Calquat Tree

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Grown6 produce5 produce4 produce3 produce2 produce1 produceEmpty
Calquat Tree
Release11 July 2005 (Update)
LocationCalquat patch
OptionsCheck-health, Inspect, Clear, Guide, Examine
ExamineA fully grown Calquat tree stands in this Farming patch.
Advanced data
Object ID7791

Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6Stage 7Stage 8
Calquat Tree
Release11 July 2005 (Update)
LocationCalquat patch
OptionsInspect, Guide, Examine
ExamineA Calquat tree is growing in this Farming patch.
Advanced data
Object ID7776

Diseased, stage 2Diseased, stage 3Diseased, stage 4Diseased, stage 5Diseased, stage 6Diseased, stage 7Diseased, stage 8
Diseased Calquat
Release11 July 2005 (Update)
LocationCalquat patch
OptionsPrune, Inspect, Clear, Guide, Examine
ExamineThis diseased Calquat tree needs pruning.
Advanced data
Object ID7792

Dead, stage 2Dead, stage 3Dead, stage 4Dead, stage 5Dead, stage 6Dead, stage 7Dead, stage 8Stump
Dead Calquat
Release11 July 2005 (Update)
Removal7 November 2022 (Update)
LocationCalquat patch
OptionsClear, Inspect, Revive, Guide, Examine
ExamineThis Calquat tree has died.
Advanced data
Object ID7799

Location of the calquat patch

The calquat tree is a tree which can be grown using the Farming skill. To grow this tree, a calquat tree seed and level 72 Farming are required. The calquat patch for planting calquats is located in Tai Bwo Wannai. To protect the tree from disease while growing, the player may pay Imiago eight poison ivy berries, while they must have completed Jungle Potion to do this.

A fully grown calquat tree produces six calquat fruit. The calquat tree patch can be emptied by digging it up with a spade.

Calquat fruit can be used to make calquat kegs. They can also be used to make supercompost.

The calquat tree is often considered an ideal plant for training Farming due to the price and experience gain. However, the long growth time and the fact that there is only one patch for it to grow in limits its overall usefulness.

Farming[edit | edit source]

Calquat Tree
Level required72 Farming
PatchCalquat patch
Seeds per [?]1
Max harvests6
Yield per harvest1
Growth time21h 20m (8 x 2h 40m)
Regrow per item40m
Growth potionFruity
Rapid Growth
Protection of disease [?]
Payment8 × Poison ivy berries[f 1]
Seed Calquat tree seed
Seedling Calquat seedling (w)
Sapling Calquat sapling
PlantCalquat Tree
Crop Calquat fruit
Pot XP1.2 xp
Planting XP130.5 xp
Checking XP12,096 xp
Harvesting XP48.5 xp

Average harvest yield[edit | edit source]

module=Farming yield calculator name=Farming yield calculator form=FarmingYieldForm-Calquat_seed result=FarmingYieldResult-Calquat_seed param = seed||Calquat seed|hidden param = compost|Compost used|None|buttonselect|None, Compost, Supercompost, Ultracompost||Compost boosts harvest lives: 1, 2, and 3 for compost, supercompost, and ultracompost, respectively. param = outfit|Outfit worn|None|buttonselect|None,Tree farmer,Crop farmer,Master farmer||Tree farmer outfit boosts fruit tree and bush yield, crop farmer gives a small chance to save harvest lives, and master farmer does both. param = num_seeds|Seeds planted|1|hidden|1,2,4,7,10||Seeds planted simultaneously. param = buffs|Harvest buffs||hidden| param = aura|Greenfingers aura|None|hidden|None,Basic,Greater,Master,Supreme,Legendary param = flower_harvester|Flower harvester tier|None|hidden|None,Competent (102),Expert (106),Master (110),Grandmaster (114) param = familiar|Familiar used|None|hidden|None,Giant Ent param = bountiful|Bountiful harvest upgrade||hidden param = practiced|Practiced Farmer||hidden param = quiver_moss|Tirannwn quiver 3/4||hidden param = quiver_blossom|Tirannwn quiver 4||hidden param = legs|Morytania Legs 4||hidden param = juju|Juju farming potion||hidden param = pjuju|Perfect Juju Farming/Perfect Plus||hidden param = harvester|Dwarven harvester||hidden autosubmit = disabled

Please select choices and submit the form.
{"type":"bar","options":{"tooltips":{"intersect":false},"aspectRatio":2,"scales":{"y":{"ticks":{"beginAtZero":true},"stacked":[true],"scaleLabel":{"display":true,"labelString":"Expected yield"}},"x":{"ticks":{"beginAtZero":true},"stacked":[true],"scaleLabel":{"display":true,"labelString":"Base vs. Buffed Yield"}}},"title":{"display":true,"font":{"size":18},"text":"Expected Calquat fruit yield","position":"top"},"maintainAspectRatio":false,"fill":true},"minWidth":"400px","resizable":true,"width":"min(max(1000px, 40vw), 100% - 1.5em)","isChartObj":true,"height":"min(max(500px, 37vh), 100vh - 4em)","isFinished":true,"minHeight":"400px","data":{"labels":["Base","Buffed"],"datasets":[{"label":"Base Yield","data":[6,6],"hoverBackgroundColor":"rgba(219,0,69,0.5)","backgroundColor":"rgba(230,0,73,0.4)","borderColor":"rgba(230,0,73,1)","hoverBorderColor":"rgba(219,0,69,1)","color":"rgba(230,0,73,1)","clip":5,"borderWidth":1}]}}

Growth stages[edit | edit source]


Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 7 November 2022 (Update):
    • Diseased Farming patches will no longer die!
  • patch 2 November 2015 (Update):
    • Completing the growth cycle of a calquat with an ultra-growth potion now correctly moves it to the 'check health' state, instead of skipping to 'checked' with max fruit.
  • patch 1 July 2014 (Update):
    • Ultra-growth potions now work on calquat trees.
  • patch 7 February 2012 (Update):
    • Calquat trees without fruit no longer have two "Clear" options.
  • patch 6 October 2010 (Update):
    • Added the clear option to calquat tree patches.
  • patch 12 August 2008 (Update):
    • Imiago will now protect calquat trees from disease in exchange for eight poison ivy berries.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The name "Calquat" doesn't correspond to any real-world plant or tree, but it may be a portmanteau of Calabash and Kumquat, two different exotic fruits.