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Guthix creating runes with the Stone of Jas, as seen in Meeting history.
A piece of concept art of an air rune, as shown in the God letters.

Runes are small, weightless stones that allow players to cast spells using the Magic skill. Runes can be either bought from the various Rune shops found across RuneScape, traded with other players, purchased on the Grand Exchange, created from rune, pure, or impure essence through the Runecrafting skill, obtained from the Runecrafting Guild, procured from drops by killing monsters, or picked up from spawns on the ground.

However, free players can only craft runes up to body runes (using the Runecrafting skill). Free players are also limited in the runes they can find in stores and that can be bought on the Grand Exchange. The two magic stores outside of the Wilderness (in Varrock and Port Sarim) only sell the basic elemental runes, chaos runes, and death runes. The other types of runes can be obtained by trading with other players, item drops or spawns, or bought on the Grand Exchange in Varrock.

Elemental runes[edit | edit source]

A player teleporting using Ancient Magicks.

The elemental runes consist of air, water, earth and fire. They can be substituted for by wielding a respective elemental staff, battlestaff or mystic staff. The only times an elemental staff cannot be used to substitute for runes is when setting up a portal in the Portal Chamber of a player-owned house, or when charging a Polypore staff.

Rune Members Use Runecraft Level Price Profit
Shop GE
RuneScape inventory image of Air rune Free-to-play One of the four elemental runes. Used to cast air missiles. Also used in Ancient Magicks. Free-to-play 1 17 34 17
RuneScape inventory image of Water rune Free-to-play One of the four elemental runes. Used to cast water missiles. Also used in Ancient Magicks. Free-to-play 5 17 68 51
RuneScape inventory image of Earth rune Free-to-play One of the four elemental runes. Used to cast earth missiles. Also used in Ancient Magicks. Free-to-play 9 17 22 5
RuneScape inventory image of Fire rune Free-to-play One of the four elemental runes. Used to cast fire missiles. Also used in Ancient Magicks. Free-to-play 14 17 84 67

Catalytic runes[edit | edit source]

Catalytic runes consist of mind, body, chaos, death, cosmic, law, nature, blood, astral, soul, time, and Armadyl runes.

A player casting a spell using astral runes
Rune Members Use Runecraft Level Price Profit
Shop GE
RuneScape inventory image of Mind rune Free-to-play Used to cast low level curse spells. Free-to-play 2 17 18 1
RuneScape inventory image of Body rune Free-to-play Used to cast low level curse spells. Free-to-play 20 16 26 10
RuneScape inventory image of Cosmic rune Free-to-play Used for item enchanting spells (jewellery, crossbow bolts, and orbs). Can be crafted after completing Lost City. Members 27 232 419 187
RuneScape inventory image of Chaos rune Free-to-play Used to cast low level curse spells. Members 35 140 159 19
RuneScape inventory image of Astral rune Members Used to cast the Lunar Spells, which requires completion of the Lunar Diplomacy quest. Can be crafted after completing Lunar Diplomacy. Members 40 220 767 547
RuneScape inventory image of Nature rune Free-to-play Used in transmutation spells. For example, low level and high level alchemy, superheat and binding. Members 44 372 494 122
RuneScape inventory image of Law rune Free-to-play Used to cast teleportation spells. Members 54 378 241 −137
RuneScape inventory image of Death rune Free-to-play Used to cast low level Ancient Magicks (rush and burst spells). Also used in Slayer Dart. Can be crafted after completing Mourning's End Part II. Members 65 310 243 −67
RuneScape inventory image of Blood rune Members Used to cast high level Ancient Magicks (blitz and barrage spells). Can be crafted after completion of the Legacy of Seergaze quest. Members 77 550 327 −223
RuneScape inventory image of Soul rune Members Used to cast high level curse spells, skilling related spells like Crystallise, as well as Tele-other spells. Can be crafted after completion of the 'Phite Club quest. Members 90 410 624 214
RuneScape inventory image of Time rune Members Used to cast high level spells. Members 100 Not sold 662 N/A
RuneScape inventory image of Armadyl rune Members The only rune used to cast the spell Storm of Armadyl and released with the Ritual of the Mahjarrat quest. The quest must be completed to use it. It has no other use than the spell. It is also only made with Dust of Armadyl. Members 72 Not sold 2,297 N/A

