Sq'irk tree

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Sq'irk tree
Release12 February 2007 (Update)
LocationSorceress's Garden
OptionsPick-fruit, Examine
ExamineIt bears withered fruit.
Advanced data
Object ID21769

Sq'irk trees are a species of tree that are found in the Sorceress's Garden minigame. They stand at the end of each maze and will each yield a certain type of sq'irk fruit. The type of sq'irk yielded depends on which maze the player is in. The types of sq'irk trees are winter, spring, autumn, and summer trees. Picking a sq'irk will give a player 30 to 60 Farming experience depending upon the tree picked. When a sq'irk is picked off the tree, the player will be teleported outside of the maze.

Farming info[edit | edit source]

Sq'irk tree
Level required1 Farming1 Thieving
Farming XP30 xp
Required toolNone

Loot[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Only dropped by Winter version.
  2. ^ Only dropped by Spring version.
  3. ^ Only dropped by Autumn version.
  4. ^ Only dropped by Summer version.

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!