Pieces of Hate

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Quick guides provide a brief summary of the steps needed for completion.
Pieces of Hate contains effects that can be hazardous to people with epilepsy or other vision problems.
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Pieces of Hate (#219)
Release date19 March 2018 (Update)
Voice OverNo
Official seriesPirate #7
AgeFifth Age
Start areaPlayer-owned house
CombatNPC combat level 110–119
Entity icon
Advanced data
Quest ID397
Quest create ID232
Official difficultyGrandmaster

Pieces of Hate is a grandmaster quest, as well as the seventh and final quest of the pirate quest series. The pirates, including the "pirate queen" from the Eastern Lands, Madame Shih, must prepare to fend off the final efforts of Rabid Jack and his army of zombie pirates. The quest involves underwater expeditions and sunken Dragonkin temples, as well as the defence of Mos Le'Harmless, where players must eliminate groups of shambling zombies in order to repair barricades and prevent the zombie pirate invasion from spreading, and the final confrontation against Rabid Jack.

One of the rewards from the quest is an upgrade to the Little Book o' Piracy that has teleports to Mos Le'Harmless, Braindeath, Dragontooth Island, and Harmony Island and is recharged using Braindeath 'rum'. The quest also gives insights into the lore behind one of the locations visited in the quest.

Official description[edit | edit source]

Rabid Jack's hatred of the pirate isles has come to a head. Can you stop the madness?

Overview[edit | edit source]

Getting started[edit | edit source]

Recommended: Rimmington tablet

To start the quest, the player must stand outside a player-owned house portal and click on it. This will make Postie Pete appear and he will give the player a letter from Bill Teach. The letter asks the player to revisit Rock Island Prison to help out Bill Teach.

The player must then make their way to the Customs Sergeant found in a house in south-east Rimmington. Players must then get arrested again in order to visit Rock Island Prison again. The player must use the dialogue option specifically designated for Pieces of Hate. Speaking to the officer and being arrested normally will not bring the player to the Rock Island Prison's instance for this quest, instead of bringing them to the overworld version. The officer will not arrest the player unless they have nothing equipped or in the inventory. There is a locker that acts as a bank deposit box in the house.

Escaping Rock Island Prison again[edit | edit source]

You will arrive in the same jail cell as previous quests, however, this time surrounded by different pirates, including Bill Teach, Madame Shih, Two-Eyed Eric and Jimmy the Parrot. Talk to Bill Teach by shouting through the bars. He will ask the player to aid in their escape by first picking the lock to the jail cell. However, this can't be done immediately as the guards will stop you.

After talking to Bill, talk to Two-Eyed Eric and ask if he can help a hand. Doing so, the player will receive Eric's hook. Use the hook on the bed in your cell to receive the piece of cloth. Using this cloth on the hook will create Eric's hook attached to cloth. Using your newly created hook, you can go to the east coast of the island and use the hook on the fishing spot in order to receive a fish. This will also turn your hook into a sharpened version of it. After doing this, the screen fades to black and screams can be heard. Jennifer Bloodspatter, Sharktooth Emma, and Cassie Toebeard will be gone.

Scaring the guards away.

Next, use the fish on the perch rock just northeast of the jail cell. This will attract a seagull named Count Ludwig Koppenploppen. After some humorous dialogue, using this fish on the jail door in the jail will make the player throw it at the guard and consequently make Ludwig fly after it, scaring away the guards. They will be pushed out of the south entrance of the jail, allowing the player to pick the lock. Use the sharpened hook on the cell door to unlock it. Make sure to block the door that they left out of using the barrels found next to the door.

After leaving the cell, attempting to use the hook on Bill's jail cell will result in it being opened, but the hook will then be taken away by a rat. In order to catch the rat, the player must construct a baited trap. Players can pick up a small crate from a pile of crates next to Bill's cell. They can also pick up a wooden spoon, a cheese sandwich, and a pineapple from the desk around the corner. Searching the locker next to the desk will also give the player a Customs Officer's uniform.