Combination runes[edit | edit source]

These runes are members only, and act as one of each of their composite runes. To make them, players will need some elemental runes, a talisman of the same element, and an equal amount of pure essence. The players must then take these items to the secondary elemental rune temple, and then use the elemental runes or talisman on that altar. For example, if the players wanted to make dust runes, they would bring air runes, pure essence, and an air talisman to the earth altar; alternatively, they could bring earth runes, pure essence, and an earth talisman to the air altar. The talisman will be consumed as the combination runes are made.

Crafting combination runes uses one of the talismans, so it is recommended that one only crafts combination runes of the talismans one has the most of. The Lunar spell Magic Imbue allows a player to craft combination runes without the use of the opposing talisman. Crafting combination runes has a 50% chance of success. A binding necklace allows 100% success for crafting combination runes 15 times.

Rune Combination Runecrafting level GE Price Cost
RuneScape inventory image of Mist rune RuneScape inventory image of Air rune RuneScape inventory image of Water rune 6 2,442 102
RuneScape inventory image of Dust rune RuneScape inventory image of Air rune RuneScape inventory image of Earth rune 10 2,284 56
RuneScape inventory image of Mud rune RuneScape inventory image of Water rune RuneScape inventory image of Earth rune 13 1,147 90
RuneScape inventory image of Smoke rune RuneScape inventory image of Air rune RuneScape inventory image of Fire rune 15 325 118
RuneScape inventory image of Steam rune RuneScape inventory image of Water rune RuneScape inventory image of Fire rune 19 2,450 152
RuneScape inventory image of Lava rune RuneScape inventory image of Earth rune RuneScape inventory image of Fire rune 23 384 106

Necrotic runes[edit | edit source]

Necrotic runes are a type of rune used in Necromancy incantations. They include bone, spirit, flesh, and miasma runes.

All necrotic runes can be crafted using the Runecrafting skill after completing the Rune Mythos quest. The first step is converting pure essence into impure essence through rituals, and then crafting the essence into runes at one of the four altars in the Necromantic Rune Temple. Their production is unaffected by elemental or catalytic anima stones.

Necrotic runes can be placed into nexuses alongside ectoplasm. Necrotic runes cannot be stored in a grasping rune pouch.

Rune Use Runecrafting level GE Price
RuneScape inventory image of Spirit rune Used to cast incantations. Necromancy armour upgrades. 1 120
RuneScape inventory image of Bone rune Used to cast incantations. Necromancy armour upgrades. 20 413
RuneScape inventory image of Flesh rune Used to cast incantations. Necromancy armour upgrades. 40 526
RuneScape inventory image of Miasma rune Used to cast incantations. Necromancy armour upgrades. 60 689

Minigame runes[edit | edit source]

Elemental runes and catalytic runes are given to players who are participating in Fist of Guthix, Dominion Tower, Barbarian Assault, or Stealing Creation. They are substitute for other runes, but they can only be used in combat spells. If a player tries to cast a non-combat spell, they will receive a messages saying You did not come here to do that!

Rune Substitute for
RuneScape inventory image of Elemental rune Can be used instead of elemental runes (air, water, earth, and fire combined).
RuneScape inventory image of Catalytic rune Can be used instead of non-elemental runes (mind, body, cosmic, chaos, astral, nature, law, death, blood, soul, and Armadyl)

The members-only Lunar spell Stat Spy can be cast in Fist of Guthix, despite not directly affecting combat. These runes cannot be dropped. If they are dropped in the Fist of Guthix waiting room, they will be lost immediately. You will have to exit the waiting room and enter again to get them back.

Obtaining runes[edit | edit source]

Runecrafting[edit | edit source]

Runecrafting is the skill of crafting runes from rune essence or pure essence. Through this skill, players can create their own runes for use in magic.

Monster drops[edit | edit source]

Many monsters drop runes; for more information see the drop information for each rune.

