW Subobject for Manor FarmNPC ID: 26747Options: Help, Hand in medium request, ExamineExamine: A farmer in need (medium)Release date: 25 November 2019NPC location: Manor farmIs members only: trueIs variant of: Pauline Polaris
SMW Subobject for Lunar DiplomacyNPC ID: 4514, 13626Options: Talk-to, ExamineExamine: She has a certain twinkle in her eye.Release date: 24 July 2006NPC location: Lunar IsleIs members only: trueIs variant of: Pauline Polaris
SMW Subobject for New VarrockNPC ID: 20787Options: Talk to, ExamineExamine: Unlocking her would be as difficult as unlocking Borrowed Power.Release date: 23 March 2015NPC location: New VarrockIs members only: trueIs variant of: Pauline Polaris
Pauline Polaris, born Jane Blud-Hagic-Maid, is a member of the Moon Clan on the Lunar Isle. During the quest Lunar Diplomacy, Pauline will ask the player to guess her real name to receive the lunar cape. Pauline is originally located in a house in the north-west corner of the village on Lunar Isle. However, after the completion of Lunar Diplomacy, she moves permanently to the entrance of the Livid Farm.
Pauline also runs the Livid Farm, which can only be accessed by completing Lunar Diplomacy and having the skill requirements to use. Every once in a while, she will feel drained (she will be called Drained Pauline Polaris when this happens). If the player selects her 'Encourage' option, she will become normal again. Previously, players would cast the now-removed Energy Transfer spell on her, and then select the correct encouragement to return her to normal. A seal of passage is not needed to speak with her at the Livid Farm.
Her models differ between Lunar Diplomacy and after the quest. Before, she is wearing the Moon Clan outfit, but after she appears to be wearing a unique outfit without boots of any kind.
Her name is based on the celestial object, Polaris, also known as the North Star.
The symbol on her head is similar to the symbol on the tetsu helm and its superior version, even though she was released before the tetsu helm.
Pauline changed her name because she did not like it and because people were mean to her about it. The hint she gives players who must guess her birth name is as follows: "Change a letter from the word Dane to get my first name. The first part of my surname rhymes with wood. The third part rhymes with spade. And the second rhymes with magic."