Item JSON: {"edible":"no","release_date":"12 November 2018","examine":"Offers a selection of benefits including a 10% XP buff and a free aura reset once per day.","tradeable":"no","lowalch":false,"weight":0.001,"value":1,"release_update_post":"Weekly Update: 12th November 2018","destroy":"Are you sure you want to destroy this item? You can reclaim it from Diango in Draynor or via the bank interface.","lendable":"no","disassembly":"no","gemw":false,"id":"44472","highalch":false,"members":"yes","equipable":"yes","bankable":"yes","name":"Premier artefact","death":"alwaysinclwild","stacksinbank":"yes","stackable":"no","noteable":"no"}Is members only: true
This repeatable content has a hard reset.
The next period's content will become available immediately, regardless of whether a player has logged out.
The premier artefact is an item provided to 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 Premier Membership members. It provides players with a selection of temporary boosts, each giving an increase to skilling activities. As of Premier Club 2021 the artefact can be used alongside an aura, but only one boost can be active at a time. The artefact can be worn while in Daemonheim.
There are four available effects. Each perk can only be used once a day.
10% increased experience from all normal sources, lasting one hour. This effect cannot be used by Ironmen.
One free aura reset. Can be used during the effects of any of the other buffs. It can also be used through the Aura Management interface without the artefact physically present.
20% increased hit chance against enemies below 15% health (does not work in PvP and does not work on bosses) and a 10% chance that the slayer task count will not decrease with each creature killed. This is equivalent to having both knock-out and supreme dedicated slayer auras active at once. This lasts one hour.
The premier artefact's 10% increased experience does stack with the 10% increased provided by advanced pulse cores.