To create the trap, the spoon has to be used on the crate and then the cheese sandwich on the unbaited box trap. This will create a baited trap. The baited trap must be used on the rat hole found on the wall inside of Bill's cell. Doing this will catch the rat, whose name is Wilson.

Players must then interrogate Wilson in order to get him to give up the guard's keys. The correct chat options to choose are 3, 4, 2, and 4. Use these keys on the other jail cells in order to free the rest of the pirates. Click the door in the centre, leading to the stairwell. Players must then talk to Madame Shih who will say that the top floor of the prison must be reached. Attempting to use the guard's keys on the door leading to the stairs will not work. Speak to Madame Shih once again to reveal that someone has placed a ward on the door. Speak to Jimmy the Parrot and he can repeat what he heard the guards say to remove the ward. Click on the door and Jimmy will recite the phrase, and the door will be opened. Before heading upstairs, make sure to investigate the poster right next to the stairs in order to reveal that the first floor keys are hidden underneath one of the beds on the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US].

Distracting the guard.
Burning the crassian pods.

Going up will reveal a crassian guard; however, it will ignore you as long as you have the Customs Officer's uniform on. Searching the lockers north of the stairs will give the player a bottle of 'rum'.

Using the previously obtained pineapple on the slime found next to the stairs will give the player a sticky pineapple. This must then be used on Wilson who is still in your inventory to make Pineapple Wilson. Use this on the south-west door to distract the guard.

After the guard has been distracted, go into the room and search the north-eastern bed to obtain the first floor keys. (If the "Investigate" option does not appear on the bed, make sure you searched the poster in the previous step.) This will unlock both the doors leading into the room containing the strange eggs. Enter the northern door where Wilson and the guard have been distracted.

Using the 'rum' on any of the strange eggs will cause them to set on fire, distracting the crassian guard and will allow access to the 2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US]. (If you drink the 'rum' by mistake, you can get another bottle from the locker.)

Walking up the stairs to the 2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US] will start a cutscene involving Mi-Gor and a mysterious figure. They will have a short talk about their invasion of Mos Le'Harmless before noticing you. This will force you all the way to the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US] where everyone else will have noticed that they have been noticed and will run towards the north of the prison and east to the docks to dive off the pier. Diving off the pier will land the player, Bill Teach, and Madame Shih on the east coast of Karamja.

Finding Rabid Jack[edit | edit source]

Needed: 2 leather, gold bar, blurberry special, drunk dragon, and a chocolate saturday
Recommended: Varrock Teleport or teleport to Cook's Guild, ectophial.
A secret pirate meeting.

After landing on the east coast of Karamja, talk to either Bill Teach or Madame Shih. Talking to them reveals that neither Two-Eyed Eric or Jimmy the Parrot made it back to the mainland, claiming that a monster of sorts grabbed them. Continuing the conversation, they will offer you a teleport back to Mos Le'Harmless where they say that they should meet underneath the bar. Accept the offer to teleport. This is a good time to visit the bank on the island to get the two pieces of leather, a gold bar, a Blurberry Special, a Drunk Dragon, a Chocolate Saturday, and the optional Varrock Teleport or alternative teleportation items. Go to the north-west part of the city and sit on the chair in the north-east corner of Harpoon Joe's House of 'Rum'. The player will ask the barkeep if they want the "Long Drop". Accepting this will push the chair forward and into the hidden base. Inside the base, you will find yourself back with Bill Teach and Madame Shih, along with Cap'n Izzy No-Beard, Brass Hand Harry, and a zombie pirate head. When it comes time to interrogate the head, interrogate him kindly and then say you can come to an agreement. The head will claim to know the location of Rabid Jack's base of operations, but will not lead you there until you do a few things for him first. He will ask the player to find him a pet to spend their time with and also a spot along the sea in order to see the sunset properly. He will jump into your inventory in order to get these tasks complete.