Elemental Catalytic Necrotic
RuneScape inventory image of Air rune
RuneScape inventory image of Water rune
RuneScape inventory image of Earth rune
RuneScape inventory image of Fire rune
RuneScape inventory image of Mist rune
RuneScape inventory image of Dust rune
RuneScape inventory image of Mud rune
RuneScape inventory image of Smoke rune
RuneScape inventory image of Steam rune
RuneScape inventory image of Lava rune
RuneScape inventory image of Mind rune
RuneScape inventory image of Body rune
RuneScape inventory image of Cosmic rune
RuneScape inventory image of Chaos rune
RuneScape inventory image of Astral rune
RuneScape inventory image of Nature rune
RuneScape inventory image of Law rune
RuneScape inventory image of Death rune
RuneScape inventory image of Blood rune
RuneScape inventory image of Soul rune
RuneScape inventory image of Spirit rune
RuneScape inventory image of Bone rune
RuneScape inventory image of Flesh rune
RuneScape inventory image of Miasma rune

Firemaking[edit | edit source]

Players can get runes as a possible reward from Fire spirits. The runes obtained cannot be selected however.

Rogue Trader[edit | edit source]

Runes can be obtained by completing Ali Morrisane's Rogue Trader minigame, which players may complete after finishing The Feud quest.

After completing the minigame, players are able to obtain runes for a cheaper price.

Rune Price Profit
Shop GE
RuneScape inventory image of Air rune 17 34 17
RuneScape inventory image of Water rune 17 68 51
RuneScape inventory image of Earth rune 17 22 5
RuneScape inventory image of Fire rune 17 84 67
RuneScape inventory image of Mind rune 17 18 1
RuneScape inventory image of Body rune 16 26 10
RuneScape inventory image of Cosmic rune 232 419 187
RuneScape inventory image of Chaos rune 140 159 19
RuneScape inventory image of Astral rune 220 767 547
RuneScape inventory image of Nature rune 372 494 122
RuneScape inventory image of Law rune 378 241 −137
RuneScape inventory image of Death rune 310 243 −67
RuneScape inventory image of Blood rune 550 327 −223
RuneScape inventory image of Soul rune 410 624 214

Respawn locations[edit | edit source]

Here is a short list of respawn locations of runes throughout RuneScape.

The best place to get rune respawns in F2P is in the Dark Warriors' Fortress. The northernmost room contains respawns of 5 earth, water, air, and fire runes. The room directly west of this contains 5 chaos, mind, and body runes. Players should be wary when approaching this area: Although this a good place for a rune spawn, the Wilderness is nevertheless a player-killing zone. It is not usually crowded and can be a good place for low levelled players to gain a few magic levels on the Dark Warriors.

Rune Location
RuneScape inventory image of Air rune West of Lumbridge, behind Luthas's house on Karamja Island, Dark Warriors' Fortress, and on the ground floor of Lumbridge Castle next to the northern staircase.
RuneScape inventory image of Water rune Al Kharid mine in Al Kharid, Dark Warriors' Fortress.
RuneScape inventory image of Earth rune North of Varrock, in Varrock Sewers, and Dark Warriors' Fortress.
RuneScape inventory image of Fire rune Al Kharid mine in Al Kharid, inside Karamja Volcano, in Camelot Castle, and the Dark Warriors' Fortress.
RuneScape inventory image of Mind rune Southern stairway in Lumbridge Castle, Varrock Sewers, Wilderness, Dark Warriors' Fortress.
RuneScape inventory image of Body rune Varrock Palace grounds, Varrock Sewers, in the Al Kharid Scimitar Shop, scattered in Level 6 - 8 Wilderness, Dark Warriors' Fortress and Lava Maze.
RuneScape inventory image of Cosmic rune Ice Plateau in Level 48 Wilderness.
RuneScape inventory image of Chaos rune Levels 36-40 Wilderness, and Dark Warriors' Fortress. Two spawns near the Trollweiss patch on the Trollweiss Mountain.
RuneScape inventory image of Nature rune Level 45 Wilderness, Treasure Chest in East Ardougne and an island north of Rellekka. A Thieving level of 28 is required to open the chest.
RuneScape inventory image of Death rune South-west of Yanille in the Feldip Hills. Members only.
RuneScape inventory image of Blood rune Treasure chest in the Chaos Druid Tower and next to Demonic Ruins in the Wilderness. Members only. A Thieving level of 59 is required to open the chest.

