Ilme | |||||||||||||||||||
Race | Human | ||||||||||||||||||
Gender | Female | ||||||||||||||||||
Status | Unknown | ||||||||||||||||||
Religion | Guthixian | ||||||||||||||||||
Faction | Green Order | ||||||||||||||||||
Ilme was a wizard of the Green Order. She aided in the rediscovery of runecrafting, the unification of Asgarnia and was at one point the heir to King Raddallin. She is the protagonist of RuneScape: The Gift of Guthix.
History[edit | edit source]
Rediscovery of runecrafting[edit | edit source]
Ilme was a Guthixian from the Narvra Tribe, led by her aunt Moranna. Her father died in one of the Narvra's battles and her mother passed away to a fever. She was taken in by Moranna and, after she noticed her perceptive skills, she forced Ilme to spy for her on threat of death, sending her to the Donblas, Lord Raddallin's tribe, as a scribe.
In year 7 of the Fifth Age, rumours of a cache of rune essence in the Fremennik Province led to Endel of the Green Order formulating a plan to claim the cache for Lord Raddallin. He would impersonate the Moon Clan with his two apprentices, Azris and Eritona, hoping that the Fremennik would be more open to leaving the cache to them. In an effort to gather intelligence for her aunt, Ilme gave Eritona a bitter cup of mead and she fell ill, resulting in Ilme taking her place in the expedition.
After doing the guest rites at the Wolf Clan's summer encampment, the jarl's youngest son, Gunnar, took Ilme to the Rune Essence mine, guarded by Zorya, a Guardian of Guthix. Endel negotiated a trade agreement with the Wolf Clan to access the mine. Ilme met with her cousin Martyn but kept the information about the mine hidden from Moranna. Ilme asked to come home amid rumours of a spy in Lord Raddallin's court, but Martyn dismissed her and gave her a magic necklace of protection.
In 8 V, Ilme joined Endel's expedition to find and restore the air altar. Once they found it, they began the process to restore it, but were attacked by large spiders and wolves. A wolf charged at Ilme, but was repelled by her necklace. Azris and Ilme then found themselves in the air altar's pocket dimension. Azris noticed Ilme's necklace and began to suspect her being a spy of Moranna of the Narvra. She blackmailed her into runecrafting for her while she took the credit in exchange for her silence.
The altars of earth, fire and water were restored next. Rue, an elemental imbued with runic energy in the shape of a dragon, followed Ilme in her journey, and she ended up adopting him. Over the months, Azris began to demand more of Ilme, so she confessed her treachery to Raddallin. She had fed false battle plans to Moranna, allowing Asgarnia to defeat the Narvra and kill her aunt. Endel then took her as an apprentice. Over the years, Ilme continued to visit the Wolf Clan's summer encampment, developing a decades-long friendship with Gunnar.
The Fremennik Great Invasion[edit | edit source]

In 42 V, the Moon Clan came to the Wolf Clan's summer camp to expose the Asgarnians' deception. Zorya brushed it off, having been aware of it. Jarl Viljar was unfazed, content with the payment from the southerners, while Gunnar was dismayed.
Ilme had spent the past few months travelling with Eritona from court to court as she negotiated the treaties that let Asgarnian and Misthalanian wizards cross through other lands to use the rune altars. The crafting of runes and rune magic had prolonged her and her colleagues' lifespans.
Ilme received a letter from Gunnar telling her that he knew she lied, and she left for the Fremennik Province to try and resolve the situation and make sure that the trade agreement with the Wolf Clan stood. Gunnar confronted Zorya and Ilme tried to calm him down. Unbeknownst to them, Sanafin Valzin summoned a demon that injured Zorya and, in the chaos of the battle, Ilme shot a spell that accidentally hit the guardian and Gunnar unintentionally struck his axe in the guardian's skull instead of the demon's, killing Zorya. Gunnar warned her that the Fremennik would have revenge on Asgarnia and Ilme fled.
In 55 V, Ilme arrived in Ardougne as part of a delegation of mages from the Wizards' Tower who had come to check the state of the excavation of the site of the death altar. At this time, the Fremennik launched an attack on the city as part of their Great Invasion to destroy the rune altars, setting the city on fire. Ilme and the Asgarnian survivors fled back to Falador.
As Asgarnia was cut off from the rune essence mine and the rune altars were threatened, Ilme researched a source of rune magic that did not require individual runes, resulting in a prototype staff that removed the need for air runes.
In 58 V, Ilme joined Endel's expedition to rebuild the mind altar that had been destroyed by the Fremennik. Endel was killed by the Narvra while restoring the altar and was succeeded by Azris.
In 62 V, Gunnar infiltrated the Wizards' Tower to destroy the rune essence stored there. Ilme tried to stop him, but as he was throwing explosive flasks, she shot a spell at him, shattering the remaining flasks and engulfing him in flames.
Exposing Sanafin Valzin[edit | edit source]

In 70 V, Azris made Ilme take on an apprentice. Undecided, she took on three: Cordelia, Teodnor and Faryd. By this time, Ilme had also made a prototype earth tiara and law staff and was working on a nature staff.
Ilme learned that it was Valzin who summoned the demon that caused Zorya's death confronted her about it. She responded that Asgarnia became stronger because of the war, and warned her about trying to go against her. Ilme told King Raddallin about Valzin's actions, but he chose not to pursue the matter further and revealed that he would adopt Sanafin and name her his heir. Since the announcement, many concerns rose from within the kingdom, especially from Saradominists. Valzin and Raddallin agreed that she would step down in favour of a different heir, and the king chose Ilme at Valzin's suggestion. Ilme tried to talk Raddallin out of it but was unsuccessful.
Following the burning of the Wizards' Tower, Valzin came back to Falador with a sprained arm. Ilme suspected that she had been the one to plant rumours of a Saradominist insurrection and that she was looking for Perien's enchanted weapons set with which to assassinate King Raddallin and pin the blame on the Saradominists. As Ilme had no proof to present to the king, she waited in the king's bedchambers every night until Valzin finally made her attempt. Ilme restrained her with a spell and Raddallin banished Sanafin Valzin and the Kinshra from Asgarnia.
Ilme once again tried to convince the king to choose another successor, with her offering to assess them and possibly set them up as her own successor, but Raddallin postponed the discussion.
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