To get the pet, players must visit Gertrude to try and get a kitten. Upon visiting her, she says all her kittens have already been rehomed to different adventurers and tries recommending talking to one of her children. Kanel and Philop can be found in the house, while Wilough and Shilop can be found in Varrock centre. Talking to either Kanel or Philop reveals that they have heard potential kittens at the abandoned house north of the apothecary in south-west Varrock. The easiest way to get to the house is to use Home Teleport to Varrock lodestone. Once there, enter through the door and once inside, search the jiggling crate (show on map) to find that Wilson has made his way mainland. The head will be happy with Wilson being his pet, and Wilson agrees. He will then ask the player to make a collar so that others cannot claim Wilson. This can be made out of two pieces of leather and a gold bar.

Watching the sunset.

In order to see a sunset properly, you will have to bring the head to the Karamja coast. The exact location is just south-west of the deposit chest located south of the Karamja lodestone. Walking close to the spot will prompt dialogue from the head saying that it is the perfect spot. Placing him down by the coast, he will realise that something is missing. He will first ask for a Blurberry Special, but find that it isn't perfect. He will then ask for a Drunk Dragon, but still not find it to be perfect. He will then ask for a Chocolate Saturday, which he will be satisfied with. Premade versions of the drinks do work, you can purchase all three for 30 each at Blurberry's Bar in the Tree Gnome Stronghold. Once he has drunk the drinks and seen the sunset, he will say he is happy and will reveal the location of Jack's base of operations, but will not say it until he is back in the secret basement.

Teleport with the Ectophial, enter Port Phasmatys, and talk to the Pirate on the boat next to the Charter Crew to sail back to Mos Le'Harmless.

Once back in the basement, the head will reveal the location of Jack. Once revealed, Madame Shih will offer that they can leave immediately. Prepare for combat before proceeding.

Zogoth[edit | edit source]

Fighting Zogoth.

Head to the southwest part of the island where you will find a rowboat. The rowboat is marked on the Minimap.

The player and the rest of the crew will arrive at the supposed location of the base of operations. However, upon arrival, there is nothing but ocean. Madame Shih notices that the ship has been slightly damaged due to some coral reefs, and will ask the player to repair the hull below deck. Enter the door found south of everyone to attempt to go below deck. Before going below deck, however, Rabid Jack will appear and taunt the player before abducting Madame Shih and teleporting away. After this, tentacles will appear around the ship, which have to be attacked and killed. Once all four have been killed, a cutscene will start, where Zogoth appears.

Again, like its counterpart, the main body takes up one end of the ship, and it is from that point that melee attacks, and special attacks, will be launched.

If standing towards the back half of the ship, Zogoth can slam down tentacles onto the player and deal typeless damage. These can be dodged, however, it is tedious to do so; it is therefore suggested to stay in melee range.

Its attacks include a water jet that knocks players to the back of the boat where the boss fight is situated and a melee attack but will only use it when in range. The water jet sprays a stream of water from one side of the ship to the other. It will only reach the half of the ship closest to Zogoth, so can be easily avoided.

At half and quarter health intervals, Zogoth will temporarily shield itself from attacks and spray acid from above. The shield blocks direct damage from the player, however area of effect attacks (such as Death's Swiftness or Sunshine) and damage over time effects (such as Combust or Dismember) may continue to harm him. The damage from acid sprays can be avoided by running away from shaded spots.

Zogoth is also able to summon minions in the form of crassian warriors and scouts. The warriors will attempt to attack the player within melee range and will try to move to the player. If the player is attacking Zogoth with ranged or magic attacks, it is possible to kill the summoned crassian warrior before any damage is taken. The scouts, however, will attack the player from the opposite end of the ship to where Zogoth is. It is best to ignore this minion if attacking with melee, as entering melee range (including halberd range) can cause a tentacle to appear, which will hit the player for typeless damage until either the player retreats or dies. If the player retreats, the tentacle also retreats. If you die, your gravestone will appear at the edge of the dock on Mos Le'Harmless.

