Leafy Palm Tree

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Leafy Palm Tree
Release20 August 2003 (Update)
QuestLegends' Quest
LocationKharazi Jungle
OptionsShake, Examine
ExamineThis tree is particularly leafy.
Advanced data
Object ID2975

Leafy Palm Trees are found only in the Kharazi Jungle. They are spaced sporadically around the jungle but are most concentrated around the water pool, which is near the teak trees marked by the western tree symbol on the map. There is also one near the totem pole in the west of the jungle. This tree cannot be cut, but shaking one causes a palm leaf to drop out. Palm leaves can be used for cooking oomlie wraps, which require a Cooking level of 50, and are one of the hard Karamja Tasks. There is a cool-down period of about 35 seconds before another leaf can be obtained from the same tree. To save a small amount of time on the Karamja Tasks, you can shake a leafy palm tree, then drop and pick up the leaf five times.

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