Shops[edit | edit source]

There are several shops around RuneScape that sell runes. These are identified with the Magic shop icon (Magic icon) on the minimap. Only the shop in the Mage Training Arena stocks combination runes.

Shop Location Runes Sold Access Notes P2P?
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune
Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Mist rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mist rune Dust rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Dust rune Mud rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mud rune Smoke rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Smoke rune Steam rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Steam rune Lava rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Lava rune Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune Cosmic rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cosmic rune Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune Astral rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Astral rune Nature rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Nature rune Law rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Law rune Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune Blood rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Blood rune Soul rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul rune
Magic Training Arena Shop North of Het's Oasis
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune

Mist rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mist rune Dust rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Dust rune Mud rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mud rune Smoke rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Smoke rune Steam rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Steam rune Lava rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Lava rune

Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune

Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune

Cosmic rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cosmic rune

Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune
Red X
Nature rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Nature rune

Law rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Law rune

Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune

Blood rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Blood rune

Soul rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul rune
Use ring of duelling or Al Kharid lodestone, then walk north-east and enter the Mage Training Arena.
  • Infinite stock.
  • Only shop that sells combination runes.
  • Uses pizazz points as currency.
Magic Guild Store - Runes and Staves Yanille 1,000
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Red X 1,000
Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune
Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune
Red X 300
Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune
Red X 300
Nature rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Nature rune
Law rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Law rune
Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune
Blood rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Blood rune
Soul rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul rune
Use a House Teleport (with house located in Yanille), Yanille tablet, Watchtower Teleport, Fairy ring CIQ or the Yanille lodestone. Then walk east. Members
Baba Yaga's Magic Shop Lunar Isle 1,000
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Red X 1,000
Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune
Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune
Red X 300
Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune
Astral rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Astral rune
Nature rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Nature rune
Law rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Law rune
Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune
Blood rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Blood rune
Soul rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul rune
Teleport to the Lunar Isle lodestone and enter the walking house just to the north.
  • Only shop that sells astral runes.
  • Requires starting the Lunar Diplomacy quest.
Ali's Discount Wares Al Kharid 300
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Red X 300
Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune
Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune
Cosmic rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cosmic rune
Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune
Red X 300
Nature rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Nature rune
Law rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Law rune
Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune
Blood rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Blood rune
Soul rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul rune
Teleport to the Al Kharid lodestone and then walk north. Members
Lundail's Arena-side Rune Shop Mage Arena, in level 50-55 Wilderness 1,000
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Red X 1,000
Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune
Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune
Cosmic rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cosmic rune
Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune
Red X 300
Nature rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Nature rune
Law rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Law rune
Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune
Red X Red X Use a Wilderness sword or amulet of glory teleport or Edgeville lodestone and pull the lever south of Edgeville bank, then walk directly to the west and pull the Mage Arena lever.
  • Requires passing through parts of deep Wilderness.
Battle Runes Level 5 Wilderness, north of Edgeville 1,000
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Red X 1,000
Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune
Red X Red X 300
Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune
Red X Red X Red X 100
Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune
Blood rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Blood rune
Red X Use Wilderness sword or amulet of glory teleport, or Edgeville lodestone teleport and walk north-east. Members
Void Knight Magic Store Void Knights' Outpost 1,000
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Red X 1,000
Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune
Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune
Red X 300
Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune
Red X Red X Red X 100
Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune
Red X Red X Use the Port Sarim lodestone and walk east to the Squire (Void Knights) to travel to the outpost, then walk south-west to the shop. Members
Carwen Essencebinder Magical Runes Shop Burthorpe 300
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Red X 100
Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune
Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune
Red X 30
Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune
Red X Red X Red X 10
Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune
Red X Red X Teleport to the Burthorpe lodestone and then walk east Free-to-play
Aubury's Rune Shop South-east Varrock 300
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Red X 100
Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune
Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune
Red X 30
Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune
Red X Red X Red X 10
Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune
Red X Red X Teleport to Varrock or to the Varrock lodestone and then walk to the shop south of the east bank. Free-to-play
Betty's Magic Emporium Port Sarim 300
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Red X 100
Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune
Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune
Red X 30
Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune
Red X Red X Red X 10
Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune
Red X Red X Teleport to the Port Sarim lodestone and then walk north Free-to-play
Rune shop (Anachronia) North west in the Anachronia base camp 300
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Red X 100
Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune
Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune
Red X 30
Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune
Red X Red X Red X 10
Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune
Red X Red X Teleport to the Anachronia lodestone once built, or take The Stormbreaker ship from the Varrock Dig Site.
  • Requires a level 3 Town hall to be built to access.
TzHaar-Mej-Roh's Rune Store TzHaar City 1,000
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Red X 1,000
Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune
Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune
Red X 300
Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune
Red X Red X Red X 100
Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune
Red X Red X Teleport to the main plaza using TokKul-Zo and walk north-west (requires The Elder Kiln), or teleport to the Port Sarim lodestone or the amulet of glory teleport to Musa Point and then walk to the Karamja Volcano to reach the city.
Located north-west of the TzHaar City Main Plaza (north of the city entrance).
Tutab's Magical Market Marim (Ape Atoll) 1,000
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X 100
Law rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Law rune
Red X Red X Red X Use Ape Atoll Teleport (requires Freeing King Awowogei), fairy ring CLR (requires A Fairy Tale III and a small ninja greegree), or talk to Daero (see Ape Atoll#Getting there). Members