Rabid Jack's invasion[edit | edit source]

Defending Mos Le'Harmless from the zombie pirate invasion.

After defeating Zogoth, you will be brought back to Mos Le'Harmless to find out that Jack has invaded the city with his crew of barrelchests, DKSs, zombie captains, zombie pirates, and invading boats.

There are two waves to deal with, the player is required to clear four areas in the first wave and seven areas in the second. Barrelchests and zombie captains must be killed before each objective can be completed. After clearing an area of all zombies and completing the objective, its corresponding section in the interface will disappear. If areas are not cleared quickly enough, the number of skulls in the interface will increase and eventually turn red, indicating that zombies are spreading to other areas. Spreading zombies will cause zombies to respawn in areas that may have already been cleared, prolonging the invasion further. If unable to finish second wave, players restart with the first wave.

Information on each wave is listed below:

  • Wave 1 (initial attack):
    • Main gate: Kill the DKS and the zombie captains at the main gate, then repair the barricades.
    • West wall: Kill the zombie captains on the western wall, then help the pirate up to his feet.
    • SE cannons: Kill the zombie captains at the south-east coast of the town, then repair the cannons and sink the zomboats.
    • SW cannons: Kill the zombie captains at the south-west coast of the town, then repair the cannons and sink the zomboats.
A map of the invasion.
  • Wave 2 (next attack)
    • Main gate: Kill the DKS and the zombie captains at the main gate, then repair the barricades.
    • West wall: Kill the zombie captains on the western wall, then help the pirate up to his feet.
    • SE cannons: Kill the zombie captains at the south-east coast of the town, then repair the cannons and sink the zomboats.
    • SW cannons: Kill the zombie captains at the south-west coast of the town, then repair the cannons and sink the zomboats.
    • East river: Kill the zombie captains at river east of the town, then destroy the makeshift bridges.
    • Crop field: Kill the DKS and the zombie captains at the wheat field north of the town, then destroy the cannon.
    • Beach head: Kill the DKS and the zombie captains at the coast north-west of the town, then destroy the grounded ship (this should be done last).

Prioritise the top of the list and save the bottom of list for last.

Braindeath Island distillery[edit | edit source]

Needed: Three backpack spaces

Once the attack on Mos Le'Harmless has been fended off, the player will realise that the invasion was too easy to fend off and will wonder whether it was just a distraction. At this point, if the player has a familiar summoned, it will need to be dismissed. The player will be asked to go to Braindeath Island to check if Mi-Gor is there. A teleport to the island will be offered. Alternatively, talk to Pirate Pete north-east of Port Phasmatys or use the pirate spell sheet. If you do not get the teleport option, continue the dialogue by using the rowboat at the south west part of Mos Le'Harmless. Once at the island, the player can walk south, then west and climb down any of the three wooden stairs. Continue to west side of distillery and climb up the wooden stair, continue east (past Davey), then north and east to the west side of the room to find Mi-Gor, Captain Braindeath, and Mechanical Murphy. Listen at window near the sink to overhear some conversation. Mi-Gor wants the secret ingredient to the Braindeath 'rum' for his plans, however, Captain Braindeath refuses to give it up. Mi-Gor orders Braindeath's brewers thrown into the fever spider pit unless he reveals the secret. Braindeath spots you from the corner of his eye and claims that the secret ingredient is witchwood. However, Murphy sees through his lie and Mi-Gor has the rest of the workers killed.

Destroying the dungeon entrance.

