Lava Maze Dungeon

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Lava Maze Dungeon
Release9 April 2002 (Update)
MusicAttack III
See map section

The Lava Maze Dungeon is a dungeon beneath the Lava Maze in fairly high level Wilderness (level 41-47). The dungeon's eastern entrance is in the middle of the Lava Maze, and can only be accessed by members. The dungeon's western entrance is just west of the maze, in a metal-fenced area. The western entrance leads to a small area containing only Poison spiders and the lever to enter the King Black Dragon Lair. The eastern entrance leads to a larger area containing the rest of the monsters.

Dungeon info[edit | edit source]

Lava Maze Dungeon
Cannons allowedAllowed
Resource dungeonNo

Monsters[edit | edit source]

Map[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • update 1 August 2022 (Update):
    • Replaced the greater demons and poison spiders in the main area with ripper demons.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Although the western surface entrance is used to reach the poison spider area and lever to the King Black Dragon Lair, on the map this area appear to be in the eastern part of the dungeon. Similarly, eastern surface entrance appears to lead to the western part of the dungeon. This reversal is similar to some of the entrances to the Ardougne Sewers. It is not known if this is a mistake by Jagex or is deliberate for some reason.
  • There used to be a single runite rock in the larger part of the dungeon.
  • The concept for the lava isle may have come from the short story "The Rule of Names" when the author states, "Then from somewhere away out in the West Reach, where dragons breed on the lava isles, came one day a very mighty dragon. Not one of those overgrown lizards most of you Outer Reach folk call dragons, but a big, black winged, wise, cunning monster, full of strength and subtlety, and like all dragons loving gold and precious stones above all things"