New Varrock[edit | edit source]

Shop Location Runes Sold Access Notes P2P?
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune
Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Mist rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mist rune Dust rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Dust rune Mud rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mud rune Smoke rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Smoke rune Steam rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Steam rune Lava rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Lava rune Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune Cosmic rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cosmic rune Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune Astral rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Astral rune Nature rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Nature rune Law rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Law rune Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune Blood rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Blood rune Soul rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul rune
Aubury's Rune Shop (New Varrock) South-east New Varrock 300
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune
Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune
Red X 100
Mind rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mind rune
Body rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Body rune
Cosmic rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cosmic rune
Chaos rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaos rune
Astral rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Astral rune
Nature rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Nature rune
Law rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Law rune
Death rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Death rune
Blood rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Blood rune
Red X Walk to the south-eastern part of New Varrock.
  • Runes cannot be taken out of New Varrock.
  • Uses Zemomarks as currency.

Infinite runes from worn equipment[edit | edit source]

Outside Daemonheim[edit | edit source]

Currently, the only staff that supplies air runes alongside another rune is the elemental battlestaff, a level 30 staff from Master Treasure Trails. Additionally, the Avernic wand can be equipped alongside a tome of frost to provide infinite air and water runes.

Tier Weapon Cost Element(s)
Air rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Air rune Water rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Water rune Earth rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earth rune Fire rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fire rune Mud rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mud rune Steam rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Steam rune Lava rune.png: RS3 Inventory image of Lava rune
34 68 22 84 1,147 2,450 384
5 RuneScape inventory image of Staff of air 2,314 Green checkmark
5 RuneScape inventory image of Staff of water 2,051 Green checkmark
5 RuneScape inventory image of Staff of earth 2,086 Green checkmark
5 RuneScape inventory image of Staff of fire 2,249 Green checkmark
6 RuneScape inventory image of Avernic wand N/A Green checkmark
6 RuneScape inventory image of Tower mindspike (air) N/A Green checkmark
6 RuneScape inventory image of Tower mindspike (water) N/A Green checkmark
6 RuneScape inventory image of Tower mindspike (earth) N/A Green checkmark
6 RuneScape inventory image of Tower mindspike (fire) N/A Green checkmark
10 RuneScape inventory image of Penance trident 170 170
170 170
Green checkmark
10 RuneScape inventory image of Mindspike (air) N/A Green checkmark
10 RuneScape inventory image of Mindspike (water) N/A Green checkmark
10 RuneScape inventory image of Mindspike (earth) N/A Green checkmark
10 RuneScape inventory image of Mindspike (fire) N/A Green checkmark
30 RuneScape inventory image of Air battlestaff 7,016 Green checkmark
30 RuneScape inventory image of Water battlestaff 6,734 Green checkmark
30 RuneScape inventory image of Earth battlestaff 7,069 Green checkmark