Now talk to Davey about witchwood and he will reveal that Braindeath was referring to a plan called 'Operation Witchwood'. He will then give you a barrelchest disguise to use for infiltrating the plant. Head out of the factory again and climb down the wooden stairs into an open space and equip the barrelchest disguise. The player must then talk to Captain Donnie south of the factory and demand that he fetch some witchwood. Donnie will do so by taking 50% Luke's leg and giving it to you. Keep wearing your disguise. Return to Davey and then attempt to get past the barrelchest at the south entrance of plant, who will ask for a passcode. Speak to Captain Donnie once again and tell him that Mi-Gor wishes to see him. He will then tell you to go in his place, but quickly decides he wants to do it himself since he has a grudge against him. You will overhear the passphrase, and after the cutscene, Donnie is ejected from the brewery for his vulgar language towards Mi-Gor. Use it to enter the brewery, and go up from the south-eastern ladder. Head to the north-western corner of the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] and put the leg into the pressure barrel and use the lever next to it to press it down.

Crabs attack the distillery.

After forcing the leg down the hopper, the distillery will explode and rum will go over everyone in the distillery. Pick up the barrels of 'rum' on top of a crate in the south or northwestern corners and head back downstairs, walking past the guard to head back outside. At this point, the disguise can be taken off. Head back over to 50% Luke, who is now 66.6...% Luke, to go through the gate. You can also choose to have a humorous chat about nicknames with him. Head to the top of the hill past the gate and investigate the perch rock near the stagnant water, causing Baron von Hattenkrapper to arrive. The player will ask him to bomb the entrance to the dungeon to let some of the crabs escape to disrupt the factory. He will then ask for the barrels of 'rum'. Hand them over, and the player will take control of the baron in order to bomb the entrance.

After the entrance has been successfully bombed three times, a cutscene will occur where the crabs escape the dungeon. As in prior pirate quests, soothing clips of cute pirate kittens censor the horrifying scene as the crabs lay siege to the brewery, devouring Luke, Donnie, the barrelchests, and Murphy, and reducing Mi-Gor to a decapitated head. Once the cutscene ends, players will find themselves in Braindeath's office. Speak to Mi-Gor's head, who unwittingly reveals Jack's base of operations.

Sunken temple[edit | edit source]

Fleeing the burning galleon.

After finding out the location of the base, the player will be given the choice to set sail immediately. Before accepting, make sure you have suitable items for a boss fight with you. If you decline the offer, you will have to head back to Madame Shih's rowboat on Mos Le'Harmless instead.

After sailing off, a cutscene will occur where the ship will crash and start to set on fire. The player will have to grab a diving suit to the south of ship and then jump ship to the north. This will cause the player to jump to some underwater islands. Following the islands along, you will once again encounter the kitten from earlier stages of the quest. It will give the player vague unsettling statements, though they are not necessary to continue the quest. Following the islands will bring the player to Ulthven Kreath where Rabid Jack can be found.

Rabid Jack fight[edit | edit source]

This section contains effects that can be hazardous to people with epilepsy or other vision problems.
Make sure to change your display settings if you suffer from these conditions.

Enter the sunken temple, where you will see Rabid Jack standing next to a portal where a giant black hand will appear. He will also have Madame Shih hostage just outside the sunken temple. Frustrated with the player's constant disruption of his plans, he will battle you.

This fight used to disallow summoning familiars, but that is no longer true. It is strongly recommended for all players to bring at least level 80 combat gear, as well as high-healing food, such as rocktail or sailfish, including a one-click teleport, such as the ectophial. Stat boosting potions or overloads (if available) may also be necessary for those with stats under level 90. In general, the fight should be rather straightforward for higher level players who are familiar with boss mechanics, such as those found in The Heart. However, even with that knowledge, it is very easy to be stunned and killed.

The kitten is found again at the entrance to the sunken temple before the fight (small and not easily noticed). Talking to the kitten will give the option to turn off effects in the boss fight that can be hazardous to players with epilepsy or other vision problems. This will simplify the combat mechanics to some degree and result in the fight with Rabid Jack easier to navigate.

