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Release14 December 2020 (Update)
RaceSnow imp
QuestViolet is Blue Too
LocationYeti Town
OptionsTalk to, Examine
ExamineSmall, blue and mischievous.
Advanced data
NPC ID27387

Neal is a snow imp. He can be then be found in the southern most building in Yeti Town.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Transcripts Neal speaks in:

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Elizabeth, Peter, Mozzie, and Neal are references to the main characters of the American TV drama White Collar.
    • White Collar is so far the only piece of media to have referenced RuneScape, and vice versa. In the ninth episode of the second season, "Point Blank", Mozzie references "RuneScape's hidden flute solo" while trying to solve a music box puzzle.