30 RuneScape inventory image of Fire battlestaff 6,792 Green checkmark
30 RuneScape inventory image of Mud battlestaff 32,073 Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
30 RuneScape inventory image of Steam battlestaff 28,337 Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
30 RuneScape inventory image of Lava battlestaff 10,221 Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
30 RuneScape inventory image of Elemental battlestaff 2,705,575 Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
40 RuneScape inventory image of Mystic air staff 23,099 Green checkmark
40 RuneScape inventory image of Mystic water staff 23,155 Green checkmark
40 RuneScape inventory image of Mystic earth staff 22,862 Green checkmark
40 RuneScape inventory image of Mystic fire staff 23,457 Green checkmark
40 RuneScape inventory image of Mystic mud staff 101,036 Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
40 RuneScape inventory image of Mystic steam staff 132,778 Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
40 RuneScape inventory image of Mystic lava staff 84,618 Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
48 RuneScape inventory image of Tome of frost 43,000Dungeoneering token Green checkmark
70 RuneScape inventory image of Penance master trident 390 390
390 390
Green checkmark
75 RuneScape inventory image of Mystical staff 1,350[n 1] Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
77 RuneScape inventory image of Armadyl battlestaff 151,480,743 Green checkmark
82 RuneScape inventory image of Staff of limitless air 2,535,941[n 2] Green checkmark
82 RuneScape inventory image of Staff of limitless water 2,534,726[n 2] Green checkmark
82 RuneScape inventory image of Staff of limitless earth 2,534,105[n 2] Green checkmark
82 RuneScape inventory image of Staff of limitless fire 2,534,640[n 2] Green checkmark
82 RuneScape inventory image of Staff of limitless mud 2,612,997[n 2] Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
82 RuneScape inventory image of Staff of limitless steam 2,644,679[n 2] Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
82 RuneScape inventory image of Staff of limitless lava 2,596,191[n 2] Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
85 RuneScape inventory image of Camel staff 28,697,496 Green checkmark
  1. ^ Can no longer be obtained.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Untradeable. Value calculated from an elemental impetus, a mystic staff, and talisman(s) of the respective elements.

Inside Daemonheim[edit | edit source]

All magic weapons (both wands and staves) in Daemonheim have the energy to provide infinite runes of all four elements, except the following which can only provide one type of elemental rune.

Tier Item Element(s)
5 RuneScape inventory image of Water staff (Dungeoneering) Water rune
10 RuneScape inventory image of Earth staff (Dungeoneering) Earth rune
20 RuneScape inventory image of Fire staff (Dungeoneering) Fire rune
30 RuneScape inventory image of Air staff (Dungeoneering) Air rune
50 RuneScape inventory image of Empowered water staff Water rune
60 RuneScape inventory image of Empowered earth staff Earth rune
70 RuneScape inventory image of Empowered fire staff Fire rune
80 RuneScape inventory image of Empowered air staff Air rune

Money making guide[edit | edit source]

The following money making guide is available for Runes:

MethodProfit per instanceSkillsOther requirements
Buying runes1,402,620

Anachronia base camp Town Hall tier 3

History[edit | edit source]

When the humans first came to the realm of Gielinor through the World Gate in the First Age, Guthix created runestones, allowing the humans and other sentient races to practise the Magic arts. These runestones were created by Guthix using an ancient artefact called the Stone of Jas, which he found on Gielinor when he arrived.

In the Second Age, the humans continued and expanded the practice of magic. However, the runes that Guthix had provided began to dwindle and became a much sought after commodity. Many mages such as Dahmaroc had to fight each other for runestones. During one such fight, Dahmaroc was turned into stone himself, becoming what he once sought after so much.

