Mad necklace

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Mad necklace
Release29 May 2012 (Update)
Quest itemNo
DestroyYou can reclaim the necklace from Diango in Draynor Village if you destroy it.
ExamineIt would seem rumours of the eccentricity of this necklace have been wildly exaggerated.
Options [?]
BackpackGive xp, Wear, Destroy
EquippedCheck charges
Value450 coins
High alch270 coins
Low alch180 coins
On deathAlways kept outside dangerous area
Weight0.007 kg
Advanced data
Item ID24334
LinksMRID • recipe

The mad necklace was an item obtained from Diango for players who were members throughout the month of May in 2012. After talking to Diango, players could ask "Do you have anything else?" to redeem the necklace. On 1 June 2012 all players who had been a member for the entirety of May got a message after logging in stating "You have obtained the Mad Necklace! See Diango to claim it."

The mad necklace gave 250,000 bonus experience in any skill when worn. It worked the same way as the Hati paws and Sköll boots with checking the charge. Since the bonus experience update on 8 October 2013, the mad necklace, if not already depleted, now has a "Give xp" option.

When all the charges are used, the necklace is reduced to a cosmetic item, similar to the Hati paws and Sköll boots. You will not get a message when this happens.

While the necklace had charges, equipping it produced a message "You feel empowered by the festivities of May." and after unequipping a message appeared stating "You are no longer empowered by the festivities of May."

The graphical effects of the Mad necklace while equipping and removing the necklace.

On 1 September 2012, a day after the release of the 350k XP Promissory notes, all Mad necklaces were reset to zero charges without any warning from Jagex. On 2 September 2012, the charges were then re-enabled due to complaints by players.

Combat stats[edit | edit source]

RequirementsMad necklace equipped.png: Mad necklace equipped by a player
AttributesDamage reduction
Defence Armour0.0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
Constitution Life points0Style bonuses
Prayer Prayer0

Uses[edit | edit source]

The experience multiplier stacked with Constructor's outfit, Golden mining suit, Lumberjack clothes, and with Citadel Bonus XP. It also stacked with player owned house altars. The necklace gave the full 2x boost to Summoning whereas on the 2012 Bonus XP Weekends, Summoning was only given a 1.1x boost. If the last charge of the necklace was used while making Summoning pouches, it would double the experience of all pouches made simultaneously.

The mad necklace also worked with Dungeoneering. The necklace could be taken into a dungeon and equipped at the end to provide double Dungeoneering experience (tokens would not be doubled). Note: equip the necklace only when moving to the next dungeon if you want all the experience solely for Dungeoneering. If the necklace was used at the point before running out of charge (even 1%) on a dungeon, it would still double all of the dungeon's experience, making Dungeoneering a great choice for the last few charges of the necklace.

The necklace also worked inside the Runespan, even doubling the experience received from locating the yellow wizard. Like Dungeoneering, points earned were not doubled.

This necklace's effect stacked with the effect of the Goldsmith gauntlets giving a little over 112 XP per gold bar, granting the player with efficient Smithing experience.

Unlike other bonus experience items, some static experience amounts such as the Slayer reward from Bork were affected.

The necklace also worked inside the Clan Citadel, doubling the experience from all plots.

Training combat skills or Slayer with the mad necklace would give double XP in both the stat you were training and Constitution. This would use the charges up at a faster rate than if used on a single skill. As for Slayer, the charges would be used on the combat skill you are using, Constitution, and Slayer as well.

Experience not doubled[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 23 October 2017 (Update):
    • An issue that allowed players to retrieve unlimited Mad necklaces from Diango has been fixed.
  • patch 6 July 2015 (Update):
    • The 'check charges' option has been removed from the cosmetic mad necklace.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This was the first neck-slot item to have a graphical effect when equipped and unequipped. The graphical effect of the Mad necklace disappears when it's all used up.
  • The graphical effect when wearing the necklace is similar to that of the prayer renewal potion and the Pendant of Skill.
  • The description of the Mad necklace references real rumours concerning the necklace. Many players misunderstood the description of the bonus that would be given at the end of Mad May, thinking that it would be an experience lamp worth 250,000 experience.
  • The examine info of the Mad necklace is a reference to Mark Twain's quote, "The rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated."
  • If a player did not accept their Mad necklace within 15 days, they got a message on screen saying "Want your Mad May necklace? Talk to Diango in Draynor Village marketplace and ask 'Do you have anything else?'"
  • When using the "Give xp" option, the interface would show 0 XP for any skill, although it would still properly grant the bonus experience upon confirmation.
  • If the necklace has less than 1% of the charges remaining, checking the charge produces a message "Your necklace has almost run out of power."
  • A keepsake key cannot be used on this item.