If you die or teleport away during the fight, you will have to start it again from the beginning. Death during this fight is not safe, and your gravestone will appear in one of two places. If you went straight into the fight from the previous quest section, it will appear next to Pirate Pete on the dock north of Port Phasmatys. Otherwise, it will appear next to the rowboat on Mos Le'Harmless.

At the start of the fight, Jack has 35,000 life points.

Fighting Rabid Jack.

Rabid Jack fights only with melee and has a special attack where he will grab the player, stunning them for a prolonged period of time and dealing small but rapid amounts of typeless damage. To counter this if in EoC mode, use Anticipation beforehand to block it, or Freedom to clear it, neither of which are available in Legacy mode. This will stop both the stun and the damage he deals with it. The likelihood of him grabbing you appears to increase if you run away from him; for this reason, melee is recommended over ranged or magic. Damage Jack as quickly as you can using high damage abilities, watching for the black hand from the portal. It will occasionally smash down on the player's position, dealing with 5,000–10,000 melee damage if you are hit by it. You can avoid the hand by standing at the north, west, south, and east wall or doorway (furthest away from the centre). Leave Freedom on standby, as the hand's heavy damage can easily get you killed if you are stunned when it slams down on you.

There is also an insanity mechanic when battling Jack, shown on the buffs and debuffs bar as a black cat icon, which does not appear at all in Legacy mode, making it rather difficult to know how 'insane' you are. To counter this, drink from the barrels of 'rum' littered around the room. Avoid drinking more than five barrels though, or you will take up to 90% of your maximum health as damage due to alcohol poisoning. The higher your stacks become, the camera will rotate wildly (unless turned off via the kitten) and more hallucinations of Jack will appear. These hallucinations have 1,000 life points, and can easily be killed with area-of-effect attacks such as Cleave and Hurricane. Other effects such as NPCs and objects may appear randomly but do not affect you in combat. The hallucinations that can appear are the following:

Rabid Jack can also remove your weapons and gear, similarly to the Chaos Elemental, if you have free inventory spaces. Simply re-equip them if this happens.

Struggling with a defeated Rabid Jack.

When Jack reaches 0 health, he will become unattackable, but he cannot attack you either at this time. Loosen one of the four ancient chains, after which Jack restores his health. The chains can be found in each corner of the room. After loosening a chain it is advisable to move to another chain location, near a barrel of rum (close to the wall to avoid the black hand), and Rabid Jack will follow you to this location to continue the fight. Loosening a chain resets the number of 'rum' you can drink.

An effective strategy for the fight is to begin at a safe area at one of the doorways, near a barrel of 'rum'. Eat to full health, then break free of any stuns with Freedom. Drink a barrel of 'rum'. This will cause the hand to disappear and allow you to temporarily avoid the possibility of heavy damage or death from its attacks. After drinking the 'rum', bring Jack to zero life points, and click the chain to loosen it. Move to the next chain clockwise, the safe point near to the wall or doorway, out of reach of the hand. Repeat this a total of three times. When Jack has been reduced to zero life points for the fourth time, a cutscene will trigger which will loosen the final chain and the fight will end.

Finishing up[edit | edit source]

There's a hole in the bottom of the sea...

After defeating Jack, he'll realise that you've almost sealed the portal. Taking no chances, he grabs onto a chain and drops into the portal, which is closed by the boulder that you loosened during the fight. Talk to Madame Shih. You can speak to her about the recent event, but regardless, she'll tell you to meet her back in the basement.

Head to the basement, where the pirates of Mos Le'Harmless will celebrate Jack's apparent demise. Madame Shih is a bit wary, knowing that they did not kill off Jack, but is told by Izzy to relax and celebrate. Make sure you have six free spots in your inventory in order to claim the rewards.

Congratulations, quest complete!

