Mouse Hole

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Mouse Hole
Release4 June 2007 (Update)
LocationNora T. Hagg's house
MusicMouse Trap
See map section

The Mouse Hole is an area accessed during Grim Tales, where the player must find Miazrqa's pendant. The only inhabitants of the Mouse Hole are level 61 mice. The area was released on 4 June 2007.

The drops appear larger than normal when the Mice are killed, because your avatar is very small at the time. However, if picked up and dropped again, they will no longer appear larger.

Dungeon info[edit | edit source]

Mouse Hole
Cannons allowedDisallowed
Resource dungeonNo

Monsters[edit | edit source]

Map[edit | edit source]

MouseMiazrqa's pendantMiazrqa's pendantWitch's HouseMouseMouseMouseMouseMouseMouseMouseMouseMouseMouseMouseMouseMouse

Music[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!