
From the RuneScape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScape
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Release3 April 2017 (Update)
LocationGemstone cave beneath Shilo Village mine
OptionsTalk to, Pay gems, Check kills, Examine
ExamineHas a strong interest in gems.
Advanced data
NPC ID24169

Kelhar is found guarding the gemstone dragons in the Gemstone cavern beneath the Shilo Village mine. He will only allow players in to battle them if they are on a Slayer assignment or pay him with incomplete hydrix, onyx, or dragonstone gems. A tradable Slayer Wildcard will not deplete the kills the player paid Kelhar for and allow access without being on-task.

Entrance fee to killing gemstone dragons
Uncut gem Kills per gem Cost per kill
Uncut dragonstone.png: RS3 Inventory image of Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone 2 2,659
Uncut onyx.png: RS3 Inventory image of Uncut onyxUncut onyx 400 2,661
Incomplete hydrix.png: RS3 Inventory image of Incomplete hydrixIncomplete hydrix 4000 14,198

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

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