Rewards[edit | edit source]

Early bird bonus
Additional rewards/activities
Music unlocked

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Required for completing[edit | edit source]

Pieces of Hate is directly required for the following quests/miniquests:

It is therefore an indirect comprehension requirement for the following quests and miniquests:

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Credits[edit | edit source]

Pieces of Hate
DeveloperMod Raven[2][3], Mod Rowley, Mod Chaose

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 24 October 2022 (Update):
    • Reclassified Pieces of Hate's difficulty from Master to Grandmaster, as it requires multiple 80+ skills. This moves the pirate finale in the timeline sort from Legendary to Mythic, alongside the finales to the elf, dwarf and myreque series.
  • patch 19 August 2019 (Update):
    • Entering Rabid Jack's fight will now tell you to keep an eye on your insanity, as you can imagine that's quite important.
  • patch 22 July 2019 (Update):
    • Prevented characters that got new models in Pieces of Hate from warping during Bard Roberts' sea shanties.
  • patch 18 February 2019 (Update):
    • Corrected a quest giver NPC focus issue that prevented the Pieces of Hate and Spirit of Summer quests from being started.
  • patch 28 August 2018 (Update):
    • Fixed a typo in Pieces of Hate quest.
  • patch 20 August 2018 (Update):
    • Resolved an issue with the Zombie head in Pieces of Hate where they player could restart the interrogation after agreeing to help.
  • patch 26 March 2018 (Update):
    • Fixed an issue where players who destroyed certain items at certain points in the Pieces of Hate quest could not reclaim them.
    • Prevented the player from equipping the Barrelchest disguise in Pieces of Hate on certain tiles to prevent falling through a wall.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The name is a reference to pieces of eight, a currency often associated with pirates.
  • One of the attackable barrelchests in the quest, DKS, is named after the winner of a GameBlast 2018 eBay auction.[4]
  • Most of the pirates in the quest speak perfect English unlike in the previous quests in the series where they used the pirate speech. This could be possible due to you no longer requiring the Little Book o' Piracy.
  • During the prison escape the player will remark on hearing rats scurrying in the walls. This may be a reference to the short story The Rats in the Walls by author H.P. Lovecraft.
  • When telling the zombie pirate head its make-up is cute during interrogation, it replies with "I don't do cute! I do drop-dead GORGEOUS!," which is a reference to a quote from Alyssa Edwards from RuPaul's Drag Race.
  • When the zombie pirate head tells the player that cocktails are cultural, pure, and give long-lasting memories, the player remarks "Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.", which is a quote from Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi.
  • Madame Shih is likely a reference to Ching Shih, a Chinese pirate queen who was called the Scourge of the South Seas.
  • After obtaining 100% Luke's leg, 50% Luke then call himself 66.6...% Luke, or 66.7% Luke for short. The player may try to come up with new names for Luke, to which he rejected them all. Many of these names are puns or parody from various media.
    • One of the names thought up for 50% Luke during the quest is a reference to the fighter Mokujin from the Tekken franchise. Mokujin roughly translates to "wooden human" from Japanese.
    • Some of these names are parody variations of Luke Skywalker.
    • The name Groot is a reference to the character of the same name from Guardians of the Galaxy.
    • Willow, Xander, and Giles are a collective reference to characters of the same names from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
    • Whomping Willow is a reference to a violent tree of the same name from Harry Potter.
    • Forrest Chump references the film Forrest Gump.
    • Jungle Jim is the fictional hero of a series of jungle adventures of the same name, Jungle Jim.
    • Jiminy Thicket is a pun on Jiminy Cricket, a character from the Disney film Pinocchio.
    • Justin Timberland references American pop singer/songwriter Justin Timberlake.
    • Weald-iam Kidd references Scottish pirate William Kidd.
    • The Pirate Formerly Known as Luke references American musician Prince, who sometimes signed his name with an unpronounceable "Love Symbol", earning him the nickname "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince".
