SMW Subobject for NormalNPC ID: 16184Options: Talk to, Teleport, ExamineExamine: Master of the Wizards' Tower.Release date: 29 March 2004NPC location: Wizards' Tower, 2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US]Is members only: falseIs variant of: Archmage Sedridor
SMW Subobject for StandingNPC ID: 16143Options: Talk to, ExamineExamine: Master of the Wizards' Tower.Release date: 28 November 2012NPC location: Wizards' Tower, ground floor[UK]1st floor[US]Is members only: falseIs variant of: Archmage Sedridor
SMW Subobject for Christmas (sitting)NPC ID: 14744Options: Talk-to, ExamineExamine: Head wizard of the Wizards' Tower.Release date: 20 December 2011NPC location: Wizards' Tower (2011 Christmas event)Is members only: falseIs variant of: Archmage Sedridor
SMW Subobject for ChristmasNPC ID: 14723Options: Talk-to, ExamineExamine: Head wizard of the Wizards' Tower.Release date: 20 December 2011NPC location: Wizards' Tower (2011 Christmas event)Is members only: falseIs variant of: Archmage Sedridor
SMW Subobject for The BeachNPC ID: 21164Options: Talk to, ExamineExamine: Hoping to bring some magic to the beach.Release date: 29 June 2015NPC location: Lumbridge CraterIs members only: falseIs variant of: Archmage Sedridor
Sedridor is the current archmage of the second Wizards' Tower, which trains wizards in the magical arts. He can be found in his office on the 2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US] of the tower.
Sedridor played a minor role in the RuneScape novel Legacy of Blood. In 164, he was one of the three judges, alongside Wizard Grayzag and Aubury who decided the fate of the wizard Castimir for the crime of stealing knowledge. They voted to expel Castimir from the Tower permanently but spared his life. Afterwards, he had Aubury equip Castimir to become a rogue wizard, revealing that the Tower occasionally hired rogues to perform tasks that Tower wizards could not be seen doing.
Aubury and he later fought the army of Tenebra at the Second Battle of the Salve but the two wizards were quickly incapacitated by a darkness attack.
After one of the wizards lost an apprentice after a spell misfired and exploded on them, during his free time drinking, Sedridor decided to rebuild the Mage Training Arena so that budding mages could safely train while starting with beginner-level spells. With the help of Wizards Shug, Dougal and Edvin, the Mage Training Arena was successfully rebuilt, with the original rune guardians and charmed warriors helping to train and protect the staff and students.
In the year 169 of the Fifth Age, Ariane began having troubling visions regarding the future of the tower. Despite her warnings, Sedridor soon discovered her "demon-worshipping" (she had made a deal with Azacorax, the lesser demon imprisoned in the tower) and banned her from setting foot in the tower, even erecting a magical ward to ensure she could not enter. Although he trusted her knowledge, Sedridor stated that he had to uphold the rules of the tower, and that he intended to use an Icyenic Purge to cleanse the power beam of whatever creature was lurking inside after it attacked Wizard Borann.
Sedridor's stubbornness worried Ariane, as she knew the Icyenic Purge would not dispel the vortices; in fact, they were attracted to magic, and the Icyenic Purge would prompt the vortices to roam the tower and cause further troubles. Ariane tasked the adventurer with stopping Sedridor so that she could cast the proper spell to keep the vortices in the ruins. The adventurer did so by playing the grand organ in the tower, which angered Sedridor, and he even threatened them, but regardless, Ariane was able to cast her spell before the wizards could. The wizards mistakenly believed they had cast Icyenic Purge, and Sedridor told the adventurer to let Ariane know that all was good and well in the tower.
After the quest Rune Memories, Sedridor will be saddened by the betrayal of Wizard Ellaron and offer the adventurer to take from his personal rune chest after the quest which yields pure essence equal - this is updated each time a level is gained, for a total of 24,750 essence granted once level 99 is reached. He will also offer the Archmage title to players who have 99 Magic and Runecrafting.
After Dionysius reconciled with Zenevivia, the two old mages decided to raid the Wizards' Tower to replenish their stockpile of runes, as they were running out after their recent fight with each other. They left their house, prompting the guard staking out at the tree to state that the subjects were on the move towards Wizards' Tower.
Sedridor organised the Wizards Grayzag, Traiborn and Mizgog to defend the tower while Wizard Elriss sealed up the Runecrafting Guild. Much to Sedridor's dismay, Traiborn had his usual delusion, so Sedridor reluctantly told the others to prepare for battle as they would be one wizard short. Wizards Grayzag and Mizgog were forced to retreat, leaving Sedridor alone, but Traiborn quickly came back with a thingummywut. Sedridor was shocked by the thingummywut as it rapid-casted Earth Surge on Dionysius and Zenevivia, forcing the two mages to retreat. Following the incident, Sedridor warned the two not to try anything funny again or they would put a stop to it.
Archmage Sedridor is one of the four NPCs who can teleport to the sandcastle building area in The Beach. While he is present, building the Wizards' Sandtower (a replica of the Wizards' Tower) will grant double experience.
In the old Rune Mysteries quest, Sedridor, having struggled to rediscover the knowledge of runestone creation, which was lost after the destruction of the Tower by Zamorakian mages decades ago, recently succeeded in this task largely due to the efforts of an adventurer who brought him an unidentified air talisman from Lumbridge's Duke Horacio, who knows of Sedridor and his vast lore well enough to send it to him for examination. He is located in the tower's basement. You are required to talk to him twice during the Rune Mysteriesquest. After the said quest, you can use him to teleport to the rune essence mine, where you can mine rune or pure essence. He is seldom visited for this, because he is so far away from a bank. Sedridor has conducted extensive research on runes and the secrets of crafting runestones, eventually combining his research with that of Aubury's rune knowledge to unlock the secrets of the air talisman, thus considerably increasing the Wizards' supply of runes and leading to the opening of a Runecrafting Guild, which is run by a friend of Sedridor's, Wizard Elriss.
Before the graphical update of the wizards tower, Sedridor could be found in the tower basement.
Archmage Sedridor will not allow players to bank essence at the deposit box, which can be found at the very top floor of the Wizards' Tower. This may be a conscious decision by Jagex to prevent an easier way of power-mining rune/pure essence. Upon attempting to do so, a message will appear stating: "Sedridor does not want you banking rune essence in the tower."