At some point in the Second Age, the ability to craft runes was discovered when V - a Fremennik Seer - found the Stone of Jas in the Lunar Isle mine. Although the Stone was taken by 'those that walk a higher astral path', V discovered that the rocks around it had formed the Rune essence, which is a magical rock capable of absorbing the elements of Magic. He and his followers then created the Runecrafting Altars in special areas most attuned to their respective element, which then folded upon themselves to create pocket dimensions. By bringing Rune essence to these altars, runestones could be created. Many of the Fremennik thought that creating runes was blasphemy, as they were tools of the gods, and that they should only use the runes Guthix crafted for them. V and his supporters then split off and formed the Moon Clan, who use Lunar spells instead of the traditional spells.

By the time of the Fourth Age, the runestones that had been given by the gods had all but depleted due to the heavy use of Magic during the God Wars. The art of magic faded with the supply of runes, until essentially being lost to humans altogether.

At the start of the Fifth Age mainland Humans discovered Runecrafting when they discovered a Rune Essence Mine in the frozen north. After finding the essence, they soon after discovered the magical temples that the moon clan had created, and that the essence could be crafted there. Runecrafting soon became widely used in many locations. The Wizards' Tower was then formed, and became the greatest institution of magic in the land.

In year 70 of the Fifth Age the Wizards of the Wizards' Tower discovered how to solve the teleportation problem by routing teleports through another plane: the Abyss. This would allow them to teleport directly to the Rune essence mine from anywhere in the world, which would greatly increase rune production. However there was a disagreement over exactly who should get the credit for the discovery, and the source of the actual spell, a Zamorakian demon, was unacceptable to the Saradominist Blue Wizards. The Blue Order abandoned the ritual to create a teleport "anchor" mid-casting, which caused a fire which destroyed the original Wizards' Tower, a catastrophe blamed in later years on the Zamorakian Red Order. The only survivors of the fire were Perien the Blue and Kelavan the Red. Perien founded a new Wizards' Tower on the site of the old one, and became its Archmage. Due to what happened to the first tower, which was a collaboration between followers of many gods, Archmage Perien restricted access to the tower to Saradominists only, and started teaching the teleport spell to the Rune essence to only a select few people so that the Essence didn't fall into the wrong hands.[1]

While anyone magically proficient was capable of crafting runes, due to the fact that the essence mine was locked to all but Saradominists, any runes that were in circulation were made by them only. Their distrust of the other gods' mages meant that they often tried to plot ways to access the mines, or at least get their hands on rune essence or crafted runes.

In year 169 of the Fifth Age, Wizard Finix, a new student, wrote a theory in which he believed that the runecrafting altars' energy were finite and that they would run out in the future. The senior wizards could not disprove this theory, as they believed that the altars had infinite energy, but Fenix also believed that it would be possible to create runes by siphoning energy from around them. He had attempted this on Gielinor, but failed, either because the theory was incorrect or he was not proficient enough in Runecrafting. Wizard Elriss, who was not fully convinced of the theory, but wondering if he was correct, opened up more of Runespan, the plane in which the Runecrafting Guild was based in, so that proficient runecrafters could practice siphoning.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 6 October 2014 (Update):
    • Attacking another player with no ammo or runes no longer forces the opposing player into combat.
  • patch 28 March 2011 (Update):
    • "Nothing interesting happens" now appears when using random items on runes.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • An update fixed a bug in which runes purchased from the Grand Exchange used the image of a pure essence in place of the actual rune in the Grand Exchange collection box.
  • On 9 June 2010, the images of runes in the inventory and bank were given a graphical revamp which tilted them to an angle, to make them look more 3D. Rune and pure essence were not included in the update.
  • There may not be a set size for runes, as they appear to range from coin-sized to larger than a person's head.
  • Despite the fact that they could be used for combat, runes can be brought into Entrana.
  • In the early days of RuneScape, there was a planned life rune which would have been used for a type of magic-based summoning.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Archmage Sedridor, RuneScape. "The first wizards reached it by an arduous land route, but eventually they discovered a spell to teleport there directly. After Zamorakian mages burned the tower down a hundred years ago, Archmage Perien decided to keep the spell secret rather than let it fall into evil hands. We will cast the spell for anyone we think trustworthy, but the spell itself is an inner mystery of the tower and is taught only to select individuals."