    • The nickname Long Fen refers to the series Avatar, the Last Airbender. Long Feng is the earthbender that goes against the Avatar and Azula in Ba Sin Se for selfish reasons.
  • After scaring away the guards in The Rock, the player may continue to shout through the jail cell door. One of the lines include: "Chinchompa blood can't melt steel beams!," which is a parody of the meme phrase "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams."
  • During the zombie pirate head interrogation, Using the "insane" interrogation option, The player will remark "MAY THE RATS EAT YOUR EYES! THE DARKNESS COMES!" Which is a paraphrased quote said by Maxmillian Roivas from Eternal Darkness.
  • The conversation between Mi-Gor and Captain Braindeath about the final ingredient in the recipe is a reference to Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, where Grand Moff Tarkin interrogates Princess Leia about the location of the rebel base.
  • If you attempt to get witchwood off 50% Luke directly, he will agree to do a trade with the player, where he warned them that "It'll cost [the player] an arm and a leg." A phrase that means unbelievably expensive.
  • Giles and the other barrelchest on Braindeath Island have sprites that appear to be Mark I barrelchests, but their chatheads are of the Mark II type. The difference between the two is that a Mark I barrelchest is controlled by an isolated brain in a jar, whereas, in a Mark II, the entire head is kept.
  • The secret passphrase to enter the distillery on Braindeath Island is a reference to Secret of Monkey Island.
  • When doing the tasks with zombie pirate head, if the player conveniently has all the required items available in inventory, while the player claimed that it may be "divine providence" or is "always well prepared," the zombie comments it was most likely a "guiding hand" is responsible.
    • This also happens when drinking the "rum" found in the locker on the first floor of The Rock. After drinking more than four bottles, the player's character will appeal directly to the player begging them not to consume any more of the "rum", referring to them as an "invisible puppet master".
  • During a dialogue with Bill Teach, he says "A good plan, with only two drawbacks... The first is that we don't know where he is. The second is that WE DON'T KNOW WHERE HE IS! I Know that's technically one point, but it's so big that I thought it worth repeating." This is possibly a reference to Kryten from the TV Series Red Dwarf.
  • The examine text for the pineapple found on The Rock is "I've heard it both ways". This is a reference to the TV show Psych.
  • Using Armadyl's feather on the pirate who takes Bill Teach's place in The Other Inn during the quest will trigger some humorous dialogue.
  • The "I am the god of hellfire" line when you set fire to the strange egg is a lyric from the song "Fire" by Arthur Brown, sampled and popularised by The Prodigy in their remix of the same name, "Fire".
  • Upon completion of the quest RuneMetrics state: "I foiled Rabid Jack's invasion of Mos Le'Harmless, chased him back to the Cursed Archipelago and then pulled the plug on him."
  • The examine text of Rabid Jack during the fight alternates between the lines "That is not dead which can eternal lie" and "And with strange aeons even death may die". These are references to the short story The Nameless City by author H.P. Lovecraft.
  • The examine text of the giant black hand during Rabid Jack during fight shows the lines "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back", which is a references to a similar quote by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
  • The quest icon resembles a combination of a cat and an octopus.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Mod Rowley. [Spoilers] The Pieces of Hate Big Book o' Piracy allows for unlimited teleports the pirate-y areas.. Reddit. 19 March 2018. (Archived from the original on 8 June 2021.) Mod Rowley: "1/12 to upgrade from elite->master, but yeah, you can downgrade back to elite if that's your preference."
  2. ^ Jagex. Mod Osborne's Twitter account. 23 September 2017. Mod Osborne: "Yeah, it is a little bit of that. @JagexRaven had something that really won us over" Lost reference
  3. ^ Jagex. Mod Osborne's Twitter account. 23 September 2017. Mod Osborne: "Don't write it off. Talk to @JagexRaven, give it a chance. I'll be honest, it was one of the best quest pitches I have read. Unneeded hype!" Lost reference
  4. ^ Jagex. Jagex GameBlast Auction: Get a Barrelchest NPC named after you.. eBay. (Archived from the original on 4 October 2018.)