SMW Subobject for VarrockNPC ID: 2320Options: Tan hide, Talk-to, ExamineExamine: He has a certain bovine aromaRelease date: 23 June 2001NPC location: VarrockIs members only: falseIs variant of: Tanner
SMW Subobject for New VarrockNPC ID: 20778Options: Tan hide, Talk to, Trade, ExamineExamine: He has a certain bovine aroma.Release date: 23 March 2015NPC location: New VarrockIs members only: trueIs variant of: Tanner
SMW Subobject for Crafting GuildOptions: Tan hide, Talk-to, ExamineExamine: Manufacturer of fine leathers.NPC ID: 804NPC location: Crafting GuildIs members only: falseIs variant of: Tanner
SMW Subobject for PrifddinasNPC ID: 20281Options: Tan hide, Talk to, Trade, ExamineExamine: Manufacturer of fine elven leathers.Release date: 10 November 2014NPC location: PrifddinasIs members only: trueIs variant of: Tanner
Players cannot tan hides themselves, unless they have access to the Make Leather spell, so tanners are very useful for players wishing to use the Crafting skill to make Ranged armour. While certain types of leather require a minimum Crafting level to craft them, there is no minimum Crafting level to use a tanner to tan the hides.
Tanners can be found in the various locations, marked with the tanning icon ().
The upper level of the Crafting Guild. Players with a clan vexillum may find this the fastest method due to the vexillum's teleport function to the nearby bank chest.
Added to game with release of new tailoring ability.
Extended the crafting skill so you can now also use it make items out of leather. Take a cow hide to the tannery to get some leather. You can then use the leather with some thread to make gloves